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Posts posted by Obeisance

  1. 3 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Mate there is only one truly great and powerful army in the new edition, and that is the skaven.

    with broken realms kragnos and the new core ruled, the skaven basically became an amazing army.

    Although having stoemvermins and plague monks, basically ripped from play, many of our units still are very viable.

    I sold my Skaven like a year+ ago. I reached out to the guy who purchased them..

    He sold them FOUR DAYS AGO!

    So sad.


    That said, tell me more about Skaven goodness in V3.


  2. 31 minutes ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

    Since you have the army already, why not try playing a little bit with OBR rather than just speculating. Not trying to be combative, just a thought.

    No, that's fair enough.

    I had a game yesterday against a good opponent and he was able to do so much more than me, because he was able to use the general command abilities.

    I believe that Redeploy is going to make or break games. I've played enough different games over the years to know that out of activation movement is always king.

    Redeploy, Unleash Hell and Rally define AOS3 and OBR can't use any of it. 

    When you lose 8/20 Morteks on the charge, you know you're boned.

    Edit: I'll be continuing to play them for now, until I get another army running.


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  3. 51 minutes ago, Doko said:

    Ignore this

    13 minutes ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    Probably wait until the Stormcast and new Warclans book comes out.

    Now, when you say competitive do you mean you plan on bringing your armies to tournaments; or are you just playing meta chase with your buddies? Because if you're bringing your army to tournaments, you get the best results over time by sticking with one army. If youre just trying playing meta chase with your buddies, you probably already lost because they picked the armies that GW have consistently had the hardest time keeping their power reigned in.

    You're on the money, there. I'm a tournament player, solo and team. So I have to think about what the others are playing.

    They're meta chasers- me not so much. But I play with them and thus I feel the need to play something that can compete. There's actually a trophy that only has our name on it. Twice. 

    Of the group for the next team event..

    One guy is kind of playing everything and is the most flexible. He just ordered Sons. 

    Another has Blightlords and is working on Deepkin.

    Another is working on Tzeentch.

    Another is working on Kharadron, has Lumineth.

    Another has Seraphon and just ordered Frostlords.

    And then there's me, with OBR. An army that is fundamentally broken in AOS3.


    Honestly, I'm kinda looking at Daughters, Soulblight or Kharadron.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Doko said:

    Kharadrons list are the same than 2.0 with little changes.

    Dok have many options,only needed morathi+15 snake archers for the core.


    That sounds decent. I want an army that can play every phase.

    I looked at how much Sons cost and was like ooooof. Australian dollars suck.

  5. Because it's unknown. I was going to start Kruelbois, hoping they'd be good. That's still a possibility- a mortal wound spamming horde army with monster and shooting support, could work for me.

    As for the Stormcast, I wasn't sure I'd play them. They're weak to mortal wound spam due to being elite and traditionally haven't been a top shelf competitive army. 

    It comes down to this.. I want an army to play now. Not maybe in a month or two. 


  6. I dislike Lumineth and team mates are working on Deepkin and Tzeentch.

    As for Sons, I don't think they're a style of play I'd enjoy. My 40k army is Drukhari- fast moving, hard hitting glass hammer with decent shooting.

    The group I play with are competitive- so I need to be able to handle BS like Salamanders spam and double Mawkrusha.

  7. Hey,

    I've been playing AoS on and off for a while. I sold off my Skaven a year ago (which I now regret) and my only army is OBR.. who don't really play the same game as everyone else. I'm comiy back from a year's break and my army.. you're probably sick of reading the salt.

    While you can polish a ******, I don't know if polishing this ****** is worth my effort.

    From a competitive stance, what do you think is going to be good in V3?

    My team already has a pretty deep bench of all the best options. I just picked up Dominion and kind of regret it.

    Soulblight? Daughters? Kharadron? Something else? I don't know.

    What are you enjoying? What do you think will be A+/S tier?

    I'm kind of walking in decision fatigue circles.



  8. So I have concerns build-wise. You need to be able to move out and take enemy objectives. Pretty much everything in the army is slow.. and Kavalos.. are screwed by formation rules.

    What about.. Morghast Harbingers? Move 9" with 3D6 charges and can fly. Flight and longer charges will be really useful in getting around Redeploy. They've also got a point reduction to 185.

    Spirit Swords are probably the better choice, but I also kind of need something to put down Mawkrushas and such. Mine are assembled with Halberds. With a little buff support, they could be solid?

    Doesn't help me vs. Unleash Hell, though.

  9. So I had my first game of v3 yesterday. We played Power Struggle on the correct sized board and used magic terrain traits. Both of us were two drop and I had first turn.. then lost every single priority roll, regardless of the fact I broke ties.



    Kroak, Astrolith, Priest, other kind of Priest
    30 Skinks, heaps more Skinks
    2*2 Salamanders
    2*1 Salamanders

    Arkan, Soulreaper, Leige
    2*20 Morteks
    5 Deathriders
    2 Crawlers
    Predator and Shrieker

    First turn, Crawler did 15 wounds to the Skink brick and I shot the one on the other flank screening some Salamanders. Not having played in a year and rarely played against Seraphon, this was my first mistake. I should have immediately dropped rocks on the Salamander units. Because the remainder of the game involved them being teleported about, removing Crawlers, running/shooting/charging and generally being a pain in my ass. 

    Interesting though, between the -1 cast debuff and Arkhan- Kroak only got 1-2 spells off all game. Conversely Arhan only got a couple spells off all game as well. But I'll take that.

    At one point I charged 20 Morteks into a Skink screen. Between Parting Shot and Unleash Hell, I lost 8. On the charge. Really unimpressed with that.

    Picking a hero ability at the start of the turn, a lot of the time just gives me an extra dispel. During the course of the game Arkhan managed to heal like 15 wounds and lived the game out.

    I liked the change to the way scoring is done. I actually printed up some Hearthstone cards with MTG art for my battle tactic cards and found them pretty easy to complete. Taking Arkhan to fill the monster slot I suspect, might be the way forward for me.. and playing Petrifex again felt good. Having that little bit of extra resilience against shooting is good. 

    In the end, I got totally demolished by shooting from Skinks and Salamanders and frankly, my poor target priorty was a major factor. I should have tried to screen teleports better, but I was rusty and well- OBR doesn't have the models to prevent it unless I really turtle up. I was playing into a top tier army, in the hands of a good player, which I think is also a orange/red matchup for OBR in the first place. 

    I didn't find the restriction on command abilities as bad as I thought I would. It only really stopped me from having an extra Crawler shot and I only Shield Walled a couple times due to lack of combat. I think Crawlers are a must.  Having to deploy the Nexus in my territory is total ******.

    I think the next iteration of my list will be...

    Leige: Godbone Armour, Mighty Archaeossian
    2*20 Morteks
    2*5 Deathriders
    2 Crawlers
    Shrieker (or another endless spell?)

    It's either 2-drop, or I'll take the Morteks out and put them in a Hunters of the Heartland batallion to make them immune to monster rampage. Cause that's extra mortal wounds and they can scream to turn off Shield Wall.




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  10. What do you guys think of this? I used to run Petrifex when OBR was new and was running Katacross after that. I haven't played AOS in about a year. Got a V3 game today.

    edit: Apparently you can't buy warlord traits. Boo.

    2-Drop Petrifex, 1990pts

    Arkhan, Leige, Soulreaper
    2x 20 Morteks
    5 Deathriders
    2x Crawler

    2-Drop Petrifex, 2000pts

    Arkhan, Leige, Soulreaper
    2x 20 Morteks
    5 Deathriders

    Just snowballing/writing lists to see what works.

    I'm finding the biggest problem is trying to maintain around 4 drops or less and number of characters required. If I want a Warlord batallion, I need 3 characters.. but then I also want a Unified Drop batallion as well. Which means 4 characters. There's no way in hell I can afford that.

    I kinda want either Shrieker for +1 to hit or Helm of the Ordained for the same.

  11. Huh, good to hear. If you were looking at building a competitive SB list, what would you run?

    Can I get a couple samples of lists people would run vs all-comers?

    I'm either gonna buy a Dominion box tomorrow, or.. probably SB stuff.




  12. Those who run Deathriders, 2*5 or 1*10? I'm painting them up soon.

    5 is basically like 8ish Morteks, they aren't going to kill anything of note. They're also too expensive to be throw-away objective grabbers.

    10 gets better value out of Lance. 10 will actually be able to remove things.

    Thoughts? I haven't used them yet.

  13. That's fair. Problem is, we don't really have any other shooting, nor cheap units to soak/prevent Overwatch.

    Which means the catapults are kinda needed to be the paper against the rock.

    I'm interested to see if our magic trends more offensive or the reliance on RDP from Katacross decreases. With the restriction of one command/phase, we need less RDP for Shield Wall or Endless Duty.

    Looking at the new version of our RDP generation, the line about not using other commands has been removed.. so that's a plus.

    I suspect Warscroll Battalion was a typo. So you'd probably get 2 RDP from core battalions..

    But yeah, I guess we'll know this weekend. Come on FAQ.





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