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Posts posted by oniwan_shinobi

  1. 8 hours ago, SaJeel said:

    To bounce of Mirage's post with the new Match Play rules

    Every Army can place 5 Terrain pieces, This can be ANY terrain feature so long as 2 of them are smaller than 6"x4"2 and all of them must be less than 10"x10" 

    After these terrain pieces have been placed, you can use Allegiance abilities to place terrain, 

    These are what the rules say, a lot of people just jumped to the part were it talks about Allegiance ability placement without reading the general terrain placing rules.


    is it possible for you to give examples of "faction terrain" that ISNT part of an allegiance ability?  not calling you out in anyway im fairly new to AoS and been trying to follow this subject. 

    • Like 1
  2. welcome back dude 🤘, the stormcast were affectionately named the "Sig-marines" when they first released.

    As for advice for list building and what not, obviously your first port of call would be the TGA faction specific threads and of course the blog section for inspiration and what not.   of course dont be afraid of asking any questions you might have in the tga forums, we dont bite unless you ask

  3. being a nurgle player myself i wouldn't classify the entirety of maggotkin as resilient.  its only really the daemon units that can be tough to shift, yes the blightkings are 4 wounds and 4+ save but thats it!  by reading what you have replied to other you are looking for an army wide resiliency then i wouldnt recomment maggotkin, beastclaw is probably where you wanna be.  good luck finding something thats interesting to you 👍

    • Thanks 1
  4. welcome to the forums Longtooth.  

    I much like you started as a collector more than a gamer but since then have found a great bunch of guys locally and i have really been enjoying gaming/social aspect of the hobby. best of luck dude 🤘

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