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Posts posted by chord

  1. 30 minutes ago, rokapoke said:

    For what it's worth iPhones can broadcast to Apple TVs, and I fully expect that Android phones can do the same with Roku boxes and/or Smart TVs. Where there is demand for something like this, I assure you there's a product that does it...

    true,  but there are also pc's that have large screens without extra dongles (thought we left those behind in the 80s O.o)

  2. I really wish they would use xamarian for their apps and put them in the windows store.  This way I could run them on a larger screen.  So while the citadel paint app sounds cool it just won't be feasible for me as my vision gets worse.   Having it on a 27" in screen while I paint would be awesome.

    Really hoping that the news leads to new campaign books!


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  3. 21 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    Sure hope we get allegiances/battalions for the individual Free Cities in Firestorm. I decided my army was from Greywater Fastness since it first turned up in the Season of War a year a go and it would be a great excuse to theme my army around even more cannons.

    I think we will definitely get battalions but I would not expect them to have points 

  4. 1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    So as everybody has been getting excited about the AOS stuff off the GW site, theres a small event happening right now called Gencon. GW are there showing off something amazing and we have a release date for it. Can I ask you all to get excited about Shadespire......



    Image from Domus Twitter Feed.. https://twitter.com/ginger_buddha/status/898264558191751169

    I hope this is a success but I'll hold out and hope my community starts playing it

    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    Can't agree. This anvilgard box is really anti-thematic. Especially if we remember what emotions where between old empire and dark elves. Yeah I know that now they are in the same grand alliance but just look at them. They don't  match. If i ever buy this box it'll be because i need stormcast minis and privateers minis for my two seperate armies. 

    Somebody who came up with allies mechanic earned GW a lot of money. It's almost obligatory if you want to be competetive and they sell old minis. It wasn't made to let people make more thematic armies. 

    None of these races know anything about the old world though.  These boxes make sense in the lord of the Mortal Realms.

    • Like 2
  6. 58 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    Certainly don't like the direction wich is to mix armies. Firstly this ally mechanic from ghb2, now this. I'm afraid we might be seeing less thematic armies like Fyreslayers and Kharadrons in favour of some big, old, boring dwarfs empire. Hope this is made as somethind additional to new concept armies. 

    Interesting because I feel that mixed armies are more thematic than mono-allegiance ones. 

    • Like 7
  7. 54 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

    which you cant use outside of narrative or open, at which point it doesnt matter as you can just smash any nurgle together and make it fairly good as it all synergies.

    most of the characters from nurgle are so garbage you don't see them played. never seen orghotts on the table top in aos id forgotten he even existed tbh , seen morbidex twice, glottkin a few times simply more for model than rules, no one wants to buy 15 boxes of blightkings to make a army and slaves to darkness suck to add to them, with no rules in the gbh2 if they dont get a release they wont see play until 2018

    2 out of 3 ain't bad

  8. 15 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

    Didn't get nothing out of it lol.



    No rules, no book, no models. Most of the nurgle talk centred around a few heroes as they were being killed by stormcast...


    lots of great stories in the campaign books and some nice battalions

  9. 6 hours ago, Veillotron said:

    Ben Johnson confirmed on Twitter that some Stormcast Eternals will have point adjustments in GH17. 

    I'm sure it will be for the best, but I am a bit surprised given the recent release of the new Stormcast battletome.

    i wonder which unit(s) will see their points changed... 

    Really?!  It's almost like there is no overall plan?  Why not save ALL point adjustments for the annual GHB? 

    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    I actually still like to use them, as do some of my foes.  The game is perfectly playable with unit on square bases on trays.  You even get to use large units and move them all at once.  It's nifty.

    I agree its workable but it you lose the dynamic look of battle with them I think.  But aesthetics are just personal preference 

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