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Posts posted by CeleFAZE

  1. If you want to bring tyranid models into AoS (rather than finding a rough analogue) I would note that the way the bone carapaces of the Ossiarch Bonereapers fit together actually have a very tyranid kind of look to them. I've been tempted to start a conversion project of my own if I ever venture outside of my current army.

  2. 5 hours ago, carnith said:

    So... We might have new cav. There's a video of a guy going through the new book. He skips the sybarites, but something gets spoiled. 

    No photo description available.

    Interesting thing to note here is that it has the leader runemark, and has the same number of wounds as the leader version of a fiend. Ladies, gentlemen, and gentlefolk, I think this may have confirmed boobsnake cavalry. Also usually in warcry if there are two weapon options one of them is ranged, so either these are cavalry archers, or the potential boobsnake has a ranged attack of its own.

    I'm super hyped.

    • Like 1
  3. Well, I think this confirms that we're getting something close to a full mortals release. At minimum 3 units (Twinsouls, Painbringers, Slaangors as hinted) and 2 leaders. If the possible blurry bowmen spotted in the background are a dual-kit with spear-dancers, and whatever that palanquin/chariot thing in the background is a unit rather than terrain, we're actually going to be in really good shape as far as god-armies go. I'm personally hoping that the weird blurry thing that was on the far left is a redone boobsnake lord, or even a boobsnake unit. It's too iconic of a design not to use.

    The only downside at this point is COVID potentially delaying the release, considering what's happening with Deathguard for 40k.

    It also just occurred to me, I wonder if Symbaresh and Myrmadesh are going to be two distinct ethos for the unit designs, similar to how the Idoneth have Akhelian and Namarti units.

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  4. To my knowledge, a mark is a sign of personal favor from the chaos gods, effectively a brand (though not necessarily literal) that is given to the more devoted followers of the gods in their truest forms. This could be why the warcry bands don't have the capacity to be marked, as they haven't gained this kind of favor yet. The chaos gods have always been written as intensely jealous creatures that barely consider working together only for strictly common strategic causes for chaos as a whole. Each one strives to become the ascendant god within the pantheon (which waxes and wanes by nature), and so they'd probably be more inclined to either kill, manipulate, or convert followers completely rather than willingly share. If a dual-marked follower ascends to significant power that empowers both gods just as much, which is something neither god wants.

    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, Morovir said:

    From yesterday's WC article about Sigvald:


    "Abandoned by Slaanesh, the scraps of Sigvald’s soul lingered in the void for an age, until Nagash – now the god of Death in the new worlds of the Mortal Realms – found them and claimed revenge for Krell’s destruction. The Great Necromancer trapped Sigvald’s essence in a Shadeglass mirror that would reflect only an idealised image of whoever gazed into it, ensuring Sigvald could never be seen again – fitting revenge for one so vain. He cast the mirror into the pocket dimension of Uhl-Gysh, where it came to rest in the cursed city of Shadespire.

    Unknown to Nagash, Slaanesh was also trapped in Uhl-Gysh. The Dark Prince’s gradual escape and growing power gave Sigvald some measure of awareness and control. The mirror was eventually taken from Uhl-Gysh by duardin privateers, before falling into the hands of a band of Hedonite Godseekers, who unwittingly released Sigvald’s essence. Reborn and empowered once more by the growing might of his god, Sigvald set out to unite the followers of Slaanesh in preparation for the Dark Prince’s apotheosis."


    So yes, it's a continuation of his former lore rather than a rehashing of it.

    I'm very glad to see that the small mentions of plot points seeded throughout various books are coming to fruition. I had initially thought that the mention of the mirror was just a throwaway Easter egg, but now it's turning out that it was incredibly plot-relevant and ties the narrative around Underworlds more directly into the main canon.

    What's also interesting is that this seems to suggest that Sigvald is NOT the Newborn, which is presumably something else entirely. The question now is whether or not the Newborn is going to enter the game with a model or remain solely in the narrative. It would be interesting if that palanquin-thing spotted in the background is hauling it, but I think I would personally prefer that model to be a non-named support piece. We've actually got quite a few named characters now with Shalaxi, the Masque, Syll'Esske and Sigvald, so I'd love to see more non-named leader and/or behemoth options in this new wave. A generic mortal caster in particular would be a welcome addition.

    • Like 4
  6. 6 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    With the likely assumption we'll get more, what do you guys think we need to make our mortal side really stand on its own?

    We have fast cavalry in Hellstriders, two combat heroes (LoP and Sigvald), and two infantry (in the Painbringers and Two Souls, though we're not sure how tanky they'll be, I'll guess 2 wounds).

    It likely comes down to what we can expect our army-wide rules to look like after this update.

    We're currently lacking support buffing capabilities, mortal mass-battleline infantry, ranged support, -2 rend in anything beyond our heroes for the most part, and dedicated mortal casters. Any of those would be an amazing addition to our toolkit.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Golub87 said:

    That puts us at how many new warscrolls?

    Sigvald, LoP, two armored units are 100% confirmed, that is 4.

    Then we have Slaangors, Archers (and quite possibly Spears as an option), Hero in the background, that big model behind the hero, and tall model on the cliff to the left of Slaangors, so 5-6 more?

    9-10 new warscrolls sounds like a new book, meaning new allegiances and subfactions... let's hope that GW puts some thought into it, rather than releasing first draft like they usually do with Chaos, resulting in nonsense, broken or useless.

    My preference for depravity would be to generate 1 DP at the end of phase for each unit that took damage but was not destroyed. That would give equal usefulness to units and heroes, while reducing bookkeeping as you would count much less points per turn and it would avoid annoying situations with KoS charging into multi-wound, multi-model units and then figure out how many wounds were not lethal.

    Seriously, half of my games with Slaanesh are just me making tally marks to keep track of my depravity.

    Even just the new mortals that have been explicitly shown are everything I wanted out of an update. If we get more units (as the blurry background finds seem to indicate) I'm basically buying a second army of Slaaneshi mortals with zero regrets. It's so weird to see my faction getting so much love after languishing for as long as we have, but I'm living for it.

    Best thing to come out of 2020.

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  8. 7 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    This is wise.  Helps avoid gutting disappointment.  maybe just accept we are the new Wood Elves.  waiting forever for releases, having a really high watermark on release then sinking back down to below the mire.  

    We even have a model rode by two characters. This wasn't the comparison I was hoping for but it rings kinda true. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.

  9. 2 hours ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

    We should also remember that the Hedonites book is effectively version 1.0 for Slaanesh. After being ignored more or less for the whole of the switch from Fantasy to AoS there wasn't a book and we got a really good deal to start with in 2.0 but like many people I'd have loved to have had mortals too, but I think we may see some of that on saturday. *fingers crossed* and Depravity and our book was ridiculously OP from day 1, it's just sad that the nerfbat swung so hard, so fast and so frequently that by the time it was finished, new armies had come out and the hideous pile of deformed flesh that had been the glorious work of the Dark Prince was now...... less so. 

    For me the easiest fix would be to make depravity army wide and hike the summoning costs. All of a sudden we want to be taking units again, it would open up Fiends as a choice (I love the models for these and have 6 of the new ones and I'd love to use them). Add in some more mortal units as well as with the new lore I can see Slaanesh being on the rise. Not to being the OP tourney army of the past, but hopefully not the whipping boys/girls/whatever to any army that doesn't need to be in melee to do damage. I'd love to mono-dex without having to rely on Beasts or StD to get some decent units in. 

    New Daemonette models would be my ultimate fantasy come true though lol. 


    To reduce bookkeeping, I would personally like to see depravity changed to the first time a unit takes or deals damage in a phase, regardless of whether or not it's a killing blow. The summoning points would probably need to be revisited, but it would be a more streamlined system that rewards aggressive, reckless play. Something like that allows all of our units to shine and really plays to the lore of the army, all of our units should be rushing in to get in on the revelry.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    I wouldn't be betting on anything to drastic to be honest. If they're going to follow the standard pattern from Psychic Awakening I'd expect a new host and a battalion or two. We've already gotten a new hero model and some reworked warscrolls in Shadow and Pain which is probably all we're getting that regard, and I definitely don't think we'll be getting a new book or a totally revamped depravity system. I'd be happy to be wrong but I'd be wary about getting my hopes up beyond the usual tweaks. 

    I always temper my hopes versus my expectations of GW. For this reveal I'm hoping we see 2-4 units of mortals/slaangors, with 1-2 new heroes. I'm actually expecting they'll have some kind of tagline like "NEW REINFORCEMENTS FOR SLAANESH!" and show off a multipart box of the chaos warriors from the start collecting set.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Popisdead said:

    I suspect it is to make them different from Seekers which do get it.  TBH it feels like a good elite unit ability and I was surprised to see an BL unit get bonus attacks.  Did they officially lose BL?  oof. 

    They did. I'm hoping it's either a typo, or something that will make more sense in the context of whatever changes we're getting in the next campaign book. Also maybe it'll make more sense after this weekend's reveal?

    We're in such a weird place as an army. I think GW realizes that the depravity system as currently written isn't conducive to us utilizing all the cool stuff we have, and we're in for a significant rewrite when the next update comes down the pipeline. There's a good chance that with the recent plot developments (I'll refrain from posting spoilers) that our hosts may change to new names and structures to reflect what's going on.

    • Like 2
  12. 24 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    Maggotkin is actually the oldest Army Battletome at the moment. At the moment it had an update in Archaons wrath but some new models during Broken Realms could be possible. I don't think that they will get a new Battletome before a new Edition comes out.

    We may be on the cusp of a new edition with this set of campaign books. If not this summer then probably 2022.

  13. I personally think that running the hard counter to your only opponent is a fast way to lessen the enjoyment for both of you. Without a compelling back and forth to your games it will quickly become a foregone conclusion, and tailoring a hard counter from the start is going to make that much more apparent. To that effect, I personally recommend going with the force that interests you most from a modeling and lore perspective and then optimizing for your match-up from there. Any sort of concentrated ranged effort will be difficult for DoK to deal with, and all of the forces you listed save for Fireslayers will be able to deliver a decent ranged effort. The current strongest option could be argued to be KO, which through a combination of strong ranged firepower and high mobility would be difficult for a melee army to be able to catch while being constantly whittled away with concentrated fire. If they appeal to you on multiple levels, by all means go for it. However you can pull off a decent ranged effort with SCE through multiple options, with OBR through catapults and spells, and with LRL through massed archers and magical dominance.

    Just remember one thing about this hobby however: the only thing that remains consistent between updates is the models. Rules and their power will wax and wane in effectiveness as time goes on, but the models you put time and effort into will remain. As it stands you'll likely spend far more time assembling and painting your force (at least in the short term) than you will at the gaming table, so look to something that will be fun for you in multiple aspects of the experience.

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  14. 10 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    Dang, you're right, totally forgot they're conditional battleline. That's a real kick in the teeth... i guess it's pretty much down to daemonettes and marauders then.


    I don't know, focusing on the -1 to hit might be a mistake. I'm not saying that the hellstriders should be primary damage dealers but I think there's still potential with the scourges for some sort of offensive role. Each model is making 4 attacks at 3+/4+ and exploding sixes. Even without rend that puts out a pretty significant number of wounds. Combine that with their significant base speed and the ability to re-roll charges and I think you have a really solid unit for threatening backlines. A unit of 10 isn't terribly expensive and they could be used to swing around the flank for a turn and target objective holders or backline support characters. They'll put out about 16 wounds before saves, which is pretty solid for blending through lighter units and characters. Their tankiness on the charge helps in that role too since you probably won't be able to get a locus generator that far into the back field. Obviously they aren't perfect but I still think there's something there.

    My major issue with relying on hellstriders to do damage is that seekers just do all of it better. The only thing hellstriders have above seekers is a small edge in survivability, weighted against a significant decrease in offense and mobility.  I think they're far more valuable as mobile speedbumps and objective grabbers, which is a role they were far better at doing when they could serve a dual purpose as battleline tax. With these changes we're even further into the same situation we've been in since the start: we have a wealth of choices that all do the same thing, but some of those choices are simply much better and efficient at those things.

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  15. Welp, just saw the new hellstriders scrolls, and the scourges are... less useful than I have thought. The ability only affects attacks against the hellstriders themselves, and only on the turn they charge, which severely limits their utility. It looks like the only way to really make much use of them is as a mobile tie-up unit for things you really don't want to eat through something more important. I'm kind of perplexed as to how best to really utilize them, but as I have 15 with spears already I suppose it's worth it to try that loadout with the 10 from the new box and see how it goes.

  16. 10 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    I like that it helps give a clearer definition between use for scourges and spears. If you want to run multiple small units that are charging a lot then you can run the spears. If you want bigger units then the scourges with their mass of attacks and long reach will be a better bet. I'm pretty happy they seem to have found a way to make them both work but in different situations.

    I'm still hoping that the removal of battleline was just a typo or something since that's going to have a pretty big impact on my list building. Worst case I can always just run 2 units of marauder horsemen in their place but that'd definitely be a trade down. 

    Unfortunately marauder horsemen are only battleline in Slaves to Darkness. We've basically lost our crown as the force with the fastest battleline objective grabbers, which really runs counter to our previous role. I'm really hoping it's an oversight, but I don't expect that to be the case.

    As to the hellscourges, I actually don't really see the multiple attacks as something to capitalize on, and I'll probably be running a few small units of both, with hellscourges as basically a defensive debuff where I need it on the charge and the spears as an extra punch for my larger melee blocks. Daemonettes at 300 make it far more worthwhile to have a large block of 30 to lock opponents into melee and be our primary damage dealers, with small units of hellstriders running around to provide support as needed where we need it. If the hellscourge bonus lasted longer than the turn you charged it would be worth it to run big squads of hellscourges as an anvil, but I'm not convinced that would be as useful as it seems.

    Weirdly, I feel like this almost gives chaos warriors a more defined role as tough anvil units to give us something to stick to the enemy while the hellstriders, chariots and seekers do their thing, though I'm not sure they do this so much better than daemonettes or marauders to justify the loss of damage output.

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