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Posts posted by BrotherTalarian

  1. 3 minutes ago, Erdemo86 said:

    Guys If I use Rousing Commander, till the end of that batttlephase lets say a unit of BKS get +1 wound, so they are at 4 wounds. And now let’s say one of them is reduced to 1 life now.

    phase ends, what happens? Does he die?( I know Hunger can trigger and heal him)

    I was thinking the same thing! 

    im guessing if they are reduced to 1 wound, they’ll retain the 1 wound. I don’t think they’d be dead. 

    I think that is the simplest solution and as intended. 

    Makes the BKs that much more durable for that round of combat :) 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Erdemo86 said:

    The Problem is that neither Mannfred or Prince V can take an artifact or command/battle trait. I have the same Problem and can’t solve it either. VLoZD is so much worse than Prince V, so this isn’t a conclusion either. Vengorian Lord is just bad. Even in a 2 k points list Kastelei has the same problem.

    How is the Vengorian bad?
    On paper seems pretty solid. 

    Doesn't degrade, can dish out a fair number of wounds, fairly durable. Benefits from the Kastelai traits. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, GrungnisBeard said:

    Looking to get my pre-orders in tomorrow and to start off with a 1000 points Kastelai list . Any recommendations between these 3 list? The only big difference is the general, but I just can't settle on which one I want to start with. I really like the theme of Vhordrai leading Blood Knights so slightly leaning that way. 


    List 1:


    2X 5 Blood Knights

    20 Zombies

    List 2:

    Vengorian Lord


    2X 5 Blood Knights

    20 Zombies

    3 Fell Bats (mainly for objectives)

    List 3:


    2X 5 Blood Knights

    20 Zombies

    3 Fell Bats (mainly for objectives)

    All cool lists... very tough to decide. 

    Vhordrai is a monster, depends on your goals but at 1k list he might be overkill? 

    Mannfred is super dope (imo) as he can buff all the BKs on the charge. 


    I'm thinking of:


    3x5 BK

    20 Zombies


    Comes out to 980. 


    Think I might then expand with:



    replace 20 zombies with another Vengorian


  4. I think one thread per bloodline would also be a good way to go.
    Allows for players of each bloodline to also discuss tactics and list building revolving about that one bloodline, as they seem to have different playstyles. 


    Presumably, those interested in that bloodline will also provide more feedback than in a bloodline they're not interested in. 

  5. Can anyone help me decide what would be better in a Kasteli list:

    Coven Throne 



    Coven thrones CA is super solid, but only affects 1 unit.

    Mannfred is an aura, granted it doesn’t give +1 save.

    If you’re running 1 big block of BK, I see Coven being good, but in any other situation I see Mannfred being better, maybe even in both situations. I don’t see the Coven being particularily good outside the CA, whereas Manny still is. 

    Does kasteli coven change anything? It’s still pretty weak, imo, no? Happy to be proven otherwise as the model is rad. 


  6. 3 hours ago, Erdemo86 said:

    What would you suggest for starting 1000 points kastelei? I think 2x5 Blood Knights are a must, but what else?

    some summonable unit seems good so I don’t waste my allegiance and a hero that complements.

    I'm personally thinking x5 (3) BK, Vengorian Lord, and 20 Zombies :) 
    Still contemplating a 1k list as well.



    x5 BK (3) 

    Manny’s CA can benefit all three BK in any given turn for some solid punch 

  7. 5 hours ago, umpac said:

    The zombie horde seems to have some legs. 6" pile in makes them deceptively fast, especially with the +move spell. 40 zombies with buffs can easily do 20+ wounds per pile in, can potentially pile in twice and gets bolstered by kills. You fight the right target and you can easily be at 60+ zombies after a single combat, more against ideal targets and double pile in. Unless they remove inspiring presence in 3.0 they have a lot of staying power as well. Obviously needs play testing but my early impression is that they are basically "LoN marauders".

    I actually think the concept is cool as hell. Just a massive "They are billions" style horde that swallows up and absorbs opposing armies, just a constantly growing avalanche of rotting flesh. The concept of zombies being slow up until they come close then suddenly lunges at you with surprising speed just oozes flavor. Buying and painting 120 zombies + X zombies for ressing is less cool....

    Mind sharing how you got these numbers?
    I may include a small zombie force to my Kastelai, but unsure how to manage the dead.

  8. 3 hours ago, Erdemo86 said:

    Manny don’t gets Kastelei Buffs either. And the Melee Profil on Ct is not sheet if you get +1 dmg. 

    Right, but people are saying Coven Throne. Which would benefit little (imo) from Kastelei anyway. So might as well buff ALL your units using Manny. He can also cast two spells and be a fairly disrptuive character, which imo would be more useful than Coven

  9. 1 minute ago, Verminlord said:

    Am I missing something with coven throne? I get that +1 to hit wound and save is an amazing buff, but its limited to wholly within 12, and costs a CP. There are no other redeeming qualities to the unit. It's a single caster and it's unique spell only effects itself. So 310 points for single caster that can buff one, maybe two units per turn?

    Yeah, I’m thinking of replacing the coven with Manny in a Kastali list.


    1 minute ago, Erdemo86 said:

    No I didn’t, you’re right thx. So Radukar out of my list and Replace him.

    how come? He’ll still be a blender and give +1 attack to all models within 18”, no? 

  10. Starting to think of list building.

    I'm pretty hyped about the whole thing, not sure how it fairs competitively, but thankfully my meta isn't too rough (yet).

    I'm leaning Kastelai, becuase.... well, Blood Knights are the bomb.


    Vengorian Lord


    Mannfred (or Coven throne)

    x3 (5) BK

    Comes out to about 1630. 


    Reason why I'm thinking Manny over CT, is you get +1 +1 to ALL friendly units, whereas CT only affects 1 unit. Granted, no +1 AS, but if you're running MSU I find Manny to be better.

    He is also a solid made and can do tricky things around the battlefield (+the model is rad)


    For 370 points I was thinking of adding more BK, because you can never have enough, or maybe round off with some summonable chaff to hold back objectives, and also so I can take advantage of summoning/reviving things.

    Maybe 20 skeles and 5 more BK, or 40 zombies and something else... who knows. 


    What do you think?

    And what do you think of Manny > CT? 

  11. For Riders of Ruin, do you think the ability only triggers if the BKs move out of combat and trample models? 

    Or does it also trigger if you make a normal move, not retreat, and simply move over models that have fewer than 3 wounds and no mount.

    The article seems to imply the latter, and it makes sense to be able to always trample smaller models during a normal movement. 


  12. Just now, Aren73 said:

    I am also of very much the same sentiment. Overall happy, though a bit worried about rend. If high rend was going to be anywhere in this book Blood Knights would have been somewhere near the top of that list for me. I don't want us to become one of those books that struggles for rend, so I wonder where it's going to come from.  

    What I’m thinking as well, especially with the new SC being advertised as having a 2+ save. Tough but to crack.


    wonder what the rules will be for the new Vengorian Lord. Likely some pretty awesome rules in order to sell the new model 

  13. 6 minutes ago, warhammernerd said:

    I for one feel bad that for the people that think this is anything less than pure win. Shame you can’t enjoy it like the rest of us. X

    What’s up with the us vs them mentality? 

    people are allowed to disappointed because they expected something different, and that would be on them. Just move on and celebrate with those that are also eager


    EDIT: worded it different to not sound as accusing/aggressive 

    • Like 2
  14. I don’t think there are many, if any negative may sayers? 

    Interpretation might be off because internet/text 

    I for one am super excited.

    However there’s nothing wrong for people to voice their opinion on what they think it should be, or how they might be disappointed? 

    at the same time there’s no issue of people saying it’s great. 

    Maybe I’m not reading between the lines very well, but I think we’re on the same page here.


  15. 7 minutes ago, warhammernerd said:

    Nah. Your wrong. It’s exceedingly uncommon, in fact I’ve yet to find a single cav unit with -2 rend.







    Lol I appreciate the effort you went through, but if you scrolled a bit more you’d see that in the charge the rend value goes to -2 for some of these units ;) 


    So, maybe you’re the one that’s wrong. 


    Regardless, I don’t care to have this debate. It’s not constructive, it was a matter of opinion and I was stating that it’s not an uncommon thing to have expected, or hoped for. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. I’m looking forward to running a unit of 15 am picking off units and making a super buffed/terrifying ball of death. 

    12” move, 3D, and 4 wounds each is unlikely to get in a game, but if it does, oh boy! 

    Will really make our opponents consider their deployment, all the buffs are super handy and great. 

    can’t wait to see what else is coming! 
    Command abilities, spells etc 

  17. 1 minute ago, warhammernerd said:

    Have you seen the size of a morghast blade?

    Common man, it’s not outlandish to think that -2 rend on the charge should/could have been a thing. It’s common in most cavalry units. 

    Also, have you seen the lane points? That looks terrifying to be struck by. Not unreasonable to think -2 rend could have been suitable. 

  18. Ok, after re-reading the riders of ruin rule that’s actually really cool. They essentially always have 2D weapons because you can move out of combat, inflict mortals, then charge back in or move to another opponent.

    unless you get double turned I suppose. 
    having -1 rend is a bit surprising, will make it harder to kill tougher units.

    the kastelei buffs are awesome, but I see it more as flavour than actually much help during the game, unless you can easily pick some units off. Probably best to run a full unit of 15, then to benefit from these buffs.



  19. 6 hours ago, Sception said:

    That's what it looks like to me, especially with the anvil rules in this issue.

    Certainly we aren't seeing the sort of big spotlight articles we'd expect from the soulblight gravelords release, or even mention of the faction by name, so I think we can pretty safely say that the gravelords release will not be in May, or if it is it will be towards the end of the month.

    Curious how you came to this conclusion? 

    I think we’d have a better idea after Monday, but let’s assume they reveal the rest of SGL, that gives them the entire month to advertise more, have these articles, and have a pre-order on the 3rd Saturday of may. 


    In any case I’m hyped for Monday, and could be making the argument because I’m eager to get my hands on these new models and rules. 

    • Like 1
  20. Man, I really hope dynasties and customization comes back.

    I want vampires to be terrifying. I want them to be specialized. Have additional crazy spells. I want them to mulch through units and be hard to kill. 

    I want Bloodknights to be terrifying. 

    Have skeletons and zombies hit on 6s, I don’t care. As long as people think “oh shoot, he brought 6 vampires, this will be a tough game” 

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