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Posts posted by woolf

  1. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    You forgot a minus in front of that 7 I think. 😎 


    I think some of them have a good design but I think this particular mini doesn‘t work at all. It‘s simply a horrible concept. Eltharion on the other hand is one of the best AoS minis out there IMO. I like the slightly asian visual design cues on some of them in general but find them to be a mixed bag - some great, some meh…. but those twins, God no, I feel like I‘m actually fair for calling them out. The owl‘s okay obviously by default. 

    I disagree. I like the Xerxes dude but I find the daemonette dancing on him just as dumb as the Lumineth one, sorry. Would‘ve liked it much more if she danced next to him. The Glottkin did make it work, due to the size difference and because they don‘t dance. ☝️🤓

    But hey, it‘s my opinion - absolutely inconsequential to anyone that likes those minis. I‘m not the target. If you think the Gaunt Summoner on foot (one of my favorite minis) e.g. sucks, that‘s fine by me too. 

    Yeah they have a lot to prove those poor aelfs ^^

    Agree with you that Eltharion is a very cool concept and was also a fun little hobby project as gave an opportunity to play a bit with LEDs. Also not a big fan of the twins, but for me its more about the style (in particular the girl on top with the loose fitting onepiece suit or whatever it is) than the pose, I do actually think its good that they play around with trying to make more movement be reflected, similar to working with negative space etc (Eltharion), although I would certainly not advocate for making <another dude> to become the new Tactical Rock!

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    • Haha 1
  2. 11 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Is that the girl in pyjamas dancing on her brother? Ooooh, I got a ton of love for that mini! Has to be the best pose for a mini ever, right after Syll‘Eske or however you spell em! 🙄 






    That model is quite cool (I mean being aelf they start at least as a 7 of 10 by default rigth?) 

    Personally not a fan of the pyjamas and suspenders look they have migrated towards with Lumineth tho and the official paint scheme certainly doesn't help!

    Actually like the Vanari units quite a lot and the stone dudes (headswaps assumed) are pretty cool too

  3. 8 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Ooooh, it‘s starting already! 😡

    Aaaand he was Summoned! 😂 

    But yeah really hope they don't pull another Katakros on us and actually show Teclis tomorrow, we really need to get back to early day Lumineth so the internet can ligth up again :D

  4. 47 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    We should start seeing leaks of the core book quite soon, right?

    Its strange that we have no leaks yeah.. Not sure about you guys but I was quite hyped to get the faction focuses started but now that we are half or so through I find them almost annoying since they highligth how little you can actually conclude with the info being so partial... maybe human nature to complain, never satisfied 😂

    but I do find it hilarious they wrote "the teasing has to stop"  just to then enter another 2months of full power tease assault 🤣 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. the charging and shooting in enemy turn should make it easier to deal with morathi, I think iron heart will stay actually, just given how iconic it is. 

    Can ofc debate if she is a problematic piece, imo issue is probably mainly that inexperienced players will have a hard time dealing with her so can cause quite a bit of feelbad..

    Agree that the attack in hero phase cmd ability likely goes 

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Dont like them enough, but thank u.

    Edit: Also dont own Underworlds. Does anyone know how long a game of Underworlds usually takes? (When starting or playing once every few months)

    Perhaps a lunchbreak? 😂

    Have not played it much but set-up is superquick and game is quite straigth forward so I think you can quite easily finish under 1h when u are up to speed with the rules

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  7. 13 hours ago, MitGas said:

    That‘s why I wrote oil wash (enamel wash would also work). :) You‘d just take a dark brown to recess shade the bone and the white (it looks like they got a brown wash, pic is pretty small) in one go. Admittedly airbrush and oils are not beginner-friendly but IMO it actually is quite an easy scheme if you have the tools. If you just do it with GW paints (or just acrylics in general), then yeah, good luck, it‘s gonna be time-consuming for sure. The whole basecoat/wash/reapply basecoat of normal acrylics coupled with bone and white is boring indeed. Not to mention the blade, blending them all by hand is boring as well - but I doubt they did that without an airbrush either. 👍 

    If you love the scheme, find someone with an airbrush and force them to be your friend! Finally a useful friend!

    Yeah oil wash is actually not that difficult, just need to get the rigth equipment as u say

  8. 32 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Within the context of the Regiment system, I'm thinking the 12" within won't hurt too bad. Mortek guard are on 25mm bases + regiments means you'll probably be clustering those units around heroes anyway.

    Good point, and also if points are up a bit across the board we see smaller armies

    • Like 1
  9. OBR looks good imo, those faction abilities are strong and flexible, the 12" bubble restriction is a bit painful and I suppose will gear playstyle a bit more towards the importance of heroes which has always been a death thing in warhammer so I quite like it. Pretty disappointed they didn't show Katakros tho

  10. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think it is a mix of having so few minis, being quite recent, and that not that many people is willing to pay more than X for just one model that probably makes them the least collected army? Based on no data at all, just my thoughts.

    Yeah I think their concept makes more sense as a mercenary ally than a stand alone army actually

    • Like 2
  11. 30 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I don't know a lot about them, but the national group seems to be fine. Most people think that it will not be so diferent than 3rd and there are still the same "ouch" skills there. There are some questions (like kicking objective) that most people just accept that it will be changed for something more in line of 4th.

    ok yeah makes sense, imo not the most interesting faction, they are so different so imo the main thing from designing them to be aware of should be to nor have them break the game, would rather accept them a bit underwhelming from a competitive point of view but more flavourful for hobbyists that like them

    • Like 1
  12. 27 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Also fine I guess (forgive me for skipping the maths behind it but I take it it would be fair) - anyways, they should be tough in one way or another, even if they follow the Fyreslayer dress code. 

    Maths checks out but added it in General Chat since not really a rumour ;)

    • Thanks 1
  13. So comparing bligthkings new and old, assuming 1dmg no rend attacks, you would need 12dmg to take out one old model vs 13.5 to take out one of the new version.

    so a bit more tanky in that case, however now they are ofc more susceptible to high quality dmg from MW or Rend, which I think fits in the general effort of game designers to make it more important what unit you attack what with, so personally I like the change (even if models don't exactly wear full plate armour)

  14. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    It has been Chaos if you consider Chaos the main release, but Order if you consider Stormcast the main release. That's the problem. We don't have enough info yet to establish a pattern.

    True, I always thought of it as Order sitting outside since being represented by Stormcast which I think will be there for as long as they run Age of Sigmar as the main Warhammer game, perhaps at some point we migth exit that age and break the world again... but I think the launch box is more about lore and there it kinda makes sense to cycle the antagonists

  15. 10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Leaked books on a French site:

    They are being released on the 13th of next month:

    So, for me, that confirms that's the date we will see the box in the stores, considering the 29th + 2 weeks preorder time.


    General chat > Rumour Thread ^^

    • Haha 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    The problem is where moves that Malerion into.

    I think the pattern is Order > Death > Destro > Chaos > Order. That would mean Malerion is part of the next big box.

    but the first one wash Khorne rigth? so hasnt it been Chaos-Death-Destro-Chaos so far? which by extension should be death again next.

    Malerion yeah migth break the pattern I agree. But he migth also just come in as an expansion of DoK

    • Like 1
  17. 9 hours ago, novakai said:

    FeC does have outdated units that were not replaced like Crypt ghouls and Horror/flayers that are better prime as an edition starter army.

    OBR are probably better suited for a regular model expansion as the basic core part of the army is new and modern.

    I think OBR would make sense as starter since 1) pretty easy to paint, just contrast skeleton horde + some metals and 2) its kinda the main death faction as Nahash response to SCE so would seem easy to build around in the lore

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