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Posts posted by Guui

  1. 15 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    (actually the equivalent to exactly 60 wounds, on average)

    The Amulet is great, but only superior to the Cestus against Mortal wounds and net rend 2 or better.Β  Given the number of +Saves about (Finest Hour, All Out Defence and Mystic Shield) and very little rend 3, Cestus is usually onlyΒ worse against mortal wounds.Β  When your saving on 3+ the Cestus Mega-Gargant is literally twice as durable than Amulet Mega-Gargant.Β Β 

    Naturally their is an opportunity cost to the Cestus (Stompier tribe is otherwise undoubtable the weakest Tribe), but I still think it's a viable option.Β 

    While i wont disagree after checking that out (also thanks for the correct wounds on the mega) I feel that mortals are more prevalent than you gave them credit for.

    Opportunity cost aside, any mega can be given a 3+ save (which we will assume is always a 3+ cause AoD, Mystic Shield and Finest Hour), the comparison should really be between rerolling the 3+ save and a 3+ save 5+ ward.

    Either way, we can make a tanky lad

  2. 2 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I'm of the opinion that the Swift bonus is best for a Mancrusher Mob.Β  Then a unit of 3 could run and charge with the 6" for free, and use a CP for All Out Attack to break some ranks hardcore.Β  Their range can reach over tiny round bases too.

    Still not convinced taking a wizarding artefact is superior to a damaging artefact (Vial of Manticore Venom is looking good to me).Β Β 

    Consider this:

    The chance to deny spells and the ability to use Flaming Weapon for +1 damage on the club.

  3. 2 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Thinking about using a Mega-Tank list, basically making a very defensive mega-gargant that can charge onto you're opponents home objective turn one and sit there as long as possible soaking up damage.

    My First list idea was

    Stompier Tribe: Hold the Line

    Bosses of the Swap Battalion (extra artifact):

    Warstomper (General): Monsteriously Tough, Ironweld Cestus

    Gatebreaker: Arcane Tomb (flaming weapon)

    Footsloggas Battalion(Unified)

    Kraken Eater

    3*1 Mancrushers

    So the basic plan is the Gatebreaker stays reasonably near the Warstomper to toss Mystic Shielf and All out defence on him, giving you (hopefully) +2 save to go with full rerolls, thus near unkillable General who goes right into the enemy lines turn 1 to cause havok.Β Β 

    I also like that Stompier Tribe gives those Mancrushers more bite if they can get into big units, but worry that losing the General's normal command abilities is too high a price to pay for that (and access to the Cestus).

    So two questions for the community:

    1) Is the core idea a good one?

    2) Is there a better way of doing it?

    As good as rerolling saves is, the amulet is a far better artifact. Without healing, and with 0 saves taken, it gives the 40w mega the equivalent of about 70ish wounds. And you cant get much tankier than a 3+ save, 40w 5+ ward model, thats healing.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Oldhat said:

    I can only think of "All Out Attack" off the top of my head. With MSU as the default for a lot of lists now thanks to coherency, is the extra models that worthwhile? Has it been that clutch for anyone?

    Imo its more so access to the kracken eater artifacts and traits. Being able to take a trait and getting a wizard and 5+ ward on the gatebreaker. But it also means that youll never have to really worry about who controls the objective. If youre on it, its yours!

  5. 17 hours ago, Oldhat said:

    Is Taker just for "Get rid of 'em!"? I'm eyeballing Breaker for the Shiny 'Uns and Wannabes (Extremely Bitter) for the boosted rolls.

    As it is now, taker is the go to, since there are a plethora of ways to get +1 to hit, and since they dont stack, the extra models on objectives are useful

  6. Could someone confirm the Big Shouts with me. As my understanting of the rule is as follows.

    Unless stated to otherwise, the big shout command abilities are used on the WARSTOMPER not the mancrushers. Meaning that another character could use a different command ability (all out defence) on the mancrusher unit as their buff for the phase.

    Basically, use big shout (command ability used on Wastomper) followed by using AoD on the mancrushers (ability used on mancrushers) in order to give them +1 to save rolls, rerolling 1s.

    Would someone be able to either confirm or deny this interaction.

  7. 1 hour ago, Pitloze said:

    1vs1 I think a FloSH with Ethereal Amulet and metal cruncher could have maybe won. Right now, with all their rend, I think a gargant will win.

    Rest of the Ogor monsters won't stand a chance.

    Personally I'm super curious what will happen to the Bonegrinder. Is there any info regarding him floating around?

    Well since etheral amulet was let go in GHB 2020, that Frostlord better watch out.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Feels like it's heading that direction with the Kraken-Eaters. Their intelligence is boosted by aelven artifacts, they read books and already employ a magic net.

    It'd be very AoS to have the Order-aligned titan tossing spells by being associated with all the nautical & aelven elements that make up the grand allegiance (not only stuff like Deepkin and Kharadron shipping but that the fishing industry is vital to all the free cities in the realms for clean food sources).

    This could explain why he is so much worse than the other lads. Heres hoping that happens

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