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Posts posted by Obeisance

  1. I've only had one player complain. He was playing Stormcast, an experienced player who I wrecked in a tournament. He was so salty. He believes Stormcast can't win against OBR.

    He teleported units in, shot, camped objectives. Fed me a screen unit and unit behind. I debuffed and killed them, rolled up the table.l

    Other than that game, people don't really talk about OBR. We're a meta threat for sure, but people are way more focused on how broken Tzeentch is. 

  2. Yeah, I figured that's why you had the Robes.

    I've heard that the Doomwheel's pretty awesome with MMWP/Spark.

    ... I'm literally in a conversation with a dude on a FB BSS forum to source a NOS Hellpit. I think it's out of production.

  3. 44 minutes ago, fishwaffle2232 said:

    Got a game against tzeentch changehost tomorrow. Last game against tzeentch I made the mistake of trying to force pinks off an objective. Even with fully buffed stormfiends, this took a turn too long. 

    Any tips against them, do I try and snipe off heroes? 

    The list I plan to run:

    Arch warlock - deranged inventor, MMMWP

    Grey seer - snoutgrovel robes, skitterleap.

    Warlock engineer- MMMWP

    9 jezzails

    6 stormfiends

    3 x 20 clanrats


    Warplightning vortex 


    Let us know how you go. I'm actually interested to see how you go with that list, especially the Doomwheel. No Bell is kind of weird.


  4. Personally, I think the Crawler is mediocre at best. But, it's one of only two guns we have. I've played against it and wasn't impressed.

    The problem with the Crawler is that it costs 200pts and has no rend. It needs some buff stacking to get the most out of it. IE; Spirit Guide and an extra attack 

    I mean, sure, it can shred chaff infantry but we already do that. It can target characters, which is great. I find that with being an elite army, I can't assign units to babysit it.  It's hard enough keeping forward momentum to take objectives while still keeping hold of your own and preventing fast/teleporting units from snagging them.

    I own two. One is assembled, the other still in box. My experience is from across the other side of the table.


    I'm such a conversation killer.

  5. So OBR is super common locally. There'sa lot of Mortek spam with Katacross and/or Arkhan.

    Last tournament I played in was a month ago.. played 3 other OBR players (all wins) and got crushed by pre-new book Tzeentch.

    So question I have for you:

    How are you playing into the mirror/Tzeentch and how are you building to counter?

    I feel like playing into OBR is about making sure you deny Empower Weapons, maximising recursion and getting to objectives and staying there first.

    Protection of Nagash is such a double edged sword. Teleports you when you don't want to.

  6. Is that USD? It has to be. How could you have possibly paid $60 USD for a Bombadieer? You could've just got another copy of Carrion Empire and split it up.

    Also is the Hell Pit out or production? the GW AU website says it's "out of stock online" and they're like $150-300 AUD on eBay.

  7. Out of curiosity, what would you guys run in a 1000pt doubles event?

    I'm gonna be playing with my wife next month, she's taking my OBR and I'm gonna play Skaven.

    Seer on Bell - Master of Magic, Warpgale, maybe Skavenbrew or something.
    20 Clanrats
    20 Clanrats
    40 Monks
    2 Warpfire Throwers


    I think I'll have my wife run..

    Soulreaper - Arcane Command
    Boneshaper - Empower Blades, Petrifex stuff
    20 Mortek
    20 Mortek

  8. When I first got the OBR book I read that and was like.. what?

    He's been defeated like three times on the previous page.

    Sorry, Katacross. Dying, being killed and imprisoned and then killed and reforged killed.. etc.. and totally counts as being defeated.

    I guess he ascribes to the Roman ideal.. you're not defeated if you suffer losses and keep sending in armies. 

  9. So people in my meta seem to be shitting their pants over the new Tzeentch book after seeing how well they did at LVO/Cancon over the weekend.

    Last tournament, I went 5-1 and 4/30 (or 40? I forget) and the only game I dropped was to old Tzeentch in a realm where they got to teleport off the side of the board. I haven't played against the new book.

    So tell me, do you think it's as bad as people in my meta are saying?

    If so, how are you going to combat the new book monster?

    Malevolent Maelstrom to mess with casting? Palisade to block LOS for shooting/casting? More casters to dispell? Crawlers to take characters out? Harvesters to blunt the ranged damage?


  10. So I went 3-0 today, making me 5-1. I finished 4/38. Which I'm pretty happy with, having played a total of 3 games with OBR beforehand.

    I got a major vs Hammerhall in Knife to the Heart.

    A major vs OBR in Focal Point.

    And another major vs OBR in shifting objectives.


    Stalkers are great, Drain Vitality is amazing and Morteks in forests are omfg good.

  11. So day 1 of a 40 man tournament is over and I'm about to go to day 2.

    Game 1 - I played a friend running Skaven in Total Conquest. The mortal wound spam is real. I managed to barely squeak a win.

    Game 2 - I played against Stormcast in Battle for the Pass. He just couldn't deal enough damage and my damage output was insanely high. Stalkers ate four units on thier own. 11-31 victory.

    Game 3 - This was against Tzeetch in Ulgu, Better Part of Valor. This was probably the worst game I've ever played, highlighting just how unbalanced this game can be.

    I zoned out the backfield, moved up the table. In the small corner gap between my zoning models and front line he used the teleporting realmscape rule. He spent a bunch of time killing his own dudes and summoned from the teleporting dudes.. then banked on the double.

    He won priority. A little magic work and he took all three objectives from me and burned all of them. Game over having played one turn.

    Not having the models to properly zone the backfield is a major weakness of the army. 

    I had the 20 Morteks sitting 9.5 from the rear board in a single line. They should have been across the objectives.. but either way, I'd have summoning in my backfield. With Mirrors, he could have easily shredded them.. but I might have got another turn.

    I'm pretty salty about it. I miss Skaven.


    My next game is against another OBR player. He's running 10 Cav with lances, minimal Morteks. I'm interested to see how the game goes.

    • Like 2
  12. There's a guy at my tournament today who will be unveiling a heavily converted Warpcog Convocation. I'll take pics for you guys.

    I desperately want a fluffy Wyle E Coyote Skyre army. But tabletop efficiency usually outweighs wacky fun.

    • Like 1
  13. 47 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    1) probably kinda fine.

    I am guessing our win percentage might go down to 50% but probably not by much more.

    Even with the few debuffs and only points increases Our Faction can still be the proud and verminus hordes in the top places.

    sure loosing the 9Stormfiends might be painful, but in the end it opens up new ways to play them in total.

    2)how could you betray us-us! An there we were thinking we could make you our next right claw!😜

    Eh, I'm not thinking win percentage, I'm just thinking about list construction change.

    As for the "I'm playing OBR" comment, that was me justifying the question. I didn't want to seem like I'm fishing for winning army lists.

    In reality, I've spent the last couple months painting OBR. Tournament with them this weekend. I suspect I'll end up putting them down and going back to Skaven because Skaven are good in every phase, not just combat.

  14. Adam Simpson

    Battlemaster AOS

    Adam Simpson’s Khorne Demons

    Allegiance: Khorne

    Slaughter Host: Reapers of Vengeance

    Hidden Agenda: Obliterate,  invade, Ancient Heirloom, dominate, terrify, retake, onslaught and overrun 

    Command Points: +1

    Army Total: 1960




    Blood Thirster of Insensate Rage [270]

    Artefact of Power: Skullshard Mantle, Mage Eater

    Blood Thirster of Insensate Rage [270]

    Artefact it Power: A’ragth the King of Blades


    Blood Thirster of Insensate Rage [270]

    Blood Thirster of Insensate Rage [270]

    Bloodletters (30) Bloodreaper Horn blower Standard bearer Bloodsoaked Banner [300]

    Flesh Hounds (5) [100]

    Flesh Hounds (5) [100]

    Bloodcrushers (3) Blood Hunter Horn blower Icon bearer [120]

    Bloodcrushers (3) Blood Hunter Horn blower Icon bearer [120]


    Tyrants of Blood [140]


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