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Posts posted by Percivael

  1. On 26/12/2016 at 10:26 AM, Percivael said:

    I'm really excited about the new Duardin faction. With this new Tzeentch picture we can make a more solid speculation of what the Steamhead will include:

    Iron Breakers

    Iron Drakes


    Battlesuits - Ogor sized steam punk robots - Hellboy 2 the Golden Army?

    A behemoth robot - also builds a big bad Alarielle level character


    Steam tank/Iron Daemon type thing?

    So what will the battle suits/robots look like?

    Like this?


    Or more like this?!


    Tic Toc Duardin! I called it back in December!

    • Like 1
  2. 42 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

    10 would be insane considering they're "monstrous infantry".  It makes me question the rumor a little since I can't see 10 of them being in play at once unless this is some serious hack and slash.

    I know yes. But on the other hand they do have a variety of weapons- could have different attacks based on weapons - two hand weapons, hand weapon and shield, double handed scythe etc.

  3. There's a rumour on Twitter that it's 10 Putrid Blight Kings in the new Warhammer quest, not five. This would make it considerably better value. It would essentially be a game and a load of other miniatures for under £30! Might be wishful thinking but fingers crossed.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    It is clear that this box is a reaction to the success of silver tower. I don't think this product was Greenlit until after silver tower was released. 9 months is a very fast turnaround. Sculpting a bunch of new mini's would delay the release for at least a year. 

    Looking around the Internet last year, the chief complaints about silver tower were the overly specific tiles, the lack of a proper campaign element and the slightly dragged out Ai phase. The box seems explicitly designed to answer those complaints. 

    If they listened to people's complaints last time I hope they listen to my upcoming slew of emails asking for a card only version of this game.

    A more generic and versatile dungeon crawler will be cool.

    I hear eBay will be doing a card only version!?

    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    It is definitely coming out soon as it is in next months white dwarf.

    what everyone has been calling a slaughter priest looks much more like a reaver champion to me. 

    They are using the same sprues from the box sets so have sets of 5 and 10 makes sense. The user on Dakka typed it up themselves (possibly from an order sheet which retailers would be getting about now) so that explains the spelling mistake. 

    The minis cost about £130 individually so it is a  discount. There are also 5 more board tiles in the new box.

    Of course I would love more minis and a lower price but I expect this to turn out to be true. 

    Yep it's definitely coming out, I know. 

    I've just looked at the picture again and you may be right about the reaver champion. The presence of a double handed meat ripper axe would suggest it is a not the AoS starter set Blood Reavers but 10 of the 20 in a box ones.

    I still think it's a tad expensive though, if this leak is correct.

  6. Enemies are Blightkings and Tzeentch? Arch enemies! Just been reading DoT and it made a fair bit of their old enmity. Could Desciples of Nurgle be in pipeline?! Perhaps game could have cool mechanic were enemies can work together as normal but sometimes end up fighting each other!

    • Like 1
  7. Looking at the image and reading the info It is a stand alone game with new tiles and adventures but using existing miniatures. Heroes are left to right Black Ark Fleetmaster, Slaughter Priest, Cogmaster, Lord Castellant, Loremaster and Chaos Sorcerer Lord. Still very exciting though!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, CJPT said:

    It's also notable that the absence of Old World-style cities and relatable day-to-day humans was one of the most common criticisms of AoS when it was launched. Given the timescale of GW's planning and production process, it's likely that this new set of releases is one of the first to be conceived after that feedback came in. Maybe they're course correcting a little bit by giving Free Peoples some love before doubling down on Flying Robo-Dwarves?

    Sounds plausible to me!

  9. Like it's been said before, Silver Tower, as well being an excellent game, was a teaser of of things to come in AOS. We're getting DoT, the Aelves were something definitely new, this could be the Warpriest faction...hmm, how do those Steamhead Duardin fit in?

  10. In summary of everyone's guesses I think it may well be an Excelsior Warpriest riding a DemiGriff. Old DemiGriff Knights, which are still excellent models, could be repackaged as holy Knights Templar to go with Devoted of Sigmar. There could also be Griff Hound packs. Plus war alters, flagellents etc. Could be a really nice army. Perhaps we're gonna get months of successive battletomes!

  11. It is an absolutely amazing and beautiful model. I'm very tempted by DoT, but I think I will hold out until the Duardin come out. I kind of fancy an army that really looks like an army if you know what I mean - uniforms, armour, grim stoic faces etc.

  12. At £15 there may even be people picking it up as a first look at the Lord of Change mini, even 40k players. And anyone whose painted a Silver Tower set, myself included, will be thinking 'well If I just add a box of this and a box of that I could easily start a small Tzeentch army'! will definitely pick up the battletome and allow it to sway me!

  13. I remember a while back, during the End Times, I read a rumour about an imminent Lord of Change release with a 'fish head' variant. It's interesting that in the Silver Tower there was a fish on legs Tzeentch Familiar. I wonder if this old prediction will hold any truth!

    • Like 1
  14. I'm really excited about the new Duardin faction. With this new Tzeentch picture we can make a more solid speculation of what the Steamhead will include:

    Iron Breakers

    Iron Drakes


    Battlesuits - Ogor sized steam punk robots - Hellboy 2 the Golden Army?

    A behemoth robot - also builds a big bad Alarielle level character


    Steam tank/Iron Daemon type thing?

    So what will the battle suits/robots look like?

    Like this?


    Or more like this?!


    • Like 1
  15. 28 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    So, in the comments of our show this week and in the Facebook group I suggested that we might be looking at a Death-aligned Shadowkin faction under Malarion or Morathi.  Obviously the pattern looks dark aelves/shadowkin but the purple is that of the priests of Morr and similar death aligned stuff from prior lines.  The gems obviously look aelven.   Narratively, my rationale was that the turn towards Death makes a lot of sense. With so many elves having perished and slaanesh having bloated himself with elf souls, it would make sense for Malerion, after capturing Slaanesh, to try to extract the souls of the aelves from slaanesh, hence the return-them-at-all-costs turn towards Death (manipulation of death magic). They would likely have an affinity for ethereal undead, which has a close tie with shadow (Malerion's home and power source). Functionally, this would expand Death (much needed) and give them "living allies" that breaks up the Nagash unified dominance of the faction.

    Interestingly, a source seemingly in the know said I was really close.  I bantered a bit with them but they ultimately said they couldn't say more but to check out the Mistweaver from Silver Tower more closely because there are hints there. Then I looked at the mist coming out of the staff (posted by another person), see below.  This theory might have some legs. So, Death-aligned shadowkin coming to a store near you in the coming (6?) months (maybe?). 


    This sounds so plausible and compelling as a storyline that it's just got to be at least partly right!

    • Like 2
  16. But the Magnus muscles have energy sockets and have cables and wires showing through holes in his skin. It's definitely 40k. I don't think this will be the same body as the Lord of Change. See here:


    He does look like Sylvester Stallone though.

    • Like 5
  17. 9 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    It's a horrible site, especially considering it used to be somewhere really good to get rumours and see some of the cool stuff in the US. Even worse if you try viewing it off an iPhone!!!

    Just need to say this - Do not expect a Black Friday type sale off GW. Sales like this are usually to shift a load of stock before it is out of date or to make space in warehouses. GW stuff doesn't really go out of date in the same way as a lot of other stuff and they are fairly good at stocklevels now. Black Library on the otherhand may have a sale....

    They did huge Black Friday bundles last year with savings. Some people were disappointed that the savings weren't bigger. It's something they may try again to generate interest. But this is a post Start Collecting world we're living in so who knows!

  18. Hmmm does sound a bit boring. I was hoping these premium boxes were a logical step to £100 per box to accommodate the likes of Fyreslayers and Rotbringers. I wonder if these are the first 4 and there is more to come in the new year? Yes I think Black Friday may be one to watch this year as GW have really improved their prices since last year E.G. Start collecting boxes, Army boxes etc.

    21 minutes ago, polarbear said:

    Mega bundles sound a little boring. I hope there's a Black Friday sale to go along with it. Last year they packaged models that sell on squares with round bases. That would be a cool thing to do again.


  19. 1 hour ago, Double Misfire said:

    I wouldn't be shocked if we see allegiance packs for factions with pre GHB battletomes in the Black Library digital advent this year. They're a quick turnaround, people have been asking for them, and can be republished in future supplements. ;) 

    This would be great! I had a thought, what if one of the things that made them 'premium' Start Collecting boxes was that  pre Ghb armies came with with allegiance packs instead of Warscroll Battalions?

    • Like 1
  20. The rumour refers to them as Start Collecting Premium, I don't think they will be an army in a box a la Beastclaw raiders or other previous deals over the years. More of a semi-permanent line containing expensive centrepiece models such as the Magmadroth, or even the Glottkin, that are too pricey to combine with other models for £50. £100 sounds about right for that. No doubt we'll see  Stormcast and Space marines though.

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