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Posts posted by woolf

  1. 8 hours ago, JonnyTheKing said:

    In fairness the main two people I’ve heard this from I sat and witnessed the games myself and the main problem was Teclis and the Sentinels, also the veil lady, forget her name. They felt the army was a tad uninteractive? 

    there is a Youtube channel called season of war that has a bunch of lumineth battle reports that you migth want to check out as well

  2. Just now, Acid_Nine said:

    Not going to lie that sounds a little too floppy for what I have in mind. I was thinking mini mag tray as well, but these look great for lining boxes!

    ye i reinforced by a thin piece of cardboard underneath. these rubber sheets had an adhesive side to them. ofc cutting actual metal sheet would be stiffer still but also obv much more work and require proper tools. you could also buy actual mini mag trays ofc but I liked the ability to customize :)

  3. 40 minutes ago, Troll.exe said:

    Has anyone looked into movement tray options yet? I’m assuming mag trays so you can move models off easily when you want to break the shining company.

    I have cut my own out of this: http://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/magnetic-sheets/75-steel-rubber-sheet-for-magnetic-trays-and-crafts.html

    its basically a rubber sheet that is magnetic and I anyways magnetise my bases for storage/transportation so it works well


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  4. 4 hours ago, Wyliekyote said:

    And, just to be a pest, here's my first attempt at LED's.  I've put them inside the Light of E.  I think it looks great.  I'm trying out some fibers inside as well, acting like a diffuser.  But maybe also giving him a bit more ghostly inner presence.  Like something other worldly is inside the armor.

    I got the LED's from https://evandesigns.com.  So far, one of the best places I've found.  In the States at least.  IF you've got a better place to get LED's, let me know!  But they have a great selection, and some SMALL sizes.  Check them out!  Their flicker LED's are the bomb!

    Thats cool! where did you stick the battery and what did you use?


  5. 1 hour ago, Siegfried VII said:

    Greetings guys! Less than two weeks ago I finished painting my first Lumineth Realmlords list. I then went on holiday to the country house of a close friend and together with a couple of other friends we made kind of a warhammer summer camp. I played 7 battles all in all and had tons of fun with our new aelves! I've even began writting my battles in one of the AoS journals GW had made available a couple of years back..

    The list was:

    x1 Akhelian King
    x1 Alarith Stonemage with Fast Learner and Gift of Celennar.
    x1 Scinari Cathallar
    x1 Scinari Cathallar
    x1 Light of Eltharion
    x20 Vanari Auralan Wardens
    x20 Vanari Auralan Wardens
    x10 Vanari Dawnriders
    x5 Vanari Dawnriders
    x3 Morssar Guard
    x1 Hyshian Twinstones
    x1 Extra Command Point

    I haven't included the spells I chose in the list as I tried several different combinations.. I have come to several conclusions regarding how the army plays. I don't want to spam you so if you any of you are interested in hearing my musings tell me and I'll try to elaborate on the subject!

    Here are some pics from my battles! 🙂 







    really cool, well done indeed. I too would be very interested in getting your thoughts. also would love to hear how you did those blue bases?



    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Vik Vijay said:

    Hey guys,

    I'm just starting to get into Age of Sigmar, does this seem like a decent list? . If anyone has any advice for me would be much appreciated :)



    Scinari Cathallar 

    Alarith Stonemage

    Light of Eltharion

    10 Vanari Wardens

    10 Vanari Wardens

    10 Vanari Wardens

    10 Vanari Sentinels

    10 Vanari Sentinels

    10 Vanari Sentinels

    5 Dawnriders

    5 Dawnriders

    Alarith Spirit of the Mountain

    Auralan Legion

    1990 points




    seems like a reasonable list to me, might be slightly stronger by dropping eltharion to add more wardens but hey, it's a cool model and you want to field him!

  7. 9 minutes ago, Yondaime said:

    Where it is written that a cathallar can stop only 1 aetherquarz?

    It could be good do give -1 to multiple units thanks to the additional shard

    on pg 65 under the absorb despair ability. you can only use a cathallar once per phase (you can ofc have multiple cathallars though to use it multiple times). 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    Hi y'all! 

    I have been looking at this forum for months but haven't joined. But now I had a question that made me join the community.

    In the designer's commentary it says the following:

    Q: If a friendly Syar unit that is wholly within 18" of a 
    friendly Syar Hero uses the ‘Deplete Reserves’ command 
    ability, is it possible to use both of that unit’s aetherquartz 
    reserves on the same ability (such as ‘Heightened Senses’) in the 
    same phase?
    A: Yes.


    If that unit uses 2 quartz on for example heightened senses, does that grant the unit +2 to hit rolls?


    yes, and it gets -2 to bravery (one of which a single cathallar can stop)

    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    I'm not sure this is accurate.

    It isn't always +2 after. It depends if the cast was successful. If you draw upon the Twinstones on every cast, the 1st cast will be at +1, and every cast after that would be +2 if the prior cast was successful, or +1 if the prior cast was unsuccessful.*

    *Unless the consensus is that the value doesn't reset on a failed cast, which is an interpretation I can see the textual merit to, but seems unlikely that it was intended that way.


    It is sad that GW still allows rules confusion even after an errata. How hard would it be to respond to questions more frequently (similar to how DnD does)?

    So clearly the first cast is only at +1. And I also would agree with you that this interpretation seems more logical, i.e. you use the power in the crystal to get +X to your casting roll and then its depleted, regardless of the cast was successful or not. After that if you had a successful cast you can add 1 to the crystal.

    However the ambiguity is that why then did they write it like that? the text says: ".... add X to casting roll. Then, after the effects of the spell have been resolved, change the value of the dice beside this model back to 1". So for the above interpretation you would have to read this as ".... add X to casting roll. Then change the value of the dice beside this model back to 1 (and in case the spell is successful and not unbound, change the dice after the effects of the spell have been resolved)".

    Given interpretation you suggest, I think it would seem much more logical to write the rule with the italic bit simply removed, or can anyone see another reason for why that is added? Also the errata states that you can first reset and then add +1 to the dice from the same casting, which would have been clear if this bit of the text wasn't there as then it would read: 1. draw the power, 2. reset, 3. add +1 to the dice if the spell was successful. So the way the rule is currently written I would read it as the "after the effects of the spell have been resolved"-statement is actually a condition for the re-set to be triggered and hence if the cast is unbound or unsuccessful, the dice value would not be re-set to 1.

    Anyways, I emailed their FAQ-team so maybe it gets added in the next rounds, which presumably is X-mas... ^^

    In meantime I will probably play it as you suggest even though strictly speaking I don't think that is what the rule literally says, but at least its the more "intuitive" way to play it and also there is no risk of getting an advantage vs the opponent from rules ambiguity. Would however be very interesting to hear from someone with TO experience how they would judge this in a tournament situation.


  10. 4 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:

    You warned me I believe, so I should have listened! Yea, I think the compressor is more expensive than the air brush, so I dunno if I will be getting one anytime soon. Plus, I’m in a medical program currently and don’t think it would be wise to get one with my student loans.


    I may try on one of my guys just to see how it would look, as now that I let them completely dry the models look a bit better. I will say though, that shading utterly ruins the effect so That is something to consider. I am really excited to see how the weapons turn out those, as the celestial Azure looks really amazing for a weapon.

    ok airbrush migth not be a top prio but just to let you know that you can buy a perfectly functioning one including compressor for around 100 USD, so in context of the overall hobby costs might be worth considering, ofc only of you want to use it for more than just this one thing

    anyways looking forward to some pictures of these weapons/shields!

    ps for shading I didn't bother that either, just took some bright silver edge highlights


  11. 1 hour ago, japaricio said:


    I would say that what the game needs in a long term perspective a global increase of points. We are moving towards a horde playstyle again, and above all, this is the thing that keeps aways new entrys to the game. It would be a fine movement in the competitive environment to have more point updates across the year (online always) and specific ones por subfactions, but the thing we need the most is getting back to the original idea of AoS, a game you need few models to play.


    Seems to me they are trying to cater for that through the meeting engagement and warcry set-ups ? (not that i have tried them, but tbh, meeting engagement doesnt seem too bad of an idea to balance the game for 1k, in particular with the smaller board size and specific battleplans)

  12. 6 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:



    I finally got my chameleon paints from greenstuff world and I gotta say I'm a bit dissapointed by the Burning gold. It turned out a lot more greenish gold instead of orangy gold like advertised, so that makes me sad. But! The other paints I got are pretty nice, so I may be using them on the weapons or the shield or something. I may try to use it on one model, but without an airbrush I think I am stuck brushing it on, and the shoulder things on the wardens is fairly intricate. Kinda sad that I waited a month for those paints :(


    Will post some pictures later when I can 

    sorry to hear, I had similar experience with the gold. you could perhaps consider getting an airbrush, you can get one for less than the lumineth box :)

    if you do I think it would be manageable to use these paints for the armour parts

    • Thanks 1
  13. I think the soulscryer + something is what could add to LRL as giving access to deep strike which the book otherwise lacks (or maybe just eels for a flying unit) unfortunately the soulscryer is quite an expensive tax for that alone so not sure if it's that viable in the end. The reverse of adding lumineth to a deepkin list would have been more interesting imo but alas that's not possible

  14. 31 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    How do you guys think we’ll fair vs Ossiarchs? With Katakros giving everyone a 3+ save and the catapults murdering big groups, not to mention the hilarious amount of healing they can do, does our force and mass mortal wounds do well vs them?

    I think we should have some decent tools to handle them. our damage mainly comes through mortal wounds so save should not be a huge issue. the catapults can be pretty annoying although a bit swingy and they can threaten our heroes for sure and also snipe the wizards in our vanari units, but on other hand with dawnriders and speed of hysh we should be able to lock down the catapults in the back field. and our sentinels can return the favour by pinging off their heroes to reduce access to discipline points

    • Thanks 1
  15. 11 minutes ago, Congratz said:

    So what are your thought on the army? Yes, i know it might be a bit early to tell

    Considering starting on Lummineth but a bit unsure so i got a few questions

    * Are they any good?  Where are they placed on the so called "Tier List"
    * How fun are they to play? 
    * How hard are they to play? (Not the biggest mastermind over here)

    Thank you before hand :)

    seems they can be pretty good but not an auto win by any means, probably top half by the armies fair to say but unlikely top 3. although ofc very hard to tell this early. I would guess "A-tier" (also this is a moving target as its relative to other armies, eg we just saw OBR getting a nerf, slaanesh was nerfed earlier and seems also tzeentch and seraphon got some point increases)

    fun I suppose is quite subjective, for me they seem loads of fun with much going on and great looking models that will cater for good hobby as well

    i think they will be fairly difficult to play since they rely on synergies and have quite a lot to keep track of with aetherquartz on each unit, spell options on many units, restrictive movement with shining company and not a lot of movement to buffer bad positioning). and they kinda need their buffs to work well. but I suppose this is also a bit subjective what you think is easy/hard. they have only 10 warscrolls so listbuilding eg is probably easier than in some larger factions


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  16. 1 minute ago, Mutton said:

    What's important about the Petrifex change is that now Bonereapers have to choose between a +1 save with Katakros OR their Bludgeon CA. Having both ultra defense and ultra offense was the real issue.

    Also, it's a crime that Kroak remains at 320.

    was about to say the same. and also Katakross eats a discipline point for handing out the buff (although he comes with a bunch). before Katakros was stronger in Petrifex than his own legion which was weird.

  17. 1 hour ago, mystycalchemy said:



    These are both really helpful tips! I'll keep it in mind and play around with my list, see what works! :) Unfortunately, having him switch armies isn't an option at the moment, I've been playing AoS for a while now, while he only got interested with OBR, so that's his only army (Besides an Akhelian King and a Leviadon remaining from his previously sold Deepkin army, he just liked those two models and kept them for display!)

    btw another thing you can do against nagash is to throw the solar flare spell at him to give him -2 to cast. and you could do it through the portal to avoid hitting yourself. eg have a cathallar outside nagash unbind range throw the portal next to Teclis, then use 2 cast to throw Solar flare at 12 through portal (which will also dispel it btw) likely being able to throw some mortal wounds at a unit of mortek guard and hitting Nagash with the neg2 to cast and he needs a natural 10 to unbind, use the second spell to give protection of teclis, which he now needs natural 12 to unbind. in his turn teclis will likely be able to unbind quite a few of his spells with +2 to unbind vs his +1 to cast..

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