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Everything posted by kondhitter

  1. Hello. I play nighthaunts. There was situation on last game that my opponent khorne player used his blood tithe points to charge with his mighty skull crushers on my hero phase. He killed 9 out of 10 my bladegheists with mortal wounds. It was still my hero phase so i returned all 9 with generals command trait, black coach ability and spectral lure spell. Later on combat phase he killed 4 more. So when battle shock need to be made i still had 6 on table, but all and all 13 was slain on that turn. So do i take battle shock test for those 13 slain models or for 4 that was removed from table? The wording to make battleshock stands "slain models", but for those resurrection skills/spells wording goes "you can return slain models"
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