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Posts posted by Edoval

  1. Just now, Ejecutor said:

    So far doesn't look like Lumineth would be part of the narrative, but maybe we get a surprise like SBGL with the emissary on the Summer Court.

    I think they will with the release of the warcry warband. Like the cos / ogors dual box.

  2. I hope we will have a lumineth river hero and a river spirit with dawnbringer 5. Some rumour engine could be river temple related.

    Poor idoneths, still waiting for some love.

    Do you think we will have the Battlescroll this week ?

    • Like 1
  3. I am not a native speaker, sorry if my message is difficult to read.

    As someone said before, I don’t understand how they will develop the aos story without translating any new black library book. With years of role playing game, video game and books, there are a lot of ressources available in various langages for WFB. 

    I imagine people not being in the hobby, for exemple someone playing total war, wanting to begin the game. They will not understand why there are some models they know that are in aos but all the settings is different. 
    Once again, as said before, aos need is own identity and the development of the settings and make it available for all people and not only English speaker.


    Another problem I have is the lack of new releases for aos army, stormcast excepted. 
    I am an Idoneth player. Love the range and I loved what they do with the backstory that tied to the world that was but offer something new. 
    But since their release more than 5 years ago (if I remember correctly) we had an underworld warband and the akhelian thrall master. We didn’t have a battletome in second edition. Same could be said for other armies like ironjawz (it’s about to change soon). 
    I don’t imagine my sea elves being squatted, but this lack of released is boring and if GW don’t show support for this type of pure aos army, that will not help people to get into the game.


    And I can’t find any rumour of new Idoneth releases.

    • Like 5
  4. 55 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    1) it’s definitely a good start inti the Army in general, since you’ll be getting a few great things for a rather great price.

    although it always depends if those units really are the thing you want in your army.


    2)so you wan’t an average ok-ish army-list? 
    If that’s the case I think skaven are a great faction to start as.

    The skaven have a huge amount of units all great in some way or the other.

    Warpfire thrower weapon teams are for example a horde clearing units, perfect for any kind of army fielding lot’s if body’s with 1 or 2 wounds.

    Jezzails are perfect in sniping those pesky heroes in your way, and stormfiends and rattling guns will be able to destroy a whole lot of elite units and if necessary anything else in their way.

    so we basically have a lot if options to take when it comes down to destroying our frenemies.

    Thanks for your answer !

    As a start i was looking for something like that at 1500 points (i am at work, i can't check the app for the points)

    Grey seer on screaming bell as general

    Lord Skreech verminking

    20 clan rats

    20 clan rats

    40 plague monk

    1 plague claw

    1 warp lighting canon


    I have a little of everything to test the the army. And i can switch between heroes as i will have 2 verminlord, one plague furnace and 2 grey seers on foot.


  5. Hello Rats people,


    Sorry i don't speak English well. I am thinking of starting a skaven army.

    For a good start what do you think about buying 2 battleforces (corrupting war swarm)  + endless spells and gnawholes. Is it a good idea ?

    I just want an all corner list and not something too much or too less competitive.


    Thanks !

  6. Is there an answer to the title of this subject now ?

    I mean, games have been played, maybe some people bring Ossiarch-Bonereapers to tournaments.
    Are they so strong ? What about their power in Petrifex ? And in other legions or without one ?

    I bought the army before reading the battletome because i liked the models, but i wonder if this a fun army to play against for my friends...


    Sorry not a native speaker.

  7. Hi,

    French player here, sorry i don't speak English well.

    I want to build a city of sigmar army but i am afraid that the army is just a one shot with nothing after. (no new model, no battletome in the next edition, etc...)

    Do you think it's safe to start this army from nothing or do you not recommand to start this army ?

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