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Posts posted by loky100

  1. Took my 5 steam tank list to a 28 person tournament and went 4-1 which I'm super happy about, came 3rd.

    Their just too tanky and have so much output at range it just deletes armies. Noticed the biggest problem is holding points if you vs a horde army they really struggle but can slowly chew through them.

    I highly rate the steam tanks now.

    Now onto a different army type, thinking alpha charge knights. See how that goes.

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  2. Yeah she does the same amount of damage as a Griffon charging with the hammer artifact. She does more damage in the next fight phase since the Griffon loses the charge bonus on the lance. The 70 points difference is all for that rally on a 4+ in combat but it can be so situational. Now as I read it she only need to be in combat for the 4+ rally which makes it nice since 10 knights can blow up stuff and end up out of combat. She is situational but also she only 340 points. She does more damage then Belthanos if that anything.



  3. Just read the FAQ. Surprised they did +20 to our fusillers was expecting +10. Rest I'm not surprised about. The sad thing is as other have said they didn't buff anything that is really weak. Also dark elves are still super strong and do better shooting then humans now with chariots.

    Also I know this is picky but I'm annoyed that the dragon bite didn't get made into D6. Was D6 last book but got nerfed to D3. Sure its a mistake but they don't seem to care. I did email them about it oh well.

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  4. 9 hours ago, wayniac said:

    So out of sheer curiosity as the models look sick, is it viable to run mostly the new stuff and not rely on bringing in old WHFB elves/dwarfs/Empire stuff (maybe excluding regular wizards)?  Or is it built around synergy still from the old ranges?

    If you look at my list just above its all the new units.

    If you didn't want Ionus Cryptborn in your list you could run some Fusilliers with a Warforger.

    If you wanted to go all shooting mass Fusilliers would be effective. Or go mass horde steelhelms could also be effective.


  5. After I run my steam tank at the next tournament here is my list idea for a alpha strike army.

    Misthaven the Pontifex to give that 5+ ward  into their deployment, then do the Marshal and a unit of Cavaliers to go with him. Move and charge both Tahlia and Ionus up. Ionus uses his breath to clear screens/ chain lighting in the hero phase. Other Cavaliers follow up and if they can get a charge all the better. Command corps just turns off commands and if they get up their eventually heal some models. Everyone just takes engage the Foe order for +1 attack. Should be pretty spicy for an army.


    Cavalier-Marshal General 120
    Sigmarite Warhammer
    Fiery Temper

    Thalia 340
    Pontifex 150
    Cavaliers x 10 360
    Cavaliers x 10 360
    Steel Helms x 10 100
    Command Corps 170

    Ionus Cryptborn 400

    Total 2000

    • Like 1
  6. So got a tournament in Dec.

    I think steam tanks are quite strong and here is my list idea.

    City: Lethis

    This is to turn off wards. Also allows the steam tank commanders to get heal which is strong on a 2+ save.


    Steam Tank Commander : Divine Champion and Macroscope artifact.

    Steam tank Commander:

    Steam Tank

    Steam Tank

    Steam Tank

    Zenestra for the ward save

    Command Corps for heal and turn off command abilities

    Cavaliers for a counter charge and steal objectives.

    Celestial Hurricanum for the +1 to hit for the tanks and mortals.

    Put it in a 2 drop. Grand srat is no mages on the board.


    This list might have a problem with holding the points but I'm hoping with average 30 damage in the shooting phase I can just clear them and hold them with a tank. Also allows me to do all the human battle tactics which will help a lot.


    What do people think about it? I'm gonna try it this week and see how it goes.

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  7. Hello,

    Looks like a good list. Only thing I would change is give the dragon the 5+ ward save and make him super tanky. The spear giving +1 rend on his three lance attacks isn't too much. Fight first on the charge is great but he won't always get the charge off.

    The rest of it looks good be a fun list of dwarves.

    • Like 1
  8. I played 3rd Ed today with my living cities army.

    Can say our monster hero's are really good. I had both the Black Dragon and Frostheart Phoenix, I gave the Dreadlord on Black Dragon the 5+ ward artifact.


    They didn't die either by giving them a heal each hero phase and the living city wide heal just kept them up.

    Seems like Cities of Sigmar are in a really good place.

    Here was my list.

    Warlord Battalion
    Ironbreakers x 1 115 HR

    General Runelord 100
    Druid of the Ever Spring Circle - Iron Oak Skin

    Frostheart Pheonix 315
    Arcane tome - Flaming Weapon

    Celestial Hurricanum 280
    Life surge

    Irondrakes 160
    Irondrakes 160

    Dreadlord on dragon 290 -
    Amulet of destiny - 5+ ward

    Concussors 235
    Prime 325

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