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Posts posted by JangutzKhan

  1. 14 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    I'll probably use the kayric acolites (DoT) as marauders.  They are far better looking and can be used in both StD and DoT.

    Depending on which is better wrt warscrolls, I’ll probs be going spire tyrants as my marauders 

  2. 1 hour ago, Icegoat said:

    I am very sorry to tell you this is not the case in this instance this box will only be available for probably an hour max this weekend once the pre orders go live. This is not the same as a normal start collecting 

    You will see come Saturday this will sell out very quickly and won't be restocked for a very long while. Ala archregent, archrevenanvt, ogre tyrant, skaven bomber, goblin squig rider etc.. 

    Are you trolling? 

  3. 4 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    I don't expect a lot of changes (read= almost zero) on the warscrolls. A bit rend here and there, maybe wounds and rules (abilities/commands). But I think that we'll get the most out of the batallions ond synergies (traits/relics etc...).  Maybe some balance on the manticore. 

    The choosen are the elite of our (already) elite army. They can't get rid of them. So, for now, I don't see some change. They are already hard hitters. But maybe some rules to make them move faster via spells or something. The minis show their age especially if they go side by side with the new (SC!)  chaos warriors.

    I’m fine with little tweaks, as long as the synergy is good and our top units actually play like top units. 

    As for Chosen, I’m happy to do conversions for now if they don’t release new models, and I reckon all they need to do is make them 3 wounds and they would be amazing. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    I lost a bit track of upcoming news. When are we supposed to get some updates on new stuff? 30. Nov for 40k from what I saw in the sororitas post, but do we know when AoS will have the next previews?

    Someone earlier was saying Dec 1 for Std previews? 

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  5. 6 hours ago, Overread said:

    Just two!? 
    Honestly its still one of my favourite models that I've seen in 2019 from GW and its not coming out unti 2020


    I like this model, but that new Ogroid is just amazing. Can't wait to convert the Thaumaturge and field two of them!

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    TBH, with the opportunity of all those magnificent minis in the warcry department, I'd rather get rid of the marauders and play thoose new minis, each unit with special taste. I don't want all chaos armies having the same copy/paste troops like warriors+light infantry, knights + light cavalry. We can here have warriors + comandos units or harassment units, knights + super heavy cavalry (varanguards) etc.. giving this "new" army a specific taste.

    I would love Slaves to have some ranged, like archers or spear throwers . 

    I also like the idea of the Warcry models replacing Marauders, however I hope we don’t have to field a mix and match if each tribe I reckon would look weird especially if painted in different colour schemes 

  7. 11 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    The fact that the battletome is coming now does make me wonder if there will be a multipart kit. You would have thought the chance to sell a load of multipart new chaos units would be when their new book is launching. 

    I suspect we may get the SC set released as separate boxes, but the same models, at somepoint in 2020.

    So hope you like monopose. 

    I don't mind at all. The current poses all look amazing. My only concern would be if it is push-fit it might be hard to paint separate sections where it might be hard to get to  once the model is fully assembled. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:


    We disagree I suppose. I find single part metal models to be the best, and since we are in the plastic age now, I like it when my models get as close to that Golden Era as possible and take less time to cut off sprues, scrape lines, mess up gluing, etc.

    Difference of opinion.

    Each to their own I guess. Push-fit just makes it hard to make adjustments to your models that you find more aesthetically pleasing.  

  9. 6 minutes ago, Clif Blunderbrows said:

    The back of the model is what this is predicted to be, which I think is a safe bet.

    Also, with so many of what was assumed to be new AoS aelves turning out to be other things, seems like a good time to re-assess our expectations of seeing new pointy ears any time soon.

    One of the new Chaos Warriors is holding a severed Elf head....

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  10. 50 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    It would be a really big misser opportunity not to release new undivided (but markable) chaos warriors for AoS. They are such an iconic part of warhammer. Stormcast are the ‘order’ opposite of the chaos warriors. But that isn’t properly represented in the models. You could argue khorne and nurgle have decent replacements for their warriors but Tzeentch does not and Slaanesh has no devoted mortals... 

    As long as the finecast models are updated and maybe a new hero that would be OK, although new warriors would be sick. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    No info on photos otherwise they should have been flying all over the internet

    In addition, I believe there will be at least one more new model (kind of) for std after new knights 

    If they are releasing new sculpts for finecast models, do you think new plastic chosen and hero on foot? 

  12. 59 minutes ago, HollowHills said:


    I strongly disagree, or well at least for the ones other than LoN which has settled down to be fairly good but also with counters. 

    Deepkin desperately need a new book. The only viable competitive build is to spam Morrsarr guard. Eidolons, Sharks, Turtles, Lotann, Reavers and the Soul Render are completely unusable. Thralls are only usable if you want to take 3 x 10 and a tidecaster general. The spell lore is terrible, the only usable command trait is plus 2 wounds, the artefacts are all worse than the malign sorcery options. The battalions are unusable. Furthermore, a lot of the intended internal synergies, such as Soulrender + Thralls just don't work. 

    Nurgle are just too weak all over. The Blightkings need their ability to trigger on unmodified 6s. The whole army needs a damage increase. I don't play Nurgle so can't comment too much, but the stats speak for themselves.

    DoK are also too powerful, but also suffer from a particularly unengaging playstyle. The sheer amount of rerolls their army has access to means they will always be in the top tiers. The only reason the army isn't totally dominating is because of the utter ****** show that is Slaanesh and the wonky point values of Skaven.


    Let’s just wait until all the 2.0 tomes are out before getting greedy...

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