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  1. Hi, The confusing paragraph in the core rules reads as follows: At the start of each battle round, the players must roll off, and the winner decides who takes the first turn. If the roll-off is a tie, then the player who went first in the last battle round can choose who goes first in this one, but if it is the first battle round, the player that finished setting up their army first chooses who has the first turn. So, my question is: Is the second part of the second sentence ("but if it is the first battle round, the player that finished setting up their army first chooses who has the first turn.") an exception to the normal ruling what happens if there is a tie during the roll-off at the start of battleround 1, meaning only the rule how to break ties is different in round 1? OR is it a general exception to the rule in the first sentence, meaning there is no roll-off in the first Battleround to decide who goes first and instead the player who finishes set-up is always also the one to choose turn order in round 1? I'd argue it is the exception to the tie-breaking rule in the second sentence, since otherwise it should be mentioned as an exception in the first sentence already amd there would no roll-off at all in round 1. So only the tie-breaking rule is different in round 1. Can someone point me to an official statement? I figure this question has come up a lot, I just could not find any answers except: "no matter how you interpret it, in our tournaments, we do it like this."
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