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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Posts posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. I love the idea of turning the dragon into a crocodile. I love the priest and the boat-howdah and all the little bits like the scales/Feather of Maat and of course the cat, who will be joining my Basth-themed Casket of Souls!

    I will probably get one for all those reasons, but I don’t think the whole model works together as it was intended.






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  2. Even though I’d love Ushoran to have agency, it would be so fitting for that agency to be delusional. 

    Not to speak of how it mirrors the Bretonnian’s unwitting obeisance to a greater power. Poor guys can’t seem to catch a break 😅

    Could the courts pay homage to, and respect the word of, their own Flay Enchantress, not realising she’s the mouth of Nagash all along? 😂

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  3. 5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I know the Rumour Thread isnt the place to announce this but just like my Marriage announcement 2 years ago I felt the urge to inform my TGA Family of some news I recieved this evening upon coming home from work.

    Im going to be a Dad 😊

    Huge congrats on your mini Bankbreaker / Legostomper / Sleepsmasher! 👶🏻 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I also would love a dive into more bizarre mutations!! We have loads of Goat men, give us more Elk and Deer, Pigs, Cattle, Horses and Dogs just loads of different mutations!!

    Would love some realm-specific mutations too. It would be one way to differentiate AoS BoC from those of Fantasy. 

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  5. 13 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Some of us just play to have fun. I will use them for sure.

    I love this. I frequently lose the games I play but I have fun every time. I’ll make stupid charges if I think it will be an epic fight. I’ll hold units or characters back if it will make for a cool “last stand” situation. My lists are built around what I imagine my temple-city to house, not what’s going to work well together or be effective. 🐸 I can’t imagine buying a unit because it has “good rules” but I’ll buy multiples if I love the sculpts!

    Last game I charged my Slann into a Hydra; it made no sense on paper and could have cost me my general/spellcaster but against all the odds it managed to take the last wound off the bloody thing after rounds of it regenerating and I couldn’t keep the grin off my face!


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  6. @sandlemad very true! Can you tell I’m clutching at dusty, sand-clogged straws? 😂 That they would still run those ancient skeleton sprues when the skeleton quality standards are so much higher nowadays is just defying my belief!

    I had to convert a whole unit just to be happy with them when I collected some last year.



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  7. The only way I see that working (for me at least) is if the fantastic Tomb Guard sculpts become the new skeleton warriors, and this rumoured new mummy unit replaces the role filled by the Tomb Guard previously.

    Otherwise…. Those skeleton warriors are just such bad models, surely they can’t be running with those after all this time?

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