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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. In my case, I had 3 Palladors in his deployment area, so in a 3" zone only 12" long, there wasn't much space left. I didn't feel this was quite fair, so we ruled that if you couldn't deploy in the designated area, you could deploy in your main zone. You are correct, I believe, that normal deployment does not specify a 9" buffer, so in many cases , a deployment would put you within 9" or even in base-to-base contact. This situation occurred as an accident when I had moved my Palladors into that position to anticipate a move from my opponent and to defend an objective, so it was a strange situation.
  2. In Meeting Engagements, if my models are in my opponents deployment zone before he deploys, does that prevent him from deploying that contingent and thereby destroy his units since the rules state that units that cannot be set up at their arrival time are destroyed. Can units be set up in contact with my units when deployed or do they have to be at any distance from them.
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