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Posts posted by Hanneskannes

  1. Meet Stevan, 

    former Gardener of Radukars backyard. At first his colleague vanished and shortly after this incident he got assined for the nightshift. Unsettled about this change of obligation he quit his job. He died 4 month later in the tourghheim street 12 cause of his diet. Buried on the same day. 


  2. Hey there. Maybe you wondered how big my Backlog is. Here is a list:

    1 Battlemage

    8 pistoliers

    3x cannon crew and two cannons

    1 free peoples general on horse 

    9 Hammerers

    1 dwarfen spear thrower plus crew

    8 dwarfen miners

    6demigryph knights

    1 drakespawn knight

    From the isles of Blood box are like 50%  skaven and 100% highelves unpainted

    From the seraphon strikehost Box 1 Skink starpriest 8 skinks and 3 terradon riders and the sauruschief on foot 

    and i have to paint 90% of the cursed city box

    It takes a while, when i paint smth but i hope to finish this Projekt till January or February next year so that iam able to get one of the new rumored armys. Maybe enhance my small soulblight gravelords. I adore the zombies.

    Have a nice day

  3. Hello, i painted 3 Models today. I went fast with the first two. The vampire one i copied from Marco Frisonis approach. He used two brushes. One to apply the contrast paint an one to feather it out. It was revealing. U should try it. 





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  4. Had 2 days off work, so here is my 1st Black Knight "conversion". It took me nearly 4h to finish it. I wasnt happy with my already painted ones nor with te current Black Knight Riders, so i put a new skeletton on the steed. Jeah i know, not that smart if u want to tackle the backlog...

    For the next 4 riders i have to wait till iam willing to buy new stuff. The Standard bearer was the only guy from the cursed city box that took the modification well.




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  5. Heyy. I painted my Slan recently. This time I tested shading with diluded Paints. Not with black in the mix instead i went with greens purple and reds. Iam happy with the result and will try this technik again. Not sure how it will work with CoS though. Also the "freehand" went well after like 20 trys. I failed at his hovering seat so i sat him on the ground and he took it with him ;). The water need another try. Bought the wrong product. I prepared 2 models from the cursed city box and might be able to post this weckend.

    See you




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  6. Hi everyone,

    I stumbled over my backlog in an recent act to create free space that iam in dire need of because i ll work from Home now. 

    I decided to create this post to hold myself acountable during this journey and if possible discuss the further path with you.

    My backlog consists mainly from a small army CoS i bought on eBay, several boxes of lizardmen and the curent cursed city stuff. 

    I spent the last two days cleaning glueing an priming all the models. Withouth further ado i present you my upcoming warcry warband from cities of sigmar: Thal's city guard:




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  7. As u see, I try to make some sort of dwarfen wanderers. They ll get a different colorscheme. A blue or a turquoise maybe. But Iam not sure about the weappon they schould carry. At first i wantet to arm them with crossbows. But i dont know which one suits them best. Gunns could happen but they dont match with the human handgunners. The original 1hand&shield or the 2handers could also happen.

    In the end i want to create an army with humans an dwarfs. I want to add some old quarrellers to my handgunners and planning to mix in some dwarfen cannonteams and a organgun as hellfiregun to my battery. 

    I have the oportunity to exchange my fireslayers  with my friends KO. The small airship and some balon guys. They look fun and i might use them in an tempest eye list. Are they a good pick?

    I fell in love with the range. Thus i want not to fokus "only" on the lancers.

  8. Hey,

    After a long time i diceded to give you guys an update. I recently bought a small  cos army via ebay. So i could add 5 pistoliers, 5 outriders, 8 gunners, 12 greatswords 14 soldier with sword and shield. 3 human wizards a general on horse, 2 greatkannons a rocketlauncher, a hellkannon? and 3 more demigryph knights to my list.

    I have enough to make a 1k points list für Hammerhallian lancers. How would you expand the list from now on? 

    Unfortunatelly i couldnt play a single Game this year due to corona.

     Here are some Pictures of my painted models so far.









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  9. Mercy,

    I think i know what i will aim for.  I ll buy 3 more gryphs and the Big griffon. Maybe i am able to converse the griffonmage to be one on foot. I also have one dark elves sorceres. That should be enough mages for 1k points.

    I paint my firedwarfs afterwards and change the weappons of my dark elves. Maybe i ll repaint the the High elves reavers darker. 

    And after that its 2025^^


    Thanks for the insight

    Greetings from germany

  10. Hey DM :)

    thanks for your comment. you put a lot of work in your Blog! Would u recommend a conversion to a Freeguild General on Griffon from Eltharion? U didnt mention it in your post. The base woud not suit, i think.

    ill work on my Battle Lines! And buy mages. U mentioned a couple of them. Like 1-2 for 1k Points and 3-4 in a game with =>2k, right?


    I googeled "Hammerhalian Lancers" and found a Picture using a flock of griphon hounds in excange for the last 3 demigryphs knights. Do u Think it can work? Are they even available in CoS? It looks fun and they are fast to paint.

  11. Hey :)

    i need your help for building my CoS.

    Through the last 15 years i was basically painting stuff. Now that i found out that my Colleague play 40k, i want to change that. Iam about to finish my first Killteam :D. But thats not the topic.

    As you know CoS is out^^ and i would like to play AoS aswell in the future. 

    I havnt purchased the CoS Book yet. So i have no clue. Forgive me :I

    I have units from several fractions and i hope u guys and girls help me which City suites my already existing pile of minions thus i can save time and money.

    I have

    10 Hammerers

    6 demigryphs 

    10 dark elves dreadspears (i can switch gear if necessary)

    12 Dark elves Black guard

    5 drakespawn knights

    The isles of Blood box

    The seraphon strikehost Box

    The Fireslayers start collecting box

    About the last 3 races i hope to include them somehow. I wont play competitive so that shouldnt matter. 

    What units do you think schould i purchase next?

    I like like every fraction (besides the aos marines) So, there are no boundarys. 

    Mercy & have a nice day

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