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Posts posted by Third

  1. 3 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    The Liege's command ability is also a huge offensive boost in some engagements. Sure, Bludgeon is great as well, but if you don't need the extra rend or have high damage stuff like stalkers or halberd-equipped Morghasts, then Endless Duty is just straight money.

    Endless Duty is in the herophase, so crazy stonks on Liege if you ask me (;

  2. 4 minutes ago, Jaskier said:

    It says "roll a dice each time you pick a friendly Invaders hero to carry out a heroic action" emphasis mine, I think the each time surely means it's supposed to work on each hero, no? 

    I might be wrong, but why are everyone raving about Pretenders then? Invaders are insane if this is the case 😮:P 
    I don't like how it actually plays out though during the game.. It's a metric ton of rolling dice


  3. 14 minutes ago, Jaskier said:

    The Heroic Action chain is also really cool

    I'm pretty sure it's a chain of 2 only, you pick 1 to carry out a heroic action, and on a 2+ you duplicate that heroic action, you do not on a 2+ get to pick another to do a heroic action. Still find it plenty strong and during this season there is the ability to do 4 heroics with GCs :)

  4. Hardest hitting Keeper I have been able to think of is a once per game +2 attacks, -1 to enemy save, +1 rend, flaming sword, attacking twice with +1 to hit and +1 to wound and ritual knife :)

    Also have a really fun idea with Godseekers :D, not that it hits crazy hard, but will pump that depravity turn 1 really good, thats for sure!

  5. 22 minutes ago, Jaskier said:

    Like, even if the Keeper doesn't get buffed stat-wise at all (which we know is not the case going by the leaks) it's still taking its attacks from -1 2 and -2 5 to -2 3 and -3 6. Against a 4+ save baseline, the swords' average output doubles. 

    I don't dare to believe it, so I tell myself that Keepers won't be able to take this trait 😁 too spicy to be true! 

  6. 12 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

    I think the way it's worded it absolutely stacks. 

    It shouldn't, but I think the wording needs to be adjusted to something like "if this unit has issued a command" or similar, so that it's not triggering the condition every time it issues a command.  

    It absolutely doesn't stack, maybe if they used a 'when' but because it's an 'if', it can only ever apply once.. Sorry.

  7. 32 minutes ago, ibel said:

    Hey Guys,

    Hej i think it could be very easy to get the full DP and heja the buffs are sweet. 


    the second buff and Mortals by hitting 6ses.... Did this mean there are no more exploding 6ses for more hits ?!?!

    Most likely yes. Euphoric Killers, which gave the exploding 6s have been totally changed now 😉

  8. Unless points and warscrolls are balanced around being close to or at max depravity..? We don't know, and while speculation is fun, I cannot get behind people already saying that the mechanic is too strong....

    Rules seem flavourful and impactful, the rest can basically be fixed by increasing or decreasing point costs.

    Win/win (now be Saturday already please!) 


    On a separate note, in what discord is it that the rumors further up have been posted? 

    • Like 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

    I really hope this isn't peak Slaanesh in the leaks and previews, we all get super hyped for it only to get sucker punched when it actually releases and is just as bad as before! 

    Expect the worst.. GW, while on a pretty good track record with 3.0 books, has fooled me one too many times for me to have high hopes 🙂

  10. Just had a friend argue that groundshaker could be used more than once each phase because the warscroll wording overrule the main rules. 

    "you can carry out this monstrous rampage with this unit instead of ANY other monstrous rampage you can carry out with this unit." 

    He argue that he chose a viable one, and then change it into groundshaker. 

    He can then pick a different viable one, and then also change that into groundshaker, because the warscroll allows it. 

    What is everyones thought on this reading? 

  11. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    Some relatively large points changes given on discord for Hos (may not be true). 

    Hellstriders w/ claws: -15

    Hellstriders w/ Scourge: -5

    Bladebringers Herald: -35

    Epitome: -5

    Dexcessa: -40

    Enrapturess: -10

    Lord of Pain: -10

    Masque: -20

    Shardspeaker: -5

    Sigvald: +5

    Synessa: -20

    KoS: -30

    Shalaxi: -40

    Syll'Esske: -25

    Blissbard Seekers: -10

    Dread Paegent: -15

    Exalted Chariot: -15

    Fiends: -5

    Hellflayer: -10

    Painbringers: -10

    Seeker Chariot: -15

    Seekers: -10

    Slickblade Seekers: -20

    Again, not sure if true, but it would be nice if so.

    Seems more like a wish list to me.
    Would also be a new thing by GW, if the give points adjustments to all units in a battletome, I believe.
    Nothing in the list stands out as breaking the book though, so guess it would be a nice change?

  12. On 3/14/2022 at 3:03 PM, azdimy said:

    And worse pinks don t even give depravity because they don t count as being slained until they are down to brimstones only

    This is not true :)

    "At the end of the battleshock phase, you receive 1 depravity point for each unit on the battlefield that had a wound or mortal wound that was not negated allocated to it in that turn, or has fewer models than it had at the start of that turn."

  13. 4 hours ago, Doko said:

    Yes,i laugth so hard when i see peoole saying blisbard are bads but irondrakes must be nerfed.


    I hadnt idea about stats of blisbards but then i go to his scroll and i see how they are so much better than irondrakes for same cost and this unit is supossed to be bad and overcosted due to free sumon???

    I would play blisbard above irondrakes everyday.

    Irondrakes 8,8damage output at 18" treathrange and 4'4 at melle(new unleash hell makes irondrakes useless) or at 22" treathrange

    Blisbarbs 6,6damage at almost 30" treathrange and dont loose damage at melle.(can run and shoot)

    So in my experience blissbarbs gonna do more damage than irondrakes allways because enemy know how play and stay at 18'1 of irondrakes so his damage is useless while blisbards have a insane 30" treathrange


    Can you share some of whatever it is you got? Must be some good ****** man! 


    Can you please remind me what buffs it's possible to do on Irondrakes, and if you got some spare time, please do look through the Hedonites of Slaanesh book, and get back to me with the amount of buffs available for Blissbarb Archers :) thank you..... 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, LeonBox said:

    However, our units are overcosted because our summoning is crazy strong. It's super easy to generate 10-12 depravity per turn and if you're not seeing a Keeper and 20-30 daemonettes every battle then either your opponent is denying you DPs or you're doing something wrong. 

    I cannot not comment on statements like this anymore.. This is blantly false against any player whom has experience playing against Slaanesh. 

    I have played mostly against the same player with the new book, practicing for tournaments.. In 3.0 I'm struggling to even get 12 depravity throughout the the match. 

    The opponent has soooo much control over how many points he gives you. Often my friend doesn't even shoot or charge in, simply to deny depravity. So even if I try and max it out, I'm at 12 points+ the earliest round 3. And this only happens if I don't kill any of his units, and split attacks where possible. 

    FYI winning a game with a squishy army where you don't eliminate any of the opponents units, is really hard. 


    Slaanesh at its core is broken, but has a chance against people with no knowhow on playing against depravity/summoning. 

    I'm not sure how it is best fixed.. But I'm hoping something is done.. 

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  15. 5 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    Archaon ones, mostly


    4 hours ago, Nagashfan said:

    also Archaon all day now!

    Please note that Archaon is not currently legal in a Hedonites of Slaanesh army.. :) 



    5 hours ago, AngryPanda said:

    Ok, so I just took a look at the point changes on reddit (everything is on there, including the endless spell changes). 

    Out of all the armies, we have received the largest increase in points, with a whopping +655 or more across our army roster. What the hell. 

    Everything above I hold my word to, but I'm definitely going to be watching AoS 3.0 at least a month after its release to observe people's experiences with the army; suffice to say I am speechless again. I can't imagine how Goonhammer, or Honest Wargamer are going to react. 

    This fact is sadly exacerbated because our points where mostly too high even before the changes.

  16. 1 minute ago, Ganigumo said:

    Enhancements are given to specific units in an army. 
    Enhancements cannot be given to Unique units unless noted otherwise.
    There is no note under the spell lores enhancement that marks it as an exception. This is very clear RAW. (Which should be errata'd ASAP)

    But isn't it noted at the top of your spell lore in you battletome? That any *insert faction name* wizard can roll for, or pick a spell? 

    I would say so, but could use clarification 👍

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