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Posts posted by NkfPanda

  1. So the changes for the new GHB that I can see are:

    Akhelian King down 10 pts

    Thralls down 10 pts 

    Eidolon and Turtle....have not changed....weird flex GW but ok. 

    On the plus side my KO list which I am building should be great against meta armies like Seraphon, LRL, Mortek and Tzeentch is 100 pts cheaper now lol. I really wanted to focus on an akhelian corps list. I am still going to play it because I play what I love but it is nice playing all the models you enjoy in a more competitive setting without feeling like too much of a handicap is going on.

  2. 2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    The issue is that I like more that was lost or is unsure (CoS) than what has remained. Apart from Kharadron, there isn't a new army I like entirely, and I don't feel like committing any more than GW does.

    I like painting, and will be finishing somewhat of a Kharadron army, but I don't really want to follow whereever the rules are bringing me.

    But I can paint models from lots of different vendors, for less money, and better suited to my tastes.

    Maybe GW will make models that I cannot ignore in the future (finding out about that is rather easy), but I can do without quite well. I do like the core game of AoS, but it's additions and required knowledge of other faction's battletomes starts making it cumbersome.

    You do you.


    On a rumour related note I am really hoping for some points drops on my Eidolon and Turtle. Hopefully the rumours "leak" haha. How many GHBs will it take to get my Turtle Franklin to  250 points 🤪

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Icegoat said:

    The realms are still hollow at the moment. Aos is basically 40k but it's missing the entire imperium save the space marines. Yes you have your weird wizard elves and your fire dwarves but the cities of sigmar are clearly but a shadow of what should be civilisation. Azyr is an entire realm of humanity and apparently still a few aelfs and duardin though the list of those latter two races will eventually I believe be culled I to nothingness. And yet we have seen nothing.

    Weve seen chaos through a thousand different prisms cultures and beliefs and yet the entirety of normal order humanity as represented in AOS in the tabletop is still the best selling line of old german, feather toting moustache boys from an entirely different era and planet. I mean sure maybe sigmars religion causes people to dress in puffy shirts and grow strange facial hair.  But the lore is showing me a game the tabletop does  not represent. Until this problem is resolved any and all grand alliance order units are ripe for the chop at any moment. This new gh I think will prove it.



    Cool story. Most people on this forum do enjoy old Fantasy Lore and don't hate on WHFB daily but just FYI your constant negativity mostly relates to yourself and your own feelings on AOS; not sure if you are trolling or just a really unhappy dude :P. I preferred the old lore before the End Times but I am still enjoying AOS lore much more and I feel like it is constantly getting better. As far as the game it is vastly superior lol. Not even a conversation.  

    • Like 7
  4. 53 minutes ago, Sonnenspeer said:

    Please no point adjustments!! But this: 🙃
    Allopex Bite --> 3 Mortals on a 6 to hit
    Eidolon --> ethereal
    Reavers --> -1 rent on the bows
    Leviadon the drum does -1 to hit rolls for everybody who is no IDK in 12"
    Thralls: 2" range

    You sir, have a good head on your shoulders.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    I think a 5+ FNP would be a little much on a basic unit.

    Personally I am not a big fan of the inflation on FNP to begin with. It just makes the game too static. You run at each other until you collide, hit each other over the head and then ignore up to two thirds of the damage so for at least a couple of turns none of the units go anywhere. That is fine with a 40 model unit but not for ten much less three.

    I have always thought of the Namarti as the toughest and most muscular Elves (all natural baby, lift heavy and eat right). The 5+ FNP feels natural for them but I am sure they can think of other ways to make them more durable. I am definitely not a rules writer :p. These  jacked dudes on 32mm with double handed weapons just feel Meh to me on the tabletop. With things like witch aelves and realm lords running around I would love some Jacked Pointy Eared Fishy Boiz with a 5+ FNP. Even with that they wouldn't really feel over powered I believe. Maybe I will try a game with a buddy trying that out and see if it feels too good.

  6. With the shooting right now that so many armies have any buffs or synergies that don't require a 5 wound hero are much appreciated :P. I will take a 5+ FNP please for all of my Namarti please and spank you. Make their weapons 2 inches at the same time. Spiiicy.

    • Like 1
  7. It is nice to see this thread so active with my fellow Fishy Boiz! I think LRL will be hard for anyone to defeat. Can you imagine using a standard army that is magic heavy like Gloomspite....just leave your casters at home :p.  A solid player will definitely have Mr. T (I pity the foul who doesn't think the Teclis mini is ugly) protected from the Scryer. After seeing how ugly Teclis is I realise how bald and beautiful our minis are lmao. 


    Something I love about Eels is how if you run a bunch of Eels you can still throw in some fun units and play semi competitive. I regularly throw in a Prime or Eidolon or Turtle  and it balances out to a semi-competitive list. I think when playing games not in a tourney it doesn't feel oppressive for my opponent. Playing a tooled up Tzeentch list for example is not fun for most but Deepkin lists usually feel like you have a chance. We are by no means OP but I think we can still do well in major events by playing the objectives. That said, our Tome is feeling the power creep and I think it will continue to do so. I am excited for a new tome not because I want to smash all the LRL and OBR players out there but I just want to have more variety. 

    • LOVE IT! 2
  8. 8 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    Lookinh how they relaunched Chaos Undivided (the Archaon book) I would guess that magic would become more powerful if we got an update. Or at least more diverse. (I think the buffs for the IDK are pretty repetitive.)

    Also it would be nice if we coult use the special command abilities not only if the hero in question was the general. I guess that was an idea for the 2nd edition but a s far as I can see pretty much no other faction has that limitation built in (I think DoK have that also but that book was released about the same sime), And especially the Volturnos/Akhelian King ability is not that much out of the ordinary. Some other factions get similar buffs for ever unit within a bubble. 

    But the main goal would have to be to make other builds than the eels spam an attractive option.

    Right now with the Casters in Seraphon, Tzeentch, and the Lumineth coming I feel bad for armies that rely on casting. The Honest Wargamer had a good talk on this with Vince from Warhammer Weekly where you will either have to go all in on magic or none at all. Ya, I would love to not have to rely on Eel Spam to win. I usually take a bunch of Eels and then take someone else as a Tax that I just like (an Eidolon for example).

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I honestly would like to have more unity between the classes, almost like Death's kinda thing. Don't make it too much, but stuff like allowing the Akehlian King to give out his re-rolls of 1's to hit to Namartii, maybe giving wound re-rolling auras beyond the Eidolon, give the tide casters Eels or make a whole new class of mounted spellcaster to keep up with all Eel Lists, stuff like that. 

    And clean up the some inconsistancies too. If the whole point of a Deepkin Raid is to get souls, why shouldn't he get a chariot or ride a shark when he joins a raiding party of Akhelians? have a longer range way to collect souls instead of being right next to the guy, make it like a mortis engine or a war shrine that buffs our guys while fighting and killing. Give us more magic that makes people fall asleep or forget like in the fluff... and make it good dammit!

    Haha you could definitely do an Embailor on some Sea Slug Chariot. I just read Court of the Blind King this past February while on a little trip in Colombia and I noticed that the Soulrender was picking up the souls just like I thought based on the model so maybe they have to be closer up or it is easier on foot? As for the magic you are spot on. Right now it is basically King, Scryer, Bunch of Eels and then I throw in an Eidolon or Prime to make it a little less competitive but still semi comp; if I want to just have fun with some buddies I throw in a Turtle and a bunch of Sharks or Namarti. I really like the army it is so unique but just needs some fine tuning and diversification. Maybe we will get lucky and a dual box will be made. Mortals of Slaanesh and Deepkin in a new box :P. You never know!

  10. 3 hours ago, Hypephoon said:

    I think we are ripe for the first non stormcast model update for AOS. GW has spent a pretty small amount of time completely updating the whole system so that everyone was on the same playing field (some benefited some didn't). As we have now approached the end of this run, I doubt we will see a) the frequency of the updates and b) the lack of releases for said updates. Now the dust has settled I believe we will go back to "New book = 2-4 new kits" way of life, and Deepkin (other than stormcast of course) are really first on the block for that expansion. 

    Interesting take for sure. I am actually thinking we may get something similar to 40k Psychic Awakening for Aos. I think this partly due to the rumour engines being all over the place but this could just be a bunch of warbands for those random little mini games like beastgrave etc. But of course I have no idea and would welcome the thought of slowly released battletomes! For me personally I really feel like despite the range being small it is all so beautiful that if there was just 1 or even no new models in a Battletome I would be cool with that. The big thing for me is being able to use all the minis I own on the board without feeling like it is a large disadvantage (looking at you Franklin the turtle and Mr. Eidolon). 


    A great example to replicate would be the new KO battletome. I just purchased a huge lot so I am by no means a KO expert but there are just so many different ways to play the army and lists to build. Zilfin is very competitive but you can still play the other lists and have a decent chance to win and most units are viable. But I do like the positive energy in the thread because I would really like a new battletome this year!

  11. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    There is a game within the game. Yes, indeed. Or, more accurately, there is a "game about the game" but that is not the same as the current way the game is played, and it's certainly not the same thing as the way people are playing the game.


    For example, meta data refers to data about the data. Like if you wanted to say that 10% of the classifications of color of dice are variations on red. That would be data (10% of the things) about the data (the groupings of colors of dice).

    Simply saying that a lot of people are using shooting heavy lists is not a game about the game. It refers to the environment in a local group. 


    That's not, at all, a meta game, and certainly not a "meta" (which is a prefix for other words).


    To add to it for clarity -

    If we made a game, an actual game and not just an analysis (oh look, another extant real word and not just a prefix), about the game, we could call that metagaming when we played it. Like, if we had a game where you accumulated information about an army by turning over cards and rolling dice, and used the results to allow the winner of that game to change the rules of a game of AoS, we could call the first game "an AoS metagame."



    -Meta is a prefix, not a word.

    -Even if it were legitimate shorthand for "metagame" it would still be an incorrect usage of the term.


    Edit edit:

    In anticipation -

    If you refer to an army as an "auto," you are wrong. You may mean "automobile" when you shorten it to "auto." The full word (automobile) is wrong as the word to describe an army, and the short version (auto) is still not a word.


    Thanks for the valuable information. I will make sure to correct everyone at my local gaming store and if I am asked where I received the info I will just say "from a really fun guy on the internet, the life of the party". 

    • Haha 10
  12. 11 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    I think our best best is that we might be getting a new battletome some time soon. With Nurgle, DoK and Nighthount we are one of the last armies that have not been updated yet. 

    I am not the biggest fan of the direction the army rules are going lately. Spamming attacks and mortal wounds and then ignoring most of them. But that is neither here nor there. At least we would be up to par and hopefully some more units would become viable options,

    Some would not even need that much. If the Namarti would get a 2" range we could get more into close combat and running bigger units would become an option which in return would be easier to bring back models with the Souldrender because there would still be a unit to bring models to. So with one little change two unit types would be much more valuable. 

    With the Leviadon I would expect the cover-bubble to be switched to an "irgnore damage" bubble on a six or even five judging from the current trends. Event Ironjaws do that now. 

    I really hope we do get a new battletome. We are super lucky in that it is an older battletome but has stood the test of time to a decent degree but I love Deepkin like a fat kid loves cake so a new battletome sounds delish. The Namarti def should have 2 inch range and a way to make them survive. I would prefer them to not just go down in points because I do like playing an elite army but just that they do not die to a stiff breeze.  The Leviadon idea for a 5+ FNP sounds great and would not be over powered as well. 


    The Eidolons really need to become more powerful. These centrepiece models are so beautiful and I use one because I love the model but it is so under powered. Especially when you read something like Court of the Blind King and see how they can just wreck face.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    That's the theme of the game. The imperium has stagnated, the eldar and the necrons are shadows of their former existence. Any time they introduce new imperial tech they have to find a way to explain that it was always there, they just didn't find it yet. 

    In AoS order is expanding out of Azyr. New cities are constantly being founded. New technology is being developed. It is a setting full of potential. This is the hook that differentiates it from 40k and the old world and is a big part of why I like it so much. 

    Oh I thought you meant the game itself. I was like what the game is so popular but ya I feel ya. Ya I play both games and love me some Grim Dark but I love Fantasy much more than Sci Fi and it is nice that AOS has a different feel.

    • Like 1
  14. On 6/21/2020 at 1:13 AM, Hypephoon said:

    I feel like it's time for us to start a conversation about how we could potentially increase our competitive ability by utilizing LRL as allies. 
    Obviously most people in thread are interested in (are likely swapping over to) LRL, although I believe IDK will get a second wave sooner rather than later, however I think that slowly building up an army is the best way to not only start a new faction but also to build up our own competitiveness. 

    At a basic glance of the new rules, two units stand out to me - Sentinels and Wardens. 

    Wardens provide a solid backline objective taking unit that Deepkin lack. Our thralls are killy but fragile, and for the same points I couldn't ever see us taking thralls over warden allies in a list. Additionally they provide defensive MW dealing attacks, which is often where we fall. 
    Sentinels are for me, the more interesting of the two. Particularly their long ranged MW output which is something that Idoneth lack completely. The ability to take out key support characters is the most efficient use of them IMHO. I've often found that I've lost games due to being unable to get to the support heroes (Fyreslayers and OBR I'm looking at you!), now we have an option to take them out and let our Morrsar do what they do best. Honestly I feel like this is the game changing unit we've been waiting for.

    Now it comes down to whether we utilize them in an Ionrach enclave to give them our bonuses. I'm thinking mostly not, especially if just look at taking archers. (I think it was looking at 10 for 150, so a block of 20 for allies would be phenomenal). 

    The archer support sounds like it could be interesting but my Deepkin have been pretty competitive without this on the strength of Eels alone. I am not a fan of the lumineth so I dont think I will soup them in. I utilize a Celestant Prime, Soulscryer, Akhelian King and more Eels than a sushi bar and I can usually kill who I need to kill. Sometimes I will throw in Namarti to flip the tides for fun and sharks but if I am going uber competitive with a friend's similar list then no.  I think a solid option will still be Shadow warriors unless they go up in points. I am reallllly hoping with the new GHB that Turtles and Eidolons go wayyyyyy down. Deepkin are my first AOS army after quitting gaming for years and my biggest nerdy love. 

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    I've often heard that, in the lore, nothing really changes. There is no gravitas to chapter x being burned down by chaos/eaten by tyrannids etc, because it will never matter a few books later. The chapter is staying anyway.

    Cadia being broken was a big thing, but the guardsmen are still called Cadians.

    Even the one army that really was gone was lore'd away only as an afterthought. And the squats are now back anyway.

    Oh I gotcha. Ya playing both games and being into Lore like most AOS/40k players are to a degree I agree with that. The story for AOS seems to have been more progressive and 40k in the past has not been. 40k seems to be changing that. They alluded to some big models being released for 40k this Christmas so it looks like the story may be advancing more as another Primarch could be released (good and/or bad) not to mention the Silent King is coming and a large new novel range. In AOS I love that there are so many large and powerful character models for a centerpiece and 40k seems to be adopting that more. At least to me it seems that way :P.

  16. 38 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I'm pretty sure icegoat is a troll account but to give a serious answer I believe that gw admitted a previous preview seminar that they were finding it difficult to come up with a good concept for regular humans in AoS. I wouldn't be surprised if this experimentation with what makes a regular human in AoS led to warcry. The truth of the lore is that the majority of humans did fall to chaos. 

    The fun part of AOS though is that this is a game of growth and expansion rather than the stagnation and decline of 40k. 

    Personally I would love to see a devoted of Sigmar army that borrows a bit of the triumph of st Katherine aesthetic from 40k. It is already an established part of the lore that devoted of Sigmar armies have been marching out from the free cities purifying the land with their blood.  I could see some interesting mechanics built around that concept. 

    Hey I was reading through the post and was just wondering what you meant by "stagnation and decline of 40k"?

  17. On 6/18/2020 at 3:41 AM, DantePQ said:

    Yeah sticks for Eeels are so fragile. I dropped my army case and 16 sticks broke so I pinned them and then glued them together. 


    Beautiful eels! Could you post some pics or a little tutorial of how you pinned them? Mine are falling over every week lol.

  18. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:


    Need more pointy ears to kill /get killed by...

    As long as I can point an Ironclad with 20 Thunderers first turn and a Warp Lightning Vortex or Comet right in the worst centrepiece of the age known as Teclis I will be happy :).

  19. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:

    my reaction to every release that isn't for me. Dodging bullets left, right and center last year 😂

    Bullet dodging is perfect 😌. If Seraphon would have come out with new models or Soulblight or Mountain Dwarves I probably would have given in! I purchased a used lot of KO for like 65% off retail so I have to get this done first so no complaints here though.

    • Like 1
  20. 3 hours ago, silverstu said:

    One thing I'm really pleased to see them take form AoS in 40k is how they approach ranges- the Necron release looks similar in quality to the AOS armies in terms of the character of the faction as well the quality of the sculpts. AoS releases have to build the entire feel of a faction from scratch and in my opinion, they do this incredibly well with the clam pack characters and little touches on bases right up to the centrepiece models. The necron update looks to have all these elements- I'm hoping they take this approach as they refresh all the factions [especially Nids!].


    You are so right! I play both games and I am sure I am biased but the AOS range is so beautiful. I play Harlequins in 40k so my minis are not too shabby but 40k really needs a huge overhaul on minis and I am hoping the Necrons are just the tip of the iceberg. Armies like Eldar could use some love. I am so glad the Lumineth range wasn't for me because I have more time to work on the armies I have until something catches my eye maybe next fall/winter.

    • Haha 1
  21. 27 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    I was most excited for a "Troggoth king" mention. 🙂

    That is pretty awesome! That is why I love AOS is there is usually something for everyone. I am not interested in Lumineth (not my type of Cow-azy) or Gargants but I know I can keep working on the armies I enjoy and becoming a better player until something I am interested in like crazy Vampire Pirates or Gholem toting Dwarves come along.

  22. If you are aiming for narrative and having fun play as many battalions as you would like :). If you are looking for competitive or semi-competitive a single battalion at most is best. You can use iron sky to keep drops low if you have the reqd models but if not don't worry about drops. My main army is Deepkin and when I am making a competitive list or even sem-comp I am always high drop. Of course that is different for KO but all you have to do is checkout a bunch of Tournament Lists for example the last Cancon. Multiple battalions are just not efficient. Especially for an army like KO which normally lacks bodies on the board. The good thing is our battalions are not hot garbage like Deepkin even if they aren't amazing.

    I you aren't net listing and just looking for ideas and inspiration for list building it is often a good idea to look at others who have done well in tournaments. KO haven't had much play because of the recent Pandemic but there are still some tournament lists that have done fairly well. I would recommend checking out the Aethercast on youtube or going on the Kharadron Overlords facebook page as there is a pdf with a bunch of tournament lists from our recent battletome. 

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