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Everything posted by lillumultipass

  1. Hi everyone, I have quite a large collection of games at home now (probably too many ;-)) but I am still missing a good wargame with minis, whereby one has a set amount of points to create one's army. I have been looking for quite some time (basically since june, buf life intruded...) as I am going back and forth between different games. As my knowledge was limited, I initially gravited towards Age of Sigmar and W40K as they were the more popular. However, given my requirements (I did not want armies with tons of figs, was ideally looking for a smaller than 4 x 6' footprint and max 2-3 hrs playing time, playable at a 3-player count, no hidden info so that I can "practice" solo...), people recommended other games such as Kill Team, Warcry, Warmachines, Infinity... So, I investigated all of them, and I arrived at the following conclusions : KT/Warcry : I am not sure I am looking for a skirmish game with a very low model count. I already have board games like this and will probably get Super Fantasy Brawl Infinity : a bit related to the above and hidden info plays a heavy role in the game Warmachines : seems to check a lot of my boxes (for instance, I was looking for a good variety in abilities, varied factions/races with a lot of possibilities for customization of one's army, i.e., different playstyle within the same faction), but I am afraid (i) it might be a bit too competitive/complex for me at first and (ii) the game is not in a very great state right now and the community down there in France has become rather small. So, I am back here, looking at AoS and W40K again, and I have a few questions : do you play other board games or does AoS/40K consumes all your time ? How many armies do you collect ? This is an issue I have trouble wrapping my mind around. Indeed, I have played a lot of CCgs over time, board games with different races or factions, and even though I know it is usually better to focus on 1-2 races/factions/deck to get to know it inside out, I am usually the type of person that likes to dabble around (because I like exploring different sets of abilities). In a game such as AoS/W40K, this seems much harder to achieve. How do you deal with it ? Are you primarily a painter or a player ? I am asking this because when I look at a few reddit subs I have the impression that discussions about painting abound, whereas those about strategies are much more limited. I have taken up painting a few months ago and I quite like it, but I am still an avid boardgamer and I still want to have a "good" game beyond it. In other words, although I like painting and find it relaxing (and it has helped me over the summer after a family loss), I see it more as a byproduct of a game. On to more specific/gameplay questions (for some of you that play both AoS and W40K): How much variability/agency is there in AoS vs. W40K with regard to list building ? Looking at GW's website and other resources, it seems there are much fewer models in AoS, which seems logical as it is newer. Does it curtail list buidling ? Also, I was under the impression that there was quite a few sub-factions that were really well-integrated in general. How diverse are the different factions in terms of gameplay/abilities in AoS vs. W40K ? As I said previously, I like when units have interesting abilities and are more than just their statlines (something which, I think, Warmachine does rather well). In terms of competitive meta, is AoS more varied than W40K, in general ? I have read that today's meta in W40K was quite biased towards Iron Hands but what about previous metas ? What do you think of Meeting engagement ? Given the aforementioned preferences, I am intrigued by this format, if I want to practice at home or play with my friends (they probably would like the game but they won't buy any models....and as we mostly play at their place, it would be easier for me to bring 1000pts armies and playing time would be a bit lowered). Also, would it be possible to adapt it to W40K ? I have found the wonderful Goonhammer site but their "Start competing" articles, which are great for 40K, are for the moment non-existent for AoS. Are there other sites that discuss the factions in details from a competitive perspective ? thanks !
  2. thanks for your reply ! I did take the plunge 😉 However, this forum does not seem very active and neither seems Reddit nor BGG. Is there other forums which are more active ? thanks !
  3. Hi everyone, I just bought 2nd hand a rather complete collection and with that comes the question of storage and transport. For cards, I think I am all good. However, for minis, for now they are all in one of the Core box. This is fine for now, but at some point it will be too small and it is also too risky for transport. So, I am envisioning a few solutions : (i) something like a stanley/plano box (something like that : https://www.amazon.fr/Stanley-1-97-483-SortMaster-compartiments-Multicolore/dp/B003PZHYLK/ref=sr_1_4?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=1F7HUSWPBPA2M&keywords=stanley&qid=1564669115&s=gateway&sprefix=bose+s%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-4 ) to store all the minis in one place at home and something much smaller and protected for transport. I found this : https://www.philibertnet.com/en/storages/67975-feldherr-magnetic-box-green-with-40-mm-pick-and-pluck-foam-for-custom-projects-2100000551118.html and this :https://www.philibertnet.com/en/accessoires/54245-foam-tray-mini-big-raster-figure-case-2100000431526.html; (ii) a more all-in-one solution, but I haven't found anything yet. I have seen that Feldherr has a KS for Shadespire warbands but I find it takes too much shelf space given that you need one box per warband (and my sheld space is limited). So, has anyone tried those solutions ? Above all the foam stuff, I wonder if it would be sufficient to transport 3-4 warbands when I go to a store or a friend's house. thanks !
  4. Hi everyone, I have been looking for a miniature game for quite some time, hesitating between this, Aristeia and now the KS for Super Fantasy Brawl. As I may be able to get a second hand collection (not full but rather complete) at a reasonable price, here I am asking some questions :* One thing that have always made me hesitant about the game is the inherent randomness of both dices and cards. I love cards as I have played CCGs all my life and I don’t mind dice usually, as long as I feel that my decisions are what ultimately win or lose me the game. Here I have the impression that the variance must be huge given dual randomness of drawing cards in a certain order and rolling dices. What do you think ? Does skill really matter? Compared to other games, such as, say Heroclix, Aristeia, Mythic Battle Pantheon…would you say WHU is more or less random ? Do you feel like you have a lot of "agency" during your plays wth respect to what you can do ? I usually tend to like thinky games* How good is the deckbuilding ? Are decks varied for each warband or each warband tend to have a certain style that restricts deckbuilding (I understand they all must have a certain style to some extent…I wonder just what leeway there is for the deckbuilder). Btw, are the different warbands really different in terms of what they can do on the field? I remember a while back when I saw the first warbands finding them a bit "bland" in terms of powers. Also, are different styles represented (like Control ? I used to be a Blue-White player in MTG and usually like to play a more controllish game). * A related question : how is the meta in general ? Meaning that, are there clear powerhouse cards or even worse warbands and other that are unplayable ? Or has it been varied overall in your XP ? * Are there some strategy discussions about warbands or cards ? I haven't seen a lot here (although I did discover a new website, wellofpower.com which looks cool) thanks !
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