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Posts posted by Dolomyte

  1. 7 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    Sure. But Chaos has like ten 1 drop battalions. And, several 2 drops. So I don't really see why that specific attribute is problematic. Now that horrors are much more manageable in the mid and late game I actually think dumbing 400 points upfield with limited support (due to one teleport) as a viable strategy. Unless, the opponent leaves the door open with poor deployment. 

    You could be right. The other chaos armies are not built the way tzeentch is and I don’t believe any of them can teleport or deliver the amount of magic and shooting tzeentch can behind it. Again I’m totally on board with all of your thoughts, I just disagree and we can see how the next few months play out. My preferred fix would have been removing flamers from changehost. 

  2. Just now, whispersofblood said:

    I mean... If you've ever 4-1ed there is no way what you described is happening to you. And if not it is you are probably losing to factions way further down the totem pole.

    I’ve gone 5 and 0. Can I build an army to counter this ? Yes. Can I just run deepkin? Yes. But to build a list focused on dealing with this hamstrings you against others. And if you don’t build a list to counter this you lose without getting to play your army at all. I’m sorry I disagree with you and still think a one drop army that can take the best units in the book and auto charge turn one is a problem. But I do. I’m not mad at you for disagreeing with me and the stats will bear out which of us is right over the next few months.

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  3. Just now, SleeperAgent said:

    Saying they weren't nerfed is just flat wrong. Changehost only teleports one unit now. Destiny dice no longer ignore rend or battleshock losses.

    If you think the problem with changehost was two teleports and not the fact that’s it’s a one drop battalion with every unit you want to take an option Then sure it was a nerf. I’m still gonna have 20 pinks charging my whole army and locking it up top of 1 every single game 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    Play null deploy - Changehost has almost no counter play to it what so ever. I've played against the two lists that won Heat 1 with Living City and had 0 issues. 

    If I’m going to buy another army to play against them I’ll just buy changehost and hope to win the roll off

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  5. 9 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

    Malakithe you just speak right from my heart! 
    But it ist always like this. New stuff wins, everyone screams for a nerf. I think most people did not even know what the new Battletome does before playing against it. 

    Thats why most people dont know what to do against it.

    ofc it is strong! Ofc they won! But they need a lot of flair to adjust it! Otherwise they kill the hole book!

    What do you plan to do against a one drop army that can either shoot your hero’s out or drop a massive brick you can’t get through in your deployment zone with an auto charge turn 1? 

    beyond just the fact it’s a nightmare to deal with it sucks to play against. I’d rather fight an army of 2 up armor bonereapers all day every day. At least my army gets to move and do stuff. I don’t have every decision taken from me immediately. 

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Vakarian said:

    Indeed they aren't, and I'll keep happily playing both. But the amount of consternation flying around this forum about wildly imbalanced factions (I'm really not sure it's as bad as the initial reports are saying, I'm solidly in the "time well tell, the sky is in fact not falling" camp).

    But if GW really wants to try to improve their balance (up to them, what they're doing seems to be working just fine for them as a company), and it seems lots of us hope they will continue to, then CB's method provides some useful lessons.

    I agree it has some interesting elements. I would love to see more interactivity with reporting stuff directly the company beyond the yearly survey. I am also pretty sure the age of Sigmar stat show which the honest war gamer puts out makes its way into their vision. And I think those guys do a really good job for what is essentially a fan project 

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  7. Infinity is a different game. If you want to play infinity play Infinity, no one is stopping you. I don’t really like infinity (mostly because no one near me plays, same reason I don’t like 9th age or Kings of war) so I’d rather stick with the game system that in my area is not only strong but growing daily. We have so many new AoS peeps it’s awesome. Could stuff be better from jump yes, but if that means sacrificing the break neck pace of new stuff and content constantly being released for the game I’d rather have to deal with a slaanesh army popping up every six months or so. You know where slaanesh was never an issue? My LGS. If someone wanted to play the cheesy version they would ask if anyone wanted a hard game, otherwise they would play something fun with seekers and fiends and not the same copypasta six hero list. If you have a cancerous player who only is willing to play cut throat lists excise him from the community. If you go to a GT guess what your gonna see some stuff. Don’t bring your all infantry deepkin list and be disappointed you went 0 and 5. Bring your all infantry deepkin list and let every opponent know your there to drink and have fun. 

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  8. To be fair the tzeentch complaints came from everyone including the people winning with tzeentch. Usually not a good sign. And the OBR thing is why I support the six month update system. Cavalry were incredibly broken so they got fixed in the two week update, as changehost should be, now we get to see a few months of data on how they are performing and make additional tweaks as needed. OBRs biggest complaint should not be their power level for petrifex, it should be how boring petrifex is to play and play against. Either you get a mission with one or two objectives which they can most likely win or they get a mission with 6 to 8 they have little to no chance of winning. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Considering how much concern about flamer is going around, I was just thinking if it might make sense to reduce the range of their flaming attack to 9-12.

    Their damage output is enormous, and since they are basically the biggest problems, which many fear might get worse then worse with the given chatter,

    I thought that reducing the range might change a few things.

    with their range reduced to 12 or less, it will be bale to counter those change-host, by just screening them out with expendable cheap units.

    which will give any player trying to protect their very expensive units from a first turn death, while still keeping the flamers somewhat reliable strong.

    maybe a few points adjustments, might not be a bad idea either but considering how Gw has done it in the past, I doubt we’ll be seeing any point changes to soon.

    I like flamers as is. I think they are only out of whack in changehost, I feel if you removed flamers and exalted from the cjangehost choice it makes it a four drop army, and it makes it so you can’t teleport the flamers around. When they have to foot slog across table I think a smaller range would be prohibitive 

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    No but any problems with Changehost is fixable by making the battalion cost 1700 points. Absolutely no need to visit any other mechanics. Especially not a core mechanic that otherwise got an absolutely massive nerf.

    Correct, changehost is a bigger issue imo. I think pinks might be slightly undercosted but the morale issue is not the issue with the army 

  11. 2 minutes ago, mmimzie said:

    Honestly i don't need some one else opinion to make my own. In gaming i like very much making my own opinions and observations on the matter of how good or bad an army is, and one what units i want to take.

    I've said my piece pages ago on my opinions on change host and flamers. It's a flamer specific issue where flamers might need a nerf or be dropped from change host. Even then on that note of flamer nerfing i'm just not sure if they need it as they individualy are easy enough targets and don't have table spanning range meaning they do need to get abit close, and thier damage numbers and durability aren't better than what cities of sigmar can do. While cities of sigmar has slightly less mobility but better melee unit options or a better magic phase. 

    Remember when cities came out they were top 10ing and winning for about 2 or 3 weeks right out the gate. However since they have fallen off quite abit, and did not recieve any really points changes or real nerfs that account for this. It was more a shift it meta and increase in player knowledge. I know we all remember the crys of hollow heart being OP, and while they got a mild nerf in the mortal wounds needed to be taken only just very recently they had already fallen to thier current levels before the nerf, and most folks don't even try to negate said mortal wounds instead opting to just heal back the damage that is taken. 

    As for horrors honestly they were stronger before giving you near limitless board control and many more points off healing and re-summoning of pink horrors, and then they were a bit cheaper for a while, and change host was better and more flexible. 

    Now tzneetch is quite strong and change is still very strong, but again change host was kind of better before, and had never really risen to prominence over the meta. The true change host strength is one drop, as mind you any other decent shooting army can do the same thing and more with bridge even more so us with out powerful spell casters. If there is anything too strong it's flamers, and that's an if. 

    I implore you to look at cities of sigmar and go back to thier release in thier threads and you will see multiple weeks of listed events where cities with spots 1, 2,3 or something like that when they first dropped. Community knowledge and reactions are an important thing, and  if a book is every release as a perfectly fair and balanced army it should always over preform in its first weeks because opponents won't know how to deal with it.

    And look at how slaanesh was predicted to be bad and not touched with the faq errata hammer and proceeded to dominate the meta for six months. Sorry don’t want that again. Changehost is not fun to play or play against. It needs to be fixed 

  12. Just now, mmimzie said:

    I think if tzneetch at its current power level and mobility was melee he would have this complain. 


    In AoS shooting/magic armies being good have a mild stigma or feel kind of cheaty or unfair.

    Its problem is its good at both melee and shooting. 100 wound minus 1 to hit units are a tough nut to crack for most armies. 

  13. He beat it twice in games that only lasted to the third turn and ran to full time both games. He is also one of the best players i know. Joe random, myself in that grouping, would not be able to do what he did.

    DoK still let you play the game. This army does not.

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