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Posts posted by Grdaat

  1. On 6/8/2021 at 3:41 PM, Public Universal Duardin said:

    I do think we are at the absolute upper level of amount of armies that can be supported at any given time. Already there's people who feel (rightfully) that their chosen army hasn't gotten an update or hasn't received enough miniatures - souping 'fixes' that. I don't think every army will be a soup tome - I think Lumineth will one day rival SCE in amount of units as we haven't seen Tyrion yet - but I think most new armies will be soup tomes or expansions to existing ones. Malerion is undoubtedly going to join DOK. In that sense Duardin (and to an extent, LoA/Furnace Kings/Chorfs) will be the canary in the coal mine.

    I do think you make some great points, but I just feel GW is going to return to the idea of smaller expansions (think Fyreslayers range) but souped together to make it seem like larger, coherent armies. There will undoubtedly be some exceptions, especially if we do see some current armies souped together. But whether Chorfs are one such exception, that I wouldn't dare to bet on yet.

    We really aren't. There's no reason why one faction can get 3 (or more) updates while another faction gets nothing.

  2. 6 hours ago, Charleston said:

    As the recent pages were all on the topic of models going OOP, I would like to ask some help for armybuildung. I concider to build a proxy/conversation heavy army of chaos dwarfs. Reading into the rules I see there is the option to build a wartrain or rather playing a mix together with bulls. But..what are your experiences? Is the army fun to play? What works? And is it fun playing against 2.0 tomes?

    Not really, Magma Cannons work and that's mostly it. The rules are so outdated you're pretty much guaranteed to lose against most of the armies in the game, and I'd recommend you ask your opponent for a handicap.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Qcbob025 said:

    The prophecy was true.... unfortunatly...

    It was an honor to play that army for years, just too bad I was fast enought to buy a Dreadquake Mortar, Shar'Tor and 10 remain Ironsworn to finish my collection... Anyone willing to sell? (ideally unpainted or unassembled)

    You can still find that stuff from less-reputable places that I'm pretty sure we can't recommend here. Your best bet aside from them would be ebay.

  4. 3 hours ago, Drakilian said:

    You do remember there was a time and place you couldn't even buy slaanesh models from the online store for a good year? The only character they had was Masque for awhile there. I miss you snake riding chaos lord! The same happened to the beasts of chaos. In fact I do believe their models where removed from the store for the longest of time.

    Also the main reason both Tomb Kings and Bretonnia kicked the bucket was during that time period Game's Workshop's.... faulty leadership.... was in a Copyright everything... phase. That's when the space marines became... Adeptus Astartes.... Astro Militarium... Ect.

    Guess what you can't copy right? Arthurian legend and French 100 year war era knights. Spooky mummy/skeleton Egyptians.  Hense why the faction and models disappeared.

    I will give you one thing though, you can't even use the Legends heroes with your bretonnians... their keywords still don't match. (But who would anyway, in all regard the normal King is better then Louen.... for shame.) The only legend worth nabbing is of course the Green Knight.



    I don't recall that at all, probably because the stores I went to never went out of stock of any of those. They only went out of stock when items went on "last chance to buy" which the Slaanesh and Beasts range never did.

    Also the Legends Bretonnia rules have been fixed for a long time now, the most recent one is on their app.

  5. 14 hours ago, Drakilian said:

    @Grdaat Everyone once said they will never bring back Slaanesh. The original rule books for AoS 1.0 and 2.0 did not have slaanesh's symbol. Their models where slowly being removed from the store and rules put into legends. Lore said Slaanesh was missing. Everyone consider Slaanesh to being removed to make the game more family friendly. Where is that now? Slaanesh now has two battletombs, and has an old world hero brought back from the dead and legends including the ancient mystical Slaangors... they even updated age old keeper and fiend models, and gave the masque an clean up.

    People said the old world was dead, it would never come back, we will have to live with AoS for ever or go to Avatars of War or Third Age.... and oh my gosh... look at that... Total War:  Warhammer 2, heavily supported. Old world announced coming. Two factions pronounced dead given life again... Kislav and Bretonnia.

    You can continue to nay say my good sir, that is your right. But at this rate... anything is possible, and I hope we get to say "We told you so," later. Me and my massive bretonnian collection will wait eagerly. I am even cleaning up my Repanse (even though she more than likely not come back, she will be ready to quest).

    Nobody really believed they wouldn't bring Slaanesh back, and Slaanesh's models as a whole weren't shafted in the Grand Alliance books or migrated to Legends. They lost a few characters and that was it. Bretonnia lost everything, that's quite a bit different.

    • Sad 1
  6. 10 hours ago, oscisi said:

    I’d say that rather than going there (to legends) to die, it’s a way for GW to keep factions alive without upsetting hardcore competitive players. But if we consider tomb kings, they seemed destined to be confined to legends but were then reborn as the Ossiarch Bonereapers.

    If all else fails, the release of new Bretonnian models could open up opportunities for new conversions (I, for one, have long dreamt of making a cavalry heavy Stormcast army speckled with as many Bretonnia conversions as possible).

    In any case, my personal opinion is that a big part of this hobby is to always long for the next release, and to be cautiously positive. So let’s let people dream, eh?  9_9

    I highly disagree there, the Bonereapers are nothing like the Tomb Kings in terms of aesthetics, and they're nothing like them in battle (both in description and on the tabletop), and they couldn't be more different in the lore as well. I also don't see any reason to get people's hopes up until an announcement is made, it'll only leave people disappointed and bitter.

  7. 18 hours ago, Mwatts25 said:

    Technically Bretonnians are already in AoS. The longest part of developing an army is the sculpts, no question, if they did not update rules for AoS, they would be very foolish. Playtesting new rules for balance in a game like AoS takes maybe 2-3 months for a faction, sculpting minis takes around 5-6 days per sculpt(each unit type having anywhere from 3-5 sculpts, they’ll likely have at least 8-9 unit types eventually if not more). So if a single sculptor did the brets, it would take 3-7 months to actually make the minis. They could easily playtest rules for both AoS and TOW in the timeframe it would take to do the sculpts.

    Now, more than likely they’ll have 3-4 artists on the sculpt teams, but they’ll have 3-4 play testers as well,  so the timeframe for a single faction to be developed would be 3-14 weeks, 

    Take into account they will be doing anywhere between 12-18 factions(some of whom are already in aos and rule development time would be cut in half) that would account for the 3 year timeframe they estimated.

    If we want to get technical, if they wanted to keep them a part of the regular game they wouldn't have migrated all of them to Legends, aka the place units/armies go to die.

  8. 7 hours ago, Mwatts25 said:

    I think the point that they are trying to make is that new bret info likely means not only new minis for TOW, but also a highly likely update for AOS meta balance for bret players. It really makes quite a bit of sense, as it kills several birds with one stone(it adds new minis to end some of the disgruntled end times players grumbling, implies updates to the AoS bret balance to smooth over transition players, it brings in new players with the classic “Arthurian” look of Bretonnian knights, it kills the sky high market on ebay, it adds new canon to the lore for all the black library fanatics, and it even defines the rivalries for TOW for people to start converting minis and making adjustments to basing work)

    i knew it was smart of me to hold onto those orc and high elf bits, yay for decapitated elf heads on my general’s base ;D

    I highly doubt that, we're not going to be seeing the newer AoS factions in the Old World, and I don't believe they'll bring Bretonnia into AoS, especially when they haven't announced anything that supports that idea.

  9. 2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    We don't know if there is any cross-compatibility (although I doubt so, and if there's anything it's only AoS -> TOW). But Bretonnia is Bretonnia, any new Bretonnians a reason to be excited!

    After all, in the beginning only Empire and Kislev were confirmed, there was a possibility that Bretonnia would have been left out.

    Old World maps are not compatible with AoS, and this isn't an Old World forum anyway.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Jean said:

    Hi all,

    Sooo I wanted to ask. I have been trying to find a Chaos army that I like and I stumbled over LoA- by far the chaos army I like best. I looked into their builds and models and form what I can see at least two artillery pieces are no longer produced by Forgeworld. Then I went over to the site and another two are labelled as 'out of stock' together with their infantry batallion. Is this army being phased out? Is it madness to start collecting an LoA army now? What do you all think. I am not interested in competition play to be clear and relatively new to AoS. Would you dissuade or encourage someone to start an LoA army now?

    Thanks for your input!


    I would definitely recommend against starting a LoA army right now, many of the models are hard to find, and I personally think they can vanish at any time. If you do intend to buy models still, you'll need to get them from ebay or... sources we cannot legally recommend.

  11. 28 minutes ago, Honk said:

    Too close range for my taste... and too hit or miss for my rolling

    My usual fireworks are two FW rockets and old school pewter rocket and pewter mortar team with a daemonsmith standing in the middle.

    To each their own, Daemonsmiths help fix the range and that range becomes 27" once you factor in their movement. I wouldn't say they're too hit or miss though, on average those Rockets (with a Daemonsmith) are going to do the same damage to a unit of 10 models (with a 4+ save) as a Cannon that rolled a 2. If you can expect better than 2's (and I certainly hope so or you're extremely unlucky) then Magma Cannons heavily outperform the Rockets.

    Also they can snipe out characters because LoS doesn't affect them, and 1/3rd of the time they outright kill those support characters, since most of them have only 5 wounds.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, Honk said:

    Every time you field a LoA list hashut smiles and sips his grog...

    will be fielding following list to a Nurgle-get-together end of August:


    Let the Rockets 🚀🧨 fly, sadly it‘s only 2 in a vanguard game.

    I'm surprised there's no Azgorh Allegiance, Fireball is really useful and so is ignoring wounds, moreso than the bonus from Chaos anyway. I'm guessing you're not running Magma Cannons because you don't own them? If so I can't blame you, they're pricey (both in game and in real life) but I'd recommend them over the Deathshrieks any day.

    Regardless, good luck with the list.

    • Haha 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Gorthor21 said:

    Does anyone remember if fantasy really had much of a detailed setting speaking of the day to day lives of the mortal inhabitants aside from the role playing games prior to 7th Ed?

    I was thinking and I can’t really remember much and most of it was presented as 3rd person summaries or as anecdotes written in world by imperial scholars.

    They did, aside from snippets throughout the army and core books you had several novels that expanded on the lives of ordinary citizens. 

  14. 35 minutes ago, Gorthor21 said:

    You gotta remember that most of the writers that GW employs are not the same ones that were there in the past.  Even separate parts of the same battletome are written by different people and that’s a lot for editors to catch especially when it has to go through several of their departments where everyone is leaving notes along the way.  Just like how subjective our different views of the hobby are jaded by our personal experiences with It the final product of a single battletome can have small inconsistencies like little bits of verbiage.

    There was already an argument about this before, but it's a pretty big change when one faction goes from being "ORDER, DAEMONS" (those were their keywords) to being real creatures beamed down through Star-Trek style transporters, and I've already gone over why the book can't seem to make it's mind up on whether or not it should stick with this change. I find it very hard to believe those kind of things are something the editors would just miss, and if it is then they need better editors, especially for the prices they're charging.

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