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Posts posted by CeleFAZE

  1. 6 minutes ago, Cronotekk said:

    Some more 3E rumors garnered from a close friend

    -double turns gone

    -new faction unveiled with starter vs stormcast

    -40k's crusade system ported over

    -current warscrolls are incompatible

    The reason warscrolls are being made irrelevant so soon after new releases is because COVID offset GW production by 6 months or so, there would have been a larger gap so players didn't feel cheated once 3E dropped.

    Hopefully if the warscrolls are incompatible the new scrolls will still be free in the app. It does seem like kind of a bad move to release warscroll cards so recently if that was the plan, however.

  2. 21 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    Where are my beasties? While I wouldn't mind if they released more kits for the stick people, please do not tell me that they are a replacement for the kurnothi beasties.

    Agreed. Slaanesh is my first true love as far as armies go, but I was considering getting into Wood Elves shortly before AoS 1 became a thing, and if Kurnothi become a thing and we get something that approximates that old combined arms elf/fae kind of feel (and amps it up to the power metal AoS 11 level that I love so much about this setting now) I'd be tempted to finally branch out of chaos.

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, AronQ_ said:

    Hello friends! Maybe this daemon on birth of Newborn illustration  New Herald models? Kinda look cool, hope so.

    I think most likely those two are meant to be stylized representations of the heralds riding the contorted epitome model.


    8 hours ago, Carnith said:

    It does make me wonder, why did the protean form of Slaanesh end up making twins? 

    In terms of power, if we're moving to generic battalions, my initial idea of a battalion that was the two of them and they get some buffs might not work, unless those types of battalions are relegated to open play and narrative. 

    So now I guess I wonder what do they do? Are they keeper power size (so 300-400) or will they be Teclis and Morathi power each since they direct shards of a Chaos god and the closest I think we will get to seeing a chaos god on the table? Or are they together the power of Teclis/Morathi/Nagash? 


    I can't wait for previews (and I hope they do proper previews). I would hate to find out the night before new zealand preorders when they get spoiled in Italian and we pretty much know what they do minus points. 

    Slaanesh has always been about duality, male/female (and those that are neither or both), daemon/mortal (Syll'Esske and twinsouls), corruption of self vs corruption of others, refinement vs extravagance. Even the location of Slaanesh's prison is a place of duality, located in the twilight space between two realms. With the increased prevalence of mirrors being a part a of the creative design space for us I think it makes perfect sense that we have equal yet opposite reflections of excess being taken to two different extremes. One being would dilute their dedication to a particular facet of excess by being dedicated to them all, so separate beings that each fully commit to one specific part of Slaanesh is a very on-brand way to represent that level of obsession.

    • Like 6
  4. 1 hour ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    You know this is possibly the one thread where "spell-dom" is appropriate terminology lol. And yeah I wouldn't be surprised if Syn' becomes our way of reliably surviving the magic phase. I don't want her to be a total feels bad for my opponents but if she had some mechanic where she punished excessive spellcasting, like an extra +1 to casting and unbinding until your next turn for each spell the enemy successfully casts, or similarly getting a chance to gain cp or deny commands whenever the enemy uses a command ability like on a 4+gain a cp or deny the command. We already gain dp for our opponents damage so it would be cool if we had ways of benefiting off of other excesses our opponent goes into like cp or spell abuse.

    I would love to see something where she turns enemy spellcasting in our favor. Something like giving us a depravity point for every spell cast by the opponent would suddenly force very difficult choices for the more magically dominant armies in the game. Sure, Kroak or teclis can cast 4 spells, but each of those damaging AoE spells would suddenly start generating potentially quite a lot of depravity if they don't finish off their targets.

    It's a shame we'll have to wait an indeterminate length of time to find out their rules. It feels a lot like the holding pattern we were in in the months leading to the last book.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Yoid said:

    Our exalted seekers are strong indeed, i often defend them as being the powerful correctly pointed thing in our army (along with Glutos). The sad thing is when you try and compare them to Hellstriders, regular Seekers, regular Chariots, Paibringers or Twinsouls (I see some people defending Twinsouls but im not so sure about them, i still think Slickblades outshadow them by performing way better)

    I think there is plenty of things to envy in other armies, starting with efficiency per point cost. That can be easily fixed in the future anyway. The unreliability of Locus and Shardspeaker is a serious matter tho. Something that certainly would be easier to gulp if the heroes were cheaper.

    I think twinsouls are probably a decent choice for battleline, but they are definitely overcosted for what they are, and the lord of pain tax doesn't help that at all.

  6. 1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

    The way I'm approaching it is how to create kill zones to effectively make all that movement, if not useless, not as impactful. Baiting is another tool. I believe Sevireth is 300 points too, so if we can reduce his impact then that's a sizeable chunk of points not making back its value. How can we turn all these rules against them? 

    One potential tool is the Mesmerizing Mirror, which can potentially 2d3 mortal wounds in the LRL player's turn, and an additional 1d3 in our turn, as the shooting phase move is a "normal move", which the mirror specifically procs its effects off. The challenge with the mirror is twofold however, with the easy bonuses to unbind just casting it in the first place will be a problem, and to place it strategically enough to affect both movements will difficult at best.

  7. 39 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

    Yeah, Yoid alluded to it earlier too. Abilities which is a guaranteed, always-on, or player choice in other armies isn't for HoS. We have to work around it whereas they don't. I kind of like this kind of design but then it needs to be consistent and come with more options like more fleshed out host rules, and so on. I still like the book though but it does have some glaring flows. Thankfully most of them can be sorted with point reductions, which would alleviate the randomness and over-costed units.


    I've been leaning more and more toward Glutos too. Though have gone down the Godseeker + NoE route (+1 charge and re-rolling wounds is TIGHT!). Not an ultra-competitive choice but I want to see how I can make a balanced list with a refused flank setup. At this point though I cannot possibly see a world where we don't get a point reduction in the future. I've never really seen a source which claim the book is fairly costed.


    They definitely got ways to fight back. All I'm saying is that we can match their speed and do it with both ranged and melee units. Though with the way Enrapturing Circlet is worded it seems the Hurakan rule can ignore it since they are piling out of combat not retreating. Pavane would be hilarious to land on one of their wind heroes though (24 on a 5+ MWs, 🎼   'you spin me round round round, like a record, baby, round round round' 🎼 ).

    I had thought about pavane and the sheer comedy of smacking one of the fox spirits with it, however unless we tag one with a hero holding the Enrapturing Circlet, Pavane's 6" range and their 12" shooting phase movement in either turn means we'll never be realistically able to make that happen.

    The only exception is planting a wizard next to the fane and daring Sevireth to knock it down, since he needs to be within 1" in the charge phase. Granted this can be done in your charge phase too after his shooting phase movement, so the turns would have to line up just right to make it happen.

  8. I hate to raise the sodium levels of this thread further, but was anyone else as irritated as I was by this article? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/04/09/the-lumineth-realm-lords-harness-the-wind-to-become-the-fastest-army-in-the-game/

    It really felt like they were highlighting everything the Lumineth got that we didn't, on top of specifically calling out that they have options (including support heroes) that meet our highest movement values, and basically match us for one of our only advantages at the moment (high speed), while having abilities to boost that further.

    Really a shame they didn't decide to give us a mounted lord of pain equivalent, like the old lord on steed.

    • Like 5
  9. 2 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Thanks, you raise a good point. I've swapped around the slickblades for blissbarbs, and used the spare points to buy Wheels of Excruciation; mostly so they don't backfire on me like the gemnids could with so few models. They're also there to generate DP but they put out a decent amount of hurt. Blissbarbs would also be in charge of screen clearing, which the list lacked before. If I had the points, I'd have traded some chaos warriors for blissbarbs on foot but unfortunately can't - let's hope for a points drop there. 

    As others have said, the hand is by far the best (shame they didn't bring the others up to snuff), but the shield looks the coolest. If you don't like the hand, the shield can be useful but it really depends on how lucky you are as it's unreliable. I think the whip could have some use if you plan with it correctly and against the right lists.


    Also, unrelated, but here's another conspiracy theory. Some have said that they're disappointed that many rules haven't changed in our battletome (things like hosts not having updated rules or some QoL changes to some daemons and battalions), or we lack synergy, or that they feel the mortal rules are uncreative; while I may not agree with the latter and I think the lack of synergy was a design choice as we debuff, there is the chance their was some internal upset as our book was being written. I'm not sure what (could just be perfectly normal moving on), but GW are looking for a new lead game designer. Again, it could have had no effect at all on us, or they could be wanting an additional designer, but it's interesting to note.

    In light of that job posting I had wondered myself if the disparity in power levels between the recent books was due to a designer that ended up leaving shortly after development or was let go.

    Here's hoping if there were significant differences of opinion that we at least might see a point rebalancing out of the aftermath, if not a warscroll revision or two (like plague monks received after the Skaven book).

    • Like 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Yeah, I very much agree with you here. I can definitely understand why people think our book is bad - as you said, it plays so differently to most books that any inexperienced player using it is almost certain to lose. While I enjoy the playstyle I'd hesitate to call it good design as AoS isn't meant to be a a highly complex game to get into, whereas Slaanesh is a complex army to even do okay  with (and, as you said, even harder to do well with). Unfortunately I don't know if there's a good compromise between finesse, easy to play, and balanced. Maybe DoK? But I'm not 100% sure on the 'balanced' part of that? 

    Good job on the placing :) Did you find any particular army very hard for us to counter? 

    Also, I was thinking of an Archaon list. Tbh, I think it'll struggle to be competitive due to such a massive points sink, but it would probably be oppressive against casual lists. 

    Lurid Haze (I've found this is my go to for the save)

    Archaon - daemon healing spell

    Glutos - battleshock spell

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (mostly for that rr save on Archaon - he's too valuable to not spend an extra 110 points on nearly doubling survivability) 

    3×5 chaos warriors (sit on the points)

    5x2 Slickblades (here's the part I'm struggling with the most; they're good for a flank, but they're costly and no battalion. Archaon's +2 bravery will help, and I didn't want to use Twinsouls as they're a bit slow in this list)

    The biggest weakness, as you can probably tell, is the objective game and board coverage. Archaon will destroy anything he comes into contact with and, with Glutos, is practically immortal. However Glutos doesn't have the damage himself to take a strong unit down in one go unless he was very lucky on claws. Screens would also be an issue and I'm still not 100% sold on the seekers in this list.


    An Archaon list is one of those situations where I'd think it might not be a bad idea to use our ranged options for depravity generation, as Archie will probably delete most things he attacks, and with so few other units we'll want to be summoning as early as possible.

  11. On 4/4/2021 at 12:18 PM, Enoby said:

    3) Have the points cost impacted your choice to play Hedonites of Slaanesh 

    A) No, I play them regardless

    B) Yes, I chose to play them because of their points cost

    C) Yes, I chose not to play them because of their points cost but would have played otherwise

    D) No, I do not play them regardless of points cost

    E) No, something else stops me from playing Hedonites of Slaanesh but I would play with that fixed

    F) I have no strong opinion

    I feel like another choice may be a good idea here, something to the effect of "Yes, I do play them, however the point costs prevent me from purchasing a number of units I would otherwise like to use."

    I feel that A as the only option for those who are playing in spite of the point costs may give the wrong impression.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  12. 23 hours ago, Enoby said:


    On 4/3/2021 at 2:59 PM, CeleFAZE said:

    So I think I'm closer to my final tournament list:

    2000 points, Scarlet Cavalcade

    Keeper of Secrets - Embodiment of Speed, Helm of the Last Rider, Paths of the Dark Prince

    Contorted Epitome - Enrapturing circlet, born of damnation

    11x Blissbarb Archers

    5x Scourgestriders

    5x Scourgestriders

    5x Slickblade Seekers

    5x Slickblade Seekers

    5x Blissbarb Seekers

    5x Blissbarb Seekers

    Seeker Cavalcade

    Mesmerizing Mirror

    How does this look? I'm a little concerned about the survivability of the KoS as my bravery lynchpin, but having them sticking close to the slickblades lets me get good use out of the double attack CA.


    I like the look of it :) Though do you think it might be worth having the greater daemon healing spell on your keeper? Just in case it outruns the epitome. 

    Do you have a particular idea of a gameplan for this army generally? 

    My thoughts were to have the striders and slickblades form something of a murderball with the keeper, rushing up to dismantle a vulnerable flank, while the blissbarb seekers work to eliminate problem heroes to kick the support out from under my opponent. With their movement and the ability to run and shoot, I think it's actually better to focus-fire with a couple units to go for fully eliminating a prime target when possible, (on average against a hero with look-out-sir we're getting around 2 mortals and 3 -1 rend wounds from 2 units, that only goes up with acquiescence) and only throwing out a spread of shots for depravity when there isn't a strategically juicy hero, easily bracketed monster or small unit in range. The blissbarb archers are there solely for early depravity generation and to maybe sit on an objective and provide fire support for summoned daemonette blobs. If there's a situation where I'm facing an obvious centerpiece threat like Teclis, Archaon, or Nagash I'd probably try to rush for doing as much damage to it on turn 1 between the archers and the ranged seekers as possible, or more likely in the case of Archaon trying to eliminate his support pieces before they get the chance to buff him.

    I'm of two minds with the KoS healing spell. On the one hand, all my heroes are daemons, so the inherent limitation doesn't affect it much, but on the other hand flight on a keeper is a really hard thing to pass up, and I already have the hand for some amount of innate healing. I want it in the thick of things to provide morale support to my slickblades (and blissbarb seekers where possible), but a canny opponent with certain options (like LRL) can block me from doing so on foot with the right units.

    I like to make room for the mirror in most lists where I can viably summon it, as it can really be an excellently disruptive piece that forces a choice of two bad outcomes on my opponent: move where I want you to, or take mortals and feed me depravity. Its ability to damage heroes is just a bonus, as I've never had much luck with that aspect of it, but with the new depravity rules it doesn't really need it to do work.

    • Like 1
  13. So I think I'm closer to my final tournament list:

    2000 points, Scarlet Cavalcade

    Keeper of Secrets - Embodiment of Speed, Helm of the Last Rider, Paths of the Dark Prince

    Contorted Epitome - Enrapturing circlet, born of damnation

    11x Blissbarb Archers

    5x Scourgestriders

    5x Scourgestriders

    5x Slickblade Seekers

    5x Slickblade Seekers

    5x Blissbarb Seekers

    5x Blissbarb Seekers

    Seeker Cavalcade

    Mesmerizing Mirror

    How does this look? I'm a little concerned about the survivability of the KoS as my bravery lynchpin, but having them sticking close to the slickblades lets me get good use out of the double attack CA.


  14. 9 hours ago, Nasrod said:

    Avoiding quotes cause too lazy to snip on mobile and don't want to make a quote tower. 

    I would drop the Battalion at 1000 for sure, points are too precious. Enrapturess is sadly too expensive to start with on the table for my taste, but so is 80% of the army; considering you are basically swapping the batallion for her in your example, it isn't so bad.

    Just be sure you don't let her get shot off the table. LRL and Ossiarch are common opponents for me; a summoned Enrapturess targeted by a Crawler or a Power of Hysh buffed 20 man Warden block is a dream. One I spent 140 points on... Especially at 1000 points? Well maybe that is better than losing the Slickblades, but I certainly don't like it. Keep in mind the Blissbarbs are 340 points; adding the Enrapturess is nearly half of your army being dedicated range. For the same price, you can take 5 more Warriors and a command point, or 5 Hellstriders to harass objectives. 

    Epitome is a good stand in for Gluttos if you absolutely must have an endles spell cast. I think Herald on Exalted Bladebringer for 250 is a better analogue; it has a huge base, wants to get into the thick of it, and commands your opponent's attention. It also can keep up with the slickblades. 1000 is a very different game in general especially for HoS. The Depravity points feel far more powerful to save up for something like 3 Fiends or 20 Daemonettes on turn 2 because they are noticeable force multipliers on that scale that still arrive pretty easily. 

    Chaos Lord on Karak for a 2+ save is still my go to, but Epitome's mortal wound protection and Exalted Chariot having a 4+ and a chunky amount of wounds, on top of no penalties/brackets as it takes damage, are fine substitutes that shouldn't matter except against WAAC players. 

    Ultimately remmeber to play what you have fun with. It is why despite my list above, in non TTS games I will be using 6 Fiends and 5 Chaos Knights. Because 20 of the same 5 monopose mounts are going to pull me out of the game like nothing else. 

    I've been considering a Slaanesh Daemon Prince for the same purpose. Do you find the self-healing significant on the karkadrak lord, or is it generally kind of an afterthought?

  15. Preparing for a tournament in the next few months, and I've currently mulling over lists. I like the idea of a fully mounted list, and while I know hellstriders aren't optimal per se, I have some ideas on how to utilize them with this:

    Godseekers - Scarlet Cavalcade


    Bladebringer on Exalted Chariot
    -Trait: Embodiment of Haste
    -Artifact: Helm of the Last Rider
    -Spell: Born of Damnation

    Contorted Epitome
    -Artifact: Enrapturing Circlet
    -Spell: Hysterical Frenzy (not enamored with this, may swap out)


    10x Spearstriders

    5x Scourgestriders

    5x Scourgestriders


    5x Slickblade Seekers

    5x Slickblade Seekers

    5x Blissbarb Seekers

    5x Blissbarb Seekers


    Seeker Cavalcade

    Endless Spells:

    Mesmerizing Mirror


    This list gets me to three drops, which isn't terrible, but isn't really the point of the exercise. I plan on using the bladebringer to give her aura of +1 bravery and reroll battleshock from the scarlet cavalcade trait and artifact to my slickblades, using the scourgestriders to charge in first and provide the only target for combat, while my slickblades use the 6" pile-in to jump in and deal the deathblow after the hellstriders have absorbed the hits for them. I'm hoping that this helps to mitigate our battleshock vulnerability in a way that isn't reliant on command points, which I can still use when needed, but hopefully don't have to dump on singular exalted seeker casualty rolls. The spear striders are combination mobile chaff and decent damage-dealers on the charge, capable of taking a bit of punishment and sticking around to generate depravity, while also having a decent number of attacks to deal with chaff walls. The epitome has the enrapturing circlet to be a nuisance, using a combination of locus and its defensive ability to keep relatively safe while denying key units the ability to do anything for awhile. The mirror is there to generate depravity and force choices on my opponent to cajole them into moving where I want them to go, and the blissbarb seekers are there to harass and be  a general pain in the ass alongside the mirror, baiting my opponent to move away from it to deal with them and generate depravity for me no matter which way it goes.

    The idea is to use this big mobile annoyance to rack up depravity early on to dump into big blobs of daemonettes as the game goes on, or to spawn fiends when I need to replace the scourgestriders as meatshields for my slickblades.

    Any thoughts?

    • Like 1
  16. 9 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Yes, unless there's an emergency FAQ, you would be correct to assume this :)

    Bear in mind, this does not work like the cavalcade rule; they get an extra 3" pile in, but very importantly cannot pile in from an extra 3" away. What this means is that they have to start within 3" to pile in at all and use this ability, and this usually requires a charge. This is, imo, worse than Seeker Cavalcade which does not require a charge and allows a retreat and pile in.

    It sounds similar but will work significantly different in game and I think, unless these new models have crazy rules, will be considerably worse than cavalcade under nearly all circumstances.

    Edit: also, out Locus is a weirdly strong counter to this unit

    Edit 2: I realise this may read like I'm arguing against you, but it's not meant to be that - more just my opinion on why I like Cavalcade more than this, not that you're wrong or something :) 

    I'm also a bit salty about what's coming for  lumineth, as it seems to step on our toes while still enjoying the benefits of being one of the most oppressively anti-magic armies in the game. Hopefully they'll at least be costed to account for this, but it really feels like order on the whole gets rather "optimistically" priced entries compared to chaos.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, PiotrW said:

    My general problem with AoS lore is that the whole setting is so big, crazy and cosmic that it's a bit hard to engage emotionally with all of this. There's so much magic everywhere, the world seems impossibly big (I mean, Hysh has what, ten continents? And it's only one of eight realms...) with only a few locations defined and everything is so surreal... As much as I don't like to admit it, when I read about the old WFB / WFRP fluff, I find the world more engaging. It's just more... tangible and cohesive.

    I mentioned it over the Lumineth forum, but I'd really love for GW to publish something in the vein of "Guide to the Mortal Realms": a thick book dedicated solely to presenting the setting. An in-depth exploration of the realms, with more detailed chronology, some more info on which areas are controlled by which faction... Also, a closer look at the important characters and their personalities, as well as the factions and their philosophies. Not saying GW should define every single piece of the land etc., but a kind of "setting bible" for the players really would be great.

    And coming back to the Hedonites - any ideas on how to make them sympathetic... or, at least, how to connect with them emotionally? They are so twisted it's a bit hard for me to put myself into their heads, work out any motivations for them etc...

    I specifically wanted a "less evil" background for my army, which I'll summarize:

    My hosts are ruled by a vain and prideful daemon prince, tricked as a mortal into wearing an indestructible veil that would keep his beautiful face unmarred from combat, with the hidden cost being that it is permanently fused to his face now, and can never be removed. He hunted down the keeper that deceived him and scarred her face with a blade made from varanite and tempered with depravity, that will never heal no matter what form she manifests. That basically buried the hatchet though, and they now rule the mortal and daemonic sides of their host together in a model of the Syll'Esskan hosts.

    The host has kind of an Alexander the Great thing going on, where they conquer to sate their pride, but allow those places to flourish and be beautified to sate their vanity. To keep his wars from becoming an ugly and ignoble thing the prince forbids his forces from harming non-combatants. The host also actively recruits from the disenfranchised and outcast from the nations they conquer, as he finds iniquity detestable and ugly.

    The whole thing manifests as a kind of mockery of chivalry, with what are effectively paladins of Slaanesh (represented by myrmadesh and slickblades) being very prevalent.

    • Like 3
  18. 10 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I was having a think about some of the other unit choices available to us that we may not have considered yet.

    Has anyone considered taking varanguard? I don't think they're great (especially outside of the sixth circle and without Archaon), but they do have a good save and the potential of some MW output. However, for 280 points they're probably not worth it - what do you guys think?

    I'm also quite curious about the Cygor and Gorgon - both kind of suck, but they have kinda decent attacks and it's not many points for a distraction that may keep our other troops safe.

    I think the exhalted hero of chaos could be an option for a stay behind hero whose purpose is to take damage from the fane and run into position for summoning. He's also a good receptacle for extra support artifacts. 

    The daemon prince is a source of always strikes first, but without EK they may struggle to put out damage. Their CA is a bit useless mind, but he has a 3+ save and flying, so they're comparable to Sigvald in their role. Outside of Lurid Haze where you can't teleport Sigvald, the 12" move and fly makes the daemon prince considerably more mobile, but I'm not sure it'll do the work when it gets there. 

    I think I'm the only person who likes chaos chosen (not their models, but their rules), but without EKs and a CSL, I think they fall behind twin souls even at a lower price, especially without the chance of battleline.

     Dragon Ogors are another possibility, and I might actually consider them in the future. They're not great and don't benefit from buffs much, but they do some decent damage for only 130 points and can all be brought along in depraved drove. 

    Units of blightkings. They're allies but don't have loads of models so shouldn't have to worry too much about the 1 in 4 rule. Taking 10 of them isn't totally out of the question for something in between chaos warriors and twin souls being only 140pts for 21 wounds. I think having two units to park on objectives would be a nice blend of the tankiness of chaos warriors and some decent damage (not good, but decent). The biggest issue is lack of battleline from these as we'll need to make that up elsewhere. They could be done up like Glutos's gluttons

    I don't think any of these are the secret to 5-0, but I do wonder if they have any place in the army. What do you guys think?  

    Varanguard would be a difficult sell without EK. They'd definitely need some S2D support pieces to work, but with a CSL for rerolling hits, wounds, and saves I could see a unit having some potential use.

    The daemon prince is in kind of a weird place. It's not bad, and has a MW on hit rolls of 6 with the sword which wouldn't really have synergized well with EK anyhow, and it has a 3+ save, flight, look out sir, and attacks before everything else in combat, so it's certainly not a terrible choice. The only thing I find disappointing with it is the command ability, which to be fair isn't even that great in S2D. I've been considering the Scarlet Cavalcade to shore up our newfound weakness, and a daemon prince might not be the worst choice to provide frontline support to our exalted seekers with the artifact and trait. I would still want to support them with something that can provide the locus, possibly the masque or an epitome (or bladebringer) with the enrapturing circlet.

    The exalted hero is a great points-filler for 90 points, and with its situational self-healing can be a depravity generating nuisance that could do well for us. 

    The beastmen monsters I really don't have any experience with. The 5+ save seems like a major liability for us, and they both bracket down rather quickly. They might not be bad as part of a Glutos murderball, but I feel like I'd much rather take exalted chariots instead.

    Dragon ogors have a decent wounds per points ratio, but they don't fit battleline requirements or combine their efficiency with the kind of offensive output we could get for similar points of blissbarb seekers. With a Shaggoth they may have some potential, but I'm not sure if it would be enough. On the other hand they are cheaper than hellstriders, which is nice.

    Blightkings however, I have been very interested in running. I've been considering branching out into Nurgle a bit, and I think his forces, mortal and daemon alike, would be a great choice for allies. The blightkings also have a basically upgraded version of EK built into their warscroll, which makes them feel far less like they're missing out on our allegiance abilities. Festus the Leechlord could also make for a great support piece for us, as his healing ability can help keep some of our forces on the table, and his unique spell can make our twinsouls even that much more deadly. On top of that nurglings are just great for "deep striking" objective holders, and with their healing can stick around for awhile to generate us a potentially good amount of depravity. Overall I think there's a lot of unexplored territory with our allies, and Nurgle might be the sleeper hit among them.

  19. 3 hours ago, Iradekhorne said:

    Guys, i see sub-factions of the wrath of everchosen on ur lists.

    The battletomme get out after the wrath of everchosen, how can be still valids? Can i missing any rule?



    Technically nothing in our current book has been restructured in a way that creates broken rule interactions with these subfactions. In addition, there are factions represented in the book that have not received updates since its release, which leads me to believe it will remain usable for the foreseeable future. 

    If anything we may see WotEC no longer valid after the Belakor book, as his Legion of Chaos Ascendant received its initial rules in WotEC, and with the dead chaos warrior on his base we may see some antagonism between him and Archaon, which may include updates for things like Knights of the Empty Throne.

  20. 13 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I think they sat in a really nice place at 100 points, as a special Slaanesh battleline. I could even see them being okay at 120 because, as you said, they have a nice niche at the moment. Unfortunately 150 is such a large chunk for fast battleline that will do nothing but be fast. 

    Speed is super important, but I think they need a little more to stand up in a list

    Back in the last book I basically viewed them as upgraded chaos warriors. Same wounds, slightly worse wounding, more attacks, 9" more movement, same bravery with the icon. In this case we're paying 10-12 points per model for those upgrades (and now the hedonite keyword). Which I agree is more than they should cost, but in my estimate it isn't terrible. If I'm not going for low drops I can see myself running a certain amount of both hellstriders and chaos warriors for different reasons. I don't think they should be outright relegated to the strategic bin, especially with the ability to be battleline and part of the seeker cavalcade. I think with the cavalcade that the striders can work well in concert with slickblades and blissbarb seekers, allowing them to be strategic blockers that allow the more offensive exalted seekers more freedom to do what they want where they want.

    I guess that's a roundabout way of saying that I really want to see them come down in cost so they can fill these roles way better, though I can still feel justified including them as they are now.

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