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Everything posted by EonChao

  1. The Praetors does mean that we've now covered everything from the starter sets apart from the duplicate Vindictors and Hobgrots, and the terrain has been out of print for a while and makes for cool looking scatter terrain.
  2. New AoS novel coming featuring the Lumineth and Deepkin and following up in the end of Broken Realms Teclis vs Nagash fight War comm link
  3. Those minis look fantastic. Looking forward to seeing more of the range
  4. You seem up to date. Issues 11-14 are the delivery I’m waiting for right now. I anticipate it arriving this week
  5. There were plenty of Vanguard boxes released separately to the battletome. The Daughters of Khaine and Nighthaunt ones were released months after the books came out due to them being in a box against each other. Similar with the Sylvaneth, being released later too. It's probably a sign that some of the new units will be in it and they want to sell them individually a few times first.
  6. Yeah, looking at the kits we're getting in this magazine there's hopefully not going to be too many split up between multiple issues just down to how many kits are units that come on one sprue so don't split up easily or are fairly low value by themselves. They did split up the Necron Warrior sprues with Imperium though so that's why I think the Stabbas/Shootas will be split up
  7. Don't worry, the week after is bound to be the Lion and the other new marines from the end of 9th getting their individual releases, followed by 2 weeks of 10th ed preorders so there's plenty of time for players to pick up Seraphon at a reasonable pace before the earliest possible chance of Harbingers releasing
  8. I'm in the UK but a few people have ordered issues from Forbidden Planet from outside the UK. I'm not sure what the postage is like but they should tell you that when ordering issues. I'm not sure what import tax between the UK and EU currently are They also split some of the Nighthaunt units across multiple issues (5 in one issue, then another 5 in another) which is why I think the basic Gitz will be handled that way
  9. They do split some of the kits up based on the number of sprues and value of the kit. They tend to split them up in ways to discourage buying individual issues where possible but are heavily dependent on the sprues and also pad out the releases to 80 issues. I could see the Marshcrawler and Skumdrekk being 2 issues each (they're not super pricy kits). Likewise the Stormdrake Guard will almost certainly be 3-4 issues (2 sprues and bases all done separately). Other than that we might be quite fortunate in terms of splits. I think the Gloomspite Stabbas will be over 2 issues. The Treelord and Gargant too. However unlike the Necron and SoB kits there aren't many that can be divided up by sprues in a nice neat way that gives you at least a single model each issue or one bigger kit. Edit: I don't think we'll get an extra 10 issues to Stormbringer. It's possible but I suspect it won't. That said I'll be resisting buying too many others kits for the armies in the subscription until after it ends just in case.
  10. So that just leaves another 10 Hobgrots, the Snatchaboss and the Marshcrawler Sloggoth to wrap up the Kruleboyz issues
  11. There's still a lot of Seraphon to be released. Obviously some people have the army box but those kits all need individual releases, and we've got another 6 kits to release on top of those (Kroxigor, Saurus Cavalry, mounted Scar-Vet, Skink Starseer, Spawn of Chotec and Astrolith bearer) which is a bit more than a single release window. Also it's worth nothing that the presenters said that the Seraphon army box came out a few weeks ago and that Harbingers was just very very soon.
  12. Nope, Fauxhammer said he'd post it this week but still nothing. I've not had my account update to include the fourth delivery but in theory that should be arriving in the next week if there's no delays on Hachette's end
  13. They've been around a long time with a fairly stable design but that's reasonably unique to 40k, so they've become quite iconic even beyond Warhammer fans. Outwardly to new players they seem like a human faction that looks very cool and striking. Their models tend to have lots of flat surfaces with minimal details like their leg and shoulder armour which makes them less intimidating to paint. They are pushed in marketing and starter sets but they have a lot that helps them appeal to new players to earn that spot. Then once people get into them they have the lion's share of the lore that helps give people something get their teeth stuck into that's a bit more concrete than how some of the other factions are.
  14. Remember, Space Marines are GWs biggest sellers by a wide margin. It makes sense to do a Space Marine made to order semi-regularly to show that there's sufficient demand for older models and build evidence to argue for them continuing to do batches like this. Including the Primaris Company Champion with this one will show there's demand for event minis to be included in this and help them get to wider audiences. I get it's easy to roll our eyes at more of them but someone in GW is almost certainly using this to prove internally that they should bring event minis to made to order after they've finished being the hot new event figure and that benefits us too in fighting scalpers and helping more people get a hold of event minis
  15. Assuming the dates we have are correct then we've got two more preorder weekends before Leviathan so it fits quite well. Presumably The Lion, Desolators, Lieutenant, and Brutalis get their individual releases in the next batch and then Seraphon go for preorder on the 3rd June (matching the summer slot they're said to go in). I got a Company Champion at an event last year so I'm good but really glad they're re-releasing these as made-to-order models.
  16. Last time it happened it turned out to be a paint issue and we think Forbidden Planet just ordered less of it than others. That said Fauxhammer has been pretty clear that he announces what's in the issues to his patreons before he posts it to his website so it could also be a good issue that's been scalped. That's why some people preorder every issue through FB and then cancel the ones they don't want.
  17. Not really, the only thing I'd say is that because they have the premium issues tying into the factions in the main run this time that's probably a guide. So at a guess I'd say we get mainly Stormcast and all the Kruelboyz first. We'll switch from Kruelboyz to Ironjawz in time to tie in the 2nd premium issue that comes in the delivery with issue 33. There's only 4 Ironjawz issues so they probably change to Gloomspite not long after that which will probably run until near the end of the collection for the Troggoth premium issue delivered with issue 69. Stormcast will likely switch for Kharadron in time for the issue 51 delivery and as there's only 4 kits my guess is they'll do the Sylvaneth issues after those. I think the Gargant will the be the last couple of issues Obviously this is all guess work but it makes sense to tie in the premium issues to other releases for their factions so the scenarios in them can be a bit more expansive.
  18. There's also the fact that the roadmaps for Warcry and Kill Team are different. Warcry specifies 4 new warbands Order vs Destruction and 2 new warbands Order vs Death, whereas Kill Team says New Season part 1 and 2. Whilst it's not mentioned in the Q&A section of the article that could just be an odd editorial decision. In an ideal world we'd get both but I'm looking forward to it hopefully letting me get exactly which warbands I want and possibly keeping the Gnarlwood terrain around for another year so I can flesh out a board with plenty of it!
  19. Goonhammer covered the Warcry Q&A section, specifically noting the Warbands coming later this year aren’t in FOMO boxes but are coming as individual warband releases https://www.goonhammer.com/the-warcry-preview-reporting-from-warhammer-fest/#The_Q_A
  20. It was mentioned in the This Week in Warhammer video that was uploaded with the article today.
  21. As Noserenda mentioned they did online reveals of stuff for the factions in the release box coming out a few months later for both Indomitus and Dominion so there will presumable be Tyranid and Marine reveals in late June. Aside from that if they do anything before NOVA it will likely be at the UK Games Expo but when they've done reveals there in the past it's usually been focused on side games like Blood Bowl, Underworlds and Warcry. I don't play Kill Team but Gallowfall apparently sold out stupidly fast this morning. Hopefully GW see that as a sign of the popularity of Dwarves/Duardin/Leagues/Squats and Beastmen and put some resources into updating them in other games
  22. The roadmap said Spring and Spring is often counted as ending at the end of May so presumable in the next few weeks.
  23. I think if they're revealing anything other than resin Necromunda and Blood Bowl figures on the WarCom site in the next few weeks then it'll probably be new Space Marines and Tyranids to continue to build 10th ed hype
  24. I think it'll still be Stormcast in the starter but you'll find Cities of Sigmar promoted more beyond that. Like if Hachette do a 4th ed partworks magazine I could see that being a mix of Stormcast and Cities (like Stormbringer is including Kharadron and Sylvaneth alongside Stormcast and Gloomspite alongside Orruks). Mostly because the setting of TOW will be focused on the Empire and I could see GW not wanting to double up on similar factions as the primary new player faction between the two (unlike Heresy which exists to sell more Space Marines)
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