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Posts posted by SchleuderMann2

  1. Played A Game against Sylvaneth today.

    Since I knew my enemy I could guess he would take a lot of monsters and so he did, he basically run Alarielle, Drycha, Treelord Ancient and Spirit of Durthu and could have set up another Treelord aswell. Therefore I decided to play 4 Ballista with Ordinator and Azyros,  heraldor against his trees and incantor for an auto bann. I decided to run Gotrek and fill the rest with liberators to have a screen for Ballista. While he surrendered due to my dubble turn (which allowed Gotrek an the Ballistas to do massive Damage) I wonder about several things.

    1. Could Astral Templars be a good choice for Stormkeep since you move before the turn? (Therefore I would need to know if shield of civilization applies if I hadn't had a movement phase where I could not move) Also there are quite a lot of Lists that have some important monsters like Lrl, tzeentch and not to mention the all loved Lizards... 

    2. What about Ballistas in general? I feel like with the 6" pre-game movement they could be viable  to give the opponent's a reason to charge into our Liberator squads?

    3. As mentioned, Stormkeep armies are going to be slow, how about adding Gotrek? He never really fit into my normal playstyle since battle was most of the times already  over when he arrived but now he could really give us the punch that only stormcast lists are likely gonna miss in a non anvilstrike army...

    I'm interested in your opinion, could that actually be something strong? Or just take the new battalion and try survive as long as possible?



  2. Just checked out the new Faqs, petrifex Plus 1 to safe rolls was change to rr1's tzeentch flamer are 140 nie (Think 120 before) and seraphon Salamander are a bit more expansive too☺👍🏾👍🏾 seems like There is a little light at the End of the tunnel for SCE

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  3. Hey guys, 

    Since my first Army the poster boys Sce suck for quite a while, I changed to BoK one year ago to have some melee fun

    When StD got a new Battletome last November/ December I considered Archaon neing quite strong in a Khorne List although his point costs are definitively very high.

    I tested against Bonereapers, Tzeentch, shooty CoS, Sylvaneth, new Seraphon, Fyreslayers, FeC and Beastclaws and I must say I'm quite satisfied. 

    Of course the level in my Area is not everytimes like on tournaments but most players are quite tryhard. 

    The List is (I'm to dumb to insert media so I have to write it in here):

    Archaon 800

    Bloodsecrator 120 

    Bloodstoker 80

    Slaughterpriest with heal 100

    Slaughterpriest with +1 to hit 100

    Warshrine with +1 to safe 170

    5 warriors 100

    5 warriors 100

    10 reavers 70

    10 reavers 70 

    5 marauder horsemen 90

    Gore pilgrims 140

    Skulls 40

    The strengths are:

    -heavy anti magic power with 24' bloodsecrator with RoV  artefact giving him an 2+ ignore against spells, the skulls and altar giving -3 to cast in the best case and Archaon having one 4+ ignore from warscroll, another 4+ ignore from shrine warscroll prayer and a 4+ me safe from his own warscroll (This List totally crushed the new DoT, seriously I felt with my opponent :) )

    - great melee with Archaon having +1to hit and rerolling ones to hit, rerolling wound rolls, +1 attack, the ability of attacking twice through reapers. 

    On top of that he has +1 to safes, can reroll them and has a very big threat range cause of his 14 move and plus 3 to charge. 

    Using his command ability allows him to attack when he dies too (although this shouldn't happen) and 4 khorne bloodpoints make it possible to let him attack at the beginning of the heroes phase (yours or the opponent's) which was always quite surprising for them. 

    The list is not too high drop, has some ranged mw through the priests and some screen against heavy melee Lists. 

    So if anyone has some tips or comments feel free to tell me and all hail to the almighty One!!!


  4. 7 hours ago, XReN said:

    Probably not. They are stupidly fast and will trample everything that dares to oppose them. You need shooting to deal with them, also some de-buffs could be neat.

    i think i will try something like 4 ballsitas with ordinator and azyros, some liberator battleline (since they hit on2+ with astrals and their warscroll buffs) and maybe a unit of vanguard raptors with the aetherwings to block charges. when you combine the raptors with the spell of a knight incantor you get a -2 to charge which could also be very helpful. do you see the possibility of the celestant prime being useful in a game like this? I  really like the model but if i compare him with a frostlord he seems reaaaally weak 🙄

  5. @Fundre to protect your arcanum against tzeentch i recommend ignax scales which gives you a 4+ save against mortal wounds or the obsidian amulet from our battletome which gives you a 4+ chance to ignore the effects of all spells to your arcanum, so it also helps against debuffs at your LA.

    Against a missilefocussed skaven army i would use the mirror shield (hope that this is the right translation) so his jezzails have -2 to hit against the carrier of the artefact. 

    some general advices for your army: you have great damage and tankiness in meele fights but also a lack of mobility. i dont know exactly the lists of your skaven and tzeentch opponents but in my area the tzeentch players just play some ****** battleline whoose only task is to prevent my units killing his wizards. therefore i would recommend some heroes to buff the "speed" of your units or something which kill pressure that he has to be afraid maybe dracothian guard etc. 

    personally i like to have some autobanns against tzeentch to due to the fact that it will be hard to bann anything if the opponent has +2 to cast

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