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Posts posted by Nightseer2012

  1. Man... wide chances of -1 to hit, elites that ignore -1 rend, and every unit is a wizard?  Man, Tzeentch Eternal Conflagration builds should just stay home for that match up.  These guys are looking very strong, but they are looking possibly very "brittle" with their builds, with their lack of unit diversity.  I mean, at this point there are more variations of the Primaris Lieutenants than there are separate Lumineth units.  I have to wait to make a final call for what battalions or ally modifications come out with the battletome.  I am hoping they have a CoS similar ability to bring along a limited amount of other Aelf units.

    Very very strong, very very cool, just not quite what I was hoping for.

  2. Agreed, at this point I find myself not actually wanting to start an OBR army anytime soon.  I like the LoN style of overwhelming an opponent with numbers vs the specialist units of OBR.  They would be shooting themselves in the foot if they sequestered Arkhan or Nagash into OBR.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  3. I think I would settle for a Seraphon-esque rework of our book by the end if the year (early 2021 because if the virus?).  I wouldn’t mind new kits, but I would much rather a polish job on the rules we have (integrating Legion of Grief properly, fixing the broken battalions, making each legion more characterful like Dolinarus suggested above), and then maybe a terrain piece/upgrade our graveyards to full terrain.


    I don’t think LoN needs too much, just a re-work in the wake of a lot of power creep to reset our synergies.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, DantePQ said:

    Tyrion was just a generic golden boy on Gandalf’s horse the most boring Elf character

    Id rather had Alith Anar, Bellanear or Imrik (but I think he will come with Malerion) 

    And we got Eltharion so its fine for me. 

    Kind of why I am looking forward to a new Tyrion.  Besides his illicit love affair with Alarielle, his character was just Elf Hercules.  Proud, strong, prone to bouts of rage if challenged, etc.  I’m hoping in AoS his character has evolved.  It gives me hope that it was Tyrion who convinced Teclis to spare the Iodeneth when Teclis wanted to commit genocide, against Tyrion’s old habit of “use profound force against anyone who disagrees with me”.

    Also kind of looking forward to the ally opportunities between Aelf factions that I am hoping to see.  Would love to see Tyrion/Teclis able to field phoenix guard alongside their own forces.

    • Like 2
  5. 44 minutes ago, Sance said:

    Considering that The Old Word is going to reappear in the future, I think the GW team did a very good job to release these new aelves, they are different and unique enough to differentiate them from the High Elves of the past. I think the whole mystical, strange aspect of this world of light is reflected in the models. These helmets don't make any sense, but that's what's great about them, they look alien, weird, they look like they belong to another world but still have a certain majestic character.

    If these new aelves were too identical or similar to the High Elves of the world that was, it would have been a failure in the design. Still, you have to be able to say "this army doesn't belong to the old world" when you see it. And I hadn't had that impression when I saw the lancers and the horsemen dawnriders, even though the models are excellent. I mean i'm a sucker for the "ancient Greek" aesthetic so i'm biased of course.

    For my part, I realize that this army is not for me, we're more in a mystical iconography like Persian empire or Babylonian. What I like in the High Elves of the old world is really the greek side, spartan like, that is to say an elite of warriors that we find in the Akhelians and that reinforces me in my choice to start an army of Idoneth. I was afraid that these newcomers would overshadow them completely but in the end they are quite complementary. They're cool but without stepping on each other either. Plus they don't ride cool sharks or eels, you can keep your cows anytime Lumineths :D


    Be careful what you say about their water creatures, there is still the Temple of the River to reveal... lol

    • Haha 2
  6. Funny that you keep bringing up the KoS “cow” face.  I always thought it was more “goat” like, to play into the more baphomet style.  Difference in opinion I suppose.

    In any case, if the argument is that no one can use cows because one army has cows, then CoS can’t have pheonixes because Tzeentch already called dibs on fire and birds.  Nasgash, Sigmar, and Gorkamorka have to get rid of all their skull iconography because Khorne was here first.  Nurgle and Nagash have to go into a custody hearing over who zombies will visit on weekends.

    Sounds a bit silly to me.

    • Like 8
  7. 5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    So, what if the zenith is just Tyrion and Teclis each with their associated spirit? The zenith is literally the upper reaches of the sky where one finds the sun and the moon.

    With all the flowing tassels going on it seems crazy that they wouldn't include the wind. 

    As for new kits, the Nighthaunt got 15 new kits not counting underworlds or soul wars. Gloomspite got 13 kits and 2 underworlds warbands. 

    The last army to be previewed thus extensively was the sisters who got 16 new kits and a battlebox. Tyrion as the zenith plus 2 kits for air and river would make 13 kits. Add in endless spells and terrain and you have the same size of release as the Nighthaunt. 

    That was my assumption.  Lumineth now just needs models for the River, Zenith, and Sky “Temples”, and it will feel like a full range.

    Using the reveal today as a template, each “temple” could have;

    1 Hero (Mage?)+ 1 Aelf Unit + 1 Spirit

    Looking forward to seeing the possibilities.  I’m hoping Tyrion’s Sun Spirit partner is the firstborn of the Ur-Phoenix or something.  On the downside, dragon’s are looking less and less likely.

  8. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Well that's not really allies then but more like multiple Death players coordinating their 3 dfferent armies to attack the chaos strongholds and works with the narrative.

    I won't disagree though that with allies it should be the more the merrier like how Stormcasts, Ironjawz and Varanguard are elite ally lynchpins for their respective Alliances. Unique army ally customization is an awesome part of Age of Sigmar.

    At least they take Mercenaries which by the next book should get a nice boost and up their options.

    So at that point it is arguing scale?  I suppose, but it feels like a poor excuse to me (on their part, not yours).  And unless mercenaries get that boost, they are as similarly unusable as GA: Death. 

    It just seems like for every other Ally chart, the alliances are based on Narrative, but for OBR it is based on mechanics design, since Katakros doesn’t seem to mind working with others as long as he wins.

  9. OBR has allies in the story of Wrath of the Everchosen

    -Only a minor spoiler for WotE ahead, nothing about the conclusion.  People who comment please avoid spoilers as well-

    So in the story of the book, one of the first things Katakros does in his plan to seize the Eightpoints is realize his units will hard pressed to push through the defenses of Chaos’ Dreadholds.  In a move a smart general would make, he sends word to Lady Olynder to lead her procession as a vanguard for his forces as they can pass through the walls and gates with ease, and open the way for his soldiers.  In the first battle, the death alliance even raises the bodies of the dead chaos defenders as zombies as send them through the Endgate as chaff to cover the OBR advance.

    This happens several times, showing narratively, that Katakros is not above using other types of undead when he rightly realizes that they would be better tools for the job than his elite troops.  He willingly initiates alliances with Nighthaunt and Deathmages (who made zombies for him).  Let OBR use, and be, allies on the tabletop.  It would only take one sentence to solve the “relentless discipline for command abilities” problem, by not letting RDP be used for command abilities of non OBR units.  

    It remains one of the more disappointing choices in my eyes that Nagash’s view of a united undead-topia are spearheaded by a force unable to take or be allied in other forces, solely because of poor design choices.

    • Like 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Yeah it would be cool for them to get some swish big spike dmg with the spears then go to normal attacks with the swords. 

    Also, that new pic of the troops fighting Skaven has a leader without a helmet and his face looks pretty neat. He’s also wielding an odd looking weapon, other than the sword the first reveal image showed him with. 

    He has a moon-tipped rod in his left hand, and some sort of lantern in his right hand.  I wonder if the commanders of each squad will be mini-wizards.  This does make it seem like each unit can be buffed in several ways by its magical commander.

  11. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/17/the-return-of-teclisgw-homepage-post-1/

    So besides being excited to see the new art, is anyone else really confused at how hard GW seem to be trying to distance themselves from Tyrion?  Reading this article, they make it sound like Teclis was doing all this on his own, even Morathi is barely a foot note, when it would have been more accurate to name drop Malerion as the god of shadow when making the penumbral realm.  Which is odd, because in earlier AoS lore, they name Tyrion and Teclis the twin Gods of Light.  The last time I’ve even heard Tyrions name mentioned by GW was a sentence back in Forbidden Power where they mentioned his angry voice coming out of the shadows while talking to Tyrion about the Enlightenment Engines.

    Which also worries me.  Besides being blind, does something seem to be “wrong” with Tyrion?  It may just be me worrying, and GW saving Tyrion and Malerion for a duel box Light/Shadow aelf release or something, but it just seems weird the distance they have put between the two Twin Gods of Hysh.

    • Like 1
  12. So... Arkhan, Nagash and Morghasts get increased points, they lose the extra spells, lose Morghasts as battleline with Nagash, and First Cohort doesn’t change even though one of it’s rules is outdated?  

    At least Morghasts can be healed now, but First Cohort was already too expensive.

  13. So, just as a curiosity, has anyone considered a Boneshaper or Soulreaper on a Balewind Vortex?  Gets them another cast, to a 3+ save (2+ with Petrifex), and boosts their spells to 24” Range.  Haven’t tried it, just popped into my head on the way home today.  Might be fun on the soulreaper if he is blobbed up defending an objective or something?

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