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Posts posted by Indecisive

  1. 57 minutes ago, XReN said:

    I kinda like the dice, but at the same time I would've prefered them to have dots from 2 to 5, oh well, I'll get just one set of them, since I'm already stacked with Malign Portents dice which are the best dice imo. 

    And right now I regret buying Cities of Sigmar battletome and start collecting instead of saving this money for bonereapers

    don't worry, GW is confident they'll get all your pennies

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Lucentia said:

    I could be mistaken,  but I don't think they generally include named characters in the battleforce boxes?  Certainly I can't think of any off-hand.

    Though of course the SCE unique characters have generic options on the sprue, so they could still be included, but I would not expect to see the likes of Lady Olynder.


  3. 6 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    I didn't say that the AoS battleforces sold badly or will sale badly. 

    Those that sold out were super good deal. Ex: DoK which doesn't have a SC! . I just say according to the current meta/game/sales, there should be good contenders and some outsiders. If the gloomspite has a good content, it can be sold out quicly. It is easy to do a themed battleforce. On the other hand, for NH, it'd be more difficult. I hope that the Stormcast one and the Skaven one will have the big guys included.

    Olynder+Kurdoss+Banshees+Harridans+something else
    That'd be something

  4. On 9/30/2019 at 4:48 AM, Tropical Ghost General said:

    So basically the main issues with nighthaunt are:

    • Limited choice of units. This may seem like a strange point, but as others have stated, nearly every unit in the book is identical. Nearly everything is single wound models, doing single point of damage, with either 0 or -1 rend. The heroes offer alternative options, but when you are limited to only 6 in 2k, the fight for who to take is often won by Dreadblade Harrows, Guardian of Souls and Spirit Torments. If NH had the hero cap removed, then it might open up some more interesting combinations of play, but the double whammy of weak heroes and limited spots often leads to a shed ton of lists that are almost identical


    Yeah, skimming the NH line-up makes me just see a whole bunch of redundancy.
    Chainrasps, Reapers, Revenants, Harridans, Stalkers etc all seem to overlap heavily to me. At least Spirit Hosts fill the role of multiwound, bigger models.
    Not to say the mass of W1 models are identical but man could they do with some more specializing so you don't end up with one being a clear loser and forgotten in all aspects (Stalkers).

    • Like 3
  5. Paint scheme variety would go a long way, sometimes you can't tell how good something is or whether you want something until you've seen a non-box scheme that resonates with you. For example, non Hammers-SCE is something that people like.

  6. A good Nighthaunt one that doesn't overlap with Soul Wars would be great.
    Maybe something like a ghostly couple army. Kurdoss + Olynder for heroes and units of banshees and other non starter stuff.

    I'd find that really appealing.

    Edit: Oh, and add Dreadscythes for the "mournful, scary female ghosts" theme or something like that


  7. 16 hours ago, Panzer said:

    It's a pass for me. I think I've pretty much decided to go with Nighthaunts instead of Bonereapers as my DEATH army. It would require just too much conversion work for me to even just like them.

    Maybe one day a small warband or something though.

    I'm feeling something similar, I don't know if I want an army worth of them. But there are some models that I feel are really awesome.
    Maybe something like using them in LoN or something as a component in Death Soup might be it.

  8. Just looking at humans.

    Guy on a griffon, wizards, horse portable doomsday cannon looking thing, an actual damn tank, etc... Sure there are regular dudes with swords but Empire is far from historical and is way more fantasy than you'd think. Fits just fine in the setting I feel, hell, it might just thrive.

    New Ironweld contraptions, Greatswords WHU/Warcry warband would be great.
    Also, does this thing really strike you as out of place?


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