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Posts posted by The_Tallest_Ork

  1. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    Disregarding your tone and that it’s possible with probably every faction (SOB might be the exception) to get it done, how is making sure that two units wander off to fulfill the battle tactic any fun at all? 

    That‘s my bigger gripe with battle tactics. Do random stuff for points. That‘s like when you have to do extra things in hard mode of a game (not use ability X, don‘t jump, whatever) for a challenge. 


    See, now this is the productive discussion about battle tactics and their implementation. I totally agree there were plenty in 3rd that just felt like the random tasks you do to get Steam achievements without relating to anything a general might want to accomplish in a battle, or anything a player might think is cool to do. 

    Cutting off the flanks of your opponent's battle line does mirror strategies employed by real historical armies (to whatever degree you think those should be mapped on to a setting with magic and dragons,) so from that angle I can see why a designer might want to encourage it in game. But outside of any narrative reasons for doing so, it does seem like it can easily feel like either (1) something random you're doing because the game says you should, or (2) an unearned reward for having two units that you were already planning to send up the flanks for some other purpose. Army-specific battle tactics were often poorly done, but I wonder if having to go more broad with them in 4th will mean they mostly fall in to one of those two camps.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    We cleary do not have the same tactical genious as you

    The tactic under discussion is achieved by two small units walking in a straight line out from their territory for one or two turns, which you've admitted is over your head, so clearly you don't.

    Age of Sigmar can require a pretty thorough grasp of its rules and tactical decision-making to play at higher levels -- resource management, manipulating pile-ins, anticipating an opponent's turn and preparing for the changing board state -- and you just circle back to parroting half-remembered statements you've heard other people say when you're presented with anything drawn from the world outside your own basement. Maybe you should just tactfully bow out of AOS discussions which have greater complexity than "will you paint your minis." That's one tactic you can probably get the hang of, even if you can't figure out how to score any in-game.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    😄, Lol, For playing the mobility game and getting Reclaim the Realms they are at the bottom of the Order Alliance.

    Even if you focus your whole armylist on mobility as FS player you will still be outmanouverd by most other Order armies and they don't have to build their list around mobility.

    But you are right those BT are for every faction equal useable 😄 


    Competitive Fyreslayer lists have used multiple magmadroths and deepstriking hearthguard units for years and still manage to bring the heat without "focusing their whole army on mobility." This isn't obscure knowledge, but it does require one to actually play the game and observe how it's actually played, which might be difficult from your armchair.

    This battle tactic can also be scored by... simply deploying one unit on each flank and just advancing in a straight-ish line until you're outside of your own territory, which isn't exactly the sort of strategy you need to be a high-level player to pull off even with dwarven movement values.

    • Like 7
  4. If battle tactics have to stick around, I'm glad their scoring is less convoluted than 40k's secondaries. Hopefully the tactics themselves are better designed too.

    Underdog bonuses seem like just that: a nice little bonus. Cool to have, potentially helpful, not at all game-breaking.

  5. 6 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Have you seen the Slaughterpriest mini? The Kroxigor isn't twice the size at all. In AoS 3rd almost no foot hero could have a chance to a Kroxigor.

    Yes, I own both models. The Kroxigor is much larger in both height and volume. I'm fine with the giant dinosaur smashing a smaller human priest when the dinosaur wields a mace that is, on its own, larger than the priest.

    You're just talking in circles to justify why you want something that has never been the case in-game in AOS, and has made for notoriously un-fun editions of WFB back when it was the case.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm glad it looks like army and formation rules are still going to have more interesting rules and variety than they do in 40k. My biggest concern with the way they described the changes initially was that different armies would all start to feel same-y.

  7. 8 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I don't think it's GW. I think if you did a survey about books, you would find that may people probably still want them. 

    This is the case in traditional publishing - ebook sales as a percentage of overall book sales plateaued about a decade ago and show no sign of overtaking physical books as a revenue stream for the Big Four. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a similar situation with game and TTRPG books.

    Even disregarding arguments about the advantages of physical or digital rulebooks, GW would not be producing them if they were not profitable.

  8. My biggest concern is whatever this card system they've mentioned winds up being. 40k's secondary objectives are probably the clunkiest and least fun element of 10th edition, and it would be a major turn off to have to deal with that in both systems. 

    Everything else I can be cautiously optimistic on, but the fewer notes this game takes from competitive 40k the better.

    • Like 1
  9. So I've been having a blast putting together some of the new Chaos kits, but the push-fit Knights are a major headache. Out of curiosity, can you run a somewhat viable list without them?

    The core of footslogging smashy guys definitely needs a faster element to jump on objectives or disrupt the opponent's backline. Can Varanguard, Chariots, or some ally fill that role well enough? Or would knuckling up and finishing these fiddly guys be the only real solution?

  10. Now that a handful of our heroes have -2 rend on the warscroll, Gorecleaver and a Skullgrinder's ability can get them to -4 rend. -5 for a turn if you throw in a prayer. Probably not an optimal tournament build, but I think it could certainly be a fun surprise to really sharpen up a Juggernaut Lord and let him wade through an opponent's tankiest unit.

    • Like 1
  11. I started the game with Khorne towards the end of 2nd edition and shelved them shortly after the release of 3rd. The new book definitely feels like Khorne to me.

    The playstyle is still about calling up your god's power to boost your units, smashing stuff in close combat, then getting bonuses for doing so. I don't think there's anything I really miss from the old book, and there are a number of units I'm interested in trying out that I had no interest in fielding before. Heck, even the Skullgrinder has his own unique niche.

    • Like 1
  12. Based on reviews it sounds like a pretty solid upgrade! Not game-breaking, but solid. Seems to have kept the buffs and synergy element of the army, which I like, and given the mortals a much needed boost to their base stats.

    I'll probably have a tough time choosing between the Goretide and Flayed subfactions. The bonus to wound when trying to take objectives is always nice, but a 5+ ward after you've already fought is a pretty interesting tactical defense boost.

    • Like 1
  13. Khorne could use a few things in their updated battletome, but a brand new foot hero isn't really one of them.
    They do have three heroes who can only be found on their Start Collecting sprues, along with a unit of Blood Warriors that's below the minimum unit size, so I think there may be separate sculpts for at least one of them along with the new book.

    • Like 1
  14. For someone looking to start a new Kharadron army, how many ships should you be including in a balanced 1,000 point force? I like the idea of a Gunhauler filling up a battleline slot, and Frigates seem to open up a lot of options, but I imagine there has to be a certain ships-to-dwarves ratio at which the army would become cheesy or boring to play against.

  15. I got some games in against the Wild Hunt, Mournflight, and the first set's Stormcast this weekend. The Wild Hunt game went in my favor in turn two after some good positioning and pushes to keep the elves off my board, Stormcast was pretty even until I randomly respawned Night's Herald next to his heavy hitter, but the banshees seemed impossible to manage with their movement tricks and their two defense dice were hard to overcome at the start.

    I think Blazing Soul will have to be a feature in most of my decks, since we have some easy single-glory surge objectives and getting the Duke or Valreek inspired feels like it could be just enough to swing a game if we can't keep the enemies out on turn one.

  16. I'll be taking my Grymwatch out for their first games this weekend and I'm excited to see how they handle. I'd planned to pick the set up for new unviersal cards to use in my Eyes of the Nine deck, but they seem like they'll actually work better for the early-objective-later-offensive style I'd been trying to use with the Eyes. I don't have nearly as many cards that would help increase the nameless minions' damage output yet, but I figure without those they'd still serve pretty well as objective grabbers and supporting fighters for the named ghouls.

    Does it seem like offsetting the boards as far as possible will be the strategy everybody uses with these guys?

  17. What allies from the new expansion seem like they'd work well in a Cypher Lords warband?
    The addition of wizards with ranged attacks seem like the most interesting change for warbands in general, but with our speed and polearms it feels like we might not need the range as much as some other factions. I'm curious about trying a chaos spawn -- it has the speed to keep up with our fighters and a pile of wounds with good toughness. Can't fly or teleport it, but a writing mass of flesh and teeth could draw a lot of attention away from our squishier fighters.

  18. I just assembled a set of Cypher Lords for warcry, and I'm a little nervous about painting them since some of their arms and weapons flex really easily. Will GW paint/varnish crack and flake off if one of their spears catches on some scenery and bends a little? Are there any special steps y'all take to protect your extra-spindly figures?

  19. On 8/5/2019 at 10:24 AM, DrJekyll325 said:

    I picked up the Ironjawz cards last night, and I think they're going to provide the impetus to finish up the Brutes that I've had languishing on my hobby table for a while.  I'll start off building this 990-point warband and see how it does:

    • Brute Boss with Boss Klaw and Smasha   (250 pts.)
    • Brute with Gore-Choppa   (200 pts.)
    • 3 x Brutes with two Brute Choppas   (180 pts. each)

    Anyone played any games with an all-Brute list yet?

    I got a couple games in with that same setup this weekend, winning one with a tanky boss holding a tower King Kong-style and losing one after getting outnumbered in a three-objective game.

    The biggest hurdle in my games was only being able to fit two brutes in my Shield group -- you can't put more than 50% of your warband in it, and we didn't notice anything in the rulebook saying whether you can round fractions up. That means some deployments will keep two of your five fighters off the board until the second turn.

    The guys who start on the board can be quicker than they seem if you roll decently for ability dice. Turn two you'll probably be in melee and all your dice will go towards choppin', leaving your reserves possibly running in from the far edge of the board. I'm not sure what a pure brute list can do to overcome deployments like that.

    On the upside they definitely make an impact when they reach combat! Keep an eye on your opponent's fighter cards because Duff Up is a big upgrade over Onslaught on the right targets; some armies have champion versions of their little guys who actually meet the wound requirement.

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  20. I'd decided to start playing Age of Sigmar about a week before the new Orruk book was announced, so I'm excited that Warcry gives me an opportunity to use the couple kits I already bought while waiting to see what kind of changes are coming to AOS before buying a full army.

    Here's my beginner warband, Da Thikkboyz.


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