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Posts posted by Kronos

  1. I’m making a beast of Burden for my Norscan Dwarf Contingent of mt Dwarfs and I’m entirely stumped on what exactly he should be carrying. So far I’ve considered - 
    A Grudge Thrower.
    A Bolt Thrower.
    some sort of Anvil, 
    A baggage and barrel Carrier so hes a  Food, mead and Ale dispenser. 
    A Runestone Bearer
    A Shrine of Valaya
    A Multiple Weapons Platform/Howdah
    A single Wild looking Dwarf.



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  2. Just sharing a some research - I did a poll on the biggest Old World Group on facebook on what armies people would be buying/collecting/supporting. After about 1k votes the results are pretty interesting and not at all what I thought they would be.  At the top of the results of popularity are the Dwarfs by a small margin, followed quite closely by Bretonnia and Orcs and Goblins. 

    I would have put that support initially to those 3 being the newest armies and most accessible because  they have released recently or are about to receive a release. But then, Tomb Kings have received less votes than WoC or High Elves and are almost on par to some legacy armies. 

    Now obviously you can’t measure sales off one poll on social media, but it’s interesting to see where the support for armies roughly is and even more so after the Game was Shelved for 10 years. I particularly don't remember Dwarfs being one of the most popular Armies. Would be interesting to see the poll redone after every army gets its Arcane Journal and miniature release:



  3. On 5/21/2024 at 1:04 AM, Bolanferth said:

    Poor old Nain. Well, the Lord of Fenris will do! 

    I have faith.

    Where are you posting this with such negative responses? 

    Facebook Old World Groups. Seems to be mostly that Some People have a grievance of how an Old Dwarf Woman Looks like - Never mind thatbit was a wip, even if I left the Leman Russ face untouched - Who’s to say what a Fictional Dwarf Woman, several hundred of years old and weathered by war looks like - I would suggest they look at veteran Women UFC fighters. My biggest issue is that no one seems to batter an eye at a grizzled old Dwarf King or Slayer. Grumble Grudge Grumble.




    Dwarf Characters- Gotrek Gurnisson, Grombrindal and Sifna Throrindottir (WIP)

    I realised I very unintentionally made a representation of the Ancestral Gods via my 3 WIP Characters - Gotrek/Grimnir, Grombrindal/Grungni, and Sifna Throrindottir/Valaya. 





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  4. These look cool,and pardon for hijacking your log with this post. These really remind me of Eeza Ugezod and the Mothercrushers  (Say it in yer Best Orcish). A Unit from 1985. A Notrious Regiment -  keep it up, they look Great. I think this would work phenomenally as an AoS take on Eeza, his mother Crushers, and his separate Unit, the Death Komanndos. Even the colour scheme is Identical! 







  5. 26 minutes ago, Bolanferth said:

    Keep it up! Having seen your other work then obviously you have the skills to finish this convincingly. A WIP is a WIP after all.

    The fur is a good look for a dwarf queen! And I never realized how much Sanguinius looked like my grandmother.

    If this the case I’m sorry to report your Nan looks like Leman Russ 👵🐺

    Thanks it is still cery early days - Has beena total Marmite of a Miniature in terms of reponse. 

    More to come. 





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  6. Dwarf Caharcter number 3 and still very early stages.


    The Dwarf Queen. Before people bash her (social media has been cruel to her) I’m going for. Wueen Victoria Ursula Creed sort of Aesthetic. 




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    • LOVE IT! 1
  7. Just realised that one of Singapore Warhounds leaked images - The strange Rat Ogreesque head was not ib the preview - Rumoured Behemoth model. My bet is still that this is an update on the burrowing Behemoth conversion. 

    • Like 1
  8. My 2 cents, Great Box. 

    Surprised just hownmuch I like the Stormcast, I think this a really well defined and refined concept, having Stormcast with Major Flaws really is interesting, I’ll repeat something I said a while ago - It what Makes Thunder Warriors Interesting, the First batch of proto-astartes begin to “decompose and break apart”, in this case, the Proto StormCast of the First Generation. Hope to see more Flaws as the range expands.

    Skaven are decent, strange as gribbly things are usually my bag, but I’m not taking screenshots or drawing up plans to buy any - Possibly down to them being Skaven in AoS and I’ve not yet developed a Lore Love for them, possibly because I’m getting Older and Shiny Stuff doesn’t grab me like it used to.


    My quibble however is the Preview - there’s something so un-organic and forced about this preview style. It feels like I’m watching the QVC/Tele sales channel instead of Warhammer. Not Sure why they’re chatting on sofas, I want to see someone holding the miniatures around a table chatting going “Korr, Look, it has a little hidden Vial here, look a rune on this side of the helmet” - yh know while someone else doe s a little lore break down. And then showing the same video near on Repeat, I think the pace needs to be different, and the couch interview really needs to move to a table with the minis at hand. 


    tldr - Stormcast Amazing, Skaven cool, Preview Show weird and  oddly paced. 

    Now back to work where I can’t really explain to anyone that I was up until 2:30 AM because Plastic miniatures were being shown in an American Timezone but if it was NFL or Basketball everyone would be like ah cool, hope you enjoyed the game, well take it easy - Grumble 😂😩

    • Like 5
  9. Wondering if someone could explain, because It may be a gap in my experience.

    What is the overlap between Wrestling and AoS. I’d rather see some in depth interviews with the design team, concept artists and game development team. Even a Game with some of the Warhammer TV usuals. 

    But thats just me. 

    • Like 2
  10. My Log for my Dwarfen Holds. Some canonical and some Homebrewed Ideas and conversions. 

    First Up one of my Favourite Warhammer Characters. The Myth, the Legend, The Living Saga that is -



    Still in the early Stages. But Happy with the look so far, Maybe its because I grew up with the older illustrations of the White Dwarfs where his Beard  overflows and really captures the Eye, Equally, there’s something quite outstanding from the 300 White Dwarf Design. I suppose I’m trying to make a pastiche of both concepts.




    • Like 7
  11. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Wow. That was a fast delivery!

    Nono, I got alerted from a friend that Indie Stores had some in stock, checked the one near me and indeed it did! 


    3 minutes ago, Mordeus said:

    A post on number 500 on page 5.500

    Wow, it is as well….. 😎

    • Like 1
  12. Inspired by the recent article on WarCom, and with The Fabled Hobby Magazine coming to a 500th Issue celebration - What Was Your First Issue?


    Its probably not the case much anymore, but for my experience and Possibly that of many Grey Beards, we started the Hobby simply buying the cool looking magazine on the shelf (A devious Ploy by James Workshop). My First Issue was 231, 8 Year Old Me didn’t realise a core character about me was about to be born. I actually didn’t buy my first Warhammer Model Until I was 11! I Remember reading that Magazine until the very pages fell off. I Clearly remember being in Awe at the Releases of Scylla and Dechala, The Beautiful Chaos Army Showcase and the Tyranid Battle Report. 



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  13. 32 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Looks like "chinese plastic" to me. New terrain, Endless or Incarnate?

    Colour me intrigued, how can you tell this, what are the “signs”. Is it casting detail?

    4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    If we didn't know that the Celestant Prime is not being renewed I would say new Celestant Prime, but as Nezhil said, I would go for the new generic Endless Spells (which I just figured out that if this is a thing it has to be revealed shortly after the box as it would be needed from day one).

    Well, this is assuming this is even for AoS and not something Psychic for Agents of the Imperium. 

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