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Posts posted by Galvainn

  1. On 7/2/2019 at 8:24 AM, Planar said:

    I love Ironjawz for not allowing me to take myself (or my "generalship")  too seriously. It is impossible to claim strategic potential when you command green simpleton hulks who like to rush forward and smash things. I love orks in general for always being the narrative disruption to the grim worlds GW weaves. There you have almighty Archaon of ultimate badassery and then suddenly an angry ork appears in the story and hand him over his ass. Twice. What's not to like 😃

    That' actually what makes me struggle with my other army, Nighthaunt. These guys are way too serious, way too grim. But I love to play them for their non-straightforward playstyle (very refreshing after the linear IJ) and I absolutely love the models. 


    Perhaps you should try the Gloomspite Gitz then. Quite less linear than the Ironjawz and still not taking themselves too seriously. That's why I am transferring my old Battle for Skull Pass goblins to round bases; it's still the same wacky, fungi-infused craziness, finally given the complete army treatment they always deserved IMHO. 

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  2. Painting random models, I love it!😄

    Some nice paint work in there, the Uruk-hai works well, and the corsair looks promising. Once finished that unit will look great!

    Random question: is there a reason some of these models are on square bases and others on round ones?

  3. @Lurynsar I mostly agree with your post, I also expect some things to go in the near future. Removing Greenskins is an understandable move in itself, however I feel the "replacement Orcs" (Bonesplitters and Ironjawz) are somewhat lacking in model and unit variety. Granted they are relatively early AoS releases, and current factions are a bit more fleshed out, but if someone wants to run a full Orc army, there is little choice with the Greenskins gone.

    I started out WFB as a Bretonnian player, but I cannot see them work in the AoS setting. GW did not, however, have to remove them completely as far as I'm concerned. Some kits would work great in an updated, generic human faction (the Men-at-Arms kit especially is still wonderful). To me, the one thing still lacking from AoS is a decent human faction. There are hints at the humans of the Mortal Realms everywhere in the lore, but I (and I think many others with me) would love to see a set of human kits and a human army for AoS.

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