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Posts posted by Obeisance

  1. obr.jpg.c7aaa84a9030c5397d5e1fd61a8c0709.jpg

    Got my second AOS tournament on the weekend. I finished painting my OBR last night.

    The lists have been published. Tournament is 40 players and there's some rough lists. Like one list with four Bloodthirsters of Insensate Rage. 

    There's a cool Skyre list with a Warpcog Convocation.


    I sure have painted a lot since Contrasts came out six months ago.






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  2. 14 minutes ago, Bryan I Guess said:

    What is/was your list if you dont mind me asking? 

    Also the only way we can return a stalker is if something with 10+ wounds dies within 3"of a Gothizzar Harvester, we roll a 4+, then roll another 4+, then there needs to be a unit of stalkers within 6" of the Harvester with no wounds allocated to any of the models in that unit. . . . Good luck with that.

    Sure. I'm taking this list to a tournament in Jan.

    Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers
    - Legion: Petrifex Elite

    Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (360)

    Mortisan Boneshaper (130)
    - General
    - Trait: Mighty Archaeossian
    - Artefact: Godbone Armour
    - Lore of Mortisans: Empower Nadirite Weapons

    Mortisan Soulmason (140)
    - Artefact: Gothizzar Cartouche
    - Lore of Mortisans: Drain Vitality

    20 x Mortek Guard (260)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    20 x Mortek Guard (260)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    10 x Mortek Guard (130)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    10 x Mortek Guard (130)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    6 x Necropolis Stalkers (400)

    Mortek Shield-corps (120)

    Bone-tithe Shrieker (30)
    Nightmare Predator (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 105


    TBH I feel like it's about as tuned as I can get. The points are so tight.

    The next event has a bunch of scenarios where I need to split my forces, so I can group into 20+10 Morteks with Mason and Shaper, 20+10 Morteks with Arkhan, Stalkers go where they need to. I needed some smaller units to sit on objectives, so the 20s can go out and do work. The smaller units are also for protecting my backline if I need it, so much ****** turns up on the board edge.

    I originally wasn't running Arkhan, but with no shooting and only buff magic- my opponent was kind of in control. Arkhan can reliably cast and dispel, mobile enough to run off and grab objectives in a pinch.. yeah. 

    Shield Corps is actually really good. You get 1 RDP for having it and a use of Shieldwall every turn. So it's basically 120pts for 3 command points and an artifact.

    Shrieker is a amzing. Predator is so-so. I'd actually like to squeeze in more threatening magic, but eh.

  3. So I had a game yesterday, my first win with OBR. Loss, draw, win. I'm only three games in because I'm in the process of painting them.

    Last game, my opponent's Mawcrusher moved twice and went into my backline. Shot Arkhan (who didn't move and just hid due to fearing threat range) for a single wound and Protection kicked in, saving him.

    Stalkers bumped speed, ghosted through a building and charged the Mawcrusher. I got 4 in. 5 attacks at 3+/2+ -4 rend 3 damage, rerolling 1s to hit is just insane. The Mawcrusher got no save and was one-rounded. They hit like trucks.

    And Morteks sitting in a forest near an objective? So hard to remove.


    I'm trying to dig points to take some other Endless Spells to improve Arkhan's damage output- but there are just no points. =(

  4. If you had a choice between the Artisan Key and Gothizzar Cartouche, what would your pick? I'm also liking the Lode of Saturation.

    Key is really solid, but it's only on a 4+. Cartouche is awesome, but it's not against Death and I think OBR area going to be popular. Lode is all around solid, but I think I prefer recursion 

    Army for context: I'm currently painting this for a tournament in Jan.

    Mortisan Boneshaper
    - Artisan's Key
    - Reinforce Shields
    Mortisan Soulmason
    - Mighty Archaeossian
    - Godbone Armour
    - Empower Weapons

    20 x Mortek Guard: Blade
    20 x Mortek Guard: Blade
    20 x Mortek Guard: Blade
    6 x Necropolis Stalkers: Swords

    Mortek Shield-Corps 
    Bone-Tithe Shrieker 
    Nightmare Predator 

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Wounds: 105
    Drops: 4

  5. Tbh if I could find secondhand Stormfiends on the cheap, I'd run them. Such expense. Many dollars.

    I put 6 metal Jezzails in acetone this morning.

    My next big tournament is in Jan. So it's like.. paint a whole Bonereaper army, or 1-2 things for Skaven? 

    I've been in painting mode for like... ages. Finished 2000pts+ of Skaven in like two months. Then stripped and repainted my Combined Army (~30 models) in 6 weeks. 

    I don't really need a third painting clock in a row.

    So Skaven it is. Just trying to work out which way I go.

  6. I don't know, the Deciever looks really interesting.

    He's fast and can teleport around the board and grab objectives. He can bounce to 6" away. 6+ with a reroll is really good odds. He's -2 to hit by shooting.

    He's got a meh gun, standard tail and his dagger is 6x3+/2+ for -3 D3. Taking Ghrrstryke as suggested is 6x2+/2+ -3/D3, plus 6x3+/3+ -1 1.

    You could totally see him appearing and assassinating stuff.



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