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Posts posted by Obeisance

  1. Had a game vs Hallowheart today. My first with Nagash, opponent was an active AOS2 player who had only played a couple games of AOS3 and only a couple with his army. We were playing Power Struggle.

    I was running Nagash, Leige, 2x 5 Deathriders, 10 Morteks, 2 Harbingers, Burning Head and Shriker in a one-drop.

    Opponent had a Celestial Hurricanum and extra wizards, dwarf wizard. Thunderers, 30 block of shooting guys, Shadowstalkers, 10 blob of Stormcast dudes and a wizard on a weird monster cavalry mount. Soulscream Bridge. Relic that gives battleshock immunity wholy within 18".



    I go first and I basically set up army up and run into midboard. Nagash casts Shield, Protection, uses his command ability, Burning Head and charges up five Arcane Bolts. Opponent had a Wizard and a unit on the flank next to the Hurricanum that I could get to and I ported into position and he was like- ooops I have too many wizards. Nagash then moved from where my opponent's phone is in the picture, to where he is now. Had I thought about it, I should have respositioned my cavalry more aggressively- but hey. I move up to cap three objectives.

    He goes in, unloads 5 Arcane Bolts on his unit of Thunderers and I shred whatever the unit is at the front. His Unleash Hell shooting does a total of zero wounds to Nagash.

    Opponent has his turn. Nagash heals. Unloads everything into Nagash. Does no damage with the 30-block, but he manages to chip off like 6-7 wounds with mortals and spellcasting. Turns out your opponent cutting themselves for +D6 to cast is actually crazy good. I had no idea he could do that. First time playing Hallowheart. I also didn't realize there was a Priest there, Curse or whatever is reaaaally rough. I should have stayed out of nine.  Everyone including the Hurricanum, Stormcast dudes chage. Nagash kicks the ****** out of the Hurricanum.

    Nagash is in pretty rough shape. If I get my turn, he'll heal up and it's on. Of course my opponent wins priority and again, puts his entire army into killing Nagash. Hippogriff shatters flasks for like 4 and he has mass -2 rend shooting from somewhere and I just end up losing my 970pt monster top of 2. First time playing him- I wanted to see what he could take and I played him badly.

    My turn 2, Harbingers, all the Cavalos and the Harbingers move up. Harbingers fly over the top into his main wizard, Riders go into his 30 block, Leige and Riders go into his Stormcast dudes. Unleash does like 9 wounds to the Harbingers. Oof. Stormcast mooks get punished and dropped down to 3 by the Kavalos, Arcane Sheild be damned. Riders kill like 10 of the fat gunner block. Morteks run up to try and grab his far left objective.


    Round 3, he wins priority yet again and I nuke to the top right objective. At this point, he's only held a single objective due to being boxed in by my aggression.

    He Bridges the gunners out from the cav top right and tries to kill the Leige- but fails. Manges to drop the second Harbinger. Shadowstalkers appear and take my bottom right objective. His stuff basically just hides behind the middle terrain, Hippogriff guy tries to ride the winds over to the far left objective but rolls super bad.

    My turn, the now unengaged Kavalos get a speed boost and walk towards the Shadowstalkers. He redeploys 2 but I still make the charge. Leige and Kavalos finish off the Stormcast in the middle brawl. Kavalos vs Shadowstalkers- they randomly kill two striking first? What? But damage and battleshock drops them to two models- so I take the objective back.

    End of round 3, the game is like 1-15 and my opponent concedes. The game was a bit of a derp fest as we were both learning, but I feel like I took away a lot.


    If I had pushed the Cavalry harder turn 1, they could've potentially gone in and saved Nagash from being charged/at least gummed up the works and I might have had him last longer. He's not as indestructable as I had hoped.

    Every turn I wasted 3-5 RDP. Speed bump, Bludgeon, Duty, Nagash's thing. One use of Wedge.

    Thinking about it.. Petrifex always has All Out Defense. Always doesn't pay for battleshock immunity. I'm not sure it's as bad as I thought it was.


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  2. On Stalkers, I'd probably just stick with spirit blades. On Harbingers.. I'm not sure. I'm inclined to say halbards because the extra rend is really important in this edition.


    People who've played Nagash in OBR, how are you finding Shrieker? Would you prefer Spell Mirror?

    I'll be trying this list out this week.


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  3. I think the only way we're going to get magic off is to spamcast. Have more casts than they have denies.

    And yeah, with Archaeon's reroll sixes- I don't actual know how we put him down. I feel like just limit what he kills is the only answer. 

    How is Nagash in SB? I picked him up yesterday.


  4. So I played in a tournament yesterday, not with Soulblight, went 2-2, a buddy playing Beastclaws won. I finally have some game experience in the new edition and I have some take-aways.

    Time - 95% of games finished in time, the round time was 2 hours- most people were done well in advance. Actually finishing games in 1.5 hours is amazing.

    Monsterhammer - Top 4 armies: Frostlord spam, Morathi, Archaeon, Nagash. Big monsters are here. The ability to Roar to shut down AAA/AAD, Best Day, Duel- all great.

    Save stacking - You have the CP to AAA/AAD, Best Day and Arcane Shield. Rend 1 is useless, rend 2 is okay. Things can just have good saves whenever they need them. I was playing 9 Stormfiends and was one-drop. 90% of the time my opponent's first monster reaction was BEST DAY EVER AND NOW I HAVE GREAT SAVES and so I gave up trying to kill them and murdered the rest of the armies.

    The biggest problem I'm having is the fact things like Archaeon exist. I've played against him 3/6 times I've played AOS3 and like.. why even try to kill him? 1+ rerollable save is like.. what do I do about this? So I just limited what he did and played the scenario, which worked out well. He can only kill a unit/turn. I do not like the save stacking/rerolling saves, but if they went away.. monsters probably would, too.

    I very much like the 40k style scoring of hold one/two/more in concert with battle tactics. I had a really good day hanging out and playing games yesterday, even if I played into Archaeon, Archaeon, Alarele, Mawkrusha/Idol and got destroyed in two games. I've played a bunch of AOS2 and I like AOS3 waaay more. It's so much more interactive and fluid. You're always doing something and thinking ahead.


    Which brings me to the problems I'm thinking about, trying to build lists for competitive events as Soulblight.

    a) How do I deal with Gotrek in general? Bait him with Manfred, stomp on his face and fly away? Apply debuffs and hope for the best? Keep letting him go for infantry, feed him ******, clear out 3" around him and never let him fight twice? I don't think we have the volume of attacks required to get through his saves. 

    b) Archaeon in whatever. I don't think we can kill him, especially with him forcing reroll 6s. Kill the army, play the scenario. Feed him units and deny his movement.

    c) Morathi and bowsnakes. I haven't played into this, but I suspect it's an Archaeon situation. At least with Morathi, you can do 3 damage/turn and she can't heal it away.

    d) What would you do about 3 Frostlords/multiple Mwkruashas? The damage output is insane.

    The more I look into Soulblight, the more I think the game is about buff stacking on infantry and fishing for mortals. Manfred, Vampire Lord and Necromancer. Zombies and Graveguard.


    Turns out I can borrow a buddy's Soulblight while I paint my own. I think that's what I'm gonna do next.

    So future list ideas after what I've learned yesterday?

    Bloodline is probably Vyrkos, for reroll casting and +1 to wound, but there's a case to be made for Blood, for 9" zombie pile-ins.

    I need Manfred, Vampire Lord, Necromancer, those three are musts. I'm inclined to go VLOZD over Vengorian, just because the Vengorian only has rend -1 and -1 is totally useless. 5++ Talisman is 100% in on whatever monster I pick and I suspect I'm going to end up taking Sangyreson for +D3 attacks. Problem with the VLOZD is that  the lance doesn't have enough attacks.. so this mitigates that. At least monsters can scream to turn of AAD. Then Goreslav. 100% getting recursion instead of five attempts at a 5+ is really good.

    And then there's Belldama. She's awesome, too. Reliable casting +1 with a reroll and the ability to ****** up Unleash/Redeploy is so good.

    I don't like Blood Knights (I own two boxes unopened) because -1 rend.

    As for infantry, I think my army is going to end up being zombie spam (as I own 120, 4 unopened boxes) and a Grave Guard hammer, plus potentially bats for fast objective taking.

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  5. So I played in a tournament (18 players, everyone had a god monster/cabbages) and an OBR player came forth. It was a pretty hard field.

    I spent ages chatting to him. I'm inspired to give OBR another chance while I paint Soulblight.

    His list was one drop: Petrifex, Nagash, 3*5 Kavalos, Leige, 10 Morteks, Burning Head, Shrieker.


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  6. He's playing- check the link for Tom Foo. I believe he's Host Arcanum or something. 

    I don't really have the units to speedbump in the list I'm bringing. It's very all my eggs in one basket. I don't usually play Deathstars and I don't think they're for me.

    But yeah, Skeleton speedbump is probably the way to go. I can see why you'd take Hunters in the Heartland, so people can't roar and turn off the autopass battleshock strat.

    I'm still in assembly phase with SB, sadly.



  7. I had my second game of AOS3 last night.

    Admittedly, I wasn't playing Soulblight. I was running 9 Stormfiends into Tzeentch with Archaeon.. and I did basically no damage to him through his layers of buffs. Even though disrupting some of his buffs, I barely did any damage.

    I don't see a lot of rend in the Soulblight book. And no shooting. A lot of mortal wounds from spells/6s on melee attacks (which would be rerolled by him).

    The hell does Soulblight DO against a monster like that? Tarpit?


    I'm playing in an 18 player tournament tomorrow. Some friends and I are driving 2.5 hours there/back on a road trip. Here's the field if you're interested. Go into Battle Rounds, click the eye next to a player to view lists. There's 1-2 Soulblight.


  8. So it's an interesting list. I expected to see either vlozd version, but no?

    I did expect to see Manfred, though. He seems really good.

    I also thought Skelebois were kind of garbage, but I guess enough buffing can polish a ******, huh.

    Maybe I shouldn't have purchased six Zombie boxes and no Skeletons. Lol.



  9. I don't think it's that much more complicated, really. It's about as complex as 40k.

    But then again, I've played a lot of different systems over the years. I play 40k, I've picked up AOS again. I play Infinity on and off. I picked up Marvel Crisis Protocol but I got distracted by AOS3. I briefly dabbled in ASOIAF. I played like 5 years straight of Warmachine, including international travel for games.. and I grew up on M:TG, but haven't played in 10 years.

    The reason I don't play much Infinity, is because you spend half the game checking the Infinity wiki for rule interactions. It has beautiful models, great rules, super thematic... I love the system. But it's too complex for someone to play and expect to do well if you don't play it regularily.

    I'd really look into AOS reminders, if I were you.

    I shelved my OBR after a single game and I'm playing a game with a borrowed army tonight. I'm then taking that borrowed army to a tournament on Saturday. =D

  10. Awesome, a monster mash Avengorii list placed over the weekend.

    It's super cool to see a list like this can do decently. =D


    - Lineage: Avengorii Dynasty
    - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery

    Prince Vhordrai (455)
    - Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon

    Vengorian Lord (280)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Torment-driven Throes
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny
    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions

    Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares (285)
    - Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference

    3 x Fell Bats (75)

    Terrorgheist (305) in Alpha-Beast Pack
    - Cursed Mutation: Maddening Hunger

    Terrorgheist (305) in Alpha-Beast Pack

    Zombie Dragon (295) in Alpha-Beast Pack
    - Cursed Mutation: Nullblood Construct

  11. That's a totally fair assumption.

    I'm assuming that all the best lists are going to be either like, 1-2 flying dumptrucks or insanely high shooting and/or magic.

    I'd kinda like Unleash Hell changed to unmodified 6s like 40K. We could also use more obscuring terrain. Lol.


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