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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Posts posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. Just now, Overread said:

    Well there's the new expansion book in November staring Morathi and others. It's like Psychic Awaken for AoS so narrative but also rules adjustments with several armies in each book. Though we don't yet know all the real ins and outs. Daughters of Khaine are also getting a new Warband for Warcry at some stage in a new starter set with terrain, boards and the Scions of the Flame warband; and there's a new duel army boxed set for Slaanesh and Daughters of Khaine coming in November - which features a new Melusai leader for DoK and a new Slaanesh Mortal leader. 


    Thank you :)

  2. Damn. I would love to know how many of these they actually sell at that price when they drop.

    Edit: Even if you just fancy one as a mercenary, I’d forgotten you’d need the whole tome, too. 

  3. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    A closer look at the Kraken Eater from Facebook. Really hoping we get one from the Warstomper I need to know what's on his back!!


    I’ve no need for the giant but that boat! The cannon! The tentacle! I need one just for the bits 😫

    • Like 2
  4. 29 minutes ago, Fulcanelli said:

    Maybe someone has already noticed, but I have a question: why on earth that shield has "Karl Franz" written on it??
    Where...no, when did this gargant get it?!

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an AoS ‘beanstalk’ somewhere,  some kind of gargant realmgate passing through each of the realms in turn. Climb high enough and rumour has it you might just appear in a strange place called The Moot... 🤷🏼‍♂️ 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Matrindur said:


    Also they seem to take their faction dice to a whole new level here

    Wow, they're really stepping up the race specific dice! Looking forward to the SoB dice (and wondering how much room I'm going to need to roll them...)

    • Haha 2
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  6. What are people's guesses for the Underworlds warbands?

    Assuming there are 6, we know:

    • Lumineth
    • Slaanesh Mortals
    • Seraphon

    I'd then guess:

    • Soulblight [Ruling out FEC as they had Beastgrave]
    • Idoneth [Yet to receive Underworlds love, barnacled crab-claw Rumour Engine]
    • Free Cities?

    Would love to hear other people's guesses :)

    • Like 1
  7. I am hunting for as many of this fish as I can get my hands on but it’s proving really hard to find.

     If you’ve ever needed a specific part for a project but you’ve not been able to get your hands on it, you’ll know how I’m feeling! 😣

    It’s found in the Eidolon of Mathlann sprue. I can’t justify forking out for the whole expensive kit just for this piece, but there’s a chance you might not have used yours.

    Please could you check? I’d be willing to buy and cover P&P too. (I’m UK-based.) 

    Thank you in advance — I really appreciate it,



  8. 3 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    This really seems rather unlikely. Malerion is mentioned as the shadowy puppet master behind the scenes in the Soulbound RPG (which is developed together with GW to make it "lore conform"), and in the Lumineth BT, the newest BT we have, it straight out says that the Shadow Demons are his, and the Lumineth ambassador is sent to him, not to Morathi. Morathi, Malerion, Teclis and Tyrion also still seem to meet and discuss matters - I think someone would have noticed if Malerion is disposed or something like that. The other gods managed to see her real form through her illusions, so it's not like she has the power to easily deceive them with her magic. It's also not like the two Ms are in full control of Ulgu or even close to that. 

    GW just doesn't have an army for Malerion yet, so we do not get a lot of information on him. Same is true for Tyrion. The blurb about Tyrion in the community article was also more of a joke. We know where he is - in Hysh defending the Lumineth nations from Chaos. That, or what GW wrote in the Lumineth BT and several previous products is wrong.

    Of course it's always kind of pointless to discuss these things because in the end, GW can do what they want, without having to adhere to any kind of logic, inner coherency or what ever. If they can't come up with a good model, and think there are enough aelf factions around, they could do something like that, and basically show a finger to all the people who waited for Malerion for 7+ years. 


    This all makes much more sense, you’re right. I haven’t got around to reading Soulbound yet and didn’t know Malerion featured so prominently, so that’s my bad. I also should have said ‘more’ control over Ulgu. I just got excited for a moment wondering at it all but you’re right, it’s rather pointless chatting about these things until we hear from GW itself. 

  9. What if Malerion did exist but Morathi has since disposed of him in order to assume control of Ulgu?

    As someone else mentioned in the thread, shadow daemons were first referenced as being discovered ‘in the company’ of Morathi.

    Some time between the Age of Myth / whenever we last know of Malerion’s actions in the timeline and now, she could have replaced him without anyone else knowing, using his influence and status to further her own goals and ambitions (in exactly the same way that she is already using Khaine — she has form!).

    His employ of the same shadow daemons we knew Morathi associated herself with and the article about there being no Malerion could be pieces of the puzzle... 

     ... It’s not like she hasn’t tried to challenge him before! 

    • Like 1
  10. 39 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Dark Harvest is really good. A very solid read, that gets extremely creepy and perfectly expresses how dangerous sylvaneth can be. I listened to the audio book, and while I enjoyed it I wasn't massively keen on the performance. The chap who read it didn't do as good a job as some of the voice actors BL have used.

    I'd second this — it's one of the best things I've read from BL, really enjoyed it!

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Heres hoping that on the bi week of August we get the Sons. Come on GW throw me a Gargant bone please, I'll offer it up to the tithe next solstice I promise.

    Crossing my fingers for you @KingBrodd! I know how much you want this — and how patient you’ve been!

    Really looking forward to seeing what you do with the kits when you finally get your hands on them!

    • Thanks 2
  12. I absolutely can’t wait to play around with the hero creator. All my armies (and characters) are converted and I love writing lore to bring them to life, but I’ve always had to ‘make do’ with proxies on the table. Nobody I play against would bat an eyelid about me bringing a lore-friendly hero I’ve created to game and I couldn’t be more excited! 

    • Like 3
  13. 4 hours ago, SunStorm said:

    Pre-ordered. Very much looking forward to the create-a-hero section. I've got a feeling that for a kitbasher, it's going to open up all sorts of crazy modelling ideas. 

    So much this. I can’t wait to be able to bring my conversions to life on the tabletop properly! 

    • Like 3
  14. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    Ok, small GHB update!  @bottle (GW designer) said on twitter that with this hero creator we will get simple rules to calculate its point cost!

    This sounds promising! I'm reminded of WHFB, when you could do so much more to customise your heroes (and pay in points accordingly).  🤞 

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  15. Hi!

    As the title suggests, I'm looking for the cross-legged skink starseer from the floating palanquin. 

    He's going to form the basis for the centrepiece model in my collection, but I really can't justify dropping £ on the full kit just to grab the skink. 

    If you haven't used him or would be willing to part with him, please drop me a DM/get in touch.

    I'm UK-based but am very happy to cover postage, too.

    Thank you!

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