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Posts posted by Percivael

  1. Here’s my long planned and finally executed female Lord Celestant conversion for my Sacrosanct themed Stormcast. I’ll also be using her as my Vandus Hammerhand (Vandessa Bladehand?) It was made using the Astreia Solbright body on Vandus’s Dracoth along with a load of other Stormcast spares and a Dark aelf banner. The hardest part was removing the Vandus legs. She has a little “Servo Skull” friend to take the reigns whilst she delivers righteous wrath!




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    • LOVE IT! 5
  2. 50 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

    One minor optimisation note: you only need one troops option in Warlord. I'd say put the Castigators in the troops slot, and the two units of 5 Sequitors in Expert Conquerers. No change to number of drops but it makes them a little bit better at holding objectives.

    I think it's a bit of a scorcher but I'm not sure the Lord Relictor is going to do all that much for you. You have Lauchon already, plus the LA on Gryph's inherent mobility. Personally I say switch out for a Knight Incantor. With Purple Sun being so powerful and common, being able to deny it even just once a game will be huge. You also save the arcane tome artefact, either letting you pick up something else (I quite like steadfast march for evos on dracs although it always feels bad when you roll a 1 for that run), or swap the Warlord for a Battle Regiment and be able to control the turn 1 initiative better.

    Good points! Thanks for that. Yes I went to Mancunian Carnage last weekend and Purple Suns were pretty prevalent- about half the armies there have them although I was lucky enough not to face one. Battle regiment is definitely a good shout to reduce the drops too. I have a Knight  incantor painted so that won’t be a problem.

  3. 2 hours ago, lare2 said:

    Do you have 3 more evocats and a battlemage? Lauchon one unit and mage the other... that'd hit hard. 

    By the bye, I'll be there as well running my SCE. Excited for it!

    No I don’t have 3 more Cats unfortunately- I don’t think I could finish them in time either- the last ones took me ages! I’ll definitely think about it though - would you say they are better than normal Evos?

    Battlemage sounds interesting. What does he do?

    what kind of list are you taking?

    See you there!

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  4. Hey guys what do you think of this list? I’m desperate for a semi-competitive Sacrosanct themed list for Facehammer GT in six weeks and I think this is the Strongest I can come up with from the models I have painted. It basically revolves around a Lauchon Evo-bomb to get them up close, whilst Vandus buffs the Sequitors. It also has movement options with Translocation. I just just want an army that can kill things!

    Suggestions welcome, I still have time to paint a couple of things.

    Let’s talk about Seqs…and Evos 


  5. I’m going to the Facehammer GT 2021 and unfortunately the new Stormcast book will not be out in time so I will be playing with my Stormcast army for the first time in 3.0 with the old book. I’m looking for advice on my list and what Subfaction to choose (or Staunch Defender!) Tempest Lords look good because of the command point generation and so many ways to spend them in 3.0. Also Astral Templars +1 to hit against monsters army wide may be good in the current meta. What would you choose?

    Can’t decide on what to spend last 260 pts on. I was thinking either 5 Evocators on foot OR another Ballista and a Knight Incantor. Which would you choose?

    My list is - 
    Lord Arcanum on G Charger, 
    Lord Ordinator, 
    3 x 5 Sequitors, 
    3 Evocators on Dracolines, 
    3 x Ballistas
    , Bastiladon with Solar Engine. 

    I know the Bastiladon is an odd choice but it’s a conversion and it is there as a centrepiece as much as anything else.

    So a last hurrah for the AoS 2.0 Stormcast book! I’m thinking spam ballistas may be the only way to give me a fighting chance of winning a couple of games through dumb luck. Always outnumbered, never outgunned!

  6. 13 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

    This was probably already brought up, but I just noticed that almost all the older soulblight models on the games workshop website are "Sold out online". 

    Do we think that the Cursed city models will eventually get released as their own separate sets? Then the question is, if your only interested in the models, what's a better buy? The Game and all its paraphernalia now, or the individual boxes later?

    I’m personally looking forward to the game as much as the models, but if you only want the models you can buy the game and sell the box and the contents on eBay. You’ll get a decent price, especially if you wait until the game is out of print. I recently sold Shadows over Hammerhal with no miniatures for £60.

  7. 1 hour ago, RedRowan said:

    Element Games had tweeted yesterday that they would be previewing some of the contents this week but the tweet seems to have disappeared now from what I can see.


    Oh yeah, I've just checked and its gone. You can still see it in retweets though. I retweeted it @SirPercivael They must have been told no, or its too early by GW. Perhaps GW want to get more announcements (or their own unboxing) in first.

  8. 34 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    Is it also possible that Warhammer Quest - Cursed City will still wait until May, because the Novel Release is not mentioned yet on Warhammer Community Coming Soon and their is stuff until April on the page at the moment.

    Nah I think it’s almost definitely coming out in March. Element games are promising previews of the box on social media this week . If an independent store are saying this then I assume they have at least a promotional copy in hand and full release is imminent- I reckon preorders on the 13th March. 

    As for the novel, I’m sure someone had an image saying it was coming in March but I can’t remember we’re I saw it possibly Twitter but taken from Facebook. And I agree it probably will be an existing model provided for a bit of fun as a hero card in the novel. But I still think Kritza will be available to use in Cursed City or else why link him so much to Ulfenkarn in his back story? Perhaps he will be the first expansion?

  9. I think Kritza is for Soulblight as it mentions a bloodline, but I think he might be usable as an adventurer in Cursed City.  His connections to the Ulfenkarn are just too strong. He certainly has a bone to pick with Radukar! He might even be the mysterious hero card in the Cursed City Novel!

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The map on the website also mentions "the spectral dead" and "carrion horrors".

    Oh yes! That would suggest Nighthaunt and Crypt Ghoul like creatures respectively. I would love to see the Ulfenkarn take on “Carrion Horrors”!

  11. The other option is, if there is any truth in the 300 USD price point, is that this price is for a luxury limited edition version, that includes hard back, gilt edged rule book and adventure book, perhaps dashboard-like character cards, coin’s instead of tokens, marbled dice etc. If that’s true, then I’m still all in!

  12. There’s a rumour doing the rounds in the board game/wargame YouTube community that cursed city will cost 300 USD over £200. While this seems a lot  I know GW wouldn’t price it that much if there wasn’t more to it than a usual boxed game. So this has got me speculating. We’ve seen a large city map, could Cursed City have a campaign map role playing element, like Games such as Misthaven? Could we see 3D scenery? Will it be tons of miniatures or a combo of all 3? I personally don’t mind paying that much as I know the content will reflect the price. That said it could just be a rumour as that is quite an unusual price point for GW!

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Wow, that means they flat out lied in that trailer for it. Those messages clearly show him saying warscroll cards are in the box.

    Yep that’s what I thought. It’s hilarious that the trailer makes a big fuss of the warscroll cards being in...the...box and then they’re not in the box at all! Obviously a mistake. Oh well those other cards with spells and traits on etc. are really nice and probably exclusive to the box. Anything that makes gaming smoother is a bonus.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Make friends with a Cities player, the General on Griffin has a spare griffin head (three actually; there are two single heads and one double head in it) and spare rider (there is Karl and another general apart from the Amber wizard).

    That’s a good idea. I actually like the Sphinx face. What I’d really like is another warscroll. A Generic combat/magic hero that can become a suitably impressive centrepiece for the army without having to take a special character like Teclis. The Teclis kit could possibly do this.

  15. So, unless GW are keeping a colossal secret, it seems we’ve seen all the kits for the Lumineth. All the articles, art work and photos would suggest that. Whilst this is relatively disappointing, we still have some of the most gorgeous rank and file in the whole of age of Sigmar. My favourites being the classic medieval fantasy tropes of archer, spearman and cavalry.

    I do have one last hope however, that the Teclis kit will have multi build options including a martial Prince riding upon a giant Hyshian Griffon. It would only take a head swap and a rider. Now that I would love. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Hannibal said:

    To be honest, I lost every single game with my blightking heavy lists (less than 2k points though) due to low model count. You´ve got 3 units, highly priced, rather low model count, slow as hell.

    In addition, your weapons are only 1" reach meaning you won´t be able to get all your fighters in range to strike at your opponent.


    I highly recommend the use of something fast like the Lord of Affliction that was named by a few posters above.

    Yeah I tend to lose every game anyway! Maybe this way I’ll have some miniatures left on the table by turn 4! But yeah You’re right.

  17. 28 minutes ago, Zplash said:

    This list is really tempting. Changing morbidex vs LoA or a good caster and it's nice and clean. 

    Over 200 life to chew through and with 20er blocks its easier to keep them within 7 of Harbinger. And what can kill 81 wounds save 4 up and 5 up fnp? 

    With only 20 models even the horde clearing spells and abilities won't hurt too much. 

    I think it will only struggle on scenarios with many objectives and heavy debuff/control armies. 

    But man 45 Blightkings... Very expensive and a lot to paint... 

    On the other hand the army will look very cool though :D

    Yeah! I know death star units have fallen out if favour recently, but I do believe that large units of Blightkings are looking pretty tasty in the current meta. Like you say, larger units mean more immovable Kings getting buffed. 

    As for painting I have 25 done with another 5 on the way. It is a lot to paint though, so I don’t know if this list will ever see the light of day! I’ve got a version of this list with 30 total Kings and Rotigus which will have to do if that’s all I have by the time of my next tournament in July.

  18. 14 hours ago, Paladin of Khorne said:

    I personally am looking forward to the undead conversions people come up with for this kit. 

    Definitely! And there’s a couple of Gargants skulls knocking round in kits to make a head. Could be a partially exposed skull to make it particularly zombie like. The Kraken Eater might work well thematically with this -  a huge rotting hulk rising out of the bay to terrorise the coast! Think the undead seamen in The Fog!

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