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Posts posted by EonChao

  1. 14 minutes ago, Chaos Shepard said:

    I expect that it is just some lore building. There is similar mention of aquatic beastmen in the Beast of Chaos tome who are mix of fish and sharks. I don't think they will pop up as a whole unit but I could see them appear as some kind of underworlds team.

    I mean that's what I want from Underworlds now we've covered pretty much every faction. I'm assuming we're getting another season set in Ulgu so I'm really hoping we get teams of Khainite Shadowstalkers and Corvus Cabal in it as it would both be an obvious place to draw ideas from and provide alternate sculpts for Warcry.


    Also give me some random stuff that hints at the removed Warhammer Fantasy models and Cities figures themed to that realm too.

  2. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Aw mate that's awesome!! I can wait another 2 months, great news even if it's just for the next Battletome confirmations.


    I can reasonably safely say I'll be there at the event too, so if there's anything they show in the preview then put physically in the cabinets I'll be taking plenty of photos to share.

    And yeah UK Games Expo very much isn't just for the side games. They put a lot of work into promoting Dark Imperium, Soul Wars and contrast paints there for each of those releases. I suspect Heresy might get a chunk of attention but we'll hopefully see some other new bits and pieces.

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  3. 18 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    Kharadrons with boltguns..

    As for the real dwarfs.. you wait till we hit the realm of fire edition. Yup. keep the faith brudder.

    Realm of fire = Choas Dwarfs and some khorne for sure.  yae it shall be so.


    Realm of fire for chaos dwarf rebirth

    Realm of fire for khorne based mirth

    With ears are long and faces that runny.

    Elves won't laugh as they won't find it funny.


    Counterpoint: Realm of Shadow Chaos Duardin, operating vast furnace fortresses whose presence is hidden by the vast amounts of smoke that bellow forth at every moment, industriously building war engines to bring to battle against Malakith in his own realm.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    I'm not sure we're getting a Fest event this year - certainly it's unlikely it'll be in May if they do and it's been many years since it was run in September (thank goodness, got fed up queueing in the rain).  I think the HH open day is another test to see how safe an event is to run - personally I could see GD possibly being run like this for this year.

    That's true. They have mentioned a UK GD this year but not the format. I guess I'll be hoping I can get the event models at the UKGE this year.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    Could someone tell me when the next event is going to be. I need to get mentally ready for a Sylvaneth reveal. Hype!

    We rarely know that far in advance. There's a Horus Heresy event on the 7th May focusing on the new edition so either there will be a preview in April to show off the box and stuff for other games, or that and other Heresy stuff will be saved for then. I'm not sure if we have a date for Warhammer Fest/UK Golden Demon this year. They might also do something for UK Games Expo (3rd-5th June). 

  6. Yeah assuming the new DoK character is priced at the same point as the Ironscale then the DoK half is more expensive to buy separately than the box itself.

    The Nighthaunt side is similar depending on the price of the new minis separately.

    Just a shame I don't need anymore Bladegheists, Myrmourn or another Crawlocke!

    • Sad 1
  7. 13 hours ago, novakai said:

    Well plus the new edition of Horus Heresy maybe bigger and more extensive then people are aware of, so I can definitely see that game system taking most of the tail end of summer and some of Fall with it. especially if they are trying to replace most of the generic legion Forgeworld model (there a lot of them). It possible it going to become a full fledge game system that GW proper is going to fully support now.

    I mean from the looks of things it certainly seems that way. We've got the launch box, followed apparently by smaller starters and then possibly a few more vehicle kits if the Last Chance to Buy is anything to go off of. Plus you could imagine seeing a few other infantry choices like Breachers and Destroyers making the jump to plastic too.

    Hopefully that eating factory time is the main issue with AoS releases and they start to increase in pace once the Heresy releases

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  8. 27 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Oh? Is there much Lore in the Warzone books or is it mostly rules?

    I'd say they wanted to save some Reveals for Warhammerfest in May. It's not that far away and makes the wait seem less between reveal and release of the Summer Tomes. Who knows they may reveal Sylvaneth and Skaven with a Nighthaunt style release for Sylvaneth and a massive update for Skaven!!

    I've not picked up the 40k ones but I believe from the contents pages that Warzone Octarius part 1 was at least 20% lore and Warzone Charadon part 1 was around 35-40% lore. So there should be a reasonable amount. It's also worth noting that Octarius part 2 also advanced the lore of the 40k setting 


    with Tyranids killing the Overfiend of Octarius and beginning to mop up the remaining Orks in the aftermath as well as the Imperial forces sent to try and prevent the Orks from losing and continue the stalemate. This begins to wrap up a plot point first introduced in 2008's Codex Orks. Obviously it's still and active warzone, space is very big, but the implication is Hive Fleet Leviathan might start to move onto the rest of the galaxy again.


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  9. So CSM or Chaos Knights for 40k, presumable the summer battle tomes for AoS (or at least one of them), Ash Wastes, Zombie warband and a new Blood Bowl team (I'm hoping Amazons). Horus Heresy will be a teaser video for the new edition but no actual reveal

  10. 17 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I am so curious about the Horus Heresy release as it has seemed like the focus of every single event and then we are met by radio silence. I wonder if they are retooling the box in some way?

    There is a new HH article today but it still just feels so odd that when people notice a model in a Tyranid preview or we get a potato cam Kangaroo Elf they go into immediate damage control and do a press release. I don't doubt it is coming I am just curious if there is a bigger reason for the lack of official release information. Finally I wonder if these reasons are impacting any releases on our end like AOS, Underworlds, Quest or Warcry?

    As for my expectations for Adepticon, they are pretty low at this point. I feel this year is 40k focused with AOS mostly churning out tomes. 

    This is kind of what happened with Indomitus. There was a potato cam photo that had a whole mess of the Ultra Marine and Blood Angel Primaris Marines that were released with that wave (Gladiator, Storm Speeder, Outriders and Eradicators all being things I remember being in it) and they were just completely radio silent on it despite other leaks being revealed at the time. I suspect this is something similar, because it ties into a major release they want to acknowledge it properly.


    Adepticon I expect we'll see some of the upcoming Chaos stuff for 40K, Ash Wastes for Necromunda, a new Blood Bowl team, the zombie Underworlds warband, a tease of the summer battle tomes for AoS and Heresy teased or possibly unveiled.

    • Thanks 2
  11. 3 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    I'm just hoping Tomb Kings kits are brought back at a reasonable price :) . Still, the amount of lore and kits that are coming our way, from Kislev and Cathay alone, will spark hundreds of projects. I once told @Neverchosen over on the Old World Discussion thread that I plan on making an Ainu themed army from Kislev and Cathay (or Nippon if they ever release them) kitbashes when the time comes, to say nothing about my plans for Araby.

    Oh I'd love Tomb Kings to be brought back. I think it'd be fun to mix some of them with OBR to use to make a Cities of Nagash idea

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  12. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I thought that was a new Cities of Sigmar model at first glance and now I feel sad.

    At least it could be a fun base for a Hurricanum in a Cathay homebrew city.

    That's honestly the main reason I'm excited about The Old World, various new sources for Cities of Sigmar models to increase variety

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  13. 2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    It did not, no mention or pictures of it in there.


    Damn, was hoping that might be a means we'd get to see what would be in the upcoming Fyreslayers, Deepkin, Daughters and Nighthaunt vanguard releases if their books are released first

  14. Too echo what's been said above, generally they'll let you order as many as you can pay for. The loot group tends to try to hit up events like this and can have people ordering plenty to cover those who can't make it/don't live near a store/don't want to wait for their nearest event. However I believe some stores have recently been saying that ordering multiple of them doesn't count towards the thresholds for free gifts so if you're after the bag and stuff like that it might be worth remembering that.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Updated the first post with the premium issue contents (listed in issue 1 of the trial release).

    Premium issue 1: Yndrasta, Knight-Vexilor and 3 Annihilators (sprue from Dominion)

    Premium issue 2: Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, Murknob and 3 Man-skewer Boltboys (sprue from Dominion)

    Premium issue 3: Grundstok Gunhauler, Aetheric Navigator and 3 Skywardens

    Premium issue 4: Dankhold Troggoth and 3 Rockgut Troggoths

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