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Posts posted by Indecisive

  1. certainly amazing that the first battletome of 2023 got leaked before nighthaunt
    always weird to see inexplicably blurry pictures of a book you've got in hand, though, in this case it could make sense if you are being cautious of watermarks in a test copy

  2. On 1/28/2022 at 12:39 AM, GenericEdgyName said:

    I'd like to point out that despite the reveal od two new units for Nighthaunt, these rumour engines reamin unsolved, leading me to believe *snorts copium/warpstone* that our beloved spooky ghosts are going to receive more with their battletome (or a Cursed City expansion)



    Bumping this up as it is relevant.

    Nighthaunt actually seem likely to see more new units meriting a placeholder cover. Nothing like that implied for the fire dwarves, the wording of the flamekeeper scroll solidifies this.

    • Like 1
  3. Another DoK book? lmao, truly GW either loves that faction or wants to punish its playerbase
    Can't say it isn't funny that let alone new units, FS can't even get a new cover. I wonder if the NH one might be a placeholder or error since it seems like they'll get enough new stuff to merit a cover with the new things.

    • Like 2
  4. Gotta say, the reveal is hilarious. IDK vs FS box just came out, one hero per side and nothing more to the disappointment of the people keen for naked dwarf variety. One hero per side, that's all to expect people began to rationalize and accept.

    Then comes the next box and oh, hero and unit new for one side. Could've added a new unit to the previous box all along but nah. Nighthaunt gets it instead.
    Not that I am upset about new Nighthaunt, just not the highest priority for a new unit. It's funny to see that last box almost immediately one-upped.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Warcom have been wrong many times before though

    Considering the article is seemingly just quoting Andy Hoare that'd be impressive to somehow ******-up. Maybe the random reddit rumours aren't what you should be putting such stock in in this case?

    • Like 2
  6. On 1/15/2022 at 5:21 PM, Indecisive said:

    the rumour windmill gulf is just amazing, crickets on the aos front while 40k has had a dripfeed of eldar leaks since december for a codex that hasn't even been announced yet

    update, the 40k leaks have reached talking chaos space marines and the next space marines codex

    maybe someone just needs to hop into whatever chatgroup the leaks are coming from to interject some aos questions, it's the only solution

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Well the person said it before we actually saw the model in the new year video, but it wasn't hard to expect something for nighthaunt based on some of the rumor enginees we have. Lumineth getting a 3rd book would make lots of people angry, as they would have received a new tome per year since they were released... Not that we weren't expecting the lumineth wave 3 with the water hippos.

    rumour hunting for aos is hard, adjust standards please

  8. This one fits the NH from the preview thing as well as the discussion about Vince earlier. The one about him supposedly painting something in secret.


    Merry and spooky Christmas!

    Here we go:
    - Nighthaunt coming in 1Q with a big new model that a lot of pro-painters are working with it right now.

    - Lumineth is coming a few months later with a Battlebox Vs Nighthaunt

    That's all!


    Date, Dec 25th, before the preview

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  9. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    I remember in terms of player base was Warrior of Chaos, Orc and Goblins, Empire, Dark elves and then High elves and Vampire counts.

    but I doubt they are switching Posterboys since this feel like it came from Cinderfall gaming and he usually regurgitating stuff rather then having reliable sources

    Hard to say now, for fun I dug through Total War stats/polls. Don't play it, but though it would be fun.
    Not exactly indicative of WHFB playerbase but instead contemporary faction popularity.

    Empire, Skaven, Lizards, High Elves skew popular.
    Warriors of Chaos and Beastmen on bottom end of things.

    One tasty poll was this one, with almost 12000 response it has quite the sample size. The relevant result is "I don't play this race"

    9% I don't play this faction for Empire versus 66% for Beastmen. Ouch.

  10. Yeah, better to have a few prominent factions splitting spotlight than one posterboy hogging it.

    41 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    I've said from the beginning that I felt like Lumineth were an attempt at switching to a different protagonist faction. Everything about their lore screams that now they are the new and dynamic big thing to turn back the tides of Chaos, Death, and Destruction plaguing the mortal realms.

    Despite being rather marmite, elves seem to have always been popular, and by all accounts Lumineth have done very well in sales, even after their rocky and drawn out introduction to the mortal realms.

    I think they might be in a better place now.
    Might need to dial things in a bit better with the inevitable third wave, take stock of what missed and what people loved. Not so much a redesign, but doubling down on what went over well.

    Like with Stoneguard, they look great. From forehead down that is.

    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    According to Rumors GW switched to another Poster-Boy faction for AoS.

    Which faction might it be? I am assuming Lumineth, however Soulblight appears to be a bestseller.

    Rumours from where?
    I really doubt it, they've built them up too much to switch posterboys. Maybe they'll go the Sisters in 40k route and have co-posterboys.

  12. 50 minutes ago, novakai said:

    i wonder if all of them picture is of the same model?

    i would dare say this is a pretty good size model (bigger than your standard hero model) since the book has to be pretty good size to freehand that lettering so clearly




    Nighthaunt centrepiece hero then?

  13. 29 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I would say the Lord Arcanium is an exception since he was made for Soul Wars which is a starter box set like the Gnashtoof Killaboss is for Dominion and not a typical boxset.

    they haven’t put any monsterous size model in these boxset since Blightwars with Horticulous 

    Less me saying starter boxes are indicative of a trend, more me trying to imply mounted heroes do not take up that much more space. Stormcast mounted heroes are on the larger end of things.

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