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Posts posted by Zeblasky

  1. 1 hour ago, hughwyeth said:

    . I imagine battlemages will go up to 100/110 because battlemage spam in Hallowheart is so potent.

    Good thing I already take Sisters of Thorn instead, haha. Much better in units of 5 than battlemages - can shoot, stab and quite more tanky. Just don't understand while people think them bad, they are amazing. Sure Warlocks have +1 to cast/dispell and a bit better in combat, but they are +30 points and in a different faction.  But I would have certainly loved if Sisters would have been more skirmish oriented instead of being a hybrid unit. Something like "at the end of a shooting phase if there are no enemy units within 3, this unit can move 4/6 , if it ends his movement more that 9 away from enemy units". So they could be casters and kiting skirmishers if needed.


    49 minutes ago, dekay said:


    Sorceress on dragon -same problem as griffon - her durability is lacking compared to the combat version. At least she gets some use due to unique command ability, but she really deserves a drop.


    Viridian pathfinders - no one ever uses is and the units it includes are on the weaker side. 


    - Whitefire retinue - no one has ever in history of Hallowheart built a list without it. If it was more expensive, they still wouldn't.


    Sorceress on a dragon - agree, that 5+ save really hurts her. But she's a great target for Arcane Channeling though.


    Virdian parthfinders - roster needs to be more flexible and charge bonuses should be bigger and more combat oriented, like at least +1 to hit on a charge.


    Whitefire retinue - my 4x5 Sisters of thorn disagree, hehe, but my build is very special anyway, heh.



  2. I was actually thinking about may be giving a sorceress on a dragon a personal free artifact choice - you can have one of 2 Witch books equipped. One gives -1 to cast, but +1 to save(maaay be with a condition that sorceress successfully casted something this turn, but better not), another gives +2 to cast, but -1 to save(and -1 save for sure should be active only if she casted successfully). Or you could take no book at all. It's just that her save is so bad for a dragon, it pains me to see it, when dreadlord dragon can go 4+/3+ and dreadlord himself is actually quite a competent fighter, especially with Lance on charge. Sorceress is a caster too, sure, I'm not forgetting about that, but she's just so squshy...

    And while cost buffs for Black Dragons would be welcome, I'm not sure that they are that bad. Dreadlord can even somewhat compete with durthu in damage department on a charge with Lance, while being much more mobile and having a breath attack, even if less tanky.

    I would also request a healing ability buff for a Living city - so it could heal 1 wound OR bring a single wound model back to the unit. Because right now this ability heavily promotes taking as much tanky single entity units as possible, while doing nothing for usual infantry.

    • Like 1
  3. Executioners - they are not considered great, but they can be assembled as Black guard, and Black Guard is pretty good on their own and awesome with Sorceress on a Black Dragon. I want 2 boxes of them as well.


    Dreadspears- just a decent chaff, nothing special. Darkshards - good shooters, very mobile with Sorceress, but then again, not too special.

    Drakespawn - they are considered bad, and, well, they are pretty much a mobile tarpit. Low DPS for their cost, but 3+ save on a cavalry is not bad. Still, I would only use them only if you really need cav batteline in Living City together with Dreadlord on a Black dragon general with Shield and Ironoak Artisan command trait. Because dreadlord with 2+ save and +1 to wound is pretty damn great, but there is not a lot of other reasons to take them.


  4. 4 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    As an addition, I was in the Age of Sigmar seminar earlier and Ben Johnson confirmed that there isn't any form of formal discussion between the Specialist Games and AoS studios (I'm meaning interdepartmental discussion here, not that they've fallen out with each other).  This is deliberate and as Ben pointed out makes The Old World really exciting for players such as him that have played classic fantasy battle.  What that means is it's no use pestering him (or other people within the AoS studio) for information - they have exactly the same amount of knowledge that we have!

    So no model connections between each other and no rules/subfactions for "New" Fantasy models in AoS? That would be pretty sad.

  5. 5 hours ago, rockmanko said:

    Just one thing to point out:

    "You cannot attempt to cast the same spell more than once in the same turn (even with a different wizard)."

    So I doubted your choice on 3 units of SoT ...

    Well, they can cast only once per turn and they have 3 basic spells plus 1 from the city. Even considering that I'm duplicating Lifesurge as a most important spell, I will have more than enough things to cast.

  6. 2 hours ago, Rune said:

    Depends on the scenario. Most cases though you play on the wide side of the table.


    The length of the short side is 48 inches. Armies can usually set up within 12 inches of the back. So the minimum range will be 24 inches between each other if both armies set up units on the front row. 


    If you place a Sorceress or Battlemage as close as you can and cast a Balewind you will get 6" range + the size of the Balewind base which is 4" (as you measure spell range from the Balewind base) and + 0.99inch (as it has to be cast within 1"). So your threat range will be 18" + 6" + 4" + 1". So your spell range goes from 18" to 29". Basically from definitely out of range to a healthy chunk into the enemy's deployment zone. If the enemy deploys so deep into their zone that they are not in range turn 1, then they will be very slow to get to objectives. If you have the opportunity you should give them the initiative to go first.

    The Battlemage or sorceress will very likely survive due to being so far back. The rest of your units will run up or Bridge up. It's only countered by deep strike or long range warmachines. 


    Usually there is also an objective in your own deployment zone, so having the Sorc/Battlemage near that, with a unit of eternal guard is not a bad idea. That adds to the protection.

    Hmmm. Seems interesting, especially considering look out sir bonus. And it's 2 long range cast first turn and 3 casts on a second. Still though, not sure here. Definetly no go for 1000 points, but could work for 2000. It would be a great casting tool, but it's once again just a wizard with no combat prowess. And even if I get first turn I can still just alpha something with 40 2+ 3+ sisters of the watch while carefully moving the rest of my army, then teleport back on the next turn and unleash magic then. Unlike Battle wizards, my deer ladies can actually fight, and sure they are glass cannony, but if my opponent focuses them too much, I'm not sure he will be able to kill 40 teleporting and very cost effective archers(which will have 4+ save thanks to the armour of thorn)


    Teleporting here though is all about moving mine Eternal Guard and Sisters of the watch with Nomad prince closer. Btw, important question - will putting Eternal Guard right in front of sisters of the watch block line of sight for Sisters(versus infantry size targets)? And will eternal guard help by blocking frontal charges from the enemy? And yea, melee combat does not block bridge teleport into a enemy free zone, right?


  7. 52 minutes ago, Rune said:

    It'll die quick. 30 Crossbowmen with +2 hit & +1 wound will deal 17 damage to your dragon even with Prism. 

    It's a good point about your lack of spells turn 1. You'll have the most drops in a lot of games, so your opponent can decide that you go first. You have just 5 spells to use turn 1 if you are forced to go first (as you have no Balewind, Geminids, Portal of any Battlemage specific buffs).

    I'd probably not run 4 units of SotT. Perhaps just 3. Then you can have a Battlemage with Balewind which can throw out a chainlightning plus a roaming wildfire turn one. Or a sorceress with word of pain and Roaming Wildfire.

    True, so I'd have to severely weaken enemy range first. If Sorceress still dies after engaging in melee, well, a least that's around 7 mortal wounds from warding brand(plus may be 2-3 from armour of thorns) in addition to any damage she does.

    Btw, what's the usual range between deployed armies? Most of my offensive spells are range 18, with exeption of  Elemental Cyclone, so I wonder if that's enough.

    Battlemage on a balewind is an interesting idea actually, but he will die the second it's the opponent turn if he has any range.  That's 120 points worth of stuff with 5+ save and 5 wounds that will be gone very fast. Granted, he will probably pay for himself already, but that's still a risky play. Besides, is +6 range usually enough to start casting?


  8. 3 hours ago, Rune said:

    Argh, 1d4chan wrongly states wholly within. The book does just say within, so you won't have any issues with the bubble. 


    Only issue is that the sorceress on black dragon will be the only one doing the channeling. It can't get to close combat since then it'll die. I think you'd want a back-up Hero for the channeling.


    I'd love to hear a battlereport once you've got a game under the belt!

    Yea, it was never wholly within. But it was actually 1d4chan that game me idea for Sisters of thorn battleline.


    Well, keeping a huge dragon out of combat... Does not feels like a good idea, but for sure he is not tanky either. He has -1 to hit with missiles, plus he will always have rerolling ones with Mystic shield, plus Warding Brand dishing mortal woulds back in melee... But that 5+ save and no defence versus Mortal Wounds, because Ignax scales rerolls are mandatory, is definetly not great. I will still have 2D6 healing, but I have so little tools to protect my dragon from death in a single enemy turn. If only I had Iron oak skin spell here, it would be so much easier. But still, I will have to engage with her if not turn 1, then at least turn 2.

    Also I'm not sure how I will play in turn 1 considering that I will be out of range for most offensive spells, but I would need to be in range turn 2.

    I'll post after I test it, but don't expect much, it will be my first tabletop game ever x)


  9. 1 hour ago, Rune said:

    Do you have the models in those armies? Then I suggest you play test it. 


    It's so far from any Hallowheart list I have tried that I don't want to jump to any conclusions. 


    A good chunk of why Hallowheart is good is the consistency in their magic. With a hyper mobile army i think you will have trouble fitting many of the SotT into the 12" inch wholly within +to cart bubble. Test it in a game or two if you got them.

    I almost do, I only wait on Nomad Prince to come from England, but Cristmas traffic makes for a long delivery. Will have to proxy some Sisters of averlorn with Glade Guard though.

    And yes, exessive mobility is both a blessing and a curse here. Good thing though that this bubble is not "wholly within", so I would need at least 1 model barely in range. So I will have a whole frontline of sisters on one flank. And for their cost they will put in a decent amount of hurt after casting. If only I could have a better artifact for Sorceress as well...


    P.S. Oh, if only Sisters of Thorn would have had ability "can move 6 after shooting, but can't charge after". They would be a perfect kiting cavalry, heh. Would cost more as well though.

  10. Hey guys! Starting player here, really need advice on my Hallowheart builds.



    Magical Ladies 1000
    Play Type: Matched | Game Type: Vanguard | Grand Alliance: Order | Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar Stronghold: Hallowheart Realm of Battle: AQSHY, The Realm of FIRE

    Nomad Prince General 120pts
    Command Trait: Veteran of the Blazing Crusade

    Sorceress on Black Dragon 300pts 
    Artefact: Agloraxi Prism | Spell: Elemental Cyclone Spell: Sear Wounds


    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 130pts
    Spell: Ignite Weapons Spell: Elemental Cyclone

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 130pts
    Spell: Sear Wounds Spell: Warding Brand
    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 130pts
    Spell: Crystal Aegis Spell: Roaming Wildfire

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 130pts
    Spell: Elemental Cyclone Spell: Roaming Wildfire

    Endless Spells
    Emerald Lifeswarm 50pts

     Total: 990/1000pts


    If there is one unit that is same with both Total War: Warhammer and Age of Sigmar, it’s Sisters of Thorn - a unit of both shoot, stab and cast. While being less powerful than Wild riders in direct combat, especially on charge... well, they are 40pts more expensive wizards, that are much more tanky, killy and can spam magic like no tomorrow. Still though, I would like an advice from experienced players if it’s a good idea to have 90% of my army being combat wizards. And I also have no idea what artifact take on Sorceress besides Prism, as Ignax Scales are not a good idea now.




    Magical Ladies
    Play Type: Matched | Game Type: Battlehost | Grand Alliance: Order | Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar Stronghold: Hallowheart Realm of Battle: AQSHY, The Realm of FIRE

    Nomad Prince General 120pts
    Command Trait: Veteran of the Blazing Crusade

    Sorceress on Black Dragon 300pts
    Artefact: Agloraxi Prism Spell: Elemental Cyclone Spell: Sear Wounds

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 130pts
    Spell: Sear Wounds Spell: Crystal Aegis

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 130pts
    Spell: Warding Brand Spell: Roaming Wildfire

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 130pts
    Spell: Ignite Weapons Spell: Elemental Cyclone

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 130pts
    Spell: Ignite Weapons Spell: Roaming Wildfire

    Sisters of the Watch Quantity: 20 320pts

    Sisters of the Watch Quantity: 20 320pts
    Eternal Guard Quantity: 10 130pts

    Eternal Guard Quantity: 10 130pts

    Endless Spells
    Emerald Lifeswarm 50pts
    Soulscream Bridge 80pts
    Quicksilver Swords 30pts

     Total: 2000/2000pts


    The same with 1000 points of teleporting infantry more. And Endless spells. The idea is to use soulscream bridge to plant 20x2 of Sisters and 10x2 of Eternal guard in front of Sisters( I think they should not block LOS in this case) with Nomad prince on the objective, shoot for 1-2 turns with optional overwatch, and when enemy gets close, teleport back or even in other position entirely together with Prince, while leaving EG as a stationary roadblock.

    Have a big temptation to replace 1 Eternal Guard and Quicksilver swords for Black Guard and another spell for Sacrifice and more mobility with great Sorceress synergy. May be even 2 for 2. Also not sure if placing 60 models in 12 by 12 teleporting box is a good idea, even with 5 unbinds and ignoring spells on 4+...

  11. 1 hour ago, XReN said:

    You must be really confused by other wargames. It's all very simple actually.

    Range is measured individually from model to unit, each model that reaches target unit - can shoot, other models - can't.

    LoS is checked by looking if a straight line can be drawn from any part of one model to any part of the other. It's also checked from model to target unit individually.

    Damage can be allocated to models that are out of range and/or LoS.


    Hope it makes the case clear

    So it's from every model individually to a closest enemy model of a unit. Thanks!


    Btw, does LOS blocking of shootings(and casting) counts from the model size(so you literally look if a model blocks vision from one target to another)or from its base? Because a lot of things usually count from a model base. I am also not sure if putting spearman(or any other small infantry unit) right in front of my ranged unit blocks them from shooting or not. As those are models in front of it, but 1) those are small models, 2) archers can shoot above models after all x)

  12. You know, this is something I could not find any information anywhere about. Lets say you have a unit of darkshards 2 ranks deep. First rank has an enemy unit barely within 16 range, while the second one does not. Can only first rank shoot at the enemy or they both can?

    Or what about the case when only  1 model of enemy unit is in range? Does it transfer extra woulds to the rest of the unit? And if your opponent suffers losses after shooting, can he just remove that model being in range, so thay your unit would be out of range?


    So, in general, how is this distance used? From your closest model to your enemy closest model? Or from every single one of your models to enemy closest model? Or from every one of your models to every enemy model individually?


    P.S. Oh, and also can friendly(of your other units) or enemy models obstruct visibility on your target? For example can friendly spears or a dragon right in front of your archers block your shots?

  13. 3 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    This is really general advice, but I think that a lot of players over specify their plan when list building. Stuff like "units A and B will push the flank while units C and D hold the center" etc. 

    These ideas might be reasonable, but it's much better to have a general understanding of what your units can do and be flexible about your plan. You need to respond to the layout of the table, your opponent's composition, their deployment and probable plan, and the objectives of the battleplan.

    That is true, but I’m not sure that I would ever be better off with different initial deployment plan. But what is great about deep strike is that I can indeed be very flexible and adapt with half of my army after turn 1 begins. And I keep that in mind, as I can be very defensive or offensive at the same time.

  14. Hey guys! Starting player here. For a long time I was sure that one day I would try playing WH40k and grind my enemies under trucks of my Leman Russes. But then TW:W and Wood Elves happened and now I'm here.

    Although I initially started collecting with Wanderers in mind, I understand that a proper CoS army is best when it's a combination of different races. But money and logistics of getting most CoS models(I live in Russia) put certain restraints, so I don't have a liberty of getting every model I want. Still though, right now I've managed to come up with these setups for living City:


    Wanderers 1000
    Play Type: Matched | Game Type: Vanguard | Grand Alliance: Order | Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar Stronghold: Living City Realm of Battle: GHYRAN, The Realm of LIFE

    Nomad Prince General 120pts
    Command Trait: Ironoak Artisan

    Dreadlord on Black Dragon 300pts
    Artefact: Jade Diadem Weapon: Repeater Crossbow Weapon: Lance of Spite

    Sisters of the Watch Quantity: 10 160pts

    Sisters of the Watch Quantity: 10 160pts

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 Spell: Lifesurge 130pts

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 Spell: Lifesurge 130pts

     Total: 1000/1000pts

    This is basic and somewhat weak build by the feel of it. I could have taken Durthu or Ancient Treelord(with may be Emerald Lifeswarm) here instead of dragon, but I feel like Dreadlord would be stronger here(feel free to correct me). The idea here is also rather simple - to deploy Prince, Dreadlord and 10 Sisters of the watch on the offensive/defensive flank, while protecting the other 10 Sisters with Sisters of Thorn.


    Wanderers 1000 max compet
    Play Type: Matched | Game Type: Vanguard | Grand Alliance: Order | Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar Stronghold: Living City Realm of Battle: GHYRAN, The Realm of LIFE

    Nomad Prince General 120pts

    Command Trait: Ironoak Artisan 

    Dreadlord on Black Dragon 300pts
    Artefact: Jade Diadem Weapon: Repeater Crossbow Weapon: Lance of Spite 

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 Spell: Lifesurge 130pts

    Sisters of the Watch Quantity: 20

    Scourgerunner Chariots Quantity: 1 60pts
    Scourgerunner Chariots Quantity: 1 60pts
      Total: 990/1000pts

    Same thing, only 1 less Sisters of Thorn and 2 more Scourgerunners. Flank deployment becomes more stronger with 20 Sisters instead of 10, and already deployed units are all shooty and highly mobile. The only problem is finding where to reasonably buy 2 chariots...



    Wanderers with Wood Factory
    Play Type: Matched | Game Type: Battlehost | Grand Alliance: Order | Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar Stronghold: Living City Realm of Battle: GHYRAN, The Realm of LIFE

    Nomad Prince General 120pts
    Command Trait: Ironoak Artisan

    Treelord Ancient Artefact: Ghyrstrike Spell: Lifesurge 260pts

    Branchwraith General's Adjutant Spell: Ironoak Skin 80pts   


    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 Spell: Lifesurge 130pts

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 Spell: Ironoak Skin 130pts

    Sisters of the Thorn Quantity: 5 Spell: Cage of Thorns 130pts

    Eternal Guard Quantity: 10 130pts Honoured Retinue

    Eternal Guard Quantity: 10 130pts

    Sisters of the Watch Quantity: 20 320pts

    Sisters of the Watch Quantity: 20 320pts

    Wild Riders Quantity: 5 130pts
    Gyrocopters Quantity: 1 70pts

    Endless Spells
    Emerald Lifeswarm 50pts

     Total: 2000/2000pts

    This one is a bit unique. I have one flank deployment with 20 Sisters of the Watch and 10 Eternal Guard for their protection, while the other flank gets assaulted with 20 Sisters, branchwraith and Ancient Treelord charging in turn 1. After which treelord and branchwraith set up Dryad summoning factory. Then come in Sisters for magical support and Wild Riders to charge something, all with 12 move. Also an extra Gyro just to throw in versus any blobs. Only Nomad Prince and escort of 10 Eternal guard lag somewhat behind. May be I should drop EG for more gyros.


    So, how those builds look? Which is good, which is bad, any advice on how to build or play those armies better?

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