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Posts posted by chord

  1. 3 hours ago, Andrethegreat said:

    Are the hunters and palldors that bad, and what would make them better? I have won games with them and the more I play them the more I find out what works and what don't, But then again what do I know I'm new to AOS.   

    You should share your strategy.  I'm always looking for new methods to leverage these units. maybe I'm missed something.

  2. 19 hours ago, The World Tree said:

    Palladors are very underrated. They are rapid and pack a bit of a punch against mediocre units. They offer something unique imo. Unlike most SCE units they also can operate solo.

    Hmm.I think its the gryph chargers that pack the punch :)  but agreed, underrated  

  3. 7 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    Wouldn't desolators be better at this ?

    Desolators are .05 wounds per point, where as Palladors are .08 wounds per point.  Palladors have a better move and the ride the wind ability to help them get where they are needed.

    Both are fine units.  Desolators are more killy, palladors move better.   Just different uses.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    What did he use the Palladors for ? Scoring objectives ? They're on the weak side fighting wise.

    I use them for objectives and road blocks.  They are 15 wounds and if you use the castellant's lantern they get a 3+ save. Then you get them out in front of enemy units and slow them down so you can score points on objectives.  

  5. On 2/28/2020 at 1:47 PM, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    Same.  Fortunate to have a great gaming group that’s into narrative and thus down for stuff like that.  We’ll kick off or next narrative cycle this weekend.

    But it isn’t just an AoS gaming group and a lot of the time we have more players than can comfortably play AoS so we’ll switch to a board game like Scythe or even something like Wings of War.

    And again the other downside is that playing these type of games only in my gaming group means playing a limited number of factions.  If I want to play against Fyreslayers, or IDK, or DoK, or Slaanesh, or Gitz, or myriad other armies I have to expand my play out to the larger local gaming community...  which almost inevitably means match play.

    Again, not end of the world and realize I’m lucky to have 3-4 other players who are usually down for narrative/asymmetrical  but given how much fun w have can’t help but wish there was a better way to bring it out to the larger local gaming community.  Hence this thread...


    I moved last summer to a new area, and have not found anyone yet who is not super competitive so I've not played AOS in about a year.  But I was lucky to have people who would play in skirmish leagues, narrative games and enjoy it.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    I love these types of battleplans.  How have you approached the idea of balancing them so that the survival of the rearguard and its destruction are reasonably proportional?  Personally I’m fine playing a game where the odds are stacked against me.  Love a good challenge and at worst usually learn something in my failures.  But with so much focus on fairness from many (most?) match play centric players how have you addressed this?

    Oh,  for these style games I just play with people who understand its not a matched style game.  Its competitive but not "fair"

  7. 43 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    Frankly, I feel ironjawz has plenty of heroes. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a grunta mounted hero, but would prefer a new troop type. Something that gave us a new tactical option. A siege weapon, a ranged unit, or cheap cannon fodder, etc. Or even a miniature mawkrusha or other beastie that functions like  a flamers of tzeench


    allying with the bonesplitters gives some  of that but you lose the heavily armored ironjawz aesthetic. 

     A shooting unit that just throws rocks or other assorted items.  

  8. 3 hours ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

    Not expecting any spells. On the comments section on Facebook the the community people said the slann will have other tricks up their sleeves. Although would be nice if that was just to throw people off the scent. However as someone else said surely they would have shown all at the preview. 

    What if they could summon other endless spells like the SCE ones. 

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  9. 7 minutes ago, snipersyn said:

    I`m one of those new (sort of) players that essentially selected the Stormcast faction solely based on aesthetic reasons. I just committed from there.

    I play casually, but that being said, and like other SCE players - Anvils seems to be `most ideal` methodology to play this faction right now if you want to win any games.

    I  am hoping the new tome will at least rework synergies not just within faction as a whole - but with the entire Order alliance. Now, wouldn't that be something?!

    I picked them in the early days of AOS (pre-GHB) and its just been watching them go down slowly.  That is disheartening,  of course my other army is Khorne (starter set guy here) is also along the same lines. 

  10. 12 hours ago, Climb said:

    Battalions have none of the flavor or mechanical synergy they used to have and now are just a artifact/command point/drop tax.

    This right here!  For example HammerStrike force.  W T F!   They should have just called it a new name as it no longer has any meaning as it did in the original one.    

  11. 1 hour ago, Frowny said:

    Terrain rules are for sure a weakness of age of sigmar...


    This. 100x this. Just make everything measrued base to base and be do be done with it.

    Agreed base to base with no other bases/terrain in the way.  Except flying units with shooting since they can see over units but not terrain

  12. 24 minutes ago, LordPrometheus said:

    I feel this. I LOVE my Stormcast models, love the lore, but my gosh GW has just dicked them over in terms of gameplay. 

    The lore was/is awesome!!   I want to know more about Azyr itself, etc.   Love the models, the idea of good guys fighting back evil was what drew me to them.   

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