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Posts posted by NinthMusketeer

  1. Super spray is just one spell; it can fail, it can be unbound, it can be out of range. Using a spellportal helps with the last bit but doubles up on the first two, eats another cast, and costs points.

    Like you say, bravery bomb is not competitive. Nurgle and LoN can do -5 bravery nerf builds easily, but that simply isn't seen.

  2. Yup, absolutely. The combination of ignoring spells, all wizards getting an extra spell (holy ******), and a command ability that grants an aoe bubble of +d6 to casting every turn* puts it well above the other cities. I believe it is thoroughly overpowered and we will see that represented in tourney lists.

    *In theory the model using it suffers d6 MWs. In reality that model will have ignax scales to ignore those on a 4+ then have another wizard cast the heal d6s wounds spell on them using said bonus.

  3. Some general thoughts, all IMO obviously:

    -Big wizard with Ignax Scales is auto-take so they can use the command ability every turn, have a 4+ against the MWs suffered, then bubble out the +d6 to casting, which someone can then use to cast the heal d6 wounds spell on them if needed.

    -The whitefire retinue is a matter of how much one wants an extra artifact & CP. For any other army it would be a great battalion, but Hallowheart is getting +d6 to casting rolls from its command ability anyways which reduces its usefulness. Do not mean to suggest that it is in any way bad, though.

    -Nomad Prince as a general to get Sisters of the Thorn battleline seems like a good option. Thorn sisters in general seem exceptionally powerful for their point cost (for that cost I would use them even if they weren't a wizard) and with an extra cast from hallowheart they are pushed firmly into ridiculous territory.

    -A Knight-Incantor to spam their warscroll spell plus whatever else seems auto-take.

    -Lord-Arcanum on foot with his command ability to add to endless spell movement seems like a good way to add threat range.

    -As Eaglsphan mentioned, longbeards to grumble away endless spells the same turn they are cast, or to get rid of one from a previous turn so it can be cast again.

    -Endless spells of choice would be umbral spellportal, geminids, shackles, and lifeswarm. Spellportal is obvious, geminids are simply the best spell for MW spam even before the penalty comes into play, shackles are amazing once one realizes the true extent of their shenanigan potential, and lifeswarm for bringing phoenix guard back.

    -As others have mentioned, phoenix guard are awesome for any city and Hallowheart really likes combining them with lifeswarm.

  4. The second update (and first major update) for RtR is out! Version 1.2 focuses on refining the initial follower numbers for champions as well as updating the Orruk charts to account for their their new battletome, and finally a completely new set of warband tables for Cities of Sigmar!


    BoC: Beastlord initial followers increased by 1

    -Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage, Skullmaster, Bloodmaster, and Exalted Deathbringer initial followers increased by 1
    -Bloodbound Follower & Elite Follower tables reworked

    -Great Unclean One split into two options; doomsday bell with 0 followers (down from 1), and massive bilesword (unchanged)
    -Soilpox Scrivener, Sloppity Bilepiper, and Lord of Plagues initial followers increased by 1.

    Slaanesh: Keeper of Secrets can not longer take the sinistrous hand equipment option

    -Arch-Warlock, Warlock Engineer, and Warlock Bombardier initial followers reduced by 1
    -Screaming Bell and Plague Furnace moved to grand champions

    Slaves to Darkness: Darkoath Warqueen initial followers increased by 1

    -Wight King initial followers increased to 5
    -Soulblight elite follower table reworked.


    Gloomspite Gits: Loonboss on Giant Squig, Loonboss with Giant Squig, Loonboss [on foot], and Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider initial followers increased by 1.

    Orruk Warclans:
    -Warband tables updated to reflect the new battletome & warscrolls.
    -Greenskinz have been left in as they are still an official force as of GHB 2019 and can be part of the Great Waaagh! allegiance.


    -Lord-Celestant [on foot] and Lord-Ordinator initial followers increased by 1
    -Lord-Arcanum [on foot] initial followers reduced by 1
    -A large number of new champion options have been added to both allow for more theme options and for use with Cities of Sigmar
    -Slight changes to the Sacrosanct and Extremis retinue & elite retinue charts, and to the hero & elite hero retinue charts.

    DoK: Bloodwrack Medusa added as an Elite Hero Retinue option

    Idoneth: Namarti follower tables reworked

    -Oldblood [on foot] and Skink Priest initial followers increased by 1
    -Elite retinue chart inverted

    Sylvaneth: Elite retinue chart condensed

    Cities of Sigmar: Warband charts added, replacing the old free city charts.

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  5. Two weeks into running a full campaign at my flgs and things are going pretty well. I'm also fitting in test games here and there with one-off warbands, trying to get as much testing/data in anticipation of doing an update once the campaign is over. 

    Some planned changes:
    -KoS can't take the Sinistrous Hand
    -DoK Medusa on Foot added as an elite hero option
    -Plague Furnace moved to grand champion
    -Look through champions without spellcasting ability and give them higher starting followers on a case-by-case basis.

    On the fence about:
    -Making a GUO with Bell a seperate champion option from one with Blade, with one less starting follower. The difference in performance is pretty big.
    -Reducing the starting followers of all the Lord-Arcanums by 1, due to having three really good abilities on top of solid stats (Cycle of the Storm, Spirit Flasks, and Prime Electrids).
    -Reducing the Wrath of Khorne thirster's followers by 1 because he can shoot MWs and has a great command ability.
    -Make Stormfiend units spend an extra renown to include models with warpfire projectors.

    I'm also specifically looking for feedback from any Idoneth players. Namarti are in a tricky spot where a 10-man unit is too strong for normal retinue but also a bit weak for an elite retinue, while also being the main line troops for the army. I am still trying to figure out a hybrid approach to address this.

  6. Going with Nurgle, keeping this short and sweet:

    Get a start collecting box for Rotbringers and for Nurgle Daemons. Buy two boxes of blightkings and a harbinger of decay.

    You can now run the Blight Cyst battalion with a harbinger for his command ability, this fills 1000 points and performs well. The daemons are for summoning.

    To expand get two boxes of plaguebearers so you can add a 30x unit to the list as an anvil, bring in a lord of afflictions (from the start collecting box earlier) to buff your blightkings and fight on the front lines, use the poxbringer for magic support, and nurglings to outflank. Plague drones remain off the list to be summoned in during the game, and picking up some more plaguebearers for that purpose is a good idea but optional. Fill the rest as you see fit to get to 2000, more blightkings are always nice while festus and gutrot are good character choices. If budget is less of an issue pick up a GUO and give him the bell.

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  7. No need to apologise for having questions! If someone has a problem with it that's THEIR problem.

    1 - You are correct on all counts.

    2 - It comes down to imagination, and the answer is not completely solid. But I would say it is not an issue to be concerned about, especially for Order where the "better than them winning" argument can justify pretty much any alliance.

    3 - There is a 1-ally-per-four-units restriction in the core rules you must always abide by regardless of play mode.

    4 - You can technically mix between grand alliances, but that would mean no allegiance abilities at all. Better to run them as seperate armies on the same team, which also better represents how things like that happen in the fluff.

    5 - She cannot be allied in and is only available to Grand Alliance Order armies.

  8. Some minor updates based on preliminary playtesting;

    -Varghulf Courtier went up to 3 initial followers

    -Plague Monks went down to 10 per follower choice

    -Several changes to the Stormcast tables; split hero options into regular and elite, removed 10-vanguard option but added 5-man to 3-4 on the regular retinue, and moved 5-man castrators to the regular retinue.

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  9. Welcome to the thread for Road to Renown, a remaster of the Path to Glory system as it existed in the classic days of 1st and 2nd edition. It aims to smooth out the 'rough edges' of the classic Path to Glory experience while still maintaining enough random factors to keep things exciting, as well as vastly expanding on the options available to players. This includes a restructuring of the basic rules around two campaign options, a complete update to all warband tables, and an overhaul of follower rewards. Other features include making non-battletome allegiances available for use, transferring bonuses earned in Warcry campaigns to Age of Sigmar, incorporation of the Anvil of Apotheosis rules, and more!


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