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Posts posted by HanzoKurosawa

  1. For the person who asked about what Relic/Artifact to take on the king. It's generally agreed upon here that the best one to take is the Sword of Judgement from Malign Sorcery. 

    It's ruling is: Pick one of the bearer's melee weapons to be a sword of judgement. If the hit roll for an attack with that weapon against a hero of monster is 6+, that attack inflicts d6 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends.

    On the king, with legendary fighter, he has 7 attacks with his sword. With his command ability, he gets +1 to hit on a charge, and with the enchantress' spell he gets another +1 to hit. This means suddenly, he has 7 attacks, that deal D6 mortal wounds, on a 4+ to hit. This means on average you do 3.5D6 mortal wounds to any hero or monster unlucky enough to stand in his way. I had a game, where in three turns, he killed a daemon prince, a verminlord corruptor, and a Soulgrinder. He just went from one to the other, killing each in his first round of attacks. Then he could easily reach any other with his huge movement range.

  2. Hello again everyone,

    I changed my list up a bit since the last post. I removed the bowmen and replaced them with a damsel and archmage for the same points. Then swapped the 5 questing knights for another 5 grail knights, and put them with the other 5 to make a single 10 man squad.

    I tested this new list out against a Skaven Skyre army.....and absolutely decimated it. My 10 grail knights one shot a squad of 30 acolytes, literally killed them in a single combat phase. My king one shot the Verminlord Warpseer. By the end of my second turn, I'd killed 1000 points of his army, leaving him with just a doomwheel, 6 stormfiends, and a warp lightning cannon. Whilst he hadn't killed a single squad of mine. Two squads were low, but that was all. At that point he conceded. I was still so strong, and his army had been decimated.

    So updated thoughts from this game: I'm not 100% sold on the archmage. The 6+ feel no pain is very unreliable, and did so little. But I've only tried him one game. The trebuchet I'm now having mixed thoughts on. On paper, it should be incredible. You auto-hit. Then only need to roll 2 3+ wound rolls. Then you get to do 2d6 damage. It's crazy reliable, heavy hits. But somehow, I managed to fail all 4 3+ rolls this game.....I don't blame that on the Trebuchet though, I blame that entirely on me. But if I did remove the trebuchet, I could bump one of my knights of the realm squads up to 16 man instead, which could be amazing. I might have to give it a try and see how it goes. But at the moment, I still think the Trebuchet is great. It's just so reliable. Especially compared to the artillery units of other armies.

    Biggest thought from this game though is: HOLY MOLY Grail Knights hit hard. That 10 man Grail Knight squad was just a wrecking ball sweeping across the board killing anything that dared get in their path. And that wasn't even against deamons/death. 

    I've attached some pictures of my models to this post. As I said, because I bought them all off various different places, they are of very mixed quality. Some aren't painted at all. Some are painted mediocre. Some are painted amazing (mainly king + trebuchet + green knight). Most of the pictures are from my game against the Skaven army.











  3. I'll take some pictures later today of the army to post. However, I will prewarn you that they're a mixed bag, since I bought pre-owned. Some are unpainted. Some are painted badly. Some are painted great. Very hit and miss. 

    List I've been running so far is: 

    King - 400 points - Legendary Fighter - Sword of Judgement 

    Trebuchet - 220

    Enchantress - 160

    8x Knights of the realm - 220

    8x Knights of the realm - 220

    8x Knights of the realm - 220

    5x Grail Knights - 180

    5x Questing Knights - 180

    16x Peasant Bowmen - 200

    Total - 2000


    This was my first ever list, so I put a bit of everything in, to try out different stuff. See what I liked, what I didn't. I'm going to redo it, and will probably drop the Peasant Bowmen altogether, because they're just....not good. And probably swap the Questing Knights for another squad of Grail Knights, because they're the same points cost and just better in my opinion.

  4. Hello everyone, created an account just to join in this discussion.

    I recently bought a bunch of old Bretonnia models. They're an army that I've always wanted to collect, but have been unsupported and out of production for the entire time I've been playing Age of Sigmar. But finally got round to just buying pre-owned ones.

    I've managed to try them out three times so far. First game was against a clan Skyre Skaven army, where I did well, but ultimately lost. But at the end, the Skaven player only had 3 stormfiends, an engineer, and a warp lightning cannon left alive. 

    The second game was against a Legion of Azgorh army (me and my friends collect weird armies). I lost this game as well, but it was ultimately due to bad rolls. I managed to get off nearly all my charges on turn 2, which is what you want....but just failed to do any damage at all...Also my king somehow managed to fail a 4 inch charge...

    The third game I played was against Slaves to Darkness. Which was a really fun game to play. Two unsupported, lower-tier armies facing off against each other. But I won that pretty handily. My king one shot a sorcerer lord on manticore, then moved over and one shot a giant, then moved over and one shot a daemon prince. 

    Overall thoughts: The king is insanely good with the sword of judgement. When I first looked at his cost I was like "Wtf, there is no way he's worth this much" but then game three happened and he turned into a wrecking ball, and more than made his points back. However, he is very squishy, and can be focused, which is what happened in game one. The Skyre player just pointed a warp lightning cannon at him, and he didn't last very long.

    Peasant bowmen are useless. I have no idea how they got put at 200 points for 16 models...They're worse than almost all other archer units in the game, and cost way more. 

    The Trebuchet is amazing. It can so consistently put out huge amounts of damage. As long as you aim it at squads, it automatically hits you don't even have to roll. Then it's a 3+ to wound on 2 attacks. Then each of those attacks does d6 damage. That's very very reliable 2d6 damage a turn. In every game this thing just wiped out huge numbers of squads. Whether it was chaos warriors, or clanrats, or even K'daai Fireborn. Definitely worth it's point cost. It outshined every single piece of Legion of Azgorh artillery.

    Letting your opponent go first is almost essential. This army is so charge reliant, that you almost always want to let your opponent go first, so you can charge them on your first turn. And you need those charges to go well. If they don't, you're screwed. But often times they will.

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