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Posts posted by Aaranis

  1. I keep reading about the Spirit Hosts' damage output but after doing the maths they're really underwhelming. 12 of them (480 pts) rerolling 1s to Hit dish out on average 3,8W + 12,7 MW against 4+ save, while 30 Reapers under the same buffs deal 20,7W for 420 pts. SH have a smaller footprint, allowing them to engage better but then have less numbers for objectives. Both have almost the same wound count and same save. SH works better with RotSH though, that's for sure. So Reapers look really better than them, and I don't even like Reapers when I can have Bladegheists.

    I admit that if you're rolling hot the SH will be great armour killers but against tarpit they lose the advantage. 

  2. Oh I didn't know about the Sword of Judgement, it looks like the only way to make the Lord Executioner worth it, and if the combo rolls well... That Monster or Hero will die ! So you get +1 from the Batallion, +1 from KoS, and you can get +1 from Olynder if she casted her spell on your target. Even +2 if you have the CP to CA twice with the KoS. That looks kinda wacky to put in place though, with lots of "if". But if it worked for you I guess it's nice. Definitely want to try this out too now, I only need 3 Spirit Hosts boxes though haha ! I love these kind of combo-plans that require 20 events to work, it's really satisfying when it rolls out, like the Bravery bombs in LoG.

    About your list it looks like the Hexwraiths are not necessary, but I think you spoke earlier about replacing them with Bladegheists when you'll have the models. If you drop 3 SH and the 5 Hexs you'll save 260 pts to buy 10 Bladegheists and 80 spare points, which greatly benefit from Cogs too, as they need to hit with Waves of Terror absolutely or else they're toast in the Activation Wars.


  3. Thanks for your answers ! I never thought about the ST able to heal heroes, great tip. When did the Glass variant became illegal and why ? He's hardly gamebreaking. 

    I plan on buying Dreadblades in my next purchases along with a KoS, he's the ideal commander with the teleport and a perfect bearer for the Aetherquartz Brooch. The unit teleportation ability is indeed very useful, I played a 200 IQ move once with it: I recalled my 2 Hexwraiths near my General, healed them 3 models back with Ruler of Hosts, and then charged the nearest unit with a 10" charge, rolling some nice hits that killed a lot of gobbos. It was a glorious move !

    Do you like Spirit Hosts ? Their damage output seems laughable and they don't have a big board presence, capturing and holding objectives with them looks hazardous. I also can't justify running Reapers when Bladegheists are just Reapers +1, at least not in a pure Nighthaunt list.

    The Cogs definitely interest me, but I'll use them at 1500 pts+, it's a lot of points for 1000 pts otherwise. Reikenor looks boss indeed. I love Kurdoss' model and lore but sadly he doesn't look terrifying on the table, except for stealing CPs.

  4. Hey all, I've played a dozen games so far with my NH at 1000 pts and so far I love the army, I've won the majority of my games but now I'm struggling because the weaknesses of my army are showing against the likes of Fyreslayers and their powerful battletome. I've found I've won most of the time by manoeuvering thanks to my 2x5 Hexwraiths, and the Fly rule, but otherwise the only hitting power comes from my 10 Bladegheists, the rest of my units hitting really weakly. And they usually die right after because 10W is not a lot, and the 6+++ is a myth to me.

    My list most of the time is: KoSoS, Ruler of Spirit Hosts, Spirit Torment, GoS with lamp, 20 Chainrasps, 2x5 Hexwraiths and 10 Bladegheists. Relic is Beacon of Nagashizzar.

    Linked to that I have a few questions for you veterans, even if I understand that the problems and their solutions might be different at 2000 pts but I'm not there yet:

    - Healing: what's the most reliable for you ? I always have terrible timing problems for healing due to me never seizing initiative, and so lose the whole unit before my next hero phase. My GoS also dislike succeeding on his spell rolls, and when he does he heals 1 guy if I'm not playing the Beacon. The Spirit Torment looks more reliable as long as I kill three guys each turn, as well as Ruler of Spirit Hosts.

    - Damage: my Bladegheists were MVP most of the time, I've learned to always DS them alongside my General and spend the CP to reroll the charge if necessary. If I have the CP and the charge succeeds I give them +1A for 40A and they usually blend anything. But if they do miss or the enemy saves well they'll die immediately and flee with Battleshock (why do spirits flee but not überskeletons ?). Hexwraiths really need their 6s and even then that's not a lot of attacks. 

    - Magic: how am I supposed to support my army with the cost of a single Wizard ? I feel like I have to invest half my points on Heroes for each list because of how important they are but casting one spell a turn for each of them is too few. Shademist is great for protection but I have to spend my Relic into making one of my Heroes a Wizard with the Book for that. 

    - GoS: lantern or glass ? On one side the lantern is underwhelming when not buffed by the relic, but +1 to Wound buffs my army considerably. As for the glass, the passive is nice but hard to use. The spell however looks great on theory but on practice my retreating unit will either be dead or have 2 models left so the 10+ charge after retreating is less intimidating.

    I'll stop here for now that's a lot of words. Thanks for reading me, sorry for the long post but I can't help it ! I have a few questions about LoG too but I'll save them for the relevant thread.


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  5. Hello there, I've come to find this forum while searching for advice on how to play Legion of Grief and as the community here for AoS seems to be very active and thriving I believe I'll stay !

    I'm from Belgium, the French-speaking part, I play 40k with AdMech, AoS with Nighthaunts and D&D, and I love reading and video games. 

    I'm quite sick of 40k at the moment with all the power creep and the absurd lethality of the game, and so have come to AoS because I prefer the gameplay and the flow of it, even if balance isn't perfect it's still loads of fun.

    Thanks for reading !

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