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Posts posted by rockmanko

  1. 3 hours ago, Sleepa said:

    Oh yes, allies are allowed with all normal stipulations


    then you might want to add a crew or two of Skinks

    Its a pretty solid objective grabber / screening for SCE list

    with only 70 points 10 man with good movement.


    my 750 point suggestion:

    Lord Arc

    Lord Cast

    Seq x5

    Lib x5

    Lib x5

    Skinks x10

    Skinks x10


    or ... 740 with

    Seq x5

    Seq x5

    Seq x5

    Skinks x10

  2. 3 hours ago, Sleepa said:

    *I'm moving my question to this thread, and asking the mods to delete the new thread I made. It seems like only the big topic threads in this forum get a lot of traction.

    I recently joined an escalation league, to give myself a motivational push to get more of my SC painted by the end of the summer.

    The way the league works is: At each point threshold, we are paired up and provided a pitched-battle mission. The league starts out at 750 points, and the first mission is "Knife to the Heart".

    We are free to submit a completely different army for each round of the league, so I need not commit to expanding on my choices for the first round.

    I'm asking for advice here, because I have literally no experience playing AOS games below 1000 points. 

    The mission being "Knife to the heart" also complicates list-building for me, as a Stormcast player. Model-count is going to be a problem.

    My first instinct was to draft up something like:

    Lord Arcanum

    Lord Relictor

    5x Sequitors

    5x Sequitors

    5x Evocators

    But I quickly realized that I'm going to need to keep a minimum of 5 models alive in order to hold either objective. So if I lose even one model from any squad contesting one of those objectives, I'm going to lose the option of that major victory.

    My current draft is looking like this:

    Lord Arcanum

    Lord Castellant

    10x Sequitors

    10x Liberators

    It's a dirt-simple list idea, but the plan is to sit the Libs and Castellant on my home objective, then deep strike the Arcanum and Sequitors (Depending on my opponent is on - I can make a new list for each round, but pairings are always blind to ensure no counter-play) to threaten their objective.

    Looking for some serious feedback here. Feel free to tear apart my thought-process thus far, if you think I'm off-base.

    I don't own really any Vanguard models, so no access to Aquilor, Hunters or Raptors.

    Thanks in advance for the help, folks!

    is ally allowed?

  3. 14 hours ago, Korvak said:

    Hey all, been struggling to find an army I enjoy playing recently, so I've decided to revisit and update my old mixed Order army from a couple of years ago. Based on what was in it, and how it plays, Living City seems the best fit. 

    Here's the list I'm thinking of running:

    The Goode Folk of Saint Martha's Vale
    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    Stronghold: Living City
    Realm: Ghyran


    - General
    - Druid of the Everspring Circle
    - Deepmire Cloak

    - General's Adjutant
    - Cage of Thorns

    - Lifesurge

    Neave Blacktalon

    Dryads x30

    Dreadspears x10
    - General's Retinue

    Darkshards x10

    Aetherwings x3

    Freeguild Outriders x5

    Skaeth's Wild Hunt
    - Lifesurge

    Tree-Revenants x5

    Wild Riders x5

    Gotrek Gurnisson

    Endless Spells:
    Everblaze Comet

    Points: 2000

    Trying to get a decent mix of casting (4 wizards), mobility (the mounted units), combat punch (Gotrek), and ability to play objectives (Dryads, Aetherwings, mounted units), and then Neave is there to take advantage of the flanking ability of Living City combined with the Command Ability, so she can come on and head straight for a backfield support character (8 attacks on the charge, 3+/3+/-1/2 against heroes should be able to dispatch any pesky minor heroes.)

    What do people think? I'm not expecting to go 5-0, but it would be nice to have a decent chance in most games.

    Spell & Magic isnt that strong in Living City.

    I dont really see Skaeth's Wild Hunt can do anything


    I would suggest a tanky combat unit - Spirit of Durthu

    Who can also ambush > shoot and move & charge again

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/29/2020 at 4:29 AM, Ironblaze said:

    With that starting core, you can easily expand into any of the Cities. The question becomes if there's a particular color scheme you like more, or if one of their playstyles is more appealing.

    Hammerhal is about generating command points and using them. Tempest Eye is generally a Turn 1 alpha strike, moving fast with the saves bonus out the gate, though it also has strong support for a gunline style army. Living City lets everyone be a Shadow Warrior and ambush, great for suddenly making a Steam Tank appear exactly in the wrong place for your opponent. Hallowheart is the Good Guy version of Tzeentch: More spells than you can shake a stick at (and remember as a Cities army, all your Endless spells are always Empowered!).

    The other three are more... niche. Greywater is like Tempest Eye in that it has good support for a gunline, and is the only city to have extra prayer options for a potential Runelord. However, what Greywater really likes is artillery. Phoenecium is a city that provides easy access to healing and regeneration while also rewarding you if a unit is destroyed. Anvilgard is... Anvilgard. It looks like a Dark Elf/Privateer army, and it does give them battleline hydra/kharybdis as well as curses for them. The downside is their abilities generally just aren't as strong as the rest (and you could probably get more mileage from Darkling Coven/Privateer units in a different city).

    Anvilgard is probably the only one I wouldn't recommend, but you can make the rest of the cities work, especially with a versatile starting point like you mentioned.

    There are a few winning tournament list of Anvilgard in fact.

    But the play style and unit is very unique. (like all are Blackdragons + Chariots)


    So if you are new, you should go for more general units and you can mix and match and play around the cities

  5. On 2/28/2020 at 4:40 PM, Myrdin said:

    I fail to see how Sisters are any good. The spell affects only Wanderers and the target must be immobile. Meaning you cant move, run or even pile in. If their spell wasnt restricted by either movement or Wanderers keyword I could see them being somewhat decent. As they are now I just dont see how they would help, since any Sylvaneth ally would lack the required Wanderers keyword in the first place. Am I missing something ?

    Skaeth's Wild Hunt actually works for Sylvaneth and you get some low output damage out of them if needed (though these warbands are usually taken just for their leaders and their abilities. Same with Grashrak despoilers who you take just because of his spell has so much utility in a BoC army.


    Anyway thanks for the recommendation guys. I have a model nicely fitting for Drycha so I was hoping to get some mileage out of it, but looking at the Treeman, it seems as the better cheaper choice for what I need him for. So thats back to the drawing board for me I guess.

    well I did state "unless you have strong melee Sylvaneth units you want to buff"


    otherwise both Skaeth's Wild Hunt & Sister of the Thorn is just a Wizard crew of 5 (with 5+ save)

    so I compare their mobility and damage output, Skaeth even got only 6 wounds...

  6. 6 hours ago, Malcivus said:

    Has anyone used Skaeth's Wild Hunt in a Living City list? For reference:


    I'm new to AoS so it may be hot garbage, but I love the models, especially Skaeth. It's a shame Nomad Princes can't have a mount, would be such a cool general.

    just did some calculation in Stathammer

    +10 points Sister of the thorn is a better choice.  (same 5 models, Wizard)

    better movement, better (shooting+melee) damage stat

    and easier for dice rolling.

    Unless you have strong melee Sylvaneth units you want to buff

  7. 5 hours ago, Malcivus said:

    How does something like this look? I like the look of the old Swordmasters of Hoeth minis, and may have just snagged two units of the plastics to represent Black Guard or Phoenix Warriors. Obviously going up to 2000pts from this I would add in the Hallowheart Battalion, etc. Thinking about converting the Hurricanum to be more....Arcane looking...thinking the Chained Floaty Rock from the Shattered Dominion set as a focal point and call back to the City's sigil.



    Screenshot_20200227-210051_WH AoS.jpg

    the question is which way you want to go / how competitive are you building

    Theres a bunch of obvious choice people test out to be more cost efficient / effective unit


    or you just want to build and use the model you like then just go

    AOS is fun.

  8. If you want to start with easiest / most cost-efficient way and you like dwarves

    Get the Greywater Fastness Start Collecting x 3,  you will get a very solid foundation.


    Irondrakes/Iron breakers x30

    Gyro-copter x3

    Warden King x3 + Runesmith x3 --> I will suggest convert / proxy for two Runelord


    Knight Incantor(with Everblaze Comet) Celestial Hurricanum in Hallowheart is great (unless you are not a spell guy)


  9. 5 hours ago, SwampHeart said:

    I enjoyed the read (probably helps that I agree with basically all of it, you can check my list above and find basically the same outcome). If I may I'd suggest looking at possibly adding KO allies - the new Fly High ability is from the warscroll rather than the book which can add a huge chunk of late game maneuvering to your army as well. 

    whats your weapon choice of the dreadlord?

    blade / spear?

  10. On 1/21/2020 at 12:44 AM, SwampHeart said:

    With the KO changes I've shifted gears back to LC (using KO allies ironically enough). Played a little 3 round local tournament this past weekend and went 3-0 with the following list:

      Hide contents

    Dreadlord on Black Dragon - General <Ironoak Skin>, Lance of Spite <Spear of the Hunt> & Repeater Crossbow
    Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage - Ironoak Skin
    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit - Ally
    10x Handgunners
    10x Handgunners
    10x Handgunners
    3x Scourge Runner Chariots
    10x Shadow Warriors
    4x Desolators
    Grundstok Gunhauler
     - Ally
    Extra Command Point
    111 Wounds


    -My opponents were - OBR: Places of Arcane Power, IDK: Starstrike, Maggotkin: Focal Points.
    -I was impressed with the army's ability to exert board control and deal with multiple threats. That said I've got a fair chunk riding in the Hidden Paths contingent (Desolators, Dreadlord, and Hurricanum every game).
    -I beat OBR because of Hidden Paths, I gave him the double going in to turn 2 and he was forced to commit which gave me big openings to exploit with my movement tricks.
    -Adding the KO fly high with the blaster that is the Endrinmaster adds another level of headache for opponents. Now they have to both screen Hidden Paths as well as a constantly board traversing gun boat/mini cannon. 
    -Scourge Runner Chariots continue to impress, 18 M12 wounds is just never not good. They do die but they usually give something a black eye first and require a larger commitment of resources than they're worth to get rid of. 

    I was using borrowed models for this event but given how much I enjoyed playing it I think this is going to be my hobby project for the next year. I'm going to focus on heavy conversions for nearly every unit and I'm excited to challenge myself hobbywise with this list. 


    ever consider Concussors over Desolator?

    Or just point cost consideration?

  11. 17 minutes ago, Neffelo said:

    When you select horrors, you need to select pink to make them battleline. 

    You split 2 blues for every pink, so in your case  you would need 90 to cover all your bases, though it's rare you would need that many on the table at once. 

    yea, I do think I will not need full 60,

    so would like to ask for suggestion how many I should prepare for :D

  12. trying to plan and start a Tzeentcg army of 2000 points

    but I have two little questions and need your help


    (1) why I cant put pink horror as battleline on AOS app AZYR? is it just an app problem or I missed something

    (2) how many blue horror should I purchase as reserve for the split? (I planned to have 3x10 pink battleline)



  13. 42 minutes ago, SwashBuccaneer said:

    @rockmanko I don't think the disc birds in the box give an option to build them as 6 Skyfires or 6 Enlightened. When I opened mine to pull out the KO stuff I looked the directions over and they're 3 enlightened and 3 skyfires.

    Oh no
    But is skyfires a good option?

    so maybe need play as proxy then

  14. So I am new to Chaos, may I ask for some suggestions / guide to build a 2000 points list with the half Aether-War Box?

    (relatively competitive is ok)

    Is lord-of-change a must-buy/must-include under the new Battletome?

    What about include some StD units? or just go straight Tzeentch 


    Magister on Disk- 140

    Screamers - 80

    Enlightened on Disk x6 - 360


    580 points so far

    Thank you!

  15. 6 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    Did you not see the separate table for buffed and unbuffed versions of all three units? The unbuffed version of Irondrakes does not include the extra rend. I also discussed the fact that SotW require less support to reach maximum effectiveness, crossbows require a moderate amount of support and Irondrakes require the most support. That said removing the Longbeard buffs only takes drakes down a little bit, and without them the total investment in support units vs. crossbows is basically identical.

    It's also not really fair to fully incorporate the cost of the buffing units because they provide additional value on top of the buff they provide. Nomad prince has his bird and can cover multiple units with his buff. Hurricanum provides loads of extra value. Freeguild general can targets multiple units. Runelord also has a great dispell/unbind. Longbeards are also a solid meatshield.

    I enjoy the math! Really appreciate it.

    Would you mind add:

    one table of Buffed SotW, with Prince (+1hit) & stand & shoot (double attacks)

    And one for Irondrakes with only Runelord +1 hit

  16. On 12/25/2019 at 1:54 AM, Zeblasky said:

    So, how those builds look? Which is good, which is bad, any advice on how to build or play those armies better?

    Just one thing to point out:

    "You cannot attempt to cast the same spell more than once in the same turn (even with a different wizard)."

    So I doubted your choice on 3 units of SoT ...

  17. 5 hours ago, l1censetochill said:

    I'm a big fan of the Dracoline models as well, and while armies including them generally aren't viewed as particularly competitive there are a few lists floating around that seem like they're at least fun to play. I'm currently building toward the following:


    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Celestial Vindicators

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (220)
    - General
    - Trait: Single-minded Fury
    - Artefact: Stormrage Blade
    - Spell: Celestial Blades
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    Lord-Ordinator (140)
    Knight-Heraldor (100)

    5 x Sequitors (130)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (130)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers

    6 x Evocators on Dracolines (600)
    - 4x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades

    War Machines
    Celestar Ballista (110)
    Celestar Ballista (110)
    Celestar Ballista (110)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 104


    The Celestial Vindicators allegiance ability (re-roll 1s to hit on the charge) and command ability (give a unit +1 attack), when combined with the Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline's command ability (+1 attack for Dracoline mounts) and Pride Leader trait (+1 to hit for Dracoline mounts) can turn the Dracolines into absolute murder machines... and at that price, they'd better be.

    While I haven't played the list yet, I'm sure it ain't perfect. It'll still struggle on objectives due to low model count, the Dracolines will still probably get tied up by chaff at the worst times (though hopefully the Ballistas can whittle down some units), and it still probably can't compete against the top tier armies out there. But it looks like a pretty fun list to play, and you can be reasonably certain that once or twice per game your Dracolines will make the charge and completely mulch an enemy unit, which is always a good time.

    If you end up going with a similar list, I'd love to hear how it performs! I'm still 3 Dracolines away from being able to run it, but I'm excited to get it on the table.

    I am also a new battleforce stormcast player, and I am thinking my list as below:



    total 1990/2000

    not yet test the list (still building & painting) but already a few question/options on my mind

    (1) Only 3 heroes ? add a Knight-Incantor maybe?

    (2) More shooting? swap Evocators on foot for one more Vanguard-Raptors

    (3)  swao Hurricane instead of all 3 Longstrike, point replace by  Aetherwings/Command Point 


    Appreciate for your input/advise!

  18. 1 minute ago, schwabbele said:

    Most likely yes, if you axe the Celestant and Phalanx you have 220 points open which - funnily - would be enough for the raptors and aetherwings .

    Or could also axe the 5er Evo's and still run a Phalanx with split Draco's and shooting.

    But don't overthink it too much in the beginning, and don't be afraid to test stuff out on your own.

    Great!Really appreciate your kind help!

    Still >1 month to Christmas though


    I just finished my first 10 sequitors, and moving to Castellant/Heraldor..

    also bought a Astreia though, but I think can test her with both role

  19. 20 minutes ago, schwabbele said:

    You want to use a Lord Arcanum on Draco instead of Astreia and Celestial Vindicators Stormhost, and take the Pride Leader mount trait for your maximum Draco buffs.

    Splitting or not is a good question, getting all 6 of them into combat is not easy, they are rather large, however you will most likely kill the unit - if i remember correctly up to 74 damage from 6.

    Having 2 units, where one will be buffed can still do damage, and the other one can zip around and help out somewhere or contest an objective.

    No shooting will hurt. Maybe 1 unit of Raptors with Longstrikes and 1 unit of Aetherwings (both in 1 box ).


    Thanks for the input.


    So should I just cross out the Cleansing Phalanx?

  20. On 10/31/2019 at 5:05 PM, rockmanko said:

    the new Christmas SCE Battleforce catch my eyes!

    Can anyone give me some advise how should I build a starter army with the new boxset?

    My initial thoughts is to get a Arcanum(On Gryph-charger I guess) as general so I could have Sequitors battle line



    Arcanum(On Gryph-charger) 220

    Heraldor 100

    Castellant 120

    Celestant (on foot) 100



    Sequitors x10 260

    Sequitors x5 130

    Sequitors x5 130



    Evoactors x5 220

    Evocators on Monstrous x3 300

    Evocators on Monstrous x3 300


    Total 1880 so far

    Is the list ok?



    So this is my updated list preparing for the Christmas Bundle

    I know this is not anything new, but there's a few question would like to ask:

    (1) seems I have nothing to shoot (only thunder blast from Heraldor), is it an issue?

    (2) Should I split the 6 Evo on Drac instead?

    (3) any artifact / scroll recommendation?


    Thanks! and I am so looking forward to build my first AOS army this Christmas!

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