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Posts posted by NorthernNurgling

  1. Sorry for the double-post but looking over Azyr app today, I have one last question!

    Accepted wisdom seems to be that a big blob of marauders works great in Nurgle lists, but I don't understand why you wouldn't take 20 Chaos Warriors over 40 marauders? Smaller footprint, no degrading stats as their numbers go down, similar weapon profiles, but tougher... Is it literally just because of the easier charge that marauders get to make?

  2. 14 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    And that sucks. I truly get that. Because those units, eben if you don’t field them, they are part of the lore, the army picture etc. So it does influence how you perceive your own army. And as a result how you experience it. 

    but bringing it back to the discussion is it about the release strategy? Or is it simply a matter of taste? 

    so if they showed/released those horse archers, sword infantry etc. Then you could ignore that one foxy wind avatar, if that’s where it stopped. If that was what they where releasing would you then be okay with it? 

    I feel like GW were a little sneaky with the release, though I know it may just be seen as bitterness by some of the dedicated Lumineth fans on here.

    For me personally, I think the initial release was skewed too heavily towards the "normal" elf units. If I had known the range would include these weird and wonderful beasts I simply would not have picked it up.  It would be like choosing the Deepkin based purely on seeing the Namarti models. I love the Namarti, but I don't look the eels/turtle etc. I think showing off quite traditional elves and hiding the stranger new concepts was misleading of GW. 

    As someone who bought into the hype and spent £50 on a limited edition battletome that is clearly going to have less than a third of the total warscrolls in it within 12 months, I also feel like I've bought something worthless. It's obvious from reading that battletome that GW knew well in advance how the faction was going to shape up and how they were going to release it in stages. I would have liked a lot more hints about what those later releases would look like, and how the initial materials would be supported as the faction expanded. At least then I could have made more of an informed choice.

    Not to go off on a tangent, but it's like the new Soulblight warband they showed at the weekend.... Those 4 vampires look amazing. But what if I commit to collecting them as a full faction and start grabbing all the initial kits of plastic Blood Knights etc, and then find that GW have decided that blood-starved vampires actually mutate into giant koala bears and the named general rides in on an enormous winged cabbage? If they are going to go violently off-message with the traditional Warhammer faction themes, then we can't trust their little "nods" to the World-That-Was as a sign that they will treat it properly. 

    As I say, I have learned my lesson. I'm switching to an established faction where I can see the full range and know exactly what I'm getting into before I pick up any models. 

    • Like 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, NurgleSeb said:

    1) Unfortunately only the Glottkin CA will work on the bullgors since it affect all friendly Nurgle units. The harbinger CA require the mortal tag. As for the Warshrine, the rules are even more restrictive: it requires both the mortal tag and the STD tag.

    2) It is very unlikely to summon a GUO in a game. You'll often want to use your available points to summon a unit of plaguebearers or a feculent gnarlmaw to make a charge after running. Also, the GUO is a support piece that works mostly in the first 2 turns of the game. Having it available at the end of the game would be very unhelpful IMO.

    3) Sorry for the bad news and my even worse english 😅


    Thank you for this, you have saved me a lot of money and tears!

  4. 1 hour ago, l1censetochill said:

    You... uh... you did notice that among the models revealed in the teaser, they included Blademasters, foot heroes, and a new artillery piece, right? Because I can't help but feel like this is a bit of an overreaction.

    Anyway, as someone who bought into Lumineth on release, no, I don't feel cheated. The initial model range was small, but I liked it. The new models look even better, and I'm excited to paint them. And as for needing a second book... meh. I'll buy it for convenience, but all that stuff will be online within days of the release anyway. If you want, you can just watch one of the 100 YouTube 'Man Reads Book' videos and copy down the relevant stuff into an Excel document until the app and the Warscroll Builder get updated. I figure it's no better or worse than needing to buy a new GHB every year.

    After reading through this thread, though (and seeing that the Lumineth players, at least, seem mostly excited for the update), I've gotta wonder - how much of the negative response is being driven by people who actually feel "cheated" by this release, and how much is just people claiming they're upset about GW's release schedule, but are actually just really salty that Lumineth got a second wave of models and their Fyreslayers/Cities/whatever didn't? Because I can't shake the feeling that a lot of the online complaining is motivated by sour grapes, not "ethics in tabletop wargaming" or whatever.

    I'm not being hysterical about it, I just mean that the faction is not at all what I thought it was going to be. Now on the one hand I could be content with the few kits in the army that actually appeal to me, but over time I think it will just get more annoying as the other temples come out. I want my horse-archers to... uh... be on horses. I could just about swallow buying a Mountain Spirit, but then Fantastic Mr Fox has been released and I just feel a bit disappointed... I'd love it if the spirits were half-elf avatars, like the old Orion model.

    I'm just dropping the faction now before River Temple comes out and I have to buy the mystical Platypus or Zenith comes out and Tyrion rides in on the mighty Albatross. I honestly wondered if other people had the same experience. I've still got a functional 2k Vanari army, at least until I build up another force to replace it.

  5. Hi all,

    I'm going to be starting a Nurgle army as my 2021 project, hoping to do lots of conversions etc. I did want to ask 2 questions though before I start spending money.


    One: Has anyone tried taking the Pestilent Throng battalion and building an old-school deathstar of Bullgors with Great Axes? Warshrine, harbinger, Glottkin CA, all look like they can be stacked on Bullgors, along with the Doombull CA. Is that right?  I thought it might be fun to have a big blendy unit of plagued minotaurs where most opponents would only be expecting to see Blightkings. I'm guessing there's an obvious problem with the idea since I haven't seen it anywhere before! 


    Two: How easy/likely is it to summon a GUO without spending the points on putting him in your list to start? I don't want to buy the model if there's only a tiny chance of ever getting him on the table. 


    Thank you for your wisdom! 

  6. I wanted to add my two cents because I'm interested if other people have fallen into the same trap as me regarding the Lumineth.


    I saw the Vanari and loved the fact that they seemed more traditional and less weird than things like the Deepkin etc. The cavalry were on horses, the archers and spearmen all looked lovely. I planned on getting the first army box, and did. 

    Then I saw the Alarith, and did not like it at all. That's fine though - I converted my Stoneguard by kit-bashing Wildwood Rangers to give them a warrior-monk vibe, and I passed on the battle-cattle. I still had a respectable 2k points of Vanari with Teclis and Eltharion, fingers crossed for swordmasters, heavy cavalry, artillery etc...

    Then I see the kangaroo archers, and the squirrel last week. It was the straw that broke the camel's back (or whatever that thing the Regent Lord is riding).  I am quite literally painting the last 2 of my dawnriders this week and putting the whole army on ebay as soon as they are finished. This faction has destroyed me - I'm primarily a painter, and I love the level of detail and design that GW's newest ranges provide, but this is the last time I take a leap of faith and buy a partially released faction. 

    So is it just me, or did anyone else jump into Lumineth thinking "Oooo, elves!" only to be bombarded into submission by this unlikely menagerie of Hyshian pokemon?



    P.S. I'm rerolling Nurgle.... Sign of the times.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Carnith said:

    My thought was witch elves, though its not a cheap option by any means. 

    Flails - Whip from SoS and knife (cause they can't take shields)

    Axes - Knife and Shield 

    The thing is also you need to make sure your models are on 25s since thats what marauders are on, which kinda throws you back to old world stuff that is still on 25s. 

    I liked the idea of kitbashing Shadow Warriors with the crested heads and shields/whips from the Hellstriders but again, not cheap! If I do though, I'll be sure to post the pics :)

  8. 1 hour ago, Gibs said:

    I just hope that they modify depravity enough to make mortals a viable play style and Sigvald significantly beefy that KoS have an alternative....even if he is a unique character. 

    If depravity was to stay as it is, the mortals would benefit from it. If the Myrmidesh/Symbaresh are Chaos Warrior equivalents you'd expect them to have 2 wounds. The Seeker cavalry will have 2 wounds minimum, possibly 3. The Slaangor will definitely be multi-wound... The depravity points would pour in!

  9. 17 minutes ago, Overread said:

    A big part depends on the role GW sees for them. Right now a lot of the cavalry Hedonites already have is reasonably expensive as it stands, though it is demonic and could be summoned. The new mortal additions mostly seem to be a mix of elites and fodder troops. Archers could split into the two; with the foot version being more grunt style and coming in larger numbers; whilst the cavalry version could be more elite even up to "sniper" status. But it really depends what price point (points) and what role they envision seeing the different units fit into. 


    The new armoured foot soldiers appear to be aimed at giving us Slaanesh style chaos warriors and chaos chosen warriors so I'd expect them to hit hard and be very much on the elite side

    It looks like the armoured guys come will be sold in boxes of 5 so elite makes sense for them.


    Returning to the archers, I don't think GW could reasonably make Blissbarbs better than Sentinels. The Sentinels are centuries old elves dedicated to archery blah blah, but Blissbarbs are described as being the lowest rung of the Hedonites… I'd be amazed if they had the MW mechanic that Sentinels do.  I think it would make more sense for them to have more shots with less effectiveness (thinking more like Savage Orruk Archers) and the poison applies a debuff to the unit. So if you pepper a unit with 20 shots from 10 archers, you don't do a heap of damage BUT that unit is -1 to hit in combat until next turn. You could then have a playstyle where the archers primarily debuff targets units. There'd be some nice combos - reduce hit on something just before you throw your Slaangors at it, or half the movement of a block of infantry and let your faster units run rings around it, you could give casting debuffs to wizards you poisoned...

    Just my imagination conjuring this up, but it would give Blissbarbs a unique niche role, making them stand out from other missile units.

  10. I don't understand where the Blissbarb Seekers will fit in. Going off the Dread Pageant profile, we'd be looking at 2 attacks each at 4's and 4's, and it stands to reason they will be much less effective than the Lumineth Sentinels for instance. That works fine for blobs of 10 or 20, especially if they get to dip their arrows in drugs for shenanigans. But 5 of them mounted without any poisons will just tickle.

    Again, I love the idea of mounted archers thematically, but I can't think of a scenario where I wouldn't prefer 5 of the melee variant against 5 of the archer variant. I could only really see them working if they had a similar profile to the old Ellyrian Reavers (forgot the legacy unit name) where they had 3 attacks each and had a "flee-and-fire" option to really harass slower units.

    • Like 1
  11. Do you think the new battletome will update any warscrolls for the existing Hedonites range aka the Broken Realms treatment?

    I love the idea of causing enough pain to summon daemonettes or seekers to the battlefield, but I don't see what they will add if we have access to those gorgeous Myrmidesh/Symbraresh and Slickblade dudes. I know Slaanesh daemons are fast but they also look like min sized units (i.e. what you could summon) would get blown away by anything bigger than a Sneaky Snuffler... 


    P.S. best loadout for a Keeper of Secrets? The one I "found" in my garage is fully painted except for his/her? left arm because I can't decide. My band of freaks and perverts will be going up against Orruk Warclans predominantly...

  12. Wasn't the first Broken Realms book just a set of warscroll updates/new allegiance rules etc? Given the amount of units they are releasing it would only make sense to put it in a battletome. If the mortals end up with different allegiance rules than the daemons then the current battletome might not be made totally invalid. They could have Hedonites and Sybarites as two battletomes that you can mix at your leisure. I mean, presumably people using StD units currently have to do the same with that battletome already?

  13. So these new mortal units look very exciting, and I have "mentioned" to my partner that I like them.

    Then I "found" a Keeper of Secrets in a bag in our garage...

    Will the daemons in general, Keeper specifically, be compatible in a mortals list do you think? I don't want to kill the magic of Xmas but I'd rather get a refund now instead of feigning joy at an illegal Keeper...

  14. 18 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    GW knowing they've a fanatically loyal consumer base who've shown they'll buy pretty much anything they release.

    I have no issue with spending money on a quality product. But there has to be a standardised approach to pricing for it even to be legal, never mind defensible. Why is Teclis 20% more expensive than Alarielle? Why is he 5% more expensive than Archaon? The raw materials are, if anything, less on Teclis than on Archaon. What is it about manufacturing the Teclis model that makes it 20% more difficult than making Alarielle? 

    They've been teasing this model for literally longer than a pregnancy and now as a final slap to the customer they throw an extra "Covid Tax" onto their new range? 


    • Like 4
  15. So I just got through the battletome and I'm hyped to start painting. But does anyone else feel like this faction was split in half after the developers put the concept together?

    I've never seen a battletome make such clear, consistent references to units that don't appear in the faction. There's mention of chariots and artillery, and the very strong indication that each of the four aelementari temples will have a military order and big avatar. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine each temple will have its own hero. The Vanari make up the bulk of the faction numerically, and the battletome makes clear that this is the case for both Teclin and Tyrionic forces. Hell, even the runes on the Vanari, Eltharion etc make reference to units that don't exist!

    There's just no way that Tyrion gets his own faction given the fact that he'll be using Vanari and other Lumineth models as the fluff tells us. So I think it is only a matter of time before the Lumineth get an expansion. But this is unprecedented. And before anyone says "Stormcast" I don't think this is the same thing. The original Stormcast battletome functioned perfectly without the addition of the subsequent chambers. It might have been GW's intention all along to expand the faction, but they could just as easily decided to keep the theme going when they saw how popular Stormcast were in terms of sales.

    The Lumineth battletome looks like the first half of a larger faction, which is very different. So, GW either realised that their dev team had created a huge faction which was too big for a single release on a purely practical level i.e. supplying that many new kits. Or they just want to give us a year or two to get our Vanari painted before they drop the rest of the range. But this still strikes me as very unusual from GW - the battletome definitely gives us a functional army and I'm really excited to get a legion of Vanari up and running, but it is a very slim book, and it feels like a leap of faith starting to invest in the Lumineth without having seen the full range.

    What do you think? What's the reasoning behind obviously splitting a new faction in half but trying to push it through as a fully functioning range?

    • Like 2
  16. Hi guys,

    Having failed hard at getting excited about Lumineth I am considering a ton of kit-bashing to turn the old Dark Elf range into a Slaanesh STD army. I have a lot of ideas for conversions but in terms of being competitive, what are your experiences of the following units:

    Ruinbringer warband with MSU Knights - I'm think ensorcelled weapons plus exploding 6's might be fun.

    Mammoth - I have an insane idea for a proxy but is this thing still even playable or just a relic warscroll?

    Chosen - Love the fluff but not convinced by the stats... Anyone had any success with them in blocks of 10?

    Karkadrakk Lord - Is he worth giving the Sword of Judgement to?

    Ravagers - do the reinforcements help at all or are they usesless?


    Thanks in advance, appreciate any advice

  17. Hello,

    I have a question, sorry if its a bit obvious but it's hurting my brain.

    I want to give the Ulgu Blade of Folded Shadows to a Mounted Chaos Lord. The blade gives +1 to hit. His weapon inflicts 2MW's on an unmodified hit roll of 6. Does that mean that, with the blade, hit rolls of 5 and 6 will inflict the 2MWs?

    Hope that makes sense.


  18. 4 hours ago, ArchaicArc said:

    I just ordered the core book today, any tips ye lads can give me on preparing myself for age of sigmar as I wait for the lumineth to drop???

    Hey, there are loads of really good YouTube channels with Battle Reports on there. They give you a feel of how the game works and shows you the rules in action. You also get to see lots of armies in all their glory! My favourite is MiniWarGaming but Rerolling Ones is good too, and there are plenty others. I've gotten quite addicted to them during lockdown.

    • Like 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, Yuviel Lightbringer said:


    Considering that stone guard have 2 weapon options already shown, making them dual kit as well seems odd as the sheer number of parts on the sprue would be massive.

    I'm not so sure, kits like Tzaangor or Kurnoth for instance have massive amounts of options, you have so much spare left when you finish a unit it feels like half the box is still unused.

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