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Everything posted by EonChao

  1. And apparently some Blood Bowl stuff but completely unmentioned in the article itself outside of the title and one of the first paragraphs.
  2. Not AoS but the 40k points are now out for those interested (along with the rules commentary) and they've swung 40k into AoS style points with you paying x amount for various blocks of models that make up a unit and options being free which is an interesting change. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/oF1iWIkNsvlUHByM.pdf
  3. It and the Vanguard make a nice little 1500 point starting point for a Maggotkin collection with the duplicated units having the variety needed to keep them looking distinct.
  4. We do have the Rotmire Creed but I'd also like to see something like diseased spearmen and pestigores for the range too
  5. Speaking of Blacktalon. I'm a couple of episodes behind so am watching the 4th one right now and this Nurgle corrupted farmer is such a cool design. I really would love to see something like this in 4th with rules that cause the terrain nearby to cause debuffs or something similar
  6. The second week of new edition preorders is usually a filler week. Indomitus had nothing go up for preorder (although obviously that was the height of the pandemic), Dominion had Blood Bowl made to order and a Forge World Necromunda kit, and Age of Darkness just had JoyToy Space Marines
  7. For those still after those warbands according to the Stormbringer contents leak which is starting to prove accurate then the Underworlds Warbands will be in the following issues: 10: Xandire's Truthseekers 18: Da Kunnin' Krew 28: Zarbag's Gitz 37: Ylthari’s Guardians 42: Mollog’s Mob 56: Thundrik’s Profiteers 70: Ironskull’s Boyz
  8. Forbidden Planet will ship it internationally but Goblin Trader look like they're planning for being able to stock it in the near future based on the fact their preorders are where the contents leak came from. They just haven't posted any dates yet https://www.goblintrader.es/
  9. Pretty much, where they split up a kit that makes one model they tend to do it so it all arrives in one delivery and it fits the leak. I certainly ordered one of 20 and 21
  10. Hachette’s website has updated to show issue 19 is Gardus and issue 20 is the first half of the Marshcrawla Sloggoth so that lends weight to the Spanish leak
  11. I’m not 100% but is the cover art for this week’s Stormbringer new?
  12. Over on GW's Facebook accounts they've announced that the Tyranid and Space Marine reveals will be tied to a global campaign using Leviathan with the winning faction getting their models revealed first. Considering Leviathan doesn't come out until the 25th June and they need to have at least a few days for people to play games and submit results we're probably looking like a lean few weeks for 40k reveals.
  13. As others have mentioned it varies wildly. I've had stuff arrive within a week and stuff take months to arrive through MTO. As I understand it, they test the viability of the mould and make a bunch before announcing it so if you get your order in quickly they'll use those to satisfy orders. Any they get beyond that have to wait.
  14. They did not say in the next few weeks for Harbingers. I’ve watched the stream a couple times looking for that after seeing it said around here. They said similar for Seraphon, talking about the fact the full release was coming soon and that was it. Harbingers has always been a summer release which for GW is June-Aug and we knew it wouldn’t drop before 40k
  15. We won’t get confirmation until we see a few batches of upcoming issues but this is kind of how the original Conquest magazines contents leaked.
  16. Not sure how accurate this is but a Spanish site seems to have every miniature issues contents listed for most issues. The currently unknown issues are listed as: 19: Gardus Steel Soul 20: Marshcrawler Sloggoth part 1 21: Marshcrawler Sloggoth part 2 22: 2x paints 23: Lord Aquilor 24: Loonboss 25: Azyrite Shattered Plaza Fountain frame 26: 2x paints 27: Gryph-Hounds 28: Zarbag’s Gitz 29: 2x paints 30: Hobgrot Slittaz 31: Vigilors 32: Shootas 33: Knight-Judicator 34: 2x paints 35: Arch-Revenant 36: Fungoid Cave-Shaman Snazgarr Stinkmullet 37: Ylthari’s Guardians 38: Vindictors 39: 2x paints 40: Treelord part 1 41: Treelord part 2 42: Mollog’s Mob 43: Tree-Revenants 44: 2x paints and layer brush 45: Fanatics 46: Branchwych 47: Nexus Syphon 48: Boingrot Bounders 49: Spite-Revenants 50: 2x paints, texture scraper 51: Loonboss (possibly on Giant Cave Squig) 52: Endrinmaster 53: 2x paints 54: Sneaky Snufflers 55: Domicile Shell 56: Thundrik’s Profiteers 57: Squig Herd 58: 2x paints 59: Grundstock Thunderers 60: Aleguzzler Gargant part 1 61: Aleguzzler Gargant part 2 62: 2x paints 63: Arkanaut Admiral 64: Skragrott the Loonking 65: Guardian Idol 66: 2x paints 67: Vanquishers 68: Megaboss 69: Domicile Shell 70: Ironskull’s Boyz 71: 2x paints 72: Badtian Carthalos 73: ‘Ardboyz 74: Guardian Idol 75: Warchanter 76: Stormdrake Guard part 1 77: Stormdrake Guard part 2 78: Stormdrake Guard part 3 79: probably Swampboss Skumdrekk part 1 80: probably Swampboss Skumdrekk part 2 https://www.goblintrader.es/gb/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=stormbringer&submit_search&fbclid=IwAR08Mgejd_MbRAL29nnbPll72-PzkiqgdS8yM_MI9k_scjaK465va46Uqus_aem_th_AaDUvmrXx0VFmbUAL-U902BoObw0gsuVs3X5v6kXOcdW-qOqyIMwONM7iz75IRwioZs
  17. So I have an idea for this. Each of the forces of Destruction represent a specific kind of destruction. The Orruks represent the destruction of society, the Gloomspite represent the destruction of knowledge, the Ogors represent the destruction of the body, and the Sons represent the destruction of the world. I see the Silent People as being the destruction of the self. Parasitic wasp like creatures, puppeting members of the other races through hidden larvae consuming and controlling their hosts. This would be both fitting for Destruction as they infest and convert settlements to their hives, whilst also making them fill a creepy element that AoS doesn't have many models for in the range at the moment. It also would work with the lore hints about human like Silent People as well as the insect hints.
  18. I'm honestly quite impressed there's not loads of Tyranid rumours doing the rounds. Everything feels very quiet on the rumour front in general right now.
  19. It's not in house but it has moved to the UK now from what I remember (to avoid shipping issues like we had in recent years). The problem is that the box at the moment is about £20 better in value than most other Vanguard boxes.
  20. Yep, mine also arrived yesterday and people in other spaces have started receiving them over the last couple of days too so hopefully yours will be soon too
  21. Yeah there's no way 10th ed is delaying news about TOW. GW literally operate their marketing on what's coming in the next few weeks to a month. They very rarely do more than talk vaguely about stuff further off. I would say the fact we got two models previewed and information about how it's going to release means that TOW is probably planned for between 40k 10th and AoS 4th but it's still far too soon for them to go into much more detail about exactly what new is coming.
  22. Nope, Powerwash Simulator is quite popular for a relaxing game. It has a fairly sizable fan community and I could imagine adding in some 40k vehicles and terrain to wash down could make for some more variety for it.
  23. Honestly I have Da Kunnin Krew, a Beastkiller bow and the Shaman's on my desk to paint right now and Da Kunnin Krew are the least intimidating to me. They just have less clutter on the models themselves
  24. The Praetors does mean that we've now covered everything from the starter sets apart from the duplicate Vindictors and Hobgrots, and the terrain has been out of print for a while and makes for cool looking scatter terrain.
  25. New AoS novel coming featuring the Lumineth and Deepkin and following up in the end of Broken Realms Teclis vs Nagash fight War comm link
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