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Posts posted by Obeisance

  1. Regarding grand strategies, I don't see why you'd take anything other than Hold the Line.

    Yes, it's "starting" units. I know. But it's like, mass chaff vs anything else. They don't want to waste attacks clearing out your rubbish units knowing they respawn anyway.

    As for Prized Sorcery, you're gonna have like 2-3 wizards. Probably one is a dragon, the others pass wounds to chaff. You're relying on them not killing things that are priority targets.

    I think the go-to is Hold the Line.


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  2. We're pretty lucky. Aside from a few snap lockdowns and mask mandates, I've been living in a virtually Covid free wonderland. We've had a few tournaments cancelled/rescheduled.. but we haven't stopped gaming.

    I got a team tournament in a couple months. I'm expecting like 6-8 teams of 6. I'm not bringing Soulblight, but my only other army is OBR- so I'm borrowing Skaven. 




  3. Haha. I know. I'm kind of just buying things that are good at the moment.

    I suspect I'm going to be heading down the Vyrkos path as I really like the theme.. plus Belldama and Radakar are great/cool characters.

    Just don't know how dudespammy I need to go.

    I think the core of my list is going to be Belldama, Radakar, VLOZD and Gorslav which comes to like half my army.

    Bats and Spell Mirrors to help with shooting/objectives. 

    80-120 Zombies.

    Maybe some Blood Knights. Not sure I like them in Vyrkos, though.


    I don't think I like Skeletons as a unit. Tarpit/MW spam with Zombies.. or swing two-handed with Grave Guard, instead?

    I don't know if I'll actually pay points for Wolves when I already need like 1.5 boxes for summoning.






  4. Building Soulblight, I'm genuinely worried that I won't be able to handle top meta armies.

    Kroak and Skinks will blow me off the table. High magic, high shooting, Unleash Hell and thier own retreat and shoot strat.

    Lumineth, pretty much same situation but can punch more. Not that I've played against them yet.

    Tzeentch with or without Archaeon seems really iffy as well.

    Against both of those Belldama's wolf summoning will never get off.

    So I'm curious, how does the army build and play into armies like these? What's your plan?



  5. Well guys, looks like I'm in. I picked up the army book today.

    Just ordered 2 Bats, 2 Zombies, Wolves, Wight King and Belldamma, I'll pick up some Blood Knights and Vengorian from my LGS as I know they have them in stock.

    I can't believe the VLOZD only comes in the Start Collecting FEC box. wtf.

    • Like 1
  6. Ah, that's weird. I thought Gravesites were the Sigmarite Crypts.

    But that works. I've got some old tombstones in bits, skulls and leftover arms from OBR stuff. Like the little Harvester arms.

    Looking at Belldama, is it Lycancurse that makes her anti-shooting?

  7. Cool, thanks for the replies. To put it into perspective, my other army is OBR and the general answer to problems was "drop rocks on it from 36" away."

    Can you take non Kastelli stuff in a Kastelli list? ie; Belldama, who is.. Vyrkos?

    But yeah, I get the idea of what the generally good models are. I'm probably gonna grab the book and a couple things after work today.

    Edit: Oh, how big are Gravesites? 40mm bases with tombstones work?

  8. I take it the book can support dudespam, cavalry heavy, Monster mash and a hybrid of all three?

    Is there any shooting at all?

    I'm leaning towards a hybrid build. Monsters, some cavalry, bats and zombies.

    Earlier on someone posted a list that was like, Prince Vhordei, Vengorian, 2*bats, wolves, 3*5 knights, 2*20 zombies. Probably something like that?

    A buddy said the character isn't that good and I need graveguard.

    What are people running at the moment? I know the edition and book are new, just looking for ideas/shopping list.



  9. Does anyone have any recommendations for reading/listening material regarding starting the army?

    I think I'm gonna pick some stuff up from my LGS tomorrow.

    I've spent the last.. week.. deciding what to play and it keeps coming back to something with OP shooting or Soulblight. I think Soulblight wins.

    Starter/shopping lists?

    Blood Knights, Zombies, Bats, Vengorian Lord..



  10. Yeah, I've only had a single game of V3. I'm assuming that Crawlers stonks with Katacross will go up, but down with Arkhan.

    I also didn't realise that he can spam Mystic Shield, which is really good.

    With the push to hold one/two/more like 40k, taking and holding is going to be way more important. But with scoring at the end of turn.. less so, I guess.

  11. Hey, I'm thinking of picking up DoK for the new edition.

    I'm told competitive lists basically have 15+ bowsnakes and Morathi.

    I was hoping for a couple of examples of what people think good lists look like for V3.

    Any interesting unit choices, articles to read, etc?



    What would you go with as a starting army?

    Morathi, Start Collecting box, Witch Aelves and multiple boxes of Blood Sisters/Archers?


  12. I'm potentially borrowing a Skaven army for a team event. I have y really played for a year+.

    What do you guys think of this as a competitive list?

    Hold the line, in retrospect, is a poor choice. Will have to be something else.


  13. With a team tournament next month, I'm kinda stuck with OBR. I don't have time to learn a new army AND a new edition. I kinda have to try to make the most of it.

    I've been brainstorming all day, trying to come up with some workable ideas. 

    a) Arkhan in Petrifex, what I'm presently playing. Basically dudespam, catapults and magic denial.

    b) Katacross in Praetorians. Pre-AOS3 build with Katacross as a damage amp, catapults.

    These were the lists I'm used to, but the more I think about it- the more I think I need to be more aggressive. Maybe two catapults isn't the answer. Especially considering I can't Duty them both anymore. Maybe one Catapult to assassinate characters and delete screens.

    Petrifex Elite
    - 1 drop, 2000pts
    Leige Kavalos: Mighty Archaeossian, Godbone Armour, General
    20 Morteks
    20 Morteks
    10 Morteks
    10 Morteks
    5 Deathriders
    5 Deathriders
    Burning Head

    More aggressive, more dudes, single drop, 10 drops to babsit objectives and screen? one Crawler to snipe characters and screen?

    What's the best V3 list you can write?


    Leige Kavalos: Godbone Armour, Mighty Archaeossian
    Soulreaper: Arcane Command
    2*20 Morteks
    2*5 Deathriders
    Harbingers: Halbards

    One drop. 2000 on the nose. Soulreaper or Shrieker?


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