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Ian Wallsh

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Posts posted by Ian Wallsh

  1. 11 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    I think the hammer wielding aelves have pretty much been confirmed with that one piece of artwork.

    True, but we don't yet know if it's "singular' or a whole unit... I know I sound like a broken record but it might just be a lone 'specialist' Wizard, elemental Mage etc... 

    I'm not keen on a whole Unit, because it feels" so" different to the Aelves i knew of old, ie Ulthuan, but maybe that's the point.....? 

    I'm trying to keep an open mind until I see a Hammer-wielding miniature before me, it would have to be done very well indeed. But we just don't have enough to go on yet..   

  2. 4 minutes ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    I'm honestly not sure what to think about GW really pushing the Mountain angle.  To my mind that's the least interesting of the four castes, and the least "aelven."  Although in light of that thought, there in may lay the answer.  GW may want to make the mountain sign work because it would be the hardest to do right.

    Apologies for the very stream-of-consciousness post.

    Mmmmm hadn't thought of that, so long as there's no Hammer-wielding Aelves 


    • Confused 2
  3. I agree with the points raised here, and as stated earlier I'm not keen on the whole "Aelves with Hammers" thing...  

    Swords, double-handed axes, Great Swords, no problem.... 

    However, if it was a ceremonial weapon, or one wielded by a solo 'specialist, eg elemental wizard, that's something I might be able to get my head around...... 

    Entire ranks of Hammer-wielding Aelves - Nope! 


    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    If we get anything flying, I'd rather it be the return of the true Dragon Princes.  I want to remind everyone of the power of the Aelves by riding around on the battlefield burning their armies to ash!

    I third that! To me the "Dragon Princes" were the best of the best and need to return..... 


    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. The High Elves was one of the first armies I painted and I loved them and the whole "Ulthuan" mythos, lore army list, history, Teclis, Tyrion and their illustrious /cursed Ancestry..... Anaerion.... 

    Besides Chrace, White Lions, Hoath and Saphery I really loved the "Dragon Princes of Caledor" ; their whole paint scheme and armour and look was brilliant.... But I suppose they disappeared with Ulthuan......? 

  6. On 1/30/2020 at 3:57 PM, Inquisitorsz said:

    I wrote a quick summary on the previous page but I can do a more detailed write up later today if you like.


    Here's a quickly wall of text dump of a write up for you.

    Little bit of background first. 
    I finished painting my base army at 3am the night before Cancon.

    This meant that I didn’t have any extra summoned units. No dryads, no hunters, no extra forests. I had 2 old custom citadel woods and that’s all I used throughout the tournament. 

    Turns out having a 4 month old at home really eats into your hobby time.

    So with that, I wasn’t expecting too much. I was just happy to actually get an army onto the table. This would also be my first ever games with Sylvaneth… I think they last time I played an AoS game was at another tournament back in March 2019 with my Nighthaunt…. I don’t get to play much lol.  

    This was the list. Keep in mind that the whole tournament was played in Ghyran, so we had access to the whole spell lore. The damage spells there are pretty terrible, but Mirrorpool and Flesh to Stone are great for Alarielle and Drycha.
    That was the main reason I chose Drycha over Durthu. If not for the realm, the list would have been a bit different. That being said, Drycha was probably my MVP.

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth

    - Glade: Winterleaf

    Alarielle the Everqueen (600)

    - Deepwood Spell : Throne of Vines

    Drycha Hamadreth (320)

    - Deepwood Spell : Regrowth

    Branchwraith (80)

    - Deepwood Spell : Verdurous Harmony

    Arch-Revenant (100)

    - General

    - Command Trait : My Heart Is Ice

    - Artefact : Frozen Kernel

    6 x Kurnoth Hunters (400)

    - Scythes

    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)

    - Greatswords

    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)

    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)

    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)

    Spiteswarm Hive (50)

    Extra Command Point (50)

    Game 1:
    Started off playing Alex and his Hallowheart army. Unfortunately for him I was rocking 5 unbinds. I think I was given the first turn. The battleplan was border war. So I moved some things up to the objectives and Alarielle threw her spear. The magic phase was uneventful as I either failed to cast anything or had it unbound.  
    The spear however did work. It hit and outright killed the hallowheart general.  
    After the game we realised we had played the Cities of Sigmar bodyguard rule incorrectly (we rolled one 4+ to shrug off the whole hit, not each individual wound that was allocated).
    This was a learning experience for Alex. Know your army guys!
    With the general dead, he lost his big battleshock bubble and a big chunk of his spellcasting. 
    In his turn, he charged some spite revs and Drycha with spearmen and the 6 hunter unit with a huge block of greatswords. 
    He didn’t roll particularly well in that combat and killed 1.5 hunters. When they fought back they took down something like 11 greatswords. On the other flank Drycha got to attack before the spearmen…. And that hurt the elves A LOT. I think she accounted for about 10 by herself with pretty average rolling. I believe the rest of that unit suffered from battleshock (being over extended). Alex, like most opponents throughout the weekend severely underestimated Dyrcha’s damage output. 
    The middle of my battle line was Alarielle with her screen and the 3 sword hunters. They came up against a block of black guard, but the results were similar. Alarielle’s beetle making pretty short work of large blocks of units.   

    Alex’s first magic phase was as uneventful as mine, and we pretty much called it during Turn 2. At this point I was pretty impressed with the Hunters and Drycha but Alex was pretty unlucky in key moments and the incorrect death of his general certainly didn’t help.
    That being said, between the spear, Drycha’s shooting and spells, I think it would have been difficult to keep her alive much longer anyway.

    Major Win

    Game 2:
    Tzeentch eternal conflagration changehost piloted by Jarred. Here we go time to mix it up with the big boys. I’m a little bit familiar with Tzeentch so I at least know some of their tricks. We both chose the “kill all behemoths” secondary objective so I set myself an early goal of killing the Lord of Change.
    I got the first turn again as I’m rocking 9 drops. I summoned a new forest quite deep into his territory, got the endless spell off and set up a great alpha strike with the large hunter unit. Unfortunately Drycha didn’t get mirrorpool off so she couldn’t join the party. 
    However, I failed the charge roll even with +2, so now my hunters were sitting in front of a LOC and 20 pink horrors ready to receive a beating. 
    My opponent however opted to run away. He teleported the pink horrors away and the LOC also took to the skies and flew away, leaving some small brimstone screens in front of my hunters. His magic phase was fairly uneventful, I got some good unbinds off. With all his combined shooting he killed the 3 sword hunters on the other flank, as well as some of my spite screens and did a fair bit of damage to Drycha.  My tree revs teleported around attempting to hunt his heroes. They didn’t achieve much damage but did force some reactions which was good.
    Since I don’t have extra hunters to summon, Alarielle used the freshly killed ones instead. I brought those guys back on, almost mopped up the brimstone screens, and started laying into the LOC. There was just enough room for my hunters to charge through a gap and get a few in combat with him. They did some good damage and he then used the teleport to escape getting mauled further.

    As the battleplan was Starstrike the first objective came down this turn, slightly to my left flank and that’s where 20 pink horrors ended up.
    I decided to mainly ignore those guys as there was no way I was going to get through 100 wounds quick enough. Especially with how destiny dice work and results of 1 bringing models back on. 

    I went first again in turn 3 and the two new objectives popped up on my right flank which was currently clear of demons. My large hunter unit continued to roll around the left flank, this time hitting his changling and one unit of flamers. They also pulled the horrors into combat too. A few solid rolls later and I wiped out the flamer unit and changling completely. Alarielle’s spear again did good work and left the LOC on 1 wound (I needed 3 damage to kill him and rolled a 2).

    The LOC teleported again to get out of the way of the rampaging hunter unit, the remaining flamers shot at Alarielle doing a few wounds, the exalted flamer and herald finished off Drycha who was wasting her time killing brimestones.
    The big pink horror units teleported back to the right flank and spread themselves out to try and tag both objectives. Thankfully my branchwraith and sword hunters were in the way and they could only grab 1 of them.  However this left his exalted flamer and herald exposed.

    The Scythe hunters continued their rampage and ripped through both heroes. Alarielle finished off the LOC with an arcane bolt I mopped up the last 2 brimstones which annoyingly kept holding the first objective. But now, Jarred only had the large pink horror unit left and no heroes. I had lost all my small battleline, 1 unit of sword hunters (who came back on) and Drycha. 

    After that it was just a case of grabbing the objectives and mopping up the pink horror unit, which Alarielle and the 3 sword hunters were doing fairly well.  We called the game at this point as I was too far ahead on objective points but had we played one more turn I would have probably wiped him out. 

    Major Win. Feeling pretty good about myself now, even without extra dryads or forests.

    Game 3:

    This time it’s Blood And Glory against Sean’s shooty and teleporting stormcast. He had 3 units of hunters, a big block of sequitors backed up by some buffing heroes, 20 castigators and a ballista.
    He had all the mobility, surprise and bodies to make this objective game very difficult. This was bad match up for me. Without my extra summons I wouldn’t be able to have a big enough board presence and without the extra forests my mobility is minimal.

    In any case the game started pretty well. He went first, castled up in the middle with a big fully buffed sequitor bubble. I dropped a forest and smashed the 6 hunters into him…. They killed 1. He then gave me the first turn in round 2 and I popped the frozen kernel and +1 attack from the arch rev. 
    3 combat rounds later and I had killed about 5 sequitors…. This was going to be a nightmare to get through. Turns out 3+ rerollable saves and rerolling 6s to hit makes that 40 wound unit bloody tough. Even against -2 rend scythes. Admittedly he did roll very well on those 5+ saves all game, but still. 
    My sword hunters were kind of out of position most of the game with was a mistake. I should have set them up in the realmroots in hindsight.
    On turn 3 he dropped the rest of his army. The 20 castigators deleted Alarielle and grabbed my rear left objective. I failed to cast the endless spell which meant my sword hunters had to run, to get close enough to a wildwood to teleport. So they lost a turn getting to the castigators.

    Drycha was slowly working her way through sequitors along with the hunters when she was finally gunned down by the deepstriking castigators.
    Once the sword hunters hit in turn 4 they did pretty well, but by that point I was a bit low on bodies to hold objectives. Sean used his command abilities to teleport his general and hunters around to try and grab the last 2 objectives. He failed one charge but managed to shoot down the last tree rev, which gave him his 3rd objective. In hindsight we played that wrong, an objective 12” away from the table edge shouldn’t be in range of something teleporting within 6” of a table edge, but that’s how the TO ruled it.
    We ran out of time here, so Sean got a minor win by having 3 objectives, but even without that 3rd objective he would have still won on kill points. Annoyingly there was 1 sequitor left so I didn’t get that 400pts. One more turn would have probably seen me clean up the rest of the castigators and the sequitor unit but it’s unlikely I would have gotten 2 objectives and if I lost the priority role Sean would instantly claim 4 and get a major win. 

    All in all, it was a pretty close game and I made a few mistakes. Not having the extra summons hurt a bit. Good learning experience and I was pretty happy with a close game considering the tough match up.

    Minor Loss

    So after Day 1 I was feeling pretty good. I thought I could walk away with 3-3 or 4-2 which would be great considering the handicap and lack of any Sylvaneth gaming experience. Then Day 2 happened….

    Game 4:

    This was going to be an interesting bloodbath. A 6 stonehorn mawtribes (actually 4 stonehorns and2 thundertusks) list played by a very experienced player… and one who used to play a lot of Sylvaneth too.
    Turns out he didn’t really need that knowledge. He took the first turn and his frostlord hit Alarielle’s screen, killed them all with impact hits and proceeded to 6” pile in and one shot the big girl herself. 
    I underestimated the threat range of that guy a bit, but with a 12” move + 3” from a prayer + 2” from hunger with a rerollable charge, I’m not sure I could have hid her anywhere since the diagonal deployment limits positioning a bit. I can’t remember if he can run and charge as well maybe? 
    Drycha was dropped to like 3 wounds remaining from the winter chill shooting and 5 blood vulture shots.  
    My turn consisted of 3 sword hunters doing a grand total of 1 wound to the frostlord (should be about 7 on average but he saved four 5+ wounds). They were butchered with easy in return. 
    Drycha shot him for another 2 wounds, which he healed next turn anyway.  She also failed to cast regrowth. My Branchwraith and Arch Rev ran up to grab the both flank objectives but at this stage I knew the game was over. 

    The ogors went first in turn 2 and easily dispatched my remaining 5 wound heroes. Since the scenario was Places of Arcane Power I had no hope of scoring any more points and called the game there. Took about 40min including set up.
    I knew I was not experienced enough and didn’t have enough chaff to properly contest this game, but I had hoped to put up a bit more of a fight. It was a bit embarrassing.

    Major Loss. 2-2 at this point, still not bad, I should get some easier games now having dropped to the middle of the field. 

    Game 5:
    Nope…. It’s Slaanesh commanded by Ken.
    I actually started this game off pretty well. It was Escalation so all our behemoths started way at the back. I used mirrorpool to get Drycha up the right flank. Dropped a forest near the middle objective, got the endless spell off, but rolled a 1 for the 6 hunter unit, so they didn’t get the buff.
    I still moved them into the centre forest with a Shield of Thorns. That’s now a 3+ rerollable save that gives out mortal wounds to enemies charging it, sitting in a wyldwood. Come get me.

    Tree revs also teleported up the right flank to grab an objective and act as bait. Alarielle’s spear did some good damage to one of the chariot heroes as the keepers were out of range.

    The big demonette unit on the flank took the bait, charged the tree revs and drycha… Between her attacks and battleshock the unit was wiped out.
    The other demonette unit in the middle saw what happened and didn’t take the hunter bait. They sat on the objective instead.  I lost the left objective to some seekers with another chariot and keeper not far behind. Without some dryad summons I knew I wasn’t going to hold that flank, but I did take a commanding lead on the other side of the board. 

    In my next turn, Drycha finished off the chariot hero on that side of the battlefield but was just out of range to shoot the keeper in the middle. Alarielle however did some good damage with her spell and spear.
    Unfortunately, this is where I made my game losing mistake. Instead of holding back and hammering the keepers with shooting and magic, I got over confident and charged the scythe hunters into the big demonette unit with a keeper close behind. I knew I was likely going to strike last, but thought I could weather the storm well enough, and if he failed the locus roll, I was going to spill a lot of demon blood.
    Well, he didn’t fail it, and between the keeper and double pile in for the demonettes, the hunters were easily wiped out. And with that, the centre of my battle line collapsed.

    In his turn, the second keeper on the flank, swung up through the middle, now in range to charge Alarielle, while the wounded keeper in the middle turned to face the incoming Drycha. Again in this game I used my sword hunters poorly and they were essentially out of the fight for most of the game. But I’m not sure they would have made much difference, maybe they could have slowed down the second keeper?  

    In any case, this turn I lost both my big girls, and with only a handful for chaff and 3 sword hunters left, I conceded. Ken had something like 51 summoning points at this stage due to the tasty 5 wound hunters, so even killing the wounded keeper would have been a hollow victory.

    Major Loss. I feel like it was mainly my lack of experience here that cost me the game. Had I used the sword hunters better and left the 6 scythes in the forest till one keeper was dead, I could have held out much longer and Drycha could have continued to munch through demonettes from the flank. I think that would have made it a very close game.  
    Some dryads to summon on the left flank would have helped a lot to slow down his army and help contest that objective. 

    Disappointing loss but a good learning experience.

    Game 6: 
    This one was just rubbing salt in the wound. It was a Nurgle list with a Glottkin, 15 knights a few heroes, a warshrine and some small units of warriors. It was obvious the knights were the lynchpin of the army but I wasn’t familiar enough Nurgle to know what buffs and tricks were coming.
    I deployed fairly conservatively with the spite screens up and scythe hunters ready to forest teleport. 
    Mike took the first turn and proceeded to get every single buff spell and prayer off onto the knights.  I failed to unbind all 4 spells.

    So here’s the deal. Chaos Knights have 3 attacks each, 3+/3+/-1. The horses get 2 attacks. 
    The glottkin gives them both +1 attack. The Lord on demonic mount gives them reroll charges and +1 to hit, the sorcerer gives them reroll all hits and wounds. The Glottkin then casts Blades of Putrefaction…. Which makes 6+ to hit = mortal wounds. 
    Since this is an old book, that’s not unmodified 6s, and it’s in addition to normal damage. 
    So now the knights have 4 attacks + 3 from the horses, doing mortal wounds on 5+ to hit in addition to normal damage, with full rerolls.

    So a unit of 15 knights is looking at an average of over 30 mortal wounds before rerolls and normal damage. Did I mention they can run and charge (due to the Nurgle tree in the middle of the board), with a charge reroll? Well they can. So he pops a command point to run 6.
    He’s now moved up 16” and rolls a 10 to charge. The knight unit is so large/long that he can tag half may army and warp around all my screens.  

    I’ll let you guess how that combat round went. Once the dust settled, I had 1 scythe hunter, Drycha on 3 wounds left.  Alarielle, arch rev, 5 spites and 5 tree revs were unengaged so they avoided the slaughter for now.

    But he was about 5 wounds away from killing 1000pts in one combat round. 
    On my turn failed to cast a few spells, charged Alarielle in, brought back 3 sword hunters and charged them in too. That went about as you’d expect too. All the buffs still remain, I chose to attack with the hunters first as Alarielle was only going to fight 2 knights and I figured she could survive that.
    Did I mention that the knights have 3+ rerollable saves and 6s to wound bounce back mortal wounds? Yeah…. I didn’t kill many. I think he even failed to cast his +1 wound spell which would have added more insult to injury. 

    The knights then attacked again and killed the sword hunters again. Finished off Drycha and the two knights fighting Alarielle did a whopping 14 wounds to her. She then proceeded to kill herself when she rolled two 6s to wound.
    At this point the game was well and truly over. I had almost nothing left and I’d killed about 3 or 4 knights. 
    Mike did roll extremely well for his 5+ mortal wounds all game (and his armour saves) and I was unlucky to not unbind all his buffs, but it was still an absolute stomping.
    His army did exactly what it was supposed to, and I’m not too sure what I could have done differently save for having a big horde unit to screen better, but still, I didn’t enjoy the game at all. Mike was a great bloke though, it was probably the overall disappointment of losing all my games on turn 2 the whole day that finally took it’s toll.

    I was quite annoyed after day 2, but in hindsight it wasn’t really that bad. The nurgle stuff does need some rewording to bring it in line with all the other “unmodified” and “wholly within” abilities. The stonehorn list was always going to be difficult for me, and the other 2 losses were certainly winnable had I been a bit more experience and had more summons/forests painted.

    Now a week later, I’m feeling much better about the whole event. It was tough. It was hot and I dragged my wife and 4 month old up there too which added to the stress and cost of the trip, but overall it was a good weekend and I learned a lot. 

    I know, now with a kid, I won’t be rushing to finish new armies each year like I have in the past. It’s nice to have a hobby deadline, but it’s just not very practical anymore. I’ll probably focus on finishing up this army now and having some proper games with it, hopefully at a few other events throughout the year.

    Brilliant Sum Up - Thank You! 

    • Confused 2
  7. 5 hours ago, a74xhx said:

    Your in luck as I've been meaning to write this one up.
    Last week I was at the hallowed Warhammer World. One of my games was Border War against Kharadron Overlords (with the new battletome) for the first time.

    My list: Gnarlroot, Ancient (general), Drycha, Wraith, Archie, 10 Spites, 2x5 Spites, 2x6 Kurnoth Scythes, Hive, Skullroot.

    He goes first. His entire 2000pt army (minus 1 engineer) in 4 boats teleports to my flank, 9 inches away:


    Drycha, Wraith and 5 Spites fall to heavy gunfire. The Ancient is now my single remaining source of spells and shooting. Ouch.

    My turn. I could probably get 6 Kurnoths and some Spites to the boats, but I won't be able to pile them all in, and next turn he would just disengage, teleport 9 inches away to another flank and shoot. Whilst he keeps the army together in one chunk I have no chance in a fight. Instead, I ignore him, place a wood, cast hive, send everything to the objectives and kill his lone engineer on the backline objective. I double turn and hunker down, scoring them all again.

    My remaining army is now placed (in the direction on the photo at the end):

    • Bottom Objective: 6 Kurnoths, 5 Spites
    • Left Objective: 6 Kurnoths
    • Top Objective: 10 Spites
    • Right Objective: Ancient
    • And Archie is stood between the bottom and right objectives, blocking teleportation.

    He splits his army, placing a boat near as he can to each objective and shoots. I have to sit there and just take it.

    Back to my turn, there is literally nothing I can do. If I move off the objectives to engage in melee, he'll just redeploy and take the objectives. Doing nothing guarantees that I'll get all the points.

    By the end of turn 3, my army, unable to move, fight, or get any spells/shooting in range, is dwindling and he has only lost a single model (the engineer). However, I'm winning 25pts to 7pts. He considers quitting as he doesn't think he can catch up. However, we calculate if he gets first turn next, wins ALL the objectives, then keeps them all to the end of the game, we'll both have 25 points, and he'll win on models killed. We decide to play on.

    I now have remaining:

    • Bottom Objective: 5 Kurnoths
    • Left Objective: 3 Kurnoths
    • Right Objective: Ancient
    • And Archie is stood between the bottom and right objectives, blocking teleportation.

    He wins the turn roll. 5 Kurnoths are fired at from about 1000pts of models and go down on the final dice roll; the already disembarked Duardin are already in range of the objective. Then the Ancient gets shot until almost dead, charged, killed and objective taken. Archie is shot out.

    One objective to go and I'm down to 3 Kurnoths. A small ship full of 10 Duardin charges them to get in range of the objective. They are not able to disembark, so my models outnumber him three to one. He rolls to fight:


    (Blue dies are the objectives)

    All the Kurnoths survive!

    My turn to attack. If I take out the ship, then it'll explode, the 10 Duardin will fall out taking the objective and he wins the game. If the ship survives, I win. It's tense. I roll.....


    ....The Kurnoths deal 1 more damage than required. Ship explodes.

    I lose the game.


    Of course, that night whilst trying to sleep I remember I could have just attacked the Duardin inside the ship instead, and won the game. Doh!


    Takeaway thoughts:

    I really sucked at deployment. Instead I should have put battleline forward to take the shooting with everything else back out of range of any teleporting ships. Plus the army spread out wide as possible to block any backline teleporting, allow access to the objectives and to try to get him to split his army. Had I done this it would have been a very different game.

    Taking two Wraiths would have resulted in them both being instantly shot to pieces. This is making me reconsider the usefulness of taking a second one: If one of them is vulnerable, then the second one is likely to be too.

    The Ancient lasted as long as he did because as well as being able to soak damage, he wasn't considered a threat (unlike Drycha) or essential to my plans (unlike the Wraith). Sounds counterintuitive, but it's something to consider when picking him.

    The Kurnoths, even without re-rolling saves (tanglethorn doesn't work in shooting phase) were my damage soaking stars. However, in this game, Kurnoths with Bows would have really helped. I might have destroyed a ship or two, and won the game by turn 3.

    Brilliant stuff! Thanks for this... You obviously learned alot here... 

  8. Hi All, 

    It's been a while since I've Posted. 

    I'm struggling financially and am unable to build up my Army to a reasonable fighting force right now... 

    I was just wondering, does anyone have any juicy Battle Reports to whet my appetite with.....? 😁 


  9. 9 hours ago, Pigey said:

    Had a go against the Mawtribes. We turned out to have a 1000pts game. My friend was just discovering the book, so we figured lower points would make it more manageable for us :)

    I took the following:

    Glade: Gnarlroot


    Branchwraith (general + trait & artefact)

    10 Dryads

    5 Tree Revenants

    3 Kurnoth Hunters with Swords

    3 Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes (would have played swords normally, put did not take them today)


    The more I play Drycha, the better I thinks she is. Tree-Revenants are great.

    As for the Mawtribes, they hit hard but it is hard for them to sustain a long engagement. My friend was not lucky with his Ironguts (poor rolling) and I think that cost him the game.

    The Butcher is surprisingly tough and hits quite hard. The Tyrant is a beast! The impact hits rule is great and very fluffy too. I'm looking forward to playing against Ogors again :D 


    Thanks Pigey, I was wondering what the Ogors are like... 

  10. On 10/10/2019 at 6:35 PM, sal4m4nd3r said:

    This video will explain what happens when you dont thin your paints, and how to do it. This is gospel in mini painting bibles! Also if you are new to painting minis, consider using contrast paints from Games Workshop as a way to get a good looking army on the table and expand your use of base, layers, shades, glazes and more advanced techniques as you progress in the hobby! :)




    Thanks for the info! 

  11. Hi

    As a brand new Sylvaneth Player with 3 Branchwraiths and 3 Branchwych's I was just wondering, do you folks have a preference for either Branchwraith /Branchwych's and if so - what are those preferences and why.....? 

    I've read a lot of criticism re Branchwych's from a well-known source but I would like to hear it from a Seasoned, experienced Player's perspective....? 

    I love the Branchwraith Models.... But am open to persuasion (not having yet faced my first battle) 


    Kind regards 

    Ian Wallsh 


  12. On 10/4/2019 at 8:08 AM, Trevelyan said:

    That varies by local player base. If I turned up to an event with a Spirit of Durthu holding a magnetised TLA staff I would expect most people playing me to ask “why is your Durthu holding a staff?”

    You might get a little more leeway with the standard Treelord head vs the Ancient head (assuming people don’t miss the huge beard on the Ancient, but Durthu has a very distinctive face. 

    If you are going to magnetise the right hand on a fourth model then I’d recommend building the rest of it as the type it is likely to be most often to minimise confusion. 

    😂 I can see the virtues and practicalities of that.... Personally, I this I'll build 2 Ancients, a Durthu and a regular Tree Lord. Although having said that, for a beginner, putting the Tree Lords together is no mean feat! 😩 

  13. On 10/3/2019 at 4:32 PM, Emissary said:

    Personally I have 80 Dryads (units of 30, 30, 10 and 10).  Also 1 Treelord, 2 TLA and 2 Durthus.  for the extra treelord, you can't really go wrong using it for the 2nd TLA for Lords of the Clan or just a second Durthu in general.  I wouldn't build a 2nd Treelord personally.  I'd rather just have a unit of 3 Sword Hunters.

    I like the sound of that... 

  14. Sooooo..... 

    Due to an 'accident: on Ebay, I now have a 4th Start Collecting Sylvaneth box winging it's way to me.....😁 😬 😀 

    This will mean (once painted) my army will have 4 Tree Lords,  4 Branchwych, 3 Branchwraiths and 5 Revenants.... I am considering selling my Soul to Nagash (via Ebay) for an Arch Revenant........  😬 So, do you think I should do 2 Vanilla Tree Lords, and 1 Durthu /Ancient.....?   *

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