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Everything posted by EonChao

  1. So honestly the way Combat Patrol works now in 40k is that points don't matter. They instead adjust the rules for the units included in the box to be balanced with each other and where something like Custodes struggles with value vs balance the box has more models than you actually end up using. So it won't matter from a point of small games just using those boxes against each other because they'll all hopefully be balanced with each other by design.
  2. This is what I'm hoping for, handling them similar to the 40k armies that got major refreshes in 9th. Combat Patrol Orks, got a new Warboss, new boyz and new Deathkopters. Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum: entirely new models. Leagues and World Eaters, entirely new models. Give Fyreslayers a full range refresh like they deserve and use a bunch of those to make up the new box.
  3. Because now you can sell new Spearhead boxes to people who already brought the Vanguard boxes as they contain a slightly different mix of savings. What we'll probably see happen is all of the existing Vanguard boxes get a release of Spearhead rules online, and then actual boxes come out alongside the army books. Honestly it makes me think I should pick up a couple of the ones I'm vaguely interested in now just incase they get replaced with a less interesting deal.
  4. If it works like 40k's Combat Patrol then the rebalanced rules for the Spearhead will be published online and put in the Battletomes for 4th, and you can just play it with your existing figures. If you're new to the game/faction then here's a bundle that gives you a starter army for playing this format.
  5. I think as an add on to the two starter sets it works. I'm not sure what you replace the Killbow with other than the Breakaboss or Sloggoth and honestly it's probably as good choice as either of those.
  6. It's 900 points at the moment I believe, with Yndrasta being a good chunk of those. But not too bad for a starting point (or to add onto the two starters). My guess is it'll be rebalanced against the contents of other boxes for a new format. These are almost certainly replacing Vanguard boxes for 4.0
  7. Kruleboyz one was released recently under the Vanguard title but contains the same format of stuff, the extra sprue from Dominion, 1 unit of infantry (10 Gutrippaz) and an E2B kit (Beastskewer Bow)
  8. In theory no, we have 5 months to squeeze a large release into and that’s more than enough time to do so, especially considering FEC should be out before the end of February and we’ve at most only two Dawnbringer books left. But we don’t have any rumours of it, and 40K has a packed spring with rumours of both Dark Angels and T’au getting substantial releases that could easily fill up those months. At the moment it’s better just to be pleasantly surprised if we do get something
  9. The next Stormbringer delivery is beginning to arrive and includes a letter about an opt in character pack again, this time for Radukar the Wolf, which makes it an easy skip for me as I already have him
  10. If it's 80 issues then maybe I can buy into it, budget allowing, as at least it's mostly combat patrols I don't have but otherwise the fact it's so wishy washy makes me want to give it a miss because there's not really anything grabbing me Looks like it's the contents of the combat patrol (Khal, 10 warriors, 5 beserks and 3 pioneers) plus a set of Heartguard from what I can make out. Then a set of Thunderkin in the premium subscription
  11. Fauxhammer have an article out about the next magazine, Warhammer 40,000 Combat Patrol. https://www.fauxhammer.com/news/warhammer-40000-combat-patrol-announcement/ Looks like 9 Combat Patrols (Space Marines, Tyranids, Chaos Space Marines, Aeldari, Orks, Leagues of Votann, Astra Militarum, Genestealer Cults, and World Eaters), an extra unit for each (I can't see the Astra Militarum or Ork options in the tiny pictures they have), a limited edition Space Marine and then paints and brushes (no terrain). Premium kit is another extra unit for 8 of the 9 factions Not sure if I'll bite on this one, depends on my budget at the time, but I kind of hope the next AoS one doesn't go in this direction
  12. Probably Tuesday (Monday being a bank holiday)
  13. Honestly, I never picked up the old Green Knight, so much as I'd like the modern studio to take a crack at it in plastic I'll quite happily pick up the old one for a future painting project if he's available
  14. I had hoped for more of the kits to make the jump to plastic but honestly everything I wanted from Tomb Kings is back on sale and a good chunk is plastic so I can be happy with that.
  15. And honestly there's a lot to be hopeful about with the remaining Dawnbringers books. Both Arks of Omen and Broken Realms had some incredible miniatures with their last books, so hopefully we've got a few to come that'll knock our socks off (and that's ignoring Underworlds and Warcry)
  16. Using 3rd edition as an example, we're probably looking at Spring 2025 for the first substantial releases that aren't from the starter factions, or single hero releases. For 3rd we got Nurgle, Fyreslayers and Idoneth in Winter 2021/22 with single hero releases, then Nighthaunt got a medium update (2 heroes and a unit) in spring.
  17. Obviously, that's from an actual official source. Maybe lead with that next time
  18. I've not watched the stream but even then it's a 3rd party source. GW hasn't mentioned a preview, and LVO hasn't listed tickets for a preview for sale on their website so it is, for all intensive purposes, likely but not confirmed.
  19. Just because it's the normal doesn't mean it will be. I personally expect there to be a preview at the LVO, but until it's announced we don't know. No sense saying "yes there will be a preview on this date" unless it's confirmed. It just leads to more posts asking about why it's not happening if it doesn't.
  20. GW haven’t announced any previews for the LVO yet so we don’t know
  21. The idea is that you buy that box set to get the mini, rather than keeping another SKU on the catalogue as well as encourage less optimal purchases (although honestly, most Combat Patrols and Vanguard boxes are reasonable purchases when starting an army unless you have a very cast iron view of what you want model wise). And when they change the boxes the locked heroes do tend to come back to the online store (the Endrinmaster was previously locked to Start Collecting Kharadron Overlords and is now available again by themselves)
  22. I think it's the Gitmas Grot, hence why it's still available
  23. Yeah Necrons didn't really have anything to be paired with, but Tyranids... well Genestealer Cults are a faction comprised of lots of clampack heroes that are perfect to go in individual issues. And Tyranids are kind of better set out for this than Orruks were too.
  24. Imperium was a mix of Space Marines, Ad Mech and Sisters of Battle. The Ad Mech stuff included my least favourite models in the range, the Sisters stuff is just the combat patrol/launch box sprues. Couple that with some of the Marine stuff being things I didn't want more of (Assault Intercessors and Outriders), plus no terrain that interested me, I just picked up a few single issues. If the new one is a mix of Tyranids and Genestealer Cults, plus something more interesting on the Imperium side added to the Space Marines, then I'd probably bite the bullet and subscribe again.
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