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Posts posted by Sapca

  1. 7 minutes ago, Uncannieryames said:

    I could be wrong but it reads like spell lores where each "prayer" enhancement let's all your priest take an extra not just one. I'll have to double check my book when I get off work tonight. 


    IT's EACH. This must be best option for us (spells are also each*).

    Darn. Wow. :D

    I automatically had artifact treatment in my head. 1 and that's it. Nice.

  2. On 7/18/2021 at 11:53 PM, Charleston said:

    DoK highly benefit(ed?) from Mindrazor and so on

    At 8 cast, shadowstone nerf(no rerolls) and max +1 cast .... AND mindrazor working just after charge. There's no fear from it. 3 nerfs on it from the powerhouse it was (7 cast, +1 cast and reroll1s, till next hero phase/not on charge).

    We're more into Praying now, having lots of unbinds (Morathi2 at +1, Medusa2, SQ1, ArcaneTome1, HeroicWilpower,...) cast movement & utility spells (mirror dance/steed/default lore mist spell) maybe Metamorphosis to get monster out of cauldron for abilities (if it works with Arcane Tome, for now it looks like it does).

    Our default MysticShield casters are now warlocks which became good investment (they have +1 cast at start) or Morathi and that's about it. Medusas with Shadowstone are there for MirrorDance if played for that.

    Mindrazor might return when we get at least +2 caster / reroll caster / no unbind caster but not before. Too difficult to cast in first case.

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  3. On 7/19/2021 at 3:04 PM, Uncannieryames said:

    f you take an extra enhancement from the core battalion like a command entourage. You can pick prayer which let's all your priest take a second prayer they can still only cast one tho

    Yes. But you can pick only one prayer right (on one Priest)?

    You have 3 extra (3 hags, 2x curse, 1x faction)

  4. 4 hours ago, Fyrm said:

    This also fixes that problem, of using the Arcane Tome to turn a priest into a wizard would get both the shooting and the melee. 

    Damn, yes true :)


    Well I would like Malarion to come out of the shadows and just join with his mother in dynamic duo. Add additional models, rename faction into Empire of Shadow or something and done. Invite few older Dark Elves in at least in coalition (1of4) sense and we get nice range of options and builds. Executioners should totally just go into DoK if they want in any case (and I have them painted ;)).

    Faction terrain is secondary for me. Additional invocation and models are more needed imho to throw bit more options.

    +2 caster could be Sorceress. Something we really need for mindrazor and other 8+ cast spells. We have ****** cast. Sadly.

    Drakespawn Knights could be good anvil (they already are as allies) and actual charge unit.

    Elite Executioners with their old 2 mortal wounds on 6hit as expensive/sturdy battle-line.

    Archer unit, 18" range... like shadow warriors. If not just shadow warriors for some serious skrimishers, Khinerai would need upgrade tho (bit weak atm at the points).

    Assassin. I mean... goddes of murder without assassins to really focus heroes down.

    Malerion, half-dragon that can go 1v1 against anything in his weight camp for 2-3 rounds (500-600 points max, not more) sturdy enough to slap his mother down at least in fair fight most of time.

    Some combat Dragon for 250-350 that can be compared to Bloodthirster/Duthru (weaker carmine...)

    Some mage Dragon for 200-300 with 2 casts and reroll or +1-2 cast.  Which is another thing faction needs. Better mages.

    Dragonlings a small 50-60 point chaff spewing short range firebolts (flavor aetherwings)

    Reaper Bolt Thrower - classic artillery, so we have option NOT TO RUN AND CHARGE all the time. 

    Likely someting Uglu flavored (Shades) as some super tarpit unit that deals virtually no damage. Summoned.

    Shadow Lore expanded (new spells)

    Dragons make sense. Kroak had eggs, Malerion is half-dragon now and likely at least stole some (or has some brotherly love with rest of them after they will get released by dinosaur boys) 😛


    and we're somewhere. 2 years from now ;)

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Lucentia said:

    The references to Morathi replacing icons to Khaine with her own likeness does leave a little wriggle room for a new Morathi-Avatar kit at some point, and certainly I'd love to see that!  But if I had to guess I'd say anything like that is more likely to take the form of faction terrain than anything, I don't think we're likely to see a full second DoK expansion range anytime soon.

    Temple of Morathi-Khaine. - faction terrain, hollowed out Shadow Queen embracing altar supporting up to 42mm round model.

    Adds prayer reroll 1 and spell cast +1 in 6-9"

    Enables garison for 1 hero giving it +3-6" on prayer or spell range

    Has Bloodshield (doesn't stack with cauldron) and only 6". Garisoned wizard 9", priest 12", morathi 18" range.

    Garrisoned hero (priest) can attack with Animated Spear (3" range) instead own weapons.

    Garrisoned wizard can attack with Animated Gaze (18") instead own weapons.

    Garrisoned Morathi can move (slither?) the building 3-4" (no run, no teleports, no redeployments, no buffs) and attack with both Spear and Gaze instead own profile (cough, becomes Gotrek)

    Can be turned to rubble with monsters (auch). Ahhh. Yea.

  6. On 7/6/2021 at 6:02 AM, Uncannieryames said:

    Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood (255) in Battle Regiment
    - General
    - Command Trait: The Circling Flock
    - Artefact: Gaisa's Falx
    - Prayer: Blessing of Khaine
    - Prayer: Martyr's Sacrifice
    Hag Queen (105) in Battle Regiment
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
    - Prayer: Catechism of Murder
    Hag Queen (105) in Command Entourage
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
    - Prayer: Sacrament of Blood

    2 Prayers everywhere? How?

  7. Short BattleReport

    Played first AoS3 game, decided on keeping it smaller-shorter and maybe have more than one.

    DoK vs SlavestoDarkness - 1k - 3rd battleplan in new minibook (attacker/defender/vantage point).

    DoK List
    HagNarr, Pillars of Belief

    Hag on Cauldron (arcane tome, steed & sacrament)
    * does arcane tome enable taking lore/universal spell? usually abilities like that limited it to Arcane+Mystic. We both had it so we said fuckit and wait for FAQ.

    Hag - Crimson Rejuvenation

    Slaughter Queen (Ulfiri) - Heal


    2x 10 Witch Elves

    1x 5 Warlocks

    My plan was.... slam Cauldron+Avatar in as fast as possible, pray and heal them while rest deals with objectives....


    Chaos Lord on Karkadrak
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord
    1x 10
    Chaos Warriors
    2x 5
    Chaos Knights
    Mindstealer Sphiranx
    Flaming Skull

    Turn 1.
    StD Player gave me priority.

    I picked "Take 2 objectives" strategy.
    I deployed in weird way, had Avatar out of Cauldrons range for +1 prayer. But terrain didn't really allow it and I wanted strong(er) presence on my right side.
    Failed Sacrament prayer (rolled 1), laughed about it as I replaced Iron Circled with Tome just before battle.
    Failed Steed of Shadows (unbound). Mystic shielded the cauldron with warlocks.
    Animated Avatar on foot manually. Got witchbrew up on 1 unit of WE's. Healed cauldron with Hag...
    And just went forward. 10 WE's on right objective along with avatar and SQ. 10 WE's in middle right next to cauldron and Hag bit behind. Cauldron in middle was blocking nice chunk of area towards mid objective with help of terrain.
    Took left objective with long congo line of warlocks (first one on objective, last one almost near middle just behind cauldron).
    And.... prepared myself to get charged. I kinda saw 1 unit of knights and chaos lord on cauldron, but it didn't happen.

    5 easy points

    Opponent did his things. Got unbound.
    He moved Sphiranx and Warriors toward rights (avatar, sq, 10 witches).
    Moved chaos lord and unit of knights near mid-right. Sorcerer behind that.
    Ran second unit of knights on my weak objective(1 warlock) and took it over.
    Called reinforcements of table which managed 9" charge in my right (witchbrewed) WE's on objective. Killed 1... and got sliced back with 6/9 of them dealing 8 damage, reducing his unit to 2. Inspired them to lock my WE's there at least.

    3 points (1 for objective, 2 for completing strategy - take over specific objective)
    Turn 2.
    I win the roll. And this was really bad for StD player as I had everything in move-charge ranges.

    I fail sacrament (roll 1), loads of lols around this. But my avatars are animated anyway.
    SQ dance of deaths, Hag heals that 1 damage, 2 witchbrews fail, cauldron rolls 3 on casting metamorphosis (arcane tome*), warlocks get their doombolt unbound.

    2 avatars shoot at Warriors. Doing nothing vs total defense.
    Avatar on foot+SQ charge Sphiranx but don't pull warriors.
    Cauldron slams into chaos lord (2mw) and manages to tag one knight into combat (which we didn't see immediately, redeploy would be likely excellent here)
    Middle WE's run and charge left knights. Warlocks go help and move-easy charge into same knights to pincer them.

    I go first with warlocks (not waniting to loose 1m to keep bonus, and rest of things look like they can take it) which with all out attack kills 2 knights in total defense.
    Chaos lord flails about and gets nearly all attacks trough. I had no idea he has so many. But.... total defense cauldron and my above average rolls save nearly everything resulting in 3 damage on cauldron.
    WE's akwardly pile on knights and kill 2 (3 dmg*)
    Sphiranx ticlkes SQ with 1 wound
    I attack with Cauldron (I didn't notice I tagged one knight) and delete chaos lord just barely. Avatars sword and reroll 1 hit doing work. SQ deletes Sphiranx basically on her own (7w) with avatar swinging in. And for two reinforcements go somewhere between surrounded by WEs

    3 objective points, 2 strategy (take over objective), 1 kill monster (11 total)

    StD player is looking at 5 knights locked with cauldron.

    1 Knight in middle of warlocks and WE group

    10 Warriors a spitting distance to avatar/SQ

    He runs warriors around towards Middle / Right (has nice way into middle objective with just Hag there, or bit harder on Right with 9 WEs still standing).
    Retreats knights in position for T3 charge
    Retreats single knight to prevent WE's pile around to objective and calls for 2nd reinforcements (golems) that make 9' charge onto left objective with warlocks.
    Golems wound a warlock, warlocks flail about and remove ~2 models.

    1 objective, 0 strategies (4 points total)

    We both roll 6, but StD has priority. I remove middle objective.
    He charges 5 knights into left WE's and deletes them (I rolled 2 on redeploy, partially blocking his following charge so he could not get fully on objective) he scores his strategy (kill Battleline)
    Warriors go for WE's and manage 10" charge and fail to kill any thing with 3 attackers. Get 2 warriros killed back failing to take objective.
    Warlocks try allout offense and really deal some decend damage, but one to few and objective stays on StD side.

    (1 objective, 2 strategy - 7 total)
    I slam full health Cauldron (heroic recovery) into 5 knight unit, but with pile in it reaches objectve. (I succeded sacrament, failed casting steed...)
    Avatar+SQ into warriors
    Remaining warlocks just pile in nicer. Hag runs and gets in range of left objective also.

    Not sure what gets to be most effective. 3 damage avatar slams on knights, SQ spinning for 9! damage on warriors (1 out of 2 combats she has with dance) but I easily wipe everything except lone Chaos Sorcerer still in the back.

    2 objectives, 2 strategy(kill BL) (15 total)
    We end the game.



    Strategies are major victory condition now and greatly influence what you do. Really liking it.

    Command Point usage made game bit reactive and not slow. We even had cases where we burned 1-2 CP as there was nothing to use it on. In 2K game I'm sure it would be otherwise around, I would really like 1 extra there. Going second having +1 CP is nice balancing act (not enough to offset getting charged with any kind of charge bonuses, but nice).

    T3 Objective removal will be major where available.

    Coherency is small issue for WE's, but not massive. I was always able to fit 6-7/10 WE's into combat even from awkward  charge-pilein. Opponent had major issues with those 10 warriors on 32 bases. Fit like 5-6 max on second pilein...


    Didn't get single doombolt off :)

    Didn't get single spell with Arcane Tome off :) - again question. Does arcane tome give you also ability to pick Lore / cast Metamorphosis (a Monster Cauldron... khm).?
    I didn't need Crimson Rejuvenation or Heal. Heroic recovery would handle it. In 1k at least. SQ and Hag were looking for things to do...

    Iron Circlet stays in in HagNarr :D
    Hag Narr feels better than ever before. Having those reroll 1s earlier is massive. WE's with allout offense get to be 3x 2+/3+/-/1, reroll 1 hit on Turn2! It's insane. No to mention avatar or even surprisingly warlocks with 2/3/3/-1/1.

    Curse could work with WE's in a massively good way against armies with better saves. The amount of hit 6's I had...

    Getting into faces of units that have charge bonuses is massive. Opponent could move better here, but I guess it's hard vs DoK with the speed we have. Just slam whatever you have vs -2 rend chargers if possible.

    Cauldron, while at 0 wounds in end.... I think it should crumble with some effort even in 1K. For 2K games I'm thinking Blessing of Khaine will really be needed, that bloodshield is must and even on smaller board I was out of range few times.

    DoK is still paper thin faction. But I didn't miss bucklers much (usually play SoS/wbucklers) as total defense+bloodshield cover rend1 same as Bucklers+Shield did previously. Still, will likely fall back to bucklers for unit that doesn't go with cauldron.

    I'm also just convinced even more that units with massive attack numbers and no rend are actually better now when +1 save is max no matter on source. When you drop 10-12 dice into opponents hand and say... no rend, damage1 and source is 6-7 witch elfs worth 60 points and watch things get removed. This happened 3 times in this game. Draichi Ganeth might actually be good. Mindrazor... maybe if we get +2 caster someday.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Fred1245 said:

    Priests have less value because they have half the prayers they used to and invocations can be unbound.

    Again, it's not a great sign that the DoK discussion is mostly revolving around how much better idoneth and CoS units are then ours.

    Yes, yes. We got shafted a bit on Priest side. Just like Khorne did where they could bloodboil you for d6 mortals for days...

    But then... Our Avatar has quite unique +1 to rolls now (not sure if any other faction has easy access to it). So our prayers just got way more reliable. It has cost tho, 135. But then Avatar was never weak option anyway.

    And all prayers are down to 3+ answer (2+ for us, cough) which just ups the power of them. Pendant is still there for one priest to chant 2x if you want. And circlet is still there for reroll. AND you can actually afford extra artifacts. It was kinda hard in AoS2 (had to take battalion, and there were 2 that were ok) and then you picked ShadowStone for mindrazor ;) I definitely had games with 3-4 priests in game and only thing running was Witchbrew... as chanting was failing.

    In HagNarr Avatar train you almost can't fail that sacrament (need to roll 2x 1) now.

    Even with loss of extra prayer... I actually believe we came up ahead.


    Heart of Furry can't get unbound. As it only lasts during combat phase, then it's removed. Check new warscroll.

    You roll a dice on summon, 1-5 reduces damage by 1. 6 also adds +1 attack in 12" range.

    The Bad: It doesn't last trough enemy turn in any case now and doesn't protect on counter attack.

    The Good: +1 attacks potential in area.

  9. 6 hours ago, Ravenborn said:

    You mention the “teleport hero”; Tenebreal Shard? Hopefully you have someone else in mind, I’ve found him to be incredibly disappointing, since he fails his teleport 50% of the time. I wish they’d improve that somehow. 



    Isharann Soulscryer. Priest, 140 points.

    Instead of setting up this unit on the battlefeld, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up travelling the ethersea. Up to 2 (Idoneth Deepkin) units can join this model in this way....

    Add up to 260 points with it and you have allies filled (at 2k). This could be 10 or 20 thralls that actually have good damage profile (3/3+/3+/-1/1 vs 1 wound models // 2/3+/3+/-1/2 vs 4 wound). Or 3x Mossar Guard that likely hits the hardest. But not sure if you want to teleport Mossar - they're fast enough on own.

    I'm more inclined into using Shadow Warriors, but you know. This does threaten objectives on charge and can force shooty armies into seriously sub-optimal target selection. Priest itself has more value in AoS3 now with extra prayers available to them all and other priest specific stuff - as he has/had super low combat value (those fish of his do eat things at 18" range heh). No idea, would need to hear it from some ID player that used this.

  10. 20 hours ago, Chumphammer said:

    different list idea...

    I like this. Close to mine (with Morathi). It's reason I was asking about Alpha-Beast pack and Avatar rules :) (is avatar "animated" before round1 starts). This pushes both d6 forward if possible for start which gives you average 21" threat range (3+9+charge9) with them on t1.

    Mine also demands you have 3x10 WE's though (or Khinerai instead of Shadowstalkers so one of WE's can be SoS).

    Not sure on Blood Sigil - Blessing of Khaine. But I really want to keep cauldron alive as long as possible so that might be best.

    Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Hagg Nar

    Morathi-Khaine (330) in Warlord
    - Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
    The Shadow Queen (330) in Warlord
    Bloodwrack Medusa (120) in Warlord
    - Artefact: The Ulfuri
    - Lore of Shadows: Mirror Dance
    Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood (255) in Warlord
    - General
    - Command Trait: Devoted Disciples
    - Artefact: Iron Circlet
    - Prayer: Sacrament of Blood
    Hag Queen (105) in Warlord
    - Prayer: Crimson Rejuvenation
    Hag Queen (105) in Warlord
    - Artefact: Blood Sigil - Blessing of Khaine
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal

    10 x Witch Aelves (120) in Warlord
    - Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
    10 x Witch Aelves (120) in Warlord
    - Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
    10 x Witch Aelves (120) in Warlord
    - Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
    9x Shadowstalkers 120 in warlord
    1x Avatar in Alpha-Beast Pack
    1x Avatar in Alpha-Beast Pack

    (Warscrol builder failed a bit*)
  11. 8 hours ago, Fred1245 said:

    This is an interesting way of pointing out that every viable DoK build is completely locked in to the same minimum 1400pts(1655 if you want a Cauldron) and that once we've got the mandatory units, other factions unbuffed units lacking allegiance abilities are likely better than what we have available

    Fred you must be the most DoK passionate negative person on this forum. This is a compliment ;)

    We do have low range of models (for now) and lots of overlap. With Morathi being what she is... yes our builds are "dull" and thus predictable. Enemies will learn faster vs that and we'll suffer for it.  We need more models, simple. Just include future Malerion's range into DoK and rename entire thing into "Empire of Khaine". ;)  Untill then, we teleport and make enemy make mistakes ;)

    Everything is in bikini right now so we can really feel that -1 rend on shooting units this was true in aos2 and will continue to be so. We lack a natural 3+/4+ unit (just Avatar*) as faction was designed around blood-shield on cauldron and with saves stacking.... we need updates to warscrolls (builds with bucklers have +1 natural save) and cauldron should go to 4+ natural for start.

    There will always be something you can do with allies you can't with your faction. Unless you're SCE with 8x the range of models of other factions ;) And even there I used Sorceress+Shards for +2 casting for a long time (or Scourgerunners for chaff/area denial, Warlocks for MW output(funilly, warlocks were few times better in SCE than in DoK for me).

    Drakespawn are now likely one of best price-performance, if not the best anvil/roadblock now you can get now in the game with new coherency rules, mystic and totaldeffense. And to think they were absolute garbage 2 years ago at 170 points. )


    • Like 1
  12. I believe DoK will be good enough in AoS3.

    Maybe not for tabling opponent, but for objective play... I definitely see them doing even better than in AoS2.

    1) Morathi / SQ are beasts that can be chucked into frontline and almost can't be dislodged from objectives. They could lock shooters to have no choice of targets negating them (remember, teleporting/retreat-charge...) for long enough. They are really unique in AoS.

    2) SoS can pilein 6" which can go around dangerous Unleash Hell. SQ/Morathi doesn't care about Unleash either.

    3) Medusas look underpriced and 2 should handle instances where opponent has 30-40 of something.

    4) Teleport is a thing. We have Mirror Dance, Khailebron(2 generals!), ShadowStalkers

    5) Khinerai are still nasty tech, drop and move on objective. With thinner armies... they should be more annoying even on smaller board.

    6) Medusas have 2 unbinds. Morathi 2. We're looking at 5-7 unbinds. And you really can't hide from them (remember, teleports).

    7) 3 Temples as far as I see it (apart from snakes) have potential, which is more than in past. HagNarr Avatar combo, Khailebron teleports, KeltNar retreat-charge/mwbounce/extra 95 point khinerai drop.


    After almost any core build you imagine at 2k, you generally have ~150-250 points floating for something.

    Drakespawn Knights (allies) are cheap, form long lines and can be interesting block option with their easy 2+ save. Could work wonders along with shooty snakes. (plan to test them, have 10 of them which is likely overkill as allies).

    Shadow Warriors (allies) are still cheap and can reach those opponents shooters without being shot at first. 10 bodies strong and in many cases likely better than Khinerai now. Extremely hard to negate, especially worth considering with new points 120 vs 95 (I'm building 20 of them with DoK heads... cough).

    Alopex from Idoneth preventing pilein could be good also (didn't really go deep into Idoneth ;) but this one stuck out) it moves 12 and has 18" range on net. That teleport hero + group of thralls? could also work (better) now, need to check that.


    Will have to play and see :) but I see us grabbing objectives from under noses / holding objectives with Morathi+SQ even vs directly stronger armies and generating victories that way.

    • Like 1
  13. 26 minutes ago, Obeisance said:

    I'm told competitive lists basically have 15+ bowsnakes and Morathi.

    I'd keep clear of that. It's so above everything else it's sure to get nerfed hard in my opinion. :)

    Unless you don't care having 15 bowsnakes after nerf and money is not an issue for you. Then just go for it. More it gets abused, faster it will get fixed...

  14. Rules :/


    Avatar of Khaine - This model cannot move / attack unless animated.

    Alpha-Beast Pack battalion - After setup - before first battle round Move D6

    If someone can send this to FAQ team. As far as I'm concerned... It was Animated so it was able to arrive to Battlefield in first place ;) (I'd rule no, but it sux)


    Morathi is 6w

    Shadow Queen is 12w

    They are two that need to be on field as one.  How do battalion rules affect that.

    a) Can they enter as Commander (SQ, Leader wounds >10) and Sub-Commander (Morathi, leader wounds <10) // Or they can get in as either (I'd rule they are 2 and Morathi can be sub-commander)

    b) Can they enter in 2 different battalions. (I'd rule yes, otherwise - Vanguard, Linebreaker and Battery(if we ever get artillery) get locked out for Morathi thats kinda a must at the moment)


    Since Morathi is General even if she's not.

    a) Does "Kill General" victory thing (agenda?) work against her (I would say, Yes)

    b) Does it "trigger" twice (kill a General Hag + Morathi). (I would say, No)

  15. Time to drop some of that Drakespawn Knights in as Allies. Pop a Mystic Shield on them and bam... 2+ save roadblock that can resist some shooting. +Total defense to negate some rend... (you basically need MW's to drop them).

    If they don't get charged redeploy and charge something that needs to be slowed down. Should work fantastic along with Shadow Queen as tarpit to give snakes time to snipe things off.

    And SoS with 6" pilein should work a bit as they can avoid Unleash Hell.

    Warlocks, meh. The good part is they can maybe reach enemy shooters with their Doombolt (and are source of MW for DoK). Maybe. As roadblock they seem bit wasted.

  16. 4 hours ago, Ravenborn said:

    On that note, the heartrenders get their rend bonus “…if this unit was set up on the battlefield the same turn.” Would that include if they are taken off the board and set up outside of enemy range?

    Yes, Re-Deploy is setup. Works on any ability that says "remove and then you can set up 9" away... blabla" and not "move unit")

    Khailebron teleport works for it. I believe it was even in FAQ.

    Also Shadow Patrol battalion had it but it was bit clunky to play with cost of it.

    I like heartrenderers more due tactical value. Drop - hit something and hopefully... move onto objective out of combat range.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 23 hours ago, Virtus-XIV said:

    The Vigilors with the drawn swords and bows look weird to me. I hope you can pose them as either shooting their bow or fighting with sword not a weird mix of both at the same time.

    They are shooting their swords.... dooh. We needed some 12" shooting right. As we have 36/24/18 already.



    PS. Shadow Warriors... Vigilors are SCE version.

  18. 8 hours ago, stratigo said:

    I mean, it's more a Richard lionheart than a churchill, and kings regularly fought on the battlefield with their troops. But AoS setting is so big that the game FEELS smaller if all you play are the godking and their personal retinue

    In DoK, every "hero" apart from Morathi just looks.... basic. Can't get around it if there's no choice.

    Morgwaeth is only other "named" and she gets lost on table. I do like the sculpt, but you know... she's nothing even remotely special and tiny...

    Make a Snake priestess with her personal cauldron.

    Make a medusa on foot that screams "I can cast 2-3+ spells per turn and I do it well"

    Make Khinerai that you can place next to Yndrasta and wonder which will win.

    A regular priestess with personal proper "Durthu" Avatar for some smashing.

    Add a Warlock + Executioner dual model (why are Executioners not(also) in DoK?) or some special WE/SoS - have warlock seemingly fly to get some sculpt height for some dynamic option.

    And remove all easy activatable fight/shoot twice commands from game.... things that grant it will never go out. If not just all of it. And then people might make varied lists that don't start with Morathi (at the moment she's basically a must, crutch...).

    Otherwise you have options:
    A wheeled cart you can have multiples of them at same time, small Bikini Babes which you need to mark with tokens to know which one has what prayer(s), a group of medusas with own tokens for identification and spell list(s), ironscale or Morathi.

    • Like 1
  19. On 6/21/2021 at 1:51 PM, PrimeElectrid said:

    and Morathi went up by only a trivial amount.

    Here's my take on it.

    Morathi got the treatment that most of "centerpiece" models should get. And +30 on our Snakes (which was the most "broken" combo for a while, and likely still is even at 15 snakes now) is the nerf most armies should get to their major over-achievers.

    Centerpieces (1 per army) should be bit under-priced for the Fun Factor of it. I feel sad for Nagash in this regard. 700 should be absolute max if 2k is target of balance (1/3rd of army) and even that seems A LOT. Drop it down to 400-600, nerf accordingly.

    Without playing a game but looking over rules.

    I can see non-snake armies suffer greatly without warscroll/temple changes, there might be Ganeth exception that can get rend on witches/sisters (on charge). Witchbrew is not really there anymore, mindrazor already nerfed (on charge only) and 8 cast, no hit rerolls, less attacks nerf (3, previously 4) on WE, fanatical 5+ of HN working just for normal wounds... these things already moved players into snakes before 3.0 hit.

    And with new edition. Point hike up by 20%, even less prayers (unless we get new rules), no -rend CA's, all priests getting more expensive(while seemingly being nerfed hard), access to 1 seriously conditional Invocation (cheaper now, but still), everyone has option to unbind (DoK have "weak" casting, no bonuses/guarantees and reroll 1's was taken away from shadow stone) and our girls are still girls in bikinis with 5+ save MAX (6+ default, +1 buckler OR aura unless it gets changed in warscrolls...).  Cauldron is 4+ max (5+ and has aura for +1) now and that's the most important thing we have (had?).

    And I believe rend just became more important (2+ saves, 1+ with total defense?!) overall. WE/SoS can get trough that only on charge in Ganeth and with Mindrazor... WE's additionally suffer from new coherency rules (that will be clunky). SoS also for people that build Whip+Dagger.


    So our best "combo" still seems to be Morathi + now 15 snakes (20 previously) for 60 shots to face with shoot twice. +Unleash Hell will work with 30 shots where 6' still do MW. Stalkers now cost 170 (+30) for 5.

    It costs 1170 on it's own. Add 2x 5 Blood Sisters to fill BL and you have 500 left to "build" your army. Max you can fit here is 4x10 in bodies with 5+ combat save (6+ shooting) and no support for 'chaff' (90 wounds + morathi) which you obviously don't want to. You spend those on 0-2 small heroes + 0-1 avatar + 0-3 troops to fill Battle Regiment for one drop which you absolutely need in this case imo (Morathi needs to get in and tarpit, snakes need to shoot before they are shot...). And that's the variety on competitive level which includes Morathi. At least without knowing more.

    Rest of "her" builds look like they will competitively suck (unless there's new warscrolls, faction specific priest changes, temples reworked) and that's kinda fine on hobby / fun casual games part. And she will FEEL AMAZING in that environment. But so will other "Gods and SuperHeroes" in other factions. But since we're mildly-competitive here... cough, I'm afraid we'll see even more games now where she's last thing standing for DoK on end of Turn2/midturn3 even with general "nerf" to damage output in game.

    Chumphammer has Mirror Dance / Heart / Snakes plan that looks fun. Assuming we get to keep Mirror Dance as it is, he's able to cast it without being unbound (Incantors, Teclises, Kroaks,...). But his combo of just getting 5 snakes into face t1 costs like 1500 after he fills BL requirements ;)

    All in all.

    Will have to wait for DoK details, warscroll changes, temple changes, changes around Priests (atm it looks we loose a ton and don't gain anything, generic 'prayers' even mirror our existing)... if nothing changes there, DoK looks like it will suffer hard and not even Morathi MVP at 660 cant fix that, especially on melee side unless HN/Sacrament/Avatar "abuse" stays in and somehow works.

    I think Khorne players must also shake in fear at the moment how everything works now for their Priests.


    TL;DR Morathi is fine at 660 untill we get all DoK info for 3.0. Maybe even to expensive. All armies should have one 400-600 centerpiece that's bit underpriced for fun factor (Kroak, Archon, Morathi, Nagash, Teclis, Stardrake(meh),...) of having something really cool on table. If you want super funny pricing, check Sorceress on Dragon...

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  20. On 6/16/2021 at 12:38 PM, drkrash said:

    Regardless of wording, the +1 limit is restricted solely to Hit and Wound rolls, not Saves.

    I'm more worried about -1 limit on hit, we're going to be shot to pieces...

    -1 Khailebron, Lookout Sir, -1 artifacts (gryph feather generic or faction specific), Lil'Morathi, Terrifying Beauty... no stacking. Right now you had -3 "easy" on your centerpiece with Khailebron, not anymore.

    DoK got at least some mileage vs heavy shooting this way.

    Not sure how LookOutSir is worded, -1 or "reduce by 1" and if it's all the same now. Also Morathi's


    ... Is that -1 or "unique rule not bound to stacking".

  21. On 2/18/2021 at 9:03 AM, Nasrod said:

    Unironically, yes. Probably one of the top 5 sculpts in the game. Using them as a token 5 of Deep Strike with 1 round of passable shooting is peak feels bad. 

    Double their points if you have to. Just stat them to the expectations their lore and sculpts make them out to be. 

    But give us another 60-80 option when this happens.

    Warlock Assassins/On foot.


    3 in a unit. Wizards - Anti-Wizards/Priests (something special, like denying casting / making it way harder)

    ****** 1 wound, no saves or 6+, deepstrike/teleport, default attack with their magic... annoying AF to wizards/priests if not removed. Each model removed reduces their anti-power. (eg 3 would give -3 to cast when in 9-12", 1 would give -1 to cast)

    Both to act as cheap Wizards (maybe limit them to AB,MS and their own spell... no lores). And as specific target denial/removal. With new arcane bolt rules, mmmm... they could have their own special version of it. 


    Have Khinerai Queens to actually dislodge things from objectives.

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