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Everything posted by EonChao

  1. The Ogor Tyrant issue is a little disappointing. The model is good as we know, and cheaper than buying it by itself from GW. But the issue doesn't have any lore, just a few photos, rules, instructions and painting guide, with a bonus section on photographing models (complete with a little backdrop to use). But I was kind of hoping for a scenario to mix it in with the rest of the collection.
  2. The difference between Beastmen and High/Wood/Dark Elves is that GW had completely different ideas for directions to take the Aelves in that stepped on similar design space to the Elves of WfB. So they lumped them into Cities of Sigmar to kill time whilst preparing to replace them. Beasts of Chaos on the other hand were allowed to be their own thing. If GW had similar plans for them then they would have just wrapped them in with Slaves to Darkness like the WfB Beastmen used to be mixed in with the main Chaos list in older editions. I think Beastmen will be an army that largely straddles both games. They don't really need many older models bringing back for TOW that aren't somewhere in the AoS range, and the figures are fairly unique to GW in the wider industry. What we might see in the future is TOW is used to update classic Beastmen units, and AoS is used to add more unique out there stuff to the faction that only gets added to AoS.
  3. I don't think they said soon, just that older stuff being updated was on the cards. I assumed it was talking about 4th edition
  4. MtG burnout is also down to product fatigue. For GW we have a fairly limited selection and you know what is in pretty much every release as it comes out. Yes things are constantly being released but it's very easy to compartmentalise between the different systems, factions and product types without too much difficulty. Magic has the issue where not only is pretty much everything relevant for Commander (the most popular format), but each product is released in 4-5 different ways that further muddies things. There's plenty of people who are just mentally burning out from that overload. I forgot Commander Masters was a thing until I stumbled across a preview for it... it just wouldn't click that there could be two booster sets in between two standard sets. Last time I tried to order singles I hit major decision paralysis because I was discovering cards that I just didn't know existed.
  5. Yeah GW aren't making bad miniatures, people are just getting to a point where they're being more self controlled (or to the point where they have no money for various reasons so have to be self controlled)
  6. I mean that's where you want to be isn't it? Into the game but not dealing with a feeling of needing to buy stuff from every release and experiencing constant FOMO. Like I really liked all four of the Harbingers but I don't own Maggotkin or Fyreslayers, my Gloomspite army is largely coming from Stormbringer, and my Flesh Eater Courts are mostly unbuilt so I can wait to get any of them that I do pick up.
  7. The list is also missing the Epic Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/07/06/heresy-thursday-unleash-a-pack-of-dire-wolf-scout-titans-with-a-new-plastic-kit/
  8. It's been mentioned in the lore accompanying Dawnbringers and Whitefang liked a post about it possibly being a thing but there were at least a couple other things in that post.
  9. I think the Tyranid update gives me hopes for the Skaven one. Focusing on updating older core kits to bring them up to date and adding a few new bits and pieces in too. Because honestly much as it's nice to see lots of new things there's stuff which does need modern updates for a bunch of factions. Like of course I wanted more for Tyranids but they could have added another 3-4 kits and I would have still wanted more
  10. It's just the fountain and chest pieces as those are all on the same sprue
  11. I'm wondering if stuff like the Cursed City heroes might just be shuffled into Legends.
  12. I'm a little sad as the Shadow Warriors are already gone here and they were on the list of things I was considering for my Har Kuron army but hopefully they'll be back as High Elves in TOW soon. Still that should give us an idea of how many of the 54 units we're still waiting to see.
  13. Imperium came to Canada at the same time as the US so hopefully Stormbringer will be the same
  14. For those is the USA who are interested in it (or deals on models in individual issues), Fauxhammer is reporting that the Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer magazine will be starting in the US this fall/autumn. We have a so far accurate leak of the models in each issue of Stormbringer so if you’re interested in Stormcast, Orruks, Gloomspite, Sylvaneth or Kharadron might be worth taking a look at it https://www.fauxhammer.com/news/announcement-warhammer-stormbringer-coming-to-the-usa/?fbclid=IwAR2AxG-oKFFN4kWKMhgLzyfddokjQwAuJRJm_oUFhCLWKlUApc0jwXVCHls_aem_AY4ZlFgsTbp1C0ltJZ2-7KtGxkbSDKg6jQGum4gx2M9v_ARjnufFLFa4qUAykZb1tB8&utm_content=cmp-true
  15. They’ve got a brand new exclusive, Fauxhammer are reporting Stormbringer will be available in the US this fall/autumn https://www.fauxhammer.com/news/announcement-warhammer-stormbringer-coming-to-the-usa/?fbclid=IwAR2AxG-oKFFN4kWKMhgLzyfddokjQwAuJRJm_oUFhCLWKlUApc0jwXVCHls_aem_AY4ZlFgsTbp1C0ltJZ2-7KtGxkbSDKg6jQGum4gx2M9v_ARjnufFLFa4qUAykZb1tB8&utm_content=cmp-true
  16. I did, I caught the list of future deliveries and the conversation on this page but clearly missed the other post.
  17. Issues 24 and 25's covers have been revealed and confirmed them as the Loonboss and Azyrite Shattered Fountain respectively, which matches the leak
  18. Could be it's only really humans that are getting an update this time to scale them up and differentiate them from the upcoming Empire and Bretonnia new/re-releases.
  19. Warcry doesn't seem like it has a low entry point from the outside. That's the number one issue I have with talking to people about it. They assume they need one of the big boxes to get started. If this is priced similar or less than the Kill Team starter and is an evergreen product it'll be a good way of getting new players to try the game whilst containing the essentials to get started with.
  20. How dare you apply logic to people wanting to moan about any little thing. 😉 I though the preview could have done with something a little more for Dawnbringers but otherwise was fine. The two new models we saw for Dawnbringers looked good, especially the manticore, and the army box looks like a neat place to start the army from. I must be good and not buy it. The Underworlds warband looks great, really shows how awesome an updated Clan Pestilens range could look. Hopefully they're part of the 4th edition update. The Warcry one surprised me a little. The models all look great but it only containing 8 figures felt like it was too few. Then I remembered that some of the 1st edition warbands contained less than 10 models and Orruks and Baboons are probably stronger than the average human. Also glad as it gives Kruleboyz another unit and will hopefully give more variety to lists. It definitely feels like it fits them well, after all someone needs to catch the greater gnashtooths, and sloggoths. The knights look cool, and it's not surprise Epic got the lions share, it's a whole new game to launch. The infantry and tanks do look better than the older lines did. It'd be a fun project to build a travel 30k set from it.
  21. Everyone getting excited about a Skaven tease should remember it can’t be them, for Skaven don’t exist. It’s clearly teasing that Monsieur Squeakums is finally getting a model as a CoS centrepiece model
  22. Issues 29, 30, 31 and 32 are now up for preorder on Forbidden Planet. Miniature wise according to the leak those are: 30: 10 Hobgrot Slittaz 31: 5 Vigilors 32: 20 Gloomspite Shootas/Stabbas
  23. Kruleboyz, having been designed for AoS will almost certainly have possible future ideas in the pipeline, we'll just have to see how long it takes GW to bring them to life.
  24. So the next delivery has started arriving and comes with a letter detailing the first opt in/opt out bonus, an Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant for £9.99. Which is a decent price on a model currently only available directly from GW or in the Mawtribes Vanguard box if you want it, and if you don't you can opt out of it by contacting Hachette
  25. Fingers crossed for a matriarch shaman for Sons of Behemat.
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